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Self-regulation of Shadow Teacher for Autism Children

in Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) Khusus Autis Permata Hati


Tellma Monna Tiwa1, Jofie Hilda Mandang2, Theophany

Deasinatalia Kumaat3(*), Marcella Jeisyra Panambunan4
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Manado,
Tomohon, Indonesia
(*) 

This is a qualitative research that wanted to know about the Self-
Regulation of Shadow Teacher for Autism Children especially for
those who teach ini Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) Khusus Autis Permati
Hati Manado. The role of shadow teacher is important in the process
of learning for children with autism, because one teacher can't help
more than one student. The subject in this research are 2 shadow
teachers that help autism children during their time at school. In
general the result shows that they both have the concept of working,
self-understanding, have enough self-control, but they both have lack
of avoiding crisis ability. They realize that they are often affected by
the situation and people around them and it's also affected how they
work at school. The ability of self-regulation can help them to manage
their work and life balance so it will not bring negative effect on each

Keywords: self-regulation, shadow teacher for autism children.

Self-regulation is a person's process of thinking, organizing, and
acting in accordance with the planned goals. Thus, a person can give
a value to the success of the achievement and give an award to
oneself who has achieved the target. Good self-regulation will help a
person to carry out his role in everyday life well, and conversely
when a person has not been able to regulate himself properly, the
role he is currently playing will interfere with other roles. According

Corresponding Author: Theophany Deasinatalia Kumaat

Psychology Department, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Manado,
Tondano, Indonesia
to Brown, (in Shofiah & Raudatussalamah, 2014) self-regulation is a
person's ability to plan, develop and implement.
Self-regulation or self-management is an important aspect in
determining one's behavior. Self-regulation is an individual's effort
to regulate oneself in an activity by involving metacognitive abilities,
motivation, and active behavior. Self-regulation is not a mental
ability or academic ability, but how individuals change and change a
form of activity.
The standards and goals we set for ourselves, and the way we
monitor and develop our own cognitive and behavioral processes,
and the consequences we set ourselves for each success and failure
are all aspects of self-regulation. ).
Self-regulation is also influenced by moral and social standards.
An idea that becomes a behavior always goes through an assessment
process based on these two things. This assessment process can take
the form of self-evaluative reactions, such as self-approval and self-
rebuke. According to Zimmerman there are three factors that
influence self-regulation, namely: 1. Individual, 2. Behavior, and 3.
Companion teachers are professions that deal directly with
children who have special needs both mentally and physically.
Companion teachers who have high qualifications, competence, and
dedication in carrying out their professional duties will produce
future generations who are ready to live with the challenges of the
times to come (Kunandar, 2009). The assistant teacher profession is
burdened with a myriad of responsibilities for changes in knowledge
that lead to better student behavior. Companion teachers have a role
in educating the nation's children. Every school needs a mentor
teacher who has competence, in order to educate his students.
Learning resources are not only companion teachers, if the
accompanying teacher is not able to adapt to changes, then the
accompanying teacher will be easily abandoned by his students
(Sagala, 2009). The services of an assistant teacher are very useful

and can improve the overall quality of children's learning in the
classroom. A companion teacher is expected to be able to help
children in many ways, such as concentration (focus),
communication, participation in class, socialization, being polite and
controlling their behavior. Although class teachers or core teachers
are able to serve and teach well and with clear goals, accompanying
teachers are also needed in mastering and conditioning the class
when the core teacher delivers the material, as well as assisting the
core teacher in conducting the evaluation process. It can be
concluded that the teacher's task at the main event in addition to
helping, guiding, and providing reinforcement to children, is also to
evaluate the work of children from each area of interest that they
have completed by Erny Hidayati (2013).
The purpose of this study was to determine the application of
self-regulation to accompanying teachers of autistic children and to
determine the factors that influence self-regulation of autistic
children's accompanying teachers to improve teaching quality.
The research was conducted in relation to the needs of the world
of education, namely the availability of accompanying teachers who
have high qualifications, competence and dedication and who have
the ability to apply self-regulation.
Hypothetically, it can be described that the subject in this case is
the assistant teacher who has good self-regulation skills in
accordance with the qualifications, competence and dedication in
carrying out their duties. The variables investigated in this study are
self-regulation of the accompanying teacher which is related to the
subject's ability to apply self-regulation and the factors that influence
the self-regulation of the accompanying teacher, including
experience, age, education and competence factors.
In the study, it was found that to achieve self-regulation, it is
necessary to improve the value system where a person will be able to
respond to success or failure in himself through the response of
nature and the surrounding human environment through self-

