WC-IA-I - Question Bank

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Question Bank


Web Computing

1. Compare ES5 and ES6.

2. Explain types of DNS.
3. Explain 3-way handshacking of TCP.
4. Explain web browser components with diagram.
5. Explain TLS protocol.
6. Explain https protocol.
7. Write the difference between let and var in javascript.
8. Write features of React.
9. What is http? Write response and request format of http.
10.Write a javascript code to check the password for atleast 1 uppercase,1 lowercase,1
digit,1 special charcter and minimum length of password should be 8. Use regex.
11.Write a menu driven javascript code which accepts a number and implement methods for
the following by using switch case.
12. Write a javascript code to validate the email address entered by user.Check the presence
of @ character. If this character is missing the script should display an alert box to
reporting the error and ask the user to enter it again.
13. Write a javascript code for displaying a digital clock on a web page.
14. Write a javascript code to set a cookie on the users computer.
15.Give an example of the anonymous and arrow function in ES.
16.Write a javascript code to change the background color of web page to red color if
button name red is clicked . Likewise do the task for green color.
17.Write a javascript code to accept 2 numbers and display their sum using pop up box.
18. Write a javascript code to give 3 attempts to users to enter password if invalid password
is entered.
19. Explain Document Object Model using a diagram. Write a code in javascript for
A) To change the background color of web page automatically after every 5 sec.
B) To display three radio button on web page namely red,blue and green . Selecting any
button will change the background color as per the name of the button.
20. Explain REST API.
21. Explain DOM Manipulation methods in javascript to modify HTML page.

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