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DepEd Evaluation Checklist for Script, Video, Television-based,

or Interactive Learning Resources

Title/Topic: Natural Objects that are Found in the Sky During Day Time and
Night time Competency Code/s:______ Learning Area: Science Grade
Level: 3 Length (In minutes): Language Used: English

Type of Script (If Applicable):

/Discussion Drama Documentary Interview

Narration News Others (please specify)

Scriptwriter/s: Jose Angel Cordero and Rosalyn Estores

Development or Production Team:


1. Carefully read or watch the script, video, television-based, or interactive learning

resources to evaluate its compliance to standards indicated in the criterion items under
the eight (8) factors below.

Accomplish one evaluation checklist form for each learning resource.

2. Put a check mark ( ) in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your
answer is NO, cite specific pages, briefly indicate the error/deficiency found, and give
your recommendations in the attached Summary of Findings, Corrections, and Review
(SFCR) form.

3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that do not apply in the script, video,
television-based, or interactive learning resources evaluated.

4. Based on the number of criterion items marked “YES” under each factor, mark the
appropriate column to indicate if the script or interactive material complied to the
standards or not.

Standard/Criterion Items Yes No N/A

1.1 The content of the script, video, television-based, or
interactive learning resource has no copyright /
1.2 The third party content/non-original/copyrighted /
music, songs, and sound effects (SFX) have copyright
1.3 The third party content/non-original/copyrighted /
music, songs, and sound effects are properly attributed.

Compliant Not Compliant

Note: All items must be marked YES to indicate compliance.
Standard/Criterion Items Yes No N/A
Factor 2: Learning Competencies
2.1 The topic of the script, video, television-based, or /
interactive learning resource is aligned with the
specific learning competencies and objectives of
the learning area and grade level for which it is
Note: All item/s must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not Complied
compliance. /

Factor 3: Instructional Design and Presentation and Organization

3.1 The content of the script, video, television-based, /
or interactive learning resource is suitable to the
learner’s level of development.
3.2 The content is logically presented and organized. /

3.3 The content meets the interests of the learners, is /

engaging, and is easily understandable.
3.4 Sequencing of content and activities within the
script, video, television-based, or interactive
learning resource facilitates achievement of /
3.5 The content is compliant to the social content
guidelines. (See enclosure) /
3.6 The content develops learner’s 21st century and/or /
higher order thinking skills.
3.7 The content enhances the development of desirable /
value/s and trait/s.
3.8 The content allows for review, comparison, or /
integration with previous lessons.
3.9 Motivational strategies are provided. /

3.10 Content is designed using strategies to help the /

learner gain the information and skills that are
in focus.
3.11 Content provides opportunity for practice and /
deepening a skill/competency.
Note: At least 8 items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not Complied

compliance. /

Factor 4: Assessments
4.1 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource employs useful measures and
information that help the teacher evaluate learner’s
progress in mastering the target competencies.
4.2 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource provides variety of assessment
approaches and activities to ensure active
engagement of the learners.
4.3 Assessments have clear examples and instructions /
to serve as guide on how these will be used.
4.4 Assessments and activities are aligned with a /
specific objective and content.
Note: At least 3 items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not Complied
compliance to this factor.
Standard/Criterion Items Yes No N/A
5.1 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource does not contain any
conceptual error.
5.2 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource does not contain any factual
5.3 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource does not contain any
grammatical error.
5.4 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource does not contain computational
5.5 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource does not contain any obsolete
5.6 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource does not contain any
typographical, technical, and other type of error.
Complied Not Complied
Note: At least 5 items must be marked YES to indicate
compliance to this factor. /
Factor 6: LANGUAGE
6.1 The language used is learner-friendly and /
6.2 The vocabulary level and words are within the level /
of the learner’s experience and understanding.
6.3 The sentence and paragraph structures are brief,
simple, varied, and appropriate to the target
6.4 There is logical and smooth flow of ideas within a /
topic or lesson.
6.5 Transition devices/words are properly /
6.6 Instructions, exercises, questions, and activities /
are understandable and clear to the target learner.
6.7 Spelling and punctuation marks are accurately and /
consistently used.
Note: At least 5 items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not Complied
compliance to this factor. /
7.1 The length of the script, video, television-based, or /
interactive learning resource is within the
prescribed running time.
7.2 The script, video, television-based, or interactive /
learning resource discusses one topic/lesson only.
7.3 Scriptwriting rules on abbreviations, acronyms, /
numbers, figures, and fractions are accurately and
properly observed.
7.4 Markings (e.g., single underline, double underline, /
jagged lines, dotted lines, slash, brackets) are
properly and accurately observed as needed.
7.5 Messages conveyed are repeated as necessary. /
Standard/Criterion Items Yes No N/A
7.6 The script is complete in elements/parts. /

7.7 The script, video, television-based or interactive /

learning resource follows appropriate format
and layout.(See enclosure)
Complied Not Complied
Note: At least 6 items must be marked YES to indicate
compliance to this factor. /


8.1 Audio components (i.e., narration, dialogue, /
music, and sound effects) are appropriate and
effective for educational purposes.
8.2 Visual components (i.e., animations, images, and