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0 – 19% 20 – 39% 40 – 49% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 84% 85% - 100%

Literature Review No literature No literature Cursory review Limited review Sound literature Strong literature review Thorough literature
and Bibliography reviewed. reviewed. citing few or weak citing only strong review which which demonstrates insight review which gives
(5%) sources. sources demonstrates insight into and critical thought full but concise
presented during into the topic. Strong around the topic. Wide coverage of the all
the module. sources go beyond range of quality sources the relevant quality
those presented cited. sources.
during the module.
Fuzzy System Basic system Basic system Basic system Complete Complete system Well-designed complete System which goes
Design lacking in lacking in which uses system with with relevant system with relevant beyond the ideas
(40%) thought and thought and relevant variables relevant variables and variables and features presented in the
performance. performance. and features and variables and features which have which have been selected module. Builds upon
shows some features which been selected carefully. Design choices the literature
insight. have been carefully. Design considered and explained presented in the
selected choices considered through theoretical of review.
carefully. and explained. empirical reasoning. Builds
upon the literature
presented in the review.
Experimental Design No experiment. No experiment. Limited Sensible but Well-designed Well-designed experiment Thorough experiment
and Evaluation experiment flawed experiment with with strong quantitative with reasoned and
(40%) lacking in rigour. experiment. limited analysis. analysis. designed quantitative

Critical Reflection No reflection. No reflection. Limited reflection Decent points Thoughtful and Thoughtful and informed Clear, concise and
(15%) lacking depth. made but lacking informed reflection reflection on performance thorough reflection
proper criticism. on performance. grounded in experimental on performance
results. guided by analysis of
experimental results.

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