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@bugreport_mode BUGREPORT_DEFAULT, and dumpstate by default

Module metadata package name: com.google.android.modulemetadata
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path
Using IDumpstateDevice AIDL HALIgnoring empty dumpstate_board.bin
Duration of 'DUMP BOARD': 1.06s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS CRITICAL': 3.79s
*** command 'perfetto --save-for-bugreport' failed: exit code 1
Error: Tracing is not supported on user builds.
Duration of 'SYSTEM LOG': 7.93s
Duration of 'EVENT LOG': 0.56s
Duration of 'STATS LOG': 0.03s
Duration of 'RADIO LOG': 0.75s
logcat: Logcat read failure: No such file or directory
*** command 'logcat -L -b all -v threadtime -v printable -v uid -d *:v' failed:
exit code 1
Start thread pool:2
Duration of 'Dmabuf dump': 1.52s
Adding dir /cache/recovery (recursive: 1)
Duration of '/cache/recovery': 8.65s
Adding dir /data/misc/recovery (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/update_engine_log (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/logd (recursive: 0)
Adding dir /data/misc/prereboot (recursive: 0)
Unable to read link for /proc/29276/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29303/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29321/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29345/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29402/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29423/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29437/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29453/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29470/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29503/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29528/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29535/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29538/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29551/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29564/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29573/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29581/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29587/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/29593/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
MOUNT INFO: 68 entries added to zip file
Duration of 'LPDUMP': 1.09s
Duration of 'DEVICE-MAPPER': 1.10s
Adding dir /metadata/ota (recursive: 1)
Duration of 'DUMP ROUTE TABLES': 0.58s
execvp on command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed (error: No such file or directory)
*** command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed: exit code 1
android.hardware.weaver@1.0::IWeaver/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.weaver@1.0::IWeaver' failed: exit code
Duration of 'FILESYSTEM DEBUG INFO.': 2.37s
Duration of 'TRASH DIR DEBUG INFO.': 0.63s
Duration of 'DUMP TRACES': 53.41s
Duration of 'Wait for ': 35.04s
shutdown thread pool
Start thread pool:3
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path
Using IDumpstateDevice AIDL HALIgnoring empty dumpstate_board.bin
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.1::ICameraService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.2::ICameraService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.audio.effect@6.0::IEffectsFactory/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.audio@6.0::IDevicesFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4::ICameraProvider/legacy/0":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.camera.provider@2.5::ICameraProvider/legacy/0":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.camera.provider@2.6::ICameraProvider/legacy/0":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/software": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.c2@1.1::IComponentStore/software": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.c2@1.2::IComponentStore/software": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio.config@1.0::IRadioConfig/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio.config@1.1::IRadioConfig/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.5::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.5::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.sensors@2.0::ISensors/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.1::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.2::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.3::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/epdgd": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/epdgd2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsd": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsd2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.net.netd@1.0::INetd/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.net.netd@1.1::INetd/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.audio@1.0::ISehDevicesFactory/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.bluetooth@2.0::ISehBluetooth/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.samsung.hardware.camera.provider@4.0::ISehCameraProvider/legacy/0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.miscpower@2.0::ISehMiscPower/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio.bridge@2.0::ISehBridge/slot1":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio.bridge@2.0::ISehBridge/slot2":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio.channel@2.0::ISehChannel/epdgd":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio.channel@2.0::ISehChannel/epdgd2":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio.channel@2.0::ISehChannel/imsd":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio.channel@2.0::ISehChannel/imsd2":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio@2.0::ISehRadio/slot1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio@2.0::ISehRadio/slot2": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio@2.1::ISehRadio/slot1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio@2.1::ISehRadio/slot2": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio@2.2::ISehRadio/slot1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.radio@2.2::ISehRadio/slot2": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.samsung.hardware.security.engmode@1.0::ISehEngmode/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.samsung.hardware.security.vaultkeeper@2.0::ISehVaultKeeper/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.sysinput@1.0::ISehSysInputDev/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.sysinput@1.1::ISehSysInputDev/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.sysinput@1.2::ISehSysInputDev/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.samsung.hardware.sysinput@1.3::ISehSysInputDev/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
*** command 'lshal --all --types=all' failed: exit code 136
Duration of 'HARDWARE HALS': 1.21s
Duration of 'DUMP HALS': 1.26s
section 1000 status 1
section 1000 status 2
section 1002 status 1
section 1002 status 2
section 1109 status 1
section 1109 status 2
section 1110 status 1
section 1110 status 2
section 1111 status 1
section 1111 status 2
section 1112 status 1
section 1112 status 2
section 1113 status 1
section 1113 status 2
section 1114 status 1
section 1114 status 2
section 1115 status 1
section 1115 status 2
section 2001 status 1
section 2001 status 2
section 2002 status 1
section 2002 status 2
section 2003 status 1
Duration of 'CPU INFO': 4.60s
section 2003 status 2
section 2004 status 1
section 2004 status 2
section 2005 status 1
Duration of 'PROCESSES AND THREADS': 2.73s
ls: epdgcr: Permission denied
ls: eternal: Permission denied
ls: netstats: Permission denied
ls: iwc: Permission denied
ls: wmLog: Permission denied
*** command 'ls -a -l -R /data/log/' failed: exit code 1
AddAnrTraceDir(): dump_traces_file=/data/log/dumptrace_Qp7VJA,
Dumping current ANR traces (/data/log/dumptrace_Qp7VJA) to the main bugreport entry
section 2005 status 2
section 2006 status 1
section 2006 status 2
section 2007 status 1
section 2007 status 2
Duration of 'INCIDENT REPORT': 7.10s
Duration of 'OLOG': 0.74s
Duration of 'CHECKIN BATTERYSTATS': 0.58s
Duration of 'CHECKIN NETSTATS': 1.56s
Duration of 'CHECKIN PROCSTATS': 0.97s
Duration of 'CHECKIN USAGESTATS': 0.75s
Duration of 'CHECKIN PACKAGE': 0.56s
Duration of 'DUMP CHECKINS': 4.43s
Duration of 'DUMP BLOCK STAT': 0.75s
Duration of 'VISIBLE WINDOW VIEWS': 0.95s
Adjusting max progress from 5000 to 5507
Adjusting max progress from 5507 to 6068
Adjusting max progress from 6068 to 6684
Adjusting max progress from 6684 to 7355
Adding dir /data/misc/nfc/logs (recursive: 1)
Adjusting max progress from 7355 to 8114
Duration of 'DUMP ROUTE TABLES': 0.53s
Adding dir /data/misc/snapshotctl_log (recursive: 0)
Adding dir /data/log/bt (recursive: 1)
Can't find service: android.hardware.health.IHealth/default
Duration of '/data/log/bt': 12.04s
Duration of 'APP ACTIVITIES': 1.22s
Duration of 'APP SERVICES PLATFORM': 5.45s
Duration of 'APP SERVICES NON-PLATFORM': 13.78s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS HIGH': 48.71s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS HIGH': 48.71s
Duration of 'APP PROVIDERS PLATFORM': 1.45s
Duration of 'APP PROVIDERS NON-PLATFORM': 23.15s
*** command '/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 activity
com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity --history' timed out after
1.012s (killing pid 21505)
Duration of 'ONE UI HOME ACTIVITY DUMP': 1.01s
Duration of 'APP PROVIDERS SEC_MEDIA': 1.99s
Adjusting max progress from 8114 to 8962
Duration of 'DUMPSYS': 0.80s
*** command 'DUMPSYS NORMAL' timed out after 90210ms
Duration of 'DUMPSYS NORMAL': 103.09s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS NORMAL': 103.50s
Duration of 'Wait for ': 26.32s
Adding dir /linkerconfig (recursive: 1)
Adding frozen processes from /sys/fs/cgroup
Duration of 'DUMPSTATE': 104.27s
Adjusting max progress from 8962 to 10734
Duration of 'SYSTEM LOG AFTER DONE': 5.84s
Duration of 'Total Dumpstate': 173.12s
open(/data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/dumpstate_board.txt): No
such file or directory
Failed to unlink file
(/data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/dumpstate_board.txt): No such
file or directory
Adding main entry (dumpstate.txt) from
/data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/dumpstate.tmp to .zip bugreport
dumpstate id 2 finished around 2023/11/12 05:55:33 (181 s)
Adding zip text entry main_entry.txt
dumpstate_log.txt entry on zip file logged up to here

Removing temporary file

Going to copy file
(/data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/dumpstate.zip) to 7
Final progress: 9759/10734 (estimated 5000)
Saving stats (total=9759, runs=1, average=9759) on /bugreports/dumpstate-stats.txt
done (id 2)

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