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Table I. Susceptibility of C minutissimum to anti- In the literature, it is stated that bacteriologic

microbial agents culture of erythrasma is difficult and usually unnec-
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Resistance P
essary for the diagnosis. Therefore, in daily practice
agents % (No. of cases) % (No. of cases) value* culture and antibiogram are not routinely studied and
Penicillin 5 (2) 95 (38) 0 systemic or topical erythromycin is usually pre-
Ampicillin 30 (12) 70 (28) .011 scribed empirically for the treatment.1-3 We suggest
Cefaclor 67.5 (27) 32.5 (13) .027 testing the antibiotic susceptibility of C minutissi-
Ampicillin 50 (20) 50 (20) 1.000 mum before treatment. However, if a culture-
sulbactam antibiogram is unavailable, fusidic acid should be
Amoxicillin 95 (38) 5 (2) 0 started topically as the first treatment of choice.
clavulanate Topical tetracycline may be an alternate choice if
Tetracycline 57.5 (23) 42.5 (17) .343 fusidic acid is not available. Finally, if there is a
Erythromycin 5 (2) 95 (38) 0
treatment failure, amoxicillin-clavulanate should be
Ofloxacin 55 (22) 45 (18) .527
chosen for the systemic treatment.
Fusidic acid 75 (30) 25 (10) .002
Levofloxacin 65 (26) 35 (14) .058 Bengu Gerceker Turk, MD, Meltem Turkmen, MD,
Azithromycin 5 (2) 95 (38) 0 and Derya Aytimur, MD
*P values for the differences between the susceptible and resistant Department of Dermatology, Ege University Medi-
groups, based on the chi-square test (P \ 0.05). cal Faculty, Izmir, Turkey
Funding sources: None.
absence of hyphae on microscopy from the skin
scrapings of lesions. Skin swab samples were inoc- Conflicts of interest: None declared.
ulated into blood agar and Colombia agar.
Correspondence to: Bengu Gerceker Turk, MD, Ege
Corynebacteria generate non-hemolytic cream colo-
University Medical Faculty, Department of Der-
nies in blood agar after 24 hours of incubation at
matology, TR-35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
378C. A diagnosis was made by urease test, properties
of aesculin hydrolysis, acid production from glucose, E-mail:
maltose, and saccharose, as well as fermentation of
the growing bacteria. Susceptibility tests for penicillin REFERENCES
G, ampicillin, cefaclor, amoxicillin-clavulanate, am- 1. Morales-Trujillo ML, Arenas R, Arroyo S. Interdigital erythrasma:
picillin-sulbactam, tetracycline, erythromycin, oflox- clinical, epidemiologic, and microbiologic findings. Actas Der-
mosifiliogr 2008;99:469-73.
acin, fusidic acid, levofloxacin, and azithromycin
2. Holdiness MR. Management of cutaneous erythrasma. Drugs
were performed with dry disk-diffusion method. 2002;62:1131-41.
The ethics committee approved the study. Data 3. Schaller M. Other bacterial infections. In: Burgdorf WHC, Plewig
were evaluated by means of the Statistical Package G, Wolff HH, Landthaler M, editors. Dermatology. Italy: Springer
Program for Social Sciences 15.0. Frequency analysis Medizin Verlag Heidelberg; 2009. pp. 140-75.
4. Soriano F, Zapardiel J, Nieto E. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of
was done statistically and chi-square test was also
Corynebacterium species and other non-spore-forming gram-
performed for intergroup comparisons. positive bacilli to 18 antimicrobial agents. Antimicrob Agents
The mean age of 40 patients (20 males, 20 females) Chemother 1995;39:208-14.
included in the study was 47.5 6 8.2 years (range, 5. Lagrou K, Verhaegen J, Janssens M, Wauters G, Verbist L.
28-67 years). Antibiotic susceptibility tests revealed Prospective study of catalase-positive coryneform organisms in
clinical specimens: identification, clinical relevance, and antibi-
statistically significant resistance to erythromycin,
otic susceptibility. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 1998;30:7-15.
azithromycin, penicillin, and ampicillin. Significant
susceptibility was statistically found to amoxicillin- doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2011.03.024
clavulanate, cefaclor, and fusidic acid (Table I).
A limited number of susceptibility studies for
C minutissimum are available in the literature. A randomized controlled crossover trial:
However, these studies are old and lack recent data Lidocaine injected at a 90-degree angle causes
about the antibiogram of C minutissimum.4,5 None less pain than lidocaine injected at a 45-degree
of the studies investigates susceptibility to beta lac- angle
tam and beta lactamase inhibitor combination, such To the Editor: Local anesthetic injection results in
as amoxicillin-clavulanate and ampicillin-sulbactam. discomfort to patients.1,2 Anecdotal reports suggest
In our study, we found resistance to ampicillin- that injecting at a 90-degree angle reduces pain.2
sulbactam in half of the patients and susceptibility Controlled studies examining this approach are
to amoxicillin-clavulanate in 95% of patients. lacking. This study examines the effect of angle of

