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1. Deforestation can cause a number of harmful effects, which one is not the harmful effects of
deforestation ..
a) Flood and soil erosion c) Loss of habitat
b) More oxygen for world d) The living things become extinct
2. Which one is the renewable resources on Earth?
a) Diamond and gold c) Copper and crude oil
b) Coal and silver d) Plant and animal
3. Resources that are limited and cannot be replaced quickly (can run out) are called ..
a) Non renewable resources c) Natural resources
b) Man-made resources d) Renewable resources
4. What can you do in order to make less pollution?
a) Add more trash can c) Turn on light in the daylight
b) Use bicycles/walk instead of cars d) Remove more plants
5. Fossil fuels are found in the ground and human can get it through the process of ..
a) Fishing c) Planting trees
b) Reforestation d) Mining
6. Look at the list!
a) Coal d) Cow
b) Copper e) Diamond
c) Water
Which of the above statements are included to non-renewable resources?
a) 1, 2, 3 c) 1, 3, 4
b) 1, 4, 5 d) 1, 2, 5
7. The burning of fossil fuels can cause harmful effects, except ..
a) Global warming c) Clean air for breathing
b) Acid rain d) Air pollution
8. Which is not an endangered animal?
a) Orang utan c) Cendrawasih
b) Chicken d) Java rhinoceros
9. Which does not help to conserve the living things?
a) Support the use of explosive in fishing c) Practice selective logging
b) Replant trees d) Use strict laws
10. Why are rhinoceroses hunted?
a) For their fur c) For their ear
b) For their meat d) For their horn
11. Throwing rubbish in place where it should not be is knows as ..
a) Global warming c) Reforestation
b) Acid rain d) Littering
12. Animal such as crocodiles and leopard are hunted and killed for their _______________ to make
bag etc.
a) Horn b) Fins
c) Teeth d) Skins
13. What is the example thing to produce less waste?
a) We walk from home to school.
b) We use reusable shopping bags not use plastic.
c) We should not throw rubbish onto the ground.
d) We use too much plastic packaging.
14. The diagram shows a method of a fishing. Why is this method banned?
a) It is too big and will catch all the fish.
b) It destroy the seabed and corals.
c) It makes the sea beautiful.
d) It traps the big marine animal like whale.
15. Which is the importance of conservation?
a) To support the illegal fishing.
b) To get more rubbish.
c) To make orangutan extinct from the Earth.
d) To maintain biodiversity of animal and plant.
16. What is the example of mixture?
a) Salt water c) Oil and water
b) Lemonade d) Sugar water
17. What is the state of matter that has a definite shape and volume?
a) Liquid
b) Solid
c) Gas
d) None of the above
18. Which of the NOT following techniques can we use to separate homogeneous mixtures (solids
from solids)?
a) Decanting c) Sublimation
b) Use magnet d) Sifting
19. Which of the following substances can flow and take the shape of their container?
a) Wood c) Water
b) Stone d) Smoke
20. From the picture below, what is the name of the separation technique process?