evaluation so that it has a strong resilience to influence behavior
personality and behavior. Having the ability to apply knowledge
must be directly proportional to the ability to self-regulate in
carrying out roles in life at all times because it can shape a person's
personality character to achieve a better daily life, on the contrary if
the subject has not been able to carry out his role in everyday life
with both in terms of not being able to organize, direct, control
themselves to stay on the goal in accordance with the desired
standard, then the role that is being carried out will interfere with
other roles.
In this study found things in general from the application of self-
regulation (Rd), namely the subject in this case the accompanying
teacher already has the Rd ability which has been formed naturally
and also through the process of education, age, competence and
In particular, this study found factors that influence self-
regulation which, although not openly disclosed due to ethical,
regulatory and institutional factors, but researchers got other
answers related to the subject in dealing with burdens that are not in
accordance with the duties and functions, lack of appreciation for the
results achievement, and student problems.
According to Bandura (Alwisol, 2009) says that human behavior
in self-regulation is the result of the influence of external and internal
factors. According to Taylor (2009) expressed his opinion about self-
regulation (self-regulation) or self-regulation is the way people
control and direct their own actions. According to Brown (in Shofiah
& Raudatussalamah, 2014) self-regulation is a person's ability to
plan, develop, and implement. According to Asmani, Jamal Ma'mur.
(2013) The duties of the teacher are: 1) Educator, 2) Leader, 3)
Facilitator, 4) Motivator, 5) Evaluator.

This research uses purposive sampling data collection technique.
This study uses a qualitative approach from a phenomenological
perspective with the self-regulation variable in the accompanying
teacher as a research variable that wants to be investigated in more
depth. Research with qualitative methods is in line with Moleong's
(2011) statement that qualitative research is research that intends to
understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects as a
whole by means of descriptions in the form of words and language
in contexts and natural methods. The phenomenological perspective
used is in accordance with Kuswarno's (2009) statement which states
that the qualitative approach of the phenomenological perspective is
a research that seeks to understand how a person experiences and
gives meaning to an experience.
The criteria in this study were the extent to which self-regulation
was applied to the accompanying teacher for autistic children. The
subjects in this study were 2 women who work as assistant teachers
who have devoted themselves to the education of autistic children at
the Special Autism Special School (SLB) "Permata Hati" Manado with
a working period of 9 years for subject 1 and 13 years for subject 2.

Results and Discussion

Self-regulation on accompanying teachers is a demand that will
answer the needs and challenges of education, where a person must
have the ability, motivation and purpose as a form of moral
responsibility containing the process of thinking, organizing, and
acting in accordance with the planned goals. According to Taylor
(2009) expressed his opinion about self-regulation (self-regulation) or
self-regulation is the way people control and direct their own actions.
A companion teacher must have self-regulation to regulate, control
and direct oneself by opening as much space as possible to open
oneself to various positive influences from the family environment,
work environment and friends, because the sustainability of self-

