DSML Curriculum Doc - Google Sheets

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Mock Interview Required / Not Required

SQL Mock Interview Required
1 Intro to Database and BigQuery Setup
2 Extracting Data using SQL
3 Filtering Data in SQL
4 Subqueries
5 Group By and Aggregation
6 Group By and Aggregation continued
7 Joins
8 Joins continued
9 Problem Solving - 1
10 Window Functions
11 Window Functions continued
12 Date & Time Functions
Business Case Launch: Target SQL Intro
13 Advanced Constructs - CTEs & Views
14 Problem Solving - 2
15 SQL Query Optimization
16 MySQL Setup & Intro to DDL, DML commands
17 SQL Advanced Concepts
18 Dunnhumby Case Study

Tableau and Excel Mock Interview NOT Required

1 Tab: Intro to Data Visualization & Tableau
2 Tab: Basic charts and operations
3 Tab: Data structuring options
4 Tab: Filters and calculations
5 Tab: Level of detail calculation
6 Tab: Table calculation and analytics
7 Tab: Operations on Dataset
8 Tab: Advanced charts, Dashboard & Tableau Capstone Intro
9 Excel: Introduction to Excel and Formulas
10 Excel: Dynamic Array Formulas and Pivot table
11 Excel: Charts, Statistical functions and Macros
12 Excel: Dashboards & Excel Capstone Intro

Beginner Python 1 Mock Interview NOT Required

1 Beginner : Introduction to Python
2 Beginner : Data Types
3 Beginner : Operators
4 Beginner : Control Statements 1
5 Beginner : Control Statements 2
Target SQL Review
6 Beginner : Problem Solving 1
7 Beginner : Iteration - While Loops
8 Beginner : Iteration - For Loops
9 Beginner : Nested Loops + Jump Statements
10 Beginner : Pattern Printing
11 Beginner : Problem Solving 2
2 Class Break (12 and 13)

Beginner Python 2 Mock Interview NOT Required

1 Beginner : Functions 1
2 Beginner : Functions 2
3 Beginner : Lists - 1D
4 Beginner : List Slicing
5 Beginner : Problem Solving 3
6 Beginner : List: 2D
7 Beginner : Strings 1
8 Beginner : Strings 2
9 Beginner : Tuples + Sets
10 Beginner : Dictionaries
11 Beginner : Comprehension & Memory Management
12 Beginner : Problem Solving 4
1 Class Break (Can be 2 class if Problem Solving 4 is not required)


DAV 1 (Python Libraries) Mock Interview Required
1 Numpy-1 - Airbnb's NPS
2 Numpy-2 - Fitbit User Analysis
3 Numpy-3 - Image Manipulation
4 Numpy-4 - Misc Topics
5 Pandas-1 - McKinsey LifeExpentancy Insights
6 Pandas-2 - IMDB Director Insights
7 Pandas-3 IMDB Contd.
8 Pandas-4 Pharma Experiment Analysis
9 Data Visualisation-1
Biz Case: Neflix Intro
10 Data Visualisation-2
11 Data Visualisation-3
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DAV 2 (Probability and Stats) Mock Interview NOT Required
1 Probability - Basic definitions
2 Condtional probability
3 Bayes' Theorem - 1
4 Bayes' Theorem - 2
5 Descriptive Statistics + Aerofit case study launch (Netflix review)
6 Gaussian distribution
7 Central limit theorem
8 Confidence interval
9 Combinatorics
10 Binomial and Geometric distributions
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DAV 3 (Fundamentals) Mock Interview Required

1 Hypothesis Testing Framework
2 Z-test + Walmart case study launch (aerofit review)
3 T-test
4 Chisquared test
6 Correlation test
7 Advanced Distributions - 1
8 Advanced Distributions - 2
9 Feature Engineering 1 + Yulu case study launch (Walmart review)
10 Feature Engineering 2
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Product Analytics Mock Interview NOT Required
1 Product Strategy & Business Acumen
2 Product Metrics - 1
3 Product Metrics - 2
4 Root Cause Analysis - 1
5 Root Cause Analysis - 2
Yulu Review
6 CRM Analytics - RFM model
7 Customer Segmentation
8 A/B Testing & Launch Recommendation
9 Guess Estimate - 1
10 Guess Estimate - 2
11 Flight Overbooking problem
12 Data Analysis & Visualization

Data Analyst Hiring starts

Advanced Python Mock Interview NOT Required
1 Python Refresher - 1
2 Python Refresher - 2
3 Basics of Time and Space Complexity
4 Adv Py:Problem Solving - 1
5 OOPS - 1
6 OOPS - 2
7 Functional Programming - 1
8 Functional Programming - 2
9 Adv Py:Problem Solving - 2
10 Exception Handling and Modules
11 File Handling
12 Adv Py:Problem Solving - 3
1 Class Break (Can be 2 class if Problem Solving 3 is not required)

Maths for ML Mock Interview NOT Required

1 Linear Algebra 1 - The ML context
2 Linear Algebra 2 - Dot products and hyperplanes
3 Linear Algebra 3 - Halfspaces and distance + Delhivery Intro
4 Linear Algebra 4 - Loss minimization in classification
5 Linear Algebra 5 - Problem solving
6 Optimization 1 - The need for calculus in ML
7 Optimization 2 - Towards gradient descent
8 Optimization 3 - Gradient descent in action
9 Optimization 4 - Constrained optimization + Delhivery Review
10 Optimization 5 - Principal component analysis
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Intro to ML and NN Mock Interview NOT Required

1 ML: Intro to Machine Learning
2 ML: Linear Regression-1
3 ML: Linear Regression-2
4 ML: Linear Regression-3
Biz Case: Jamboree Intro
5 ML: Polyomial Regression, Bias-Variance, Regularisation
6 ML: Cross Validation, Logistic Regression-1
7 ML: Logistic Regression-2
8 ML: Classification Metrics (CM)
9 ML: CM contd. + Imbalanced Data
10 ML: Intro to Neural Networks
Biz Case: Jamboree Review, LoanTap Intro
11 ML: Intro to Clustering, k-Means, Hierarchical
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Choose here: ML or DL [T1/T2]

ML / T1
ML : Supervised Algorithms Mock Interview NOT Required
1 ML: k Nearest Neighbors
2 ML: Decision Trees-1
3 ML: Decision Trees-2
Biz Case: LoanTap Review, Ola Intro
4 ML: Bagging and Random Forest
5 ML: Boosting -1
6 ML: Boosting -2
7 ML: Other Ensemble Techniques
8 ML: SVM-1
9 ML: SVM-2
10 ML: Supervised ML Wrap-up
11 ML: MLE, MAP, Confidence Interval
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ML : Adv Supervised Algorithms Mock Interview Required

1 ML: Intro to Unsupervised Learning, KMeans Revisited
2 ML: KMeans++, Hierarchical clustering
4 ML: Gaussian Mixture Models
Biz Case: Ola Review, Scaler Intro
5 ML:Anomaly/Outlier/Novelty Detection - 1
6 ML:Anomaly/Outlier/Novelty Detection - 2
7 ML: High Dimensional Viz - PCA
8 ML: High Dimensional Viz - T-SNE
9 ML: High Dimensional Viz - UMAP
10 ML: Unsupervised Learning Wrap-up
11 ML: MAANG Interview Prep
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ML : Unsupervised and RecSys Mock Interview Required

1 ML: Intro to Time Series and Forecasting
2 ML: Time Series Analysis - 1
3 ML: Time Series Analysis - 2
4 ML: Time Series Analysis - 3
5 ML: Time Series Analysis - 4
6 ML: Time Series Analysis - 5
ML: Scaler Review, AdEase Intro
7 ML: Recommender Systems-1
8 ML: Recommender Systems-2
9 ML: Recommender Systems-3
10 ML: End-to-end Practical Session
ML: AdEase Review, Zee Intro
11 ML: MAANG Interview Prep
Break - 1
MLOps Mock Interview NOT Required
1 Git & GitHub: Setup for MLOps
2 Building Cars24 ML tool using Streamlit
3 Develop Web APIs using Flask
4 Containerization - Docker & DockerHub
5 Deploying APIs on AWS using ECS
6 GitHub Actions - Setting up CI/CD pipelines
ML: Zee Review
7 Experiment Tracking & Data Management using MLFlow
8 ML System Design - 1 | Drift
9 Building ML pipelines with AWS Sagemaker
10 Build complete ML pipeline with TrueFoundry
MLOps business case intro
11 Netflix ML System Design
12 Processing large scale data using Apache Spark
2 class break

Data Scientist (ML) hiring starts

Deep Learning / T2
Neural Networks Mock Interview NOT Required
1 NN : Forward and Back Propagation
2 NN : N-Layer Neural Network - 1
Zee Review, Ad Ease Intro
3 NN : N-Layer Neural Network - 2
4 NN : N-Layer BackPropagation
5 NN : Tensorflow and Keras - 1
6 NN : Tensorflow and Keras - 2
7 NN : Optimizers for NNs
Ad Ease Review, Porter Intro
8 NN : Hyper Parameter Tuning for NNs
9 NN : Autoencoders
10 NN : Practical aspects of designing MLPs
11 NN : Debugging NN models
12 NN : Model interpretability: LIME
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Computer Vision Mock Interview Required

1 Introduction to Computer Vision(CNN)
2 Revisting CNN: Deal with Overfitting
3 Cnn under the hood
4 Introduction to Transfer Learning
Business Case : (Previous Review if any), Ninjacart - Clasification CNN Intro
5 Image similarity: Understanding Embeddings
6 Cnn for medical diagnosis
7 Object Localisation and Detection -1
8 Object Localisation and Detection -2
9 Object Segmentation
10 Siamese networks
Open Discussion Ninjacart Review, Myntra: BuyMethatLook
11 Generative Models & GANs Introduction
Buisness case as Homework: GAN Problem-generate artificial MRI images
2 Class Break
Natural Language Processing Mock Interview Required
1 NLP : Intro to NLP
2 NLP : Text Representation
3 NLP : Word Embedding - Word2Vec
Flip it News
4 NLP : Language Modeling
5 NLP : Topic Modeling
6 NLP : RNNs
Twitter NER
9 NLP : Attention
10 NLP : Transformers
Advanced Transformers ( Open Ended )
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ML Ops [SAME AS ABOVE IN ML] Mock Interview NOT Required

1 Git & GitHub: Setup for MLOps
2 Building Cars24 ML tool using Streamlit
3 Develop Web APIs using Flask
4 Containerization - Docker & DockerHub
5 Deploying APIs on AWS using ECS
6 GitHub Actions - Setting up CI/CD pipelines
ML: Zee Review
7 Experiment Tracking & Data Management using MLFlow
8 ML System Design - 1 | Drift
9 Building ML pipelines with AWS Sagemaker
10 Build complete ML pipeline with TrueFoundry
MLOps business case intro
11 Netflix ML System Design
12 Processing large scale data using Apache Spark
2 class break

Data Scientist (ML) hiring starts

Can choose to take the DL/ML track that is not yet taken

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