Grade 7 Home Language Baseline Assessment

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7

Name and Surname: 

Grade 7:

The Mystery Arrival of Antarctic

Seals in South Africa
On the 28 January 2021, the SPCA received reports of a seal resting on some
rocks on the beach at Ramsgate in KwaZulu-Natal. On closer inspection, they
were amazed to discover that the seal was a Crabeater seal. What made this
discovery so surprising is that Crabeater seals live along the
coast of Antarctica and this is only the third time in the
last 40 years that one has been spotted on the coast of
KwaZulu-Natal. Concerned for the seal’s safety and his
condition so far from home, the SPCA members caught
him and took him through to uShaka Marine World
where he would be able to receive treatment from their
veterinarian, Dr Francois Lampen, should he need it.
Catching him proved an easier task than expected as animals
who live in Antarctica have not developed a fear of humans as
they never come into contact with them. Even stranger than the Crabeater arriving
in Ramsgate was a second Crabeater seal arriving in East London on the same
day! When the seal arrived at uShaka he was checked over by Dr Lampen, who
happily reported that although the sub-adult seal was stressed from the trip, he
was not ill or hurt so he was admitted to a rehabilitation pool to rest. The staff
named him Ragnar after the legendary Viking hero, Ragnar Lothbrok.

Looking after Ragnar proved to be quite tricky as, contrary to their name, Crabeater
seals don’t eat crabs but feed off the krill that are available in huge numbers in
the Southern Ocean. This meant that the rehabilitation team at uShaka had to be
very creative in the methods they used to feed him fish each day. At first, he didn’t
recognise the pieces of defrosted fish as food so the team tried feeding him in the
dark. This idea worked as his curiosity got the better of him and soon he was eating
up to 3kg of fish a day! The team discovered that his favourite food is Corvina (a
type of fish) and squid.

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7

The rehabilitation team also introduced ice blocks into his area, both in and out of
the water. This helped Ragnar feel right at home; he enjoyed resting by the ice and
playing with the blocks in the water. When Ragnar first arrived, he spent most of his
day sleeping but as his strength returned, he started showing an interest in what the
staff were doing. He always kept an eye out for the cooler box which meant food was
on its way; this prompted the staff to change their routine, not allowing Ragnar to see
them when they fed him so that he didn’t start associating people with food. On the
18th of February 2021, Ragnar was strong enough to start his trip back to Antarctica.
The journey began with a flight from Virginia Airport to Port Elizabeth and then onto
Bayworld for the final preparations for his trip the next day. Ragnar and Sebastian,
the other Crabeater seal that arrived in East London, were both taken by boat out
to the Agulhas current to be released. It was hoped that the pair would be able to
ride the current to help them get back to Antarctica. Before they were released, both
seals were fitted with satellite tags. The tags were to track their
movements to help the team learn more about Crabeater seals and
hopefully help solve the mystery
of how these two ended up so far
from home.

Section A: Comprehension
Level One and Two: Literal/ Reorganisation Questions 6 Marks

1. In which province is this passage set? (1)

Western Cape
Cape Town
2. Which two organisations were responsible for taking care of Ragnar? (2)

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7
3. What is Dr Francois Lampen’s role at uShaka? (1)

4. Who is Sebastian? (1)

5. Why is the arrival of Crabeater seals in South Africa surprising? (1)

Level Three: Inference Questions 6 Marks

6. What did the researchers do to make Ragnar feel more at ease in his surroundings? Why
do you think this tactic was successful? (2)

7. Crabeater seals have been misnamed. Explain this statement. (2)

8. a. What problem did the team discover as Ragnar regained his strength? (2)

b. Refer to your answer in 8.a. Why was this a problem?

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7

Level Four and Five: Evaluation and Appreciation Questions 3 Marks

9. Do you think that global warming could have played a role in the seals ending up in South
Africa? Explain your answer. (1)

10. List two skills or personality traits a member of the rehabilitation team would need to
have. (2)

Total: / 15

Section B: Language Structure and Conventions

1. Rewrite the sentence below and add the correct punctuation to the sentence. (3)
when last was this seal fed asked dr lampen

2. Underline the abstract noun in the following sentence. (1)

The researchers were touched by Ragnar’s bravery.

3. Name the figure of speech in each sentence. (3)

a. The seal entered the water with a splash. 

b. It takes forever to get from Durban to Antarctica. 

c. Ragnar was as slippery as an eel. 

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7
4. Rewrite the following sentence in indirect speech. (1)
“We will be releasing the seals tomorrow,” reported Dr Lampen.

5. Look at the sentence below and identify the required adverbs. (2)
Ragnar was fed slowly every evening until he recovered.

a. Adverb of time - 

b. Adverb of manner - 

6. a. Read the following sentence. Is the sentence written in the active or the passive voice. (1)

Ragnar was taken to Dr. Lampen by the researchers from the SPCA. - 

b. Underline the subject and circle the object in the sentence below. (2)

Ragnar was taken to Dr. Lampen by the researchers from the SPCA.

7. Read the sentence below. Indicate whether they contain a possessive pronoun or a
demonstrative pronoun. (2)

a. Ragnar sniffed at the bucket trying to determine what that was. - 

b. Dr Lampen examined the seal in its enclosure. - 

Total: / 15

Section C: Writing
Imagine you are Ragnar the seal. Write a short narrative essay about your experiences being
rescued and rehabilitated.

Write down some ideas as a draft in the space below before creating your final piece with the
appropriate layout. Remember to write from a first person perspective.

Your essay should be between 150 and 200 words.


