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Points of Discussion
Today we will
Power &
Gender & Related
Terminologies 02| Intersectionality

Gender Transformative Gender Transformative

03| Approaches 04| Education (GTE)
Gender & Related
0I| Terminologies
Sex and Gender

Refers to the sum of biological Refers to the roles, behaviours,

characteristics that determine activities and attributes that
whether an individual is female, are considered appropriate for
male a/or intersex. men, women, boys, girls and
others in a given society at a
given time.
Gender Identity, Sexuality & Sexual
Gender identity refers to a person’s deeply felt psychological identification as one’s
own gender, which may or may not correspond to the person’s physiology or
designated sex at birth.

Sexuality refers to the cultural notions of pleasure and social and bodily
interchanges ranging from eroticism, desire and affection to notions relating to
health, reproduction, the use of technologies and the exercise of power in society.
Sexuality includes sexual behaviours, sexual relationships and intimacy, and how
we choose to express ourselves as males, females or other.

Sexual orientation is the capacity for profound emotional, affectional and sexual
attraction to and intimate and sexual relations with, individuals of a specific or
combination of sex/gender. Contemporary categories include heterosexual,
homosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transgendered, transsexual and
Social Norms vs Gender Norms
Social Norms
Social norms are the unwritten rules, expectations, and beliefs that govern how people
behave. They are often based on cultural values and beliefs, and they vary across
different societies and communities. People engage in these patterns of behaviour
because they believe they are expected to do so.

Gender-based Social Norms

Gender norms refer to informal rules and shared social expectations that distinguish
expected behaviours on the basis of gender. Gender norms are a subset of social norms
and are often referred to as gender-based social norms. They are widely held beliefs that
dictate how men and women should behave. They are based on deeply rooted gender
roles and expectations that govern behaviours of different genders, and they are
practiced within a particular social context and at a particular point of time.

Examples of social norms that are not gender norms?

Gender Inequality Gender Equality

Is the unequal treatment of Refers to the equal rights, opportunities,

individuals based on their gender. and treatment of individuals regardless
For example unequal pay, limited of their gender. This means that boys/men
access to education, health care, and girls/women are given the same
and job opportunities, and social chances in all aspects of life including
norms that restrict the roles and education, employment, politics, and
behaviors of girls/women and social activities.

0I| 02|
Power &
02| Intersectionality
Power is a key aspect of Gender Transformative Approach because it seeks to
address power imbalances between women and men that create and perpetuate
gender inequality. Gender norms, roles, and relations are often rooted in
unequal power dynamics, where men have more power and privilege than
Gender Transformative Approach challenges these power imbalances by
promoting women's empowerment and agency, engaging men and boys as allies
and partners in promoting gender equality, and fostering inclusive and diverse
leadership and decision-making. It also seeks to address structural and systemic
barriers to gender equality that are rooted in unequal power relations
Gender Transformative Approach recognizes that power is not just about
formal positions of authority but also includes social, cultural, and economic
power. It seeks to challenge and transform power dynamics at all levels by
promoting a more equitable distribution of power between women and men.


Class Ethnicity


Gender Transformative
03| Approaches
Gender Transformative Approach
A gender transformative approach is an approach to social, economic, and
political development that seeks to challenge and transform harmful gender
norms and power structures that perpetuate gender inequality. A gender
transformative approach promotes gender equality by:

Addressing root causes Challenging harmful gender

of gender inequality norms

Promoting the relative position Engaging men and boys

of women, girls and marginalised

Ensuring inclusive
Gender Equality Continuum
The gender equality continuum provides a way of measuring progress towards
gender equality


Perpetuates Ignores gender Acknowledges but Acknowledges and Addresses the causes of
gender norms, does not address considers women/girls and gender-based inequalities
inequalities discrimination and gender inequalities men/boys specific needs and works to transform
inequalities but does not necessarily harmful gender roles,
address the root causes of norms and power relations
gender imbalances


Inequality Equality
Responding to the impact of
the root cause of the problem
(treating the symptoms (e.g.,
teenage pregnancy, child
marriage) not the cause.

Targeting the root causes of
gender inequality e.g.,
negative social norms, power
imbalance, disregard for
human rights
Quiz Time:
Where does this case fall in the
Gender Equality Continuum
Quiz Time:
Where does this fall in the Gender
Equality Continuum?
AAA organisation is organising a campaign on the importance of education in
a community where parents refuse to send their children to school. The aim
of the campaign is to increase access to education for children. The target is
to increase girls enrolment by 70% and boys enrolment by 30%.

Answer: Gender Sensitive

Quiz Time:
Where does this fall in the Gender
Equality Continuum?
A construction company has been asked to build toilets in a school for staff
and students. The construction company does not build separate toilets for
boys, men and girls and women.

Answer: Gender Blind

Quiz Time:
Where does this project fall in the
Gender Equality Continuum?
A community based organisation recognises that sustained gender-based
violence hinders girls education. To create a safer community for women and
girls, the organisation provides confidential and survivor-centred support for
women and girls. It has also formed partnerships with other community-based
organisations to address the root causes of the violence.