regulation does not depend on ability individual, but also highly
dependent on the influence of the individual and group
Subjects 1 and 2 in general in this study are assistant teachers
who have experience in the field of education, have competence in
teaching autistic children, have clear motivation and goals in
realizing the school's vision and mission. So it can be said that ideally
they are companion teachers who can lead autistic children to
become useful human beings in the future, as said Dr. Sam Ratulangi
"Sitou Timuo Tumoutou" which means "Humans live to bring others
to life", that is the form of the calling of subject 1 and subject 2 in
carrying out the task of making autistic children useful for families,
communities and nations.
Researchers in the study of subject 1 found that the application of
self-regulation was not yet maximized, there was still a tendency for
self-control abilities that must be further improved through learning
to organize and regulate behavior/behavior and emotional control
that are directly related to physical actions such as anger, shouting,
crying and emotional behavior that uncontrollable when facing
family, friends and work problems where this will greatly affect the
internal and external psyche so that the impact will be seen in the
quality of education for Special Schools (SLB) specifically for autism
which requires full concentration in building loving and caring
relationships, devoting full attention from a companion teacher who
has been entrusted by parents to educate their children. God's Word
in the Bible says: "... but be changed by the renewing of your mind...".
A companion teacher must have a renewal of mind to harmonize
behavior, words and deeds. Schunk D. H (2005) says: "making
meaningful change decisions have goals for goals, take goal-directed
actions, integrate strategies and goal-directed actions, and ensure the
achievement of success".
Self-regulation or self-management in subject 1 and subject 2 has
been maximally applied within the family, community and school,

although there are differences in application, subject 1 and subject 2
have tried their best to implement it. Differences can occur due to
internal or external influences by the family environment,
community environment and school environment, as well as life
experiences related to the professional roles of subject 1 and subject 2
as assistant teachers. In the efforts of subject 1 and subject 2 to
improve self-regulation as individuals, it is very clear in the
statements submitted to the researcher that the great desire to make
change happen is something that is continuously done to turn
dreams into useful activities.
Each individual has a standard, patron or frame that will protect
himself from unpleasant situations or circumstances and has the
ability to avoid that which has been formed through various
experiences of formal and informal education, through various
knowledge of applicable laws and regulations and according to the
teachings of the religion he adheres to. So that the consequences of
implementing self-regulation will not limit individual freedom to
achieve success or failure so that responsible self-regulation is
Subjects 1 and 2 have been maximal in applying self-regulation
so that moral and social standards have been formed and have
constructive ideas that have gone through a long process of life, have
sensitive reactions to change, are able to evaluate themselves, and are
able to make peace with themselves. In general, subject 1 and subject
2 have had a high ability to increase the ability of mental activity
which makes an individual able to connect, assess and consider an
event so that the individual gains knowledge afterwards. Able to
master expertise in the profession as a companion teacher, has
carried out his duties well, has participated in mental spiritual
development and has worked hard to advance the world of
education, has been tested to face problems and achieve a better
standard of living.

Based on the research objectives, and the results of the discussions
carried out, it can be concluded that the application of self-regulation
to teachers accompanying autistic children has been effectively
carried out, even though there are internal and external factors that
influence its application, but overall it can be concluded that self-
regulation in the role of teachers mentoring for autistic children at
the Special Autism Special School (SLB) "Permata Hati" has been
carried out based on the subject's ability to apply a working self-
concept, understand self-complexity, have self-skills and personal
control, able to mobilize / mobilize (activation), ability to avoid
negative behavior and self-awareness, has been applied properly by
subject 1, subject 2 as a companion teacher and with the factors that
support the achievement of self-regulation goals, namely: 1) The
individual's self-concept that is being highlighted is relevant to
certain situations. 2) View yourself as capable of dominating, and of
high quality. 3) Have experience, success and success in life and
develop a fairly stable concept of himself. 4) Make fundamental
decisions about what activities to do and what to avoid. 5) Realizing
himself not as an actor in the environment, but as an object of
attention of others.

Kami ingin menyampaikan terima kasih atas segala bantuan dan
dukungan yang telah diberikan, yakni kepada: Sekolah Luar Biasa
(SLB) Khusus Autis Permata Hati Manado, Para Subyek dan
Informan yang telah membantu penulis untuk melakukan penelitian
dan memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat sampai dengan
terselesaikannya penelitian ini

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