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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7


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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7

Total: / 20

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7 Answers
Section A: Comprehension Answers
Level One and Two: Literal/ Reorganisation Questions 6 Marks

1. In which province is this passage set? (1)

Western Cape
Cape Town
2. Which two organisations were responsible for taking care of Ragnar? (2)
SPCA and uShaka Marine World.

3. What is Dr Francois Lampen’s role at uShaka? (1)

He is the vet.

4. Who is Sebastian? (1)

A Crabeater seal that arrived in East London on the same day that Ragnar arrived in

5. Why is the arrival of Crabeater seals in South Africa surprising? (1)

What made this discovery so surprising is that Crabeater seals live along the coast of
Antarctica and this is only the third time in the last 40 years that one has been spotted
on the coast of KwaZulu-Natal.

Level Three: Inference Questions 6 Marks

6. What did the researchers do to make Ragnar feel more at ease in his surroundings? Why
do you think this tactic was successful? (2)
They put ice in Ragnar’s enclosure. This made him feel more familiar with his
surroundings and temperatures.

7. Crabeater seals have been misnamed. Explain this statement. (2)

They don’t eat crabs but feed on krill.

8. a. What problem did the team discover as Ragnar regained his strength? (2)
He started showing an interest in what the staff were doing.
b. Refer to your answer in 8.a. Why was this a problem?
They didn’t want Ragnar to become too used to humans./Ragnar needed to be able to
survive in the wild.

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7 Answers

Level Four and Five: Evaluation and Appreciation Questions 3 Marks

9. Do you think that global warming could have played a role in the seals ending up in South
Africa? Explain your answer. (1)
Any suitable, e.g. Yes, change in water temperatures and currents, change in amounts
of available food, etc.

10. List two skills or personality traits a member of the rehabilitation team would need to
have. (2)
Any suitable, e.g. creative, good problem-solving skills, patient, have a love of animals,
prepared to learn new skills, etc.

Total: / 15
Section B: Language Structure and Conventions
1. Rewrite the sentence below and add the correct punctuation to the sentence. (3)
when last was this seal fed asked dr lampen
“When last was this seal fed?” asked Dr Lampen. (Inverted comma, question mark,

2. Underline the abstract noun in the following sentence. (1)

The researchers were touched by Ragnar’s bravery.

3. Name the figure of speech in each sentence. (3)

a. The seal entered the water with a splash. 
b. It takes forever to get from Durban to Antarctica. 
c. Ragnar was as slippery as an eel. 

4. Rewrite the following sentence in indirect speech. (1)

“We will be releasing the seals tomorrow,” reported Dr Lampen.
Dr Lampen reported that they would be releasing the seals the next day

5. Look at the sentence below and identify the required adverbs. (2)
Ragnar was fed slowly every evening until he recovered.

a. Adverb of time - every evening

b. Adverb of manner - slowly

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7 Answers

6. a. Read the following sentence. Is the sentence written in the active or the passive voice. (1)

Ragnar was taken to Dr. Lampen by the researchers from the SPCA. - passive

b. Underline the subject and circle the object in the sentence below. (2)

Ragnar was taken to Dr. Lampen by the researchers from the SPCA.

7. Read the sentence below. Indicate whether they contain a possessive pronoun or a
demonstrative pronoun. (2)

a. Ragnar sniffed at the bucket trying to determine what that was. - demonstrative

b. Dr Lampen examined the seal in its enclosure. - possessive

Total: / 15
Section C: Writing Answers

5 4 3-2 1-0
Writing Excellent use Good use of Some parts of Little or no
Process of the writing writing process. writing process evidence of
process. Planning, Evidence of evident; e.g. planning and
drafting, editing planning, draft planning but editing.
and final draft and editing, an incomplete
present. Editing but some errors mind map or first
done correctly; remain. draft.
few to no errors
Content : Content of the Content of the Content of final Content of final
Interpretation final draft is final draft is draft somewhat draft misses
and exceptionally appropriate appropriate, the brief. Does
Understanding descriptive and and shows learner shows not follow
appropriately attention some level of instructions
formulated. to detail. understanding and struggles to
Logical Good logical but has not link to theme.
sequencing of sequencing delivered overall. Learner has not
information and of story and Adequate put in sufficient
excellent use of paragraphing sequencing of effort to write
paragraphing format. information and a good essay.
format. paragraph format Final draft is
Shows some haphazard and
merit. learner has not
made use of
the paragraph

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English Home Language Baseline Assessment - Grade 7 Answers

4 3 2 1-0
Language and Excellent use Good use of Adequate use of Uninspired use of
Vocabulary and variety of vocabulary. vocabulary and vocabulary, and
usage vocabulary. Descriptive some evidence language. Basic
Excellent use language of descriptive and predictable.
of descriptive appropriate. language. Vocabulary
language. Vocabulary at Vocabulary meets does not meet
Vocabulary above grade level. basic grade level. grade level
grade level. expectations.

3 2 1-0
Grammar, Few to no Some grammar, Many grammar,
Spelling and grammar, spelling and spelling and
Punctuation. spelling and punctuation punctuation
punctuation errors but does errors. Final
errors. (<3) not impede copy is difficult
quality or to follow or
understanding of understand. (>8)
the story. (<5)

3 2 1-0
Overall Overall Adequate Overall
impression: impression impression from impression
is excellent, the final copy; is lacklustre.
learner has put it is somewhat Learner has
in considerable appropriate; put in minimal
effort in room for effort for the
ensuring a improvement. assessment.
quality final Some effort
copy. evident.

Total: / 20

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