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Dear Sir/ Madam

Cultural Geography and Tourism is essentially needed to create the positive image of the
country and developing pleasant and attractive atmosphere in the world. Despite the fact, in the
recent phenomena any human beings especially scholars think more about soc- cultural, political,
technological and economic development and at the same time do not studied and analyzed the
impacts of those attributes. As a result of this incident to day our plant is in danger some
interested scientist and even myself predict after certain decade years we will lose our Globe
because it is high ling influenced by manmade and natural factors such as, unmanageable all
types of wastes management, climate change (greenhouse effect),water flooding, volcanic
eruption and other factors.

Tigray regional state is rich in historical relics and other natural resources, but till the present not
effectively utilized and properly preserved. I therefore, believe that the program will equip me
with knowledge to perform the multi multidisciplinary analyses of resolving tourism related
management issues and strategies. It is also imperative to combine experts is development of
good image and security, and in relation to good governance and building democratization
atmosphere, attractive ever green environment in Ethiopia as well as in African states.

So, I will become thoroughly acquainted with the theory’s and methodologies of Cultural
Geography and Tourismresearch variety of skills that help to understanding the interaction
among the soc- economic and political analysis in tourism aspect . Recently the developing
countries are highly influenced by civil war ,ethnic conflict, management disputes, poverty ,
lack of good governance, inefficient management and acute shortage of skilled man power
are chronic problems that generate bad image in tourism sector. So it is important to articulate
the role of Cultural Geography and Tourism in our socioeconomic and political issues.

After acquiring critical understanding of the recent global tourism trends, and local peace and
security situation, I learn to plan and conduct research and become skilled at converting
scientific research findings into development police intervention strategies and institutional
and civic virtue invention . it also enables me to place the diverging views of various
stakeholders in the dynamic of tourism development and resolving management conflict
strategies within the context of the current global information society. Moreover, I want to
expose myself to existing experience of the resolving dispute strategies on economic, social
work, political, and environmental affairs that enhance the local community to be benefited
from tourism resources. Apart from this, I will invite Holland investors to invest their capital in
mining tourism sectors and horticulture.

Personally, I am decent kindly-hearted, righteous, highly responsible, sociable and free from any
bad undesirable thing. I have done above 16 years’ experience in various colleges and university
of Tigray Regional state with grate diligent and personal integrity. With apposition of lecturer,
department head and coordinator of technology and transfer core process.

Besides to, I have done profound investigation on Solid Waste Management Practice and its
Impacts on Tourism Development in Mekelle City and also factors that affect to good governance
and mal administration. I was graduated from Bahir Dar BA degree in History and

environmental studies and also post graduate program MA in Tourism Development from
Institute of Paleo-Environment and Heritage Conservation Department of Heritage Conservation
and Management of Mekelle University. I was certified in COC until level five /V/ and I hope
this make me an appropriate Candidates to attend the program. in addition to, the above
mentioned merits of the program international exposure for rational practitioners of
developing countries like Ethiopia is valuable asset. I have lucid information about your
university popularity in the world. These in total instigated my interest to apply program either in
Cultural Geography and Tourism


Hailay Gebrekirstos Gebru

Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia

Cell phone No፦ +251924285379


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