In addition, the organisation brings young people and adults (both girls/women
and boys/men) together to identify harmful social norms that drive GBV and to
explore the benefits of change. Community members are then encouraged to
consider alternative norms and behaviours that can replace the norms that lead
to violence.
Answer: Transformative
Quiz Time:
Where does this project fall in the
Gender Equality Continuum?
A project in XXX community aims to provide catch up on years missed in school
for married, over-age, and returnee girls through it's accelerated education
programme. These women and girls need their husband, father's or a male family
members permission to leave their houses in order to attend the sessions and in
most cases, this permission is rarely given. The project uses digital technology to
teach the women and girls in their homes.

Answer: Responsive
Quiz Time:
Where does this project fall in the
Gender Equality Continuum?
An NGO works in a community where many young people drop out of school
during adolescents. The NGO organises basic English and Maths lessons for men
and women on weekends to support them with getting jobs. The NGO provides
refreshments for them during the sessions and the women are asked to serve the
refreshments and clean up afterwards. This makes them miss part of the learning
session and they lag behind the men in the class.

Answer: Discriminatory
Discussion (Small Groups)
Time: 10 mins
What projects and activities are you involved
0I| with? How would you classify them along the
gender continuum?

02| If you are asked to review the project or

activity to make it gender transformative
(if it isn't already) what would you do?
National, subnational and local

Service systems and social institutions

Community based organizations, faith-based organizations,
community leaders, influencers, women’s groups, girls clubs,
safe spaces and youth groups

Family, friends, social networks

Women, men, girls and boys

Socio-ecological Model
Core Elements of a Gender Transformative
Gender Analysis Addressing Structural Barriers
To understand structural barriers to Women, girls and people with non-binary
gender equality t including norm change gender identities.
at different levels.

Build Agency Engaging Men & Boys

On masculinities and to engage and
Women, girls and people with non-binary
embrace gender equality
gender identities.

Embed diverse gender and Multi-sectoral Collaboration

Work at multiple levels and across
inter-sectional perspectives sectors.
Gender, age, disability, ethnicity,
educational levels etc

Work with Partners

To increase reach and impact, partner with
women’s and girls’ rights organisations.
Gender Transformative
04| Education (GTE)
Gender Transformative Education...
Gender Transformative Education seeks to utilize all
parts of an education system – from policies to
pedagogies to community engagement – to transform
stereotypes, attitudes, norms and practices by
challenging power relations, rethinking gender norms
and binaries, and raising critical consciousness about
the root causes of inequality and systems of
Gender Responsive Gender Transformative
Education Education
Gender-Responsive Education aims to Gender Transformative Education aims to
respond to the gender-specific needs and transform the underlying causes of gender
experiences of students and to promote inequality in education and society. It seeks to
gender equity in education. challenge and transform gender norms, roles, and
relations that perpetuate gender inequality and
It recognizes that gender influences students' promote a more inclusive and diverse approach to
learning needs, styles, and opportunities and education.
aims to provide an inclusive and respectful
learning environment that values diversity Gender Transformative Education goes beyond
and promotes gender equity and social justice. gender sensitivity to promote critical thinking and
transformative action towards gender equality.
Gender-Responsive Education includes
strategies such as gender-sensitive teaching It includes strategies such as fostering inclusive and
practices, gender-inclusive curricula, and diverse leadership and decision-making, engaging
inclusive and respectful learning students, parents, and the community in promoting
environments. gender equality, and integrating gender as a central
theme across all subjects, teaching materials, and
Gender Transformative Education
Gender Transformative Education is an important tool for promoting gender equality and social
justice, and for creating a more inclusive and equitable society. It recognizes the role of education
in promoting social change, and seeks to develop new ways of teaching and learning that can
contribute to a more just and equitable world.

Transformative change in
the way we educate and in
the school environment
At the individual level, it aims to challenge and
transform the gendered beliefs, attitudes, and Transformative change through
behaviors of students and educators.
engaging the larger society
Institutional level, the framework seeks to Promoting broader social change by engaging
transform the policies, practices, and structures with communities and advocating for policy
of educational institutions to promote gender and legal reforms that promote gender
equity. This may involve changes to curriculum equality. This may involve partnerships with
and teaching methods, as well as efforts to civil society organisations, government
address gender-based violence, harassment, and agencies, and other stakeholders to promote
discrimination within the school environment. gender-sensitive policies and practices.
Open Discussion (Small Group)
What are some challenges you encounter or that
0I| you think would hinder the achievement of
gender transformative education in your context?

02| How can we solve or reduce these challenges?

Gender Transformative Education...
Gender Transformative Education requires strategies and
programmes that intentionally challenge inequalities in
gender roles and power dynamics both in the education
system and in communities. Given the complex causes of
gender inequality, multi-sectoral approaches that work at
all levels with all stakeholders will have the greatest

We need to ask: what are the things that affect children

and young people because of gender? How can we address
them?i What intersectionalities are at play?

Link to Useful Resources
Technical Note on Gender-Transformative Approaches (2020) UNFPA/
UNICEF and UN Women
Gender Transformative Education: Reimagining education for a more just
and inclusive world, 2021

The Gender Integration Continuum Training Session: Users Guide, 2017

Technical Note on Gender-Transformative Approaches in the Global

Programme to End Child Marriage: A summary for practitioners

Gender Transformative Approaches to Achieve Gender Equality and

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

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