needle insertion (90 vs 45 degrees) during local

administration of anesthetic on subjects’ pain.
An institutional review boardeapproved random-
ized controlled crossover trial was conducted in
volunteers aged 18 to 70 years without history of
neuropathy, severe skin disease in injection areas,
allergy to lidocaine, or anxiety to needle sticks.
The study used room-temperature lidocaine HCl
1%, containing 1:100,000 epinephrine, which is the
standard anesthetic in our clinics for biopsies. A 0.5-
inch, 30-gauge needle was inserted bevel-up into the
skin to a depth of 0.25 inch. Each subject received a Fig 1. Pain assessment using 10-point Wong-Baker Faces
1.0-cc injection in each forearm utilizing a 90-degree scale. Median pain scores, along with interquartile ranges,
angle in one, and a 45-degree angle in the other. are shown. Difference in medians between the 2 groups
Injections were made at a rate of 0.1 mL per second was statistically significant (P ¼ .0002).
by the same investigator with a 1-minute wash-out
period between injections. Subjects were blinded as may result in less direct transection of nerve endings
to the initial angle of insertion. than 45-degree angle insertion.2
After each lidocaine infusion, subjects reported Up to 21% of adults express anxiety from nee-
whether the 45-degree or the 90-degree angle injec- dles,5 which may lead to syncope or avoidance of
tion hurt more, or if the pain was the same. Subjects necessary procedures. To reduce the pain of lido-
reported maximum pain felt during the procedure by caine injections, clinicians use warm, buffered solu-
using a validated 10-point scale,3 with 0 indicating tions, small needles, and inject slowly.1,2,5 This study
‘‘no pain’’ and 10 indicating ‘‘worst possible pain’’. supports use of a 90-degree needle angle as an
Data were compared by means of Kruskal-Wallis, additional method of pain reduction.
Fisher’s exact, and Wilcoxon-rank sum tests.
Kathryn J. Martires, BA,a Christi L. Malbasa, MD,a,b
Regression was used to control for age, gender,
and Jeremy S. Bordeaux, MD, MPHa,b
and body mass index (BMI).
Sixty-five subjects enrolled in this study. The Case Western Reserve University School of Medici-
mean age was 36.3 years (standard deviation [SD], nea and the Department of Dermatology,
13.8). Thirty-five percent were male. Twenty-nine University Hospitals Case Medical Center,b Cleve-
subjects (45%) perceived the 45-degree angle to be land, Ohio
more painful, 22 (34%) reported the 90-degree angle
Results of this study were presented at the Research
as more painful, and 14 (22%) reported the same
in Cutaneous Surgery minisymposium at the
pain score for both (P \ .0001). The median pain
Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual
score for the 45-degree angle was 3 (interquartile
Meeting, May 7, 2010.
range [IQR] ¼ 2.0-4.0), and the mean pain score
was 2.9 (SD ¼ 1.6). For the 90-degree angle, the Funding sources: Dr. Bordeaux is supported by the
median was 2 (IQR ¼ 2.0-3.0), and the mean was Dermatology Foundation Clinical Career Devel-
2.5 (SD ¼ 1.3). The differences were significant opment Award in Dermatologic Surgery.
(P ¼ .0002, P ¼ .0295, respectively) (Fig 1). Age
Conflicts of interest: None declared.
(P ¼ .589), BMI (P ¼ .526), and sex (P ¼ .0985) did
not influence pain. Correspondence to: Jeremy S. Bordeaux, MD, MPH,
Our results suggest that a 90-degree angle reduces University Hospitals Case Medical Center, De-
pain during lidocaine injection. While the difference partment of Dermatology, Lakeside 3500, 11100
we found was clinically small, we excluded patients Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106-5028
with anxiety associated with needle sticks, and a larger
difference may be appreciated in this population.
Local lidocaine administration results in pain from
the needle stick and the infusion. Egekvist et al4 found REFERENCES
no difference in pain between 45- and 90-degree 1. Long CC, Motley RJ, Holt PJ. How to reduce the discomfort
angles of injection, but that the energy required to caused by local anaesthetics. Clin Exp Dermatol 1993;18:291.
2. Zilinsky I, Bar-Meir E, Zaslansky R, Mendes D, Winkler E,
inject was lower with insertion at 90 degrees. Lower Orenstein A. Ten commandments for minimal pain during
injection energy may lead to less tissue distension and administration of local anesthetics. J Drugs Dermatol
thus less pain. In addition, 90-degree angle insertion 2005;4:212-6.

3. Wong DL, Baker CM. Pain in children: comparison of assessment melanoma. It could potentially be used for both
scales. Pediatr Nurs 1988;14:9-17. clinical (naked eye) and dermatoscopic assessment.
4. Egekvist H, Bjerring P, Arendt-Nielsen L. Pain and mechanical
injury of human skin following needle insertions. Eur J Pain
We conducted an image-based study using laptop
1999;3:41-9. computers in the community. Two groups of volun-
5. Nir Y, Paz A, Sabo E, Potasman I. Fear of injections in young teers were invited to participate; laypersons and
adults: prevalence and associations. Am J Trop Med Hyg expert dermoscopists. Laypersons (n ¼ 17) were
2003;68:341-4. between 18 and 65 years of age and had no profes-
sional health care experience. Experts (n ¼ 3) had
more than 15 years of professional dermatoscopy
The AC Rule for melanoma: A simpler tool for Participants were given a one-page information
the wider community sheet on the AC Rule for melanoma (Fig 1). Clinical
To the Editor: The AC Rule for melanoma (asymme- images of melanocytic lesions (N ¼ 312) were
try, color variation) was conceived as a simpler tool obtained from the Department of Dermatology at
that laypersons might use to successfully identify a the Medical University of Graz in Austria. The 100

Fig 1. The AC Rule for melanoma educational brochure.

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