a) Using magnet c) Evaporate

b) Sifting d) Decanting
21. A pair of organs that produce sperm is..
a) Testes c) Ovaries
b) Sperm ducts d) Penis
22. A menstrual cycle usually lasts about … days.
a) 21 c) 5
b) 30 d) 28
23. Where does the fertilized egg develop inside to woman?
a) Uterus c) Urethra
b) Fallopian tube d) Ovum
24. The process of joining sperm and egg cell is called..
a) Puberty c) Fertilization
b) Exhibition d) Ovulation
25. This thing can cause body odour, acne, physical changes and make human experience puberty.
What is that?
a) Menstruation c) Feeling
b) Puberty d) Hormones
26. A pair of organs that produce the eggs are..
a) Testes c) Sperm ducts
b) Penis d) Ovaries
27. Which of the following can describes heredity?
a) Blood type is an example for non-inherited characteristics.
b) Characteristics passed from parents to their young during school.
c) Hair type and eye colour are passed from our parents.
d) We were identical with our parents
28. Where does fertilization usually take place in humans?
a) Uterus c) Ovaries
b) Urethra d) Fallopian tubes
29. Puberty in girls, usually begin with..
a) Ovulation c) Wet dream
b) Menstruation d) Fertilization
30. Sana has dimples on her cheeks. The dimples is example of..
a) Inherited characteristics
b) Non-inherited characteristics
c) Result of interaction
d) Genetic information
31. The passing of DNA from parents to their young is called..
a) Traits c) Generation
b) Heredity d) Fertilization
32. Tina’s father has curly hair and black eyes. Tina’s mother has curly hair and blue eyes. Who
would Tina be more looks like?
a) Father b) Mother
c) Brother d) Sister
33. Which of the following is an example of Non-Inherited characteristics?
a) Lisa is tall like her mother.
b) Lisa and her best friend Steven have the same eye color.
c) Lisa and her best friend Cindy like to play basketball.
d) Lisa and her brother Jim have different hair colors.
34. Which of the following is an example of inherited characteristics?
a) Jennifer like eat Indonesian food.
b) Lisa and her best friend Steven have the same favourite color.
c) Lisa and her best friend Cindy like to play basketball.
d) Lisa and her brother Jim have different hair type.
35. The red camellia and white camellia make a new variation of flower (mix white and red),
because plants pass on characteristics like..
a) The leaf textures. c) The size of fruits.
b) The structure of roots. d) The colour of flowers.


1. A woman produce ovum in her _______________
2. _______________ characteristics is characteristics that are passed on from parents to their
3. During the puberty stage, the _______________ organs of a child begin to mature.
4. The baby is _______________ about nine months after fertilization.
5. _______________ is an organ that transport sperm to the urethra.
6. We do not inherit our ______________________________ from our parents.
7. _______________is the blood lining and girl experience every once a month.
8. In humans, the fertilization happens _______________ the body of the women.
9. The children carry a _______________ of _______________ from both parents.
10. _______________ is an example of inherit characteristic that not easily to observe.
11. _______________ is muscular organ where the baby develops during pregnancy.
12. During boy puberty, the _______________ enlarges and the voice become deeper.
13. _______________ transport nutrients and oxygen from the female to the foetus.
14. _______________ is process of passing characteristics to their young.
15. The first stage in the human growth is _______________ stage.

True or False
1. Sifting can be used to separate a mixture with two solid components of different sizes.(T/F)
2. We can separate salt from sea water through evaporation. (T/F)
3. Decanting is a technique that can be used to separate a salt water solution. (T/F)
4. Filtration can be used to separate solids from liquid. (T/F)

Answer the questions below correctly!

1. Describe the adaptations in birds to moving in air!
2. Explain 2 adaptations of cacti for coping in a hot environment!
3. What is camouflage?
4. Explain what is pollination!
5. Mention and explain reproduction part of flower!
6. Mention 4 methods of seed dispersal!
7. Mention 3 example of reuse or recycle material!
8. The deforestation can cause problem like
9. Mention 4 endangered animal and plants!
10. Answer the following questions!
a) A woman produce ovum in her _______________.
b) _______________ is the blood lining and girl experience every once a month.
c) _______________ is process of passing characteristics to their young.
11. Mention each 2 changes during puberty of female and male!
12. Explain 3 ways to take care the reproductive systems!
13. Mention 4 pars of male reproductive parts and give the function for 2 of them!
14. Mention 2 inherited and 2 non-inherited characteristics of heredity in animal!
15. Mention 2 inherited and 2 non-inherited characteristics of heredity in human!
16. Explain about renewable and non-renewable resources than give 2 examples of renewable
resources and 2 of non-renewable resources!
17. Explain what the meaning or reduce, reuse, and recycle and give the example!
18. Mention 4 human activities that have negative impact on the environment and disturb the
19. What is air pollution and how it is caused?Give any 2 harmful effects!
20. “Orangutan and bekantan are critically endangered. It happens because of deforestation. Rain
forests are being destroyed for Conflict Pal Oil and the last wild orangutans are being pushed to
the brink of extinction.”
Explain 2 ways how to conserve the endangered animal like orangutan and bekantan!
21. Suggest a separation technique to separate a mixture of sand and iron fillings. Explain the
22. Mention 2 technique to separate solid from solid!
23. Mention 2 technique to separate solid from liquid!
24. Give 2 each examples of mixture and solution!
25. Name the picture of separation technique :

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