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Commentary by Lucus Louize on an Excellent Article from The Debrief About A

Common ET Threat


form The Debrief, the article states:

“Suppose a common threat is the best recipe to achieve a desperately needed common
bond. What could be more helpful or consistent with our long-term prosperity and
survival than learning that one or more advanced civilizations are visiting our planet? It
would be a shock, to be sure, and many would initially be frightened or even terrified—
whether or not for good reason—but that fear would quickly subside if little change
occurred in UAP activity. Regardless, we need a jolt to reframe international perspectives
in order to manage issues such as AI, global warming, and WMD effectively.”

The Alliance is working behind the scenes to foster attitudes like these.

This is an impressive and humorous turn of events by the intelligent Alliance brothers.
The original Omegan plan was to infiltrate Earth and when the time was right stage an
attack to Earth and blame it on the Confederation. The Omegans would introduce
themselves as the ‘heroes’ and get the planets people to unite against the supposed
common enemy the Confederation. Please see ‘An Overview of the Omegan Situation’
on brother Bob’s excellent TerraKor Files site. In other words the Omegans are here to
manipulate the planet to their own ends like a parasite manipulates its host.

What the Alliance is doing behind the scenes with their influence is turning the tables on
the Omegan’s plans by slowly introducing disclosure then uniting the Earth population
against the Omegans who are their true threat. There is more than just Earth at stake.
Earth is one of 23 planets in a galactic conflict that is being monitored by a highly
advanced race called the Moderators. (Please see ‘An Overview of the Omegan Situation’
on the TerraKor site)

The Omegans original intent was to use what I call a Manipulate-Trap-Control (M-T-C
Cycle) the Earth people and control them to attack the Confederation. The Alliance have
are cleverly turning the tables and are now using a M-T-C Cycle against the Omegans.

If the Alliance brothers are interested, perhaps it may be a good idea to use ridicule as a
weapon by ridiculing the Omegan’s as parasites in order to further discredit them as the
enemy to the Earth people.

Earth people can help out in the third aspect by doing their best to try and live by morals
the best they can in their situation and also prayer and well as mediation.
1: Prayer scientifically has an effect.

2: Science has shown meditation energy really does affect other people even at distance
so people will feel a little bit more calm.

These methods can help out the Alliance brothers in small realistic ways to make the job
of the Alliance a little easier.

Prayer study:

Pray for the Alliance so they can be a little more successful. Distance is no factor for
prayer yo can pray for people even in other countries and it will affect them. See this
study from pubmed 'Does prayer influence the success of in vitro fertilization-embryo
transfer? Report of a masked, randomized trial’
K Y Cha 1, D P Wirth'. J Reprod Med. 2001 Sep.

Meditation study:

What we think actually has a small physical impact on others in a subtle psychic energy
way even at a distance. This has been demonstrated scientifically see for example this
study from the government Department of Justice website: ‘Transcendental Meditation
Program and Crime Rate Change in a Sample of Forty-Eight Cities (From Journal of
Criminal Justice, Volume 4, P 25-45, 1981, Sloan T Letman, ed.)’

I personally know the Alliance is involved in the UAP movement behind the scenes and I
will never reveal exactly how or who. However any once can see the handiwork by the
Alliance behind the scenes by reading ‘between the lines’ of the news of the day as
brother Bob states in the article from ‘Overview of the Omegan Situation’ Message Date
2-25-1986 from the excellent TerraKor files site.

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