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Are visual representations always helpful in the communication of knowledge?

Visual representations have undeniably become a significant and substantial tool to

gain knowledge and it still preserves its substantiality in the modern world since
it has various abilities like simplifying complex ideas, enabling cross cultural
understanding and keeping the maintenance of memory according to some people.
However for others, its effectivenes is a matter of uncertainity since it may lead
to oversimplification or cultural prejudice. In this essay, different perspectives
and analyzing different opinions about these topics with a objective approach and
with reference to Science and History with the goal and aim of closening the
subject with the reader will be examined.

Visual representations, when used effectively, operate as a powerful, helpful,

significant and useful tool in the way of gaining and discovering knowledge. It
makes complex subjects clearer in our minds and makes them easier to percieve,
making sophisticated concepts available to a diverse and wide range of people. If I
were to give examples, in chemistry molecular formulas vissualy represent the
structure of different molecules. These visual representations simplify and make
complex chemical structures more understandable by reducting them to a simpler and
clearer version. For example, the represantation of water (H2O) visually shows the
arrangement, bonds and relationship of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Besides this,
visual representations also enable cross cultural understanding. It plays the role
of a universal language and helps every single person to understand various topics
under the roof of a single type of representation. Cave paintings are a great
example for this. Cave paintings from ancient times are a type of visual
representation and they provide a cross cultural visual understanding of the
historical cultures and ancient human societies that can be understood all the way
from the baby who doesnt know how to speak to the person who knows 10 languages.
Lastly, visual representations also have a substantial impact on memory
maintenance. The structure of our brains are highly available for visual process
and is very good at understanding things through images. Because of the structure
of our brain, the presentation of information and knowledge through visuals are a
better and easier way of memorization and recalling of data in contrast with other
types of representations.

On the other hand, if visual represantation is used uneffectively and if it is

utilized incorrectly then it can have a negative side to it and it can turn into a
confusing and uneffective tool that may create unwanted outcomes. One of the
consequences if visual represantation is not used appropiately is that it can
cause oversimplification.
In some incidents, when a complex concept is reducted with a single visual,
complicated structure and important details can be lost. The oversimplification
that this causes can lead to misinformation and misleading data since the reducted
visual represantation of the concept does not correctly contain the sophisticated
data lying under it and may not correctly represent the original idea or
information. If we were to give a example from history, the involvement of
different countries in various wars are often tried to be represented and be
simplified using pie charts or graphs, however these type of represantations
usually oversimplify the relationship between countries and miss out on significant
details causing misleading information by neglecting the complicated alliances,
several strategies and the plans of nations. Another example is that when
historical events are simplified and reducted using visual representations, they
usually rely on broad assumptions and general claims about different nations or
cultures. This situation can misrepresent or falsely identify them. Which might
cause viewers to wrongly comprehend them and cause them to miss out on their unique
and idiosyncratic culture.

To sum up, usage of visual representations is a great way of enhancing and

developing communication by simplifying complex information and enabling cross
cultural understaning when used effectively and in suitable circumstances. However
this is dependent on the way its used. When used in unsuitable situations it can
become a tool that oversimplifies situations, creates confusion and causes cultural
misunderstanding. That is the reason why the place the visual represantations are
being used has to be chosen really carefully. Visual representations should be
approached with distance, making sure that it reflects the main idea without
destructing it.

Reflection: Writing this essay has helped me explore about ways of the
communication of knowledge and has elaboratively informed me about visual
representations while enabling me to percieve the topic from both perspectives
letting me to see negative and positive impacts at the same time. I have also
learned a lot about how to use visual representation and in which circumstances
would it be effective and true to implement. Also the real life examples that I
used in my essay has added depth to my understanding. The challenge that I have
faced was finding real life examples and including two areas of knowledge. It took
long research and study since the sources were really limited. Adittionaly, being
objective and including two different perspectives without adding my comment was
also a really difficult task for me. I also realized and gained awareness that if
visual representations are not used properly, they may turn into a misleading and
misinforming source of knowledge.

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