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A basic timeline from my workplace injury at Umass Amherst on 21AUG2019 to present, including my

suspension 07MAR2023

August 21st, 2019 – injured whilst moving a vending machine for the purposes of floor care, at the
request of the area supervisor-David M. Wilson-and under the supervision of the Manager of Custodial
Services,Nights-David Lynch. Assisted by one addition Maintainer I-Doug Orreal. We failed to move the
machine, which struck me during the attempt after I’d lost my grip. I was alone on the “push” side,
which is when the injury happened. I filled out an injury report with the Supervisor of Janitors-Elise
Raskevitz-later in the evening the same day.

-workers comp.claim 00769-20 approved by Ms. Unicque Price (Claims Adj.,617-878-9823

November 2019 – Mr.David Lynch corrects the prior workplace injury report, after errors are found in
the original report.

-period between injury and surgery due to PCP(Dr.Carmen,Springfield Med.Assc,retired) not taking
workman and CoVid-19 closures, as well as losing my GIC insurance after being furloughed
from Umass Amherst for 17-weeks until May’21 open enrollment, and finding a new doctor

-workers comp.claim 00769-20 retroactively denied at this time, by Ms.Eva Chung(Umass Claims
Adjuster, 617-878-9824)

January 2022 – receive light duty from doctor’s office after MRI shows torn rotator cuff of right arm
from 2019 workplace injury. When contacted Supervisor(David Wilson) was told I would not be allowed
to work as Umass did not acknowledge light duty requirements(neither through the ADA,the ADAAA, or
the AFSCME agreement with Umass in regards to the above),and that I should not enter campus until
my doctor gave me a note stating “return to work, no restrictions”

-put on light duty, January 26th, 2022

-contacted EO&D for Accommodations’ Intake Exam Request Nancy Doucette(Assistant to Director-
temporary) and Corey Albert Griffin(Director, FSAP)

-received “Restricted Duty Policy”(June 02, 1992) from Mr. Jonathan Frank(Manager AFSCME Local

-forwarded documents to Ms.Thomas, Mr.Lynch, Ms.Pam Monn(FCS Assoc.Dir.,Buildings&Grounds). No

one replied to my requests

February 2022 – followed up with Mr.Housey on grievance 19-050, contacted Ozgun Sulekoglu(Human
Resources Specialist) on FMLA paperwork

-contacted EO&D(Equal Opportunity and Access Office) for accommodations paperwork

-spoke Mr. Garett J Distefano(Director Residential Dining/Retail,Auxillary Services) about
accommodations position with Blue Wall Dining, Whom put me in contact with Ms.Pelkey(Blue Wall
General Manager)

-spoke with Ms.Lynn M.Pelkey about my accommodation position with her, scheduled a training date(1st
work day) of the 25th, and later cancelled due to a weather event(snow). We rescheduled to my first day
cleared post-op: May 02, 2022.

-entered surgery February 28th, 2022

March 2022 – post op followup & conciliation Order In-followup for workers 00769-20

April 2022 – spoke with Ms.Slezinski, Ms.Moriarty, and Mr.Barna on position scheduled for May 2nd,
2022 with Ms.Lynn M.Pelkey(General Mgr CC Food Services) at the Blue Wall in the Campus Center. Was
not given response.

May 2022 – multiple conversations with Ms.Moriarty and Mr.Barna about accommodations position. No

June 2022 – multiple conversations with AFSCME, DOL, Mr.James Barna(accommodations), and Ms.Kris
Moriarty(FCS Clerk) about accommodations position. No response/answers

July 2022 – multiple conversations with Mr.Barna, and Mr.Housey, about accommodations position and
subsequent grievance. No response/answers

August 2022 – multiple conversations with Mr.Housey, and Mr.Brian Harrington(Labor Relations) about
accommodations position and subsequent grievance. No response/answers

August 10, 2022 – went to Umass Amherst “OnTheSpot Interview” event, spoke with Mr. Sulekoglu and

-Ms.Thomas informed me of another position I’d been awarded-Customer srvc.Rep.-as soon as I’d filled
out the requisite cover letter and added it to my existing application

-Ms.Thomas intimated that, the original position at the Blue Wall was given to someone else during my
recover, after it’d been awarded to me

September 2022 – contacted MCAD Boston, to open a discrimination complaint against Umass Amherst

September 21, 2022 – MCAD Intake

September 27, 2022 – given doctors not-“return to work,no restrictions”-and given a return date of
October 3rd, 2022

October 4, 2022 – 1st day back to work, post surgery-schedule Tuesday-Saturday

-at this point, I would not be receiving the Customer srvc.Rep.position Ms.Thomas informed me I was

November 17, 2022 – Zoom meeting, 3rd step grievance?: Ms.Pam Monn,w/Mr.Tyrone Housey and
Ms.Kim Sylvia(Coordinator of Higher Education,774-208-3133) in Ms.Monn’s attendance

December 2022 – contacted Mr.Robert Van Campen(Local 93 Lawyer,6172701123) and was told that he
would be unwilling so unable to assist me. Mr.Housey additionally made the same statement.

December 12, 2022 – received accommodation for snow removal from Mr. Benjamin Colon(Accessible
Workplace Specialist),via email

February 4, 2023 – filed grievance 22-005 with Mr.Tyrone Housey

March 07, 2023 – Suspended (later,put on Leave of Absence) about 5p by Mr.Chester McKay. No reason
was given. Mr David Lynch(Manager of Custodial Services,Nights) and Mr.Juan Ayala(AFSCME Chief
Steward,Nights) were in attendance as well. I was asked to hand over all Umass property in my
posession-keys,radio,& i.d.card-to Mr.McKay and leave the campus immediately. Two other items were
left on campus-a cellular phone in the Area 4 Nights office and an additional keyset in state vehicle
M857. I was later told by Mr.Ayala that I could reclaim my i.d.card at the main office next time I was on

March 08, 2023 – Ms.Thomas and Mr.Mckay contacted me about the other items I’d left on campus, as
they did not believe they were not in my possession. No reason was given for this belief. I was not told
these items would be collected after confirming with Ms.Thomas and Mr.McKay that the items were still
on Umass property

-I’d attempted to go to the physical plant to collect my i.d.card, and to check the vehicle for this missing
keyset myself, but was confronted by Mr.Earl Bacon(Supervisor of Janitors) when attempting to enter
vehicle M857. I immediately stopped, informed Mr.Bacon where the keys were last in vehicle
M857(center console), and that this should be followed up by whomever used the vehicle since my
suspension. Mr.Bacon acknowledged my words, though would not exit his vehicle during the
conversation, and I immediately left afterwards. I never got to reclaim my i.d.card. I’ve not been back on
campus since

-I later received a voice message from Mr.Chester McKay threatening me to return the items he
believed were in my possession by 2p the following day or he would have a UMPD unit come to my
residence to reclaim them. I again emailed Ms.Thomas with an attached copy of the voicemail, and
reiterated that the items were not in my possession and was still on campus property.

March 13, 2023 - I was later by Ms.Monica Kane that the matter had been given over to the Umass
Police Dept.
March 21, 2023 – Had MCAD Zoom meeting with Mr.Alex Smith Esq.(MCAD Compliance Officer II),
Ms.Monica Kane, and Ms.Ginger Thomas. I update Mr.Smith about my ‘leave of absence’, and that I’d
like to add it to my complaint as I believe it was retaliation.

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