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Test for Two Means and Variances

1. (a) F = (12.5/10)2 = 1.5625 < c.v. = F(14, 14, 0.025) ~ F(15, 14, 0.025) = 2.95.
Do not reject H 0 .

(b) From (a), pooled t-test should be used.

H 0 : µ A = µ B (A does not last longer)

H 1 : µ A > µ B (A lasts longer)

S p2 = 128.125
t = 3.145 > c.v. = t(28, 0.05) = 1.701

Reject H 0.

2. (a) F = (2.5/1.8)2 = 1.929

> c.v. = F(49, 49, 0.025) ~ F(50, 50, 0.025) ~ (1.88+1.80+1.74+1.67)/4.
Reject H 0 .

(b) From (a), separate t-test should be used.

H 0 : µ A = µ B (B is not more efficient)

H 1 : µ A > µ B (B is more efficient)

df = [89.0423] = 89

t = 1.3772 < c.v. = t(89, 0.05) = 1.662

Do not reject H 0 .

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