Pas Kelas 4

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Jl. Basmol Raya RT: 009 RW: 006, Kembangan Utara, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat
Kelas/semester: : IV (Empat) / 4 Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Nama Lengkap : ................................. Waktu : 90 menit
Kelas : ………………………
Hari, tanggal : ................................

KD 3.1!
1. Arya : ...................?
Shane : I am reading English book.
A. How are you? C. Why are you here?
B. What are you doing? D. When are you coming?
2. . The students are ..... together in the schoolyard.
A. Playing
B. Eating
C. Teaching
D. Borrowing

3. . Made is ...... at the canteen

A. Playing
B. Eating
C. Teaching
D. Borrowing
4. Putri and Salma (berenang) . . . . in the pool
A. Is having lunch C. Are swimming
B. Am dancing D. Are watching
5. What does mother usually do the kitchen? ....
A. Sleep C. Cook
B. Take a bath D. Shop
6. “Students are discussing in the classroom”. discussing means ....
A. Belajar C. Makan
B. Menari D. Berdiskusi
7. Kanaya ... book in the library
A. Buy C. Sell
B. Borrow D. go
8. My teacher ... in front of the classroom.
A. Swims C. Sleeps
B. Buys D. teaches
9. Mamat eats in the ....
A. Bathroom C. Headmaster room
B. Toilet D. Canteen
10. “ Aisyah and cici are buying snacks in the canteen”
The best translate is
A. Aisyah dan Cici sedang belajar bersama di kantin
B. Aisyah dan Cici sedang membeli jajan bersama di kantin
C. Aisyah dan Cici sedang membaca buku barsama di kantin
D. Aisyah dan Cici sedang menari bersama di kantin

11. 79 It is number ....

A. Eighty one C. Fourty seven
B. Twenty nine D. Sixty five
12. 22 + 18 = .....
A. Fourty C. Eleven
B. Fifty one D. Eighty three
13. What number is after twenty six?
A. Twenty five C. Twenty seven
B. Fourty eight D. Thirty seven
14. Please change it into number! “ fifty five minus seventeen is thirty eight”
A. 50 + 70 = 120 C. 15 – 7 = 8
B. 55 + 27 = 82 D. 55 – 17 = 38
15. Kamila has twenty flowers and Sasha has fifteen flowers. How many flowers do they have?
A. Thirty one flowers C. Fourty two flowers
B. Thirty five flowers D. Fifty one flowers
16. Mother has fourty three eggs, but ten eggs is crack. How many eggs don’t crack?
A. Fourty eggs C. Thirty three eggs
B. Fifty three eggs D. Twenty three eggs
17. My sister has twelve ribbon and I have thirteen ribbon. Who has more ribbon?
A. My sister C. My sister and I
B. I D. Nobody
18. There are ... stars.
A. Twenty one
B. Fifteen
C. Thirty two
D. Eighteen
19. “ Sembilan puluh lima dikurang empat puluh sama dengan lima puluh lima”
The best translate is ...
A. Ninety five plus fourty is fifty five C. Ninty five is fourty minus fifty five
B. Ninety five minus fourty is fifty five D. Ninty five fourty is minus five fifty
20. Eighteen plus twelve is...
A. Thirty C. Fifty
B. Fourty D. Sixty
The best word is ....
A. Ventilasion C. Invation
B. Television D. Isolation
22. In the kitchen we can find ....
A. Glass C. Television
B. Sofa D. Bed
23.In the living room we can find ...
A. Sofa C. Towel
B. Bed D. Fying pan
24.My bedroom is (bersih) ....
A. Dirty C. Clean
B. Big D. Empty
25.The living room is (luas) ....
A. Large C. Messy
B. Dirty D. Empty
26. We can find bolster, pillow and blanket in the ....
A. Bathroom C. Garage
B. Bedroom D. Kitchen
27. I always brush my teeth with .... and ...
A. toothbrush and toothpaste C. soap and toothpaste
B. shampoo and soap D. water and soap
28.My mother put the frying pan, spoons and plates in the ...
A. Bathroom C. Garage
B. Bedroom D. Kitchen
29.My father park his car in the ...
A. Bathroom C. Garage
B. Bedroom D. Kitchen
30.“Dapur di sebelah ruang tamu”. In English is ....
A. The kitchen is behind the garage C. The kitchen is under the bedroom
B. The kitchen is beside the living room D. The kitcheb is near the bathroom
31. What is “behind” means?....
A. Di depan C. Di belakang
B. Di samping D. Di atas
32. My living room is wide. In Indonesia is ....
A. Kamar tidurku bersih C. Ruang tamuku luas
B. Kamar mandiku rapih D. Kamar mandiku kotor
33. Cermin itu di samping buku. In English is ...
A. The book is behind the mirror C. The mirror is next to the mirror
B. The mirror is between the mirror D. The mirror is oposite the mirror
34. Which sentence is correct?
A. My mother sleep in the bathroom C. My sister take a bath in the bathroom
B. My father park the car in the D. My grand father watch TV in the
livingroom kitchen
35. My mother is cooking in the ...
A. Bathroom C. Dining room
B. Bedroom D. Kitchen

36. . What does Daniel do in the bedroom? He ...

A. Plays
B. Studies
C. Sleeps
D. Eats
37. Where does Aisyah eat? She eats in the ....
A. Bathroom C. Dining room
B. Bedroom D. Living room
38. “Cici and her family have dinner everyday” in Indonesia is ....
A. Cici dan keluarganya memasak bersama
B. Cici dan keluarganya membersihkan rumah
C. Cici dan keluarganya makan siang setiap hari
D. Cici dan keluarganya makan malam setiap hari
39. If our body is dirty, we clean ourselves in the .....
A. Bedroom C. Living room
B. Bathroom D. Kitchen
40. What activities that you can’t do at home?
A. Eat
B. Sleep
C. Take a bath
D. Bungee jumping

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