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Britney Free

Professional Interaction

December 15th, 2019

Honors Reflection

As I reflect on the "Professional Interactions" honors course, I am struck by the profound impact

it has had on my approach to communication in professional settings. This course, ingeniously blending

theater and rhetoric has not only enriched my understanding of effective communication but also

reshaped my perception of how information can be powerfully conveyed.

The course's unique structure, which combined theatrical techniques with rhetorical strategies,

was particularly enlightening. Learning to use voice, gesture, and presence as tools of persuasion and

clarity transformed the way I approach public speaking. These elements, often relegated to the

background in traditional communication courses, were brought to the forefront, providing a fresh

perspective on how to engage an audience.

A key aspect of the course was its focus on the organization and presentation of information.

This took on a special significance in the simulated environments we were placed in, ranging from

informal training sessions to formal boardroom presentations. These simulations offered a safe yet

challenging platform to experiment with different styles and techniques of communication. The feedback

from both peers and instructors was invaluable, offering insights not just on what was said, but how it

was said.

I chose to speak about the dangers of glyphosate for my. Delving deep into this topic, which I

had a vested interest in, allowed me to explore the complexities of communicating scientifically intricate

and ethically charged content in an accessible manner. This was not just an academic exercise; it was a
practical application of tailoring complex information to varied audiences, a skill crucial in any

professional setting.

What made the course particularly memorable was the diversity of topics chosen by my

classmates. Each presentation was not just an opportunity to learn about a new subject but also to

observe different styles of communication and persuasion. This diversity enriched the learning

experience, underscoring the course's emphasis on adaptability and audience awareness in


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