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lde11toGO Center (31000~~ ,

ldun ti )(. :u l ~f'! nl t11 (:i I 000:!S)

10 2~1 North Rd
1029 North Rd
Wrstf1P.ld, M,1 1~~ .., ( liu :..,• t h n i ons ~Ji' 11 Westfield. Massachusetts 01085-s? 11

ldentoGO ldentoGO
dlL• l l l/_!)1 1 U..! i(Q!U~J .!~• 1\"11 [Jc:l(l; 04/25/2023@09 39 AM
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UE ID I J f:. IU LJlf3 14f<0 7 Kl
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Ser vices Se rv1 c: es

MA De~)ar1 !rn~nt or MA - Depamnent 0 1 S4t:i 00
Dt::velopmt•: 1tdl ~ c•rv1,' es Dt:velopmenta i Serv ices
d ·1 l1~, tDUS)

Sut>l ot11I $ 4~) (lU ::3t1ofutcil

Total: $46.00 Total: $46 .00

Payment Payment
r; ,ernt C a ,cl 8 11u11 ,~ ,, , (t.; 70 7; Credit Card ending ,n (6?~7) ':,4 .:S uo
Amount Paid: $46.00 Amount Paid: $46 .00

Credit Card Author ization Credit Card AuthoriLation

Hy s1g111r,g I authorize IDE MIA ancl/01 tt ,e1, Gy s1g n1ng _I authorize IDE MIA ancl/or t r1e1r
age, 1t~ tu cndrg1:- rny credit carli for servicE: agents to ci-,arge my r,18d1t ,-:ard for service
(~) perform~d anU/or proc1 uct::i purcria sed I (s) periorrned and/or products purchased 1
agre~ that I will pdy for this purcha~e 1n agree that I will pay for this purct1ase in
accoraance with the 1ssuir1g bank accordance w1tn the issuing bank
c ardholder agreement carc.lhulder 2tgree!,1ent

- ----- - -
S1qnaturt S1gr1ature
ld or ,t , ,r ,(; CA: r It o; 131 u0(J2 '.:JJ ldcntoGO C en ter /3 1O(JCiL~ .
1fi /~ ll o rth Rd 1028 Nort h Rd
W estfield 1-,fa •, •,, , r h u:,0 t 1·, G108~ 97 I 1 W estfi eld , Massa chu~ett ~ (,1085-~711
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Servic es Servr
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....i..:.+:-__. ,A., s l l [; f u t 2:J l s...; :,., '.( .
Total : $46 .00 T otal : $ 46 .00
Payment Pa ym f: nt
' _;reu ;i C~3id e· ".J1r 1d ,r1 ,t., ~1
1 ':,4 :" (J'.; C. re cllt C arel enc1 ,r11J 11 , r6·,~, 1 ':,th l/J
Amou nt Pa ;d : $4 6 .00 Am ount Pai d : $46 .00
Credit Card Authorization Credit Card Auth oriLation
By ~1gn1r1g I authorize IDEMIA an d/or the,, Jr· s:y n,ng I aua·,f;1 12e 1L1E M 1/, an-:lt(ir t r,E: 11
agent& to c narge rn\1 credrt card for S€1'\iice agents tu c:-, arG E- :11 1 r ,F.:Gr t ,· 2:11 .l fu1 service:
! ~) perfcrmed anc.J/or produc h-. purcn asea I (s) performed and/or products purc hasea
ag ree that I w di pay for !h rs purc h~~e 1,1 agree that I wi ll pay for th,~ pu r~ ~1ase ,n
accora ance wrtn the 1ssurr1g bank acco rdance:: w1tri the rssu,ng ban k
cardholder agreement carur1 e;lder 21 g ree: 11er it
/ ~~/: )',¥
;f ,1:- / /.9' ✓ / ( ,:/1'' :~: ·, <,/9' ,/··

ld, 1111 ,11 j( I ( ·•11 11 111 ( 1 l (HHI ' 1 1)
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Sorvl cttt»
MA l lvpd 1l 1111•11l C)I f, ti'. l ( J()
1 I 'h
I ltNl l<ljll 111,, ,Lll ~ll ' f Vli
(I .ll h)
!3l II I I , llrll '!, 1111 I )( J
Total : $46 .00
(B/U /) 11; .:1! l ( )()
(., f( 1 Ufl Cr.1rd t1 11 d 11 1u Il l
Am ount Paid: $46.00
Credit Card Author ization
Uy t. l(J11irro I aut11w11e IDI lv1 1Aa nd/ur tl ,e11
al~8rib, to nl1d 1g1: my 1,red 1t caru t,11 t1erv1c~
(~) pertrnmed a, 1d/ur prucluc lt, p111<,t 1~btJd I
au 1et: that I will pdy for t111 s purt-11at>e ,r,
al,(;ordance w1tll tt1~ 1bs u11 19 l)al 1k
car cit 1oldur aor~ernerit
1/ •I ' • , .,
., ; ~/ ,1,r i,1 •,1., • ,:1 ./ ' , /
~; 1or1c:1l urt
ldcnt1 GO Cante, , 31 GOG.:'.) 1
102S North Rd
W estfiel d Massa c husett s 0 108 5 -9 7 1 1

ldentoGO -- - - - - -- --
Date CJ.!l:'.:..:i,-1 G..!'3@C..J 3~· .\t 1
c, ,str-im er JAI r.~ E tMs u Mr- r J rcJ
O BTI I r .LiSu20'.?'.,c . .1 s1b
RH,ID G S .!')0CJ 1 uC, _ /\
TCr✓ r.~ r Ir J~iCi 1 _'U:?Ju.:1 ~::, B "i441
UEID U.Z814R07Kl

MA · Depart1 m:nt Of '3 4:=i lJl1
Ot=,1elopm e:-1tal S 2 rv11~t-:,

Sub1 otal Sti5 no

Total : $46.00

Payme nt
Crernt Card end111g 1n (o797J $:\5 00

Amou nt Paid : $46.00

Credit Card Autho riz.atio n

By s1gn1rig I aut11on ze IDEM IA ancl/or the11
agents to charge 1ny credit card for servicE:
(s) performed and/or product::. r.,iurcr1ased I
agree that I will pdy for this purcl1a~e in
accordance vv1tn the 1ssurng bank
cardho lder agreement

S1~natu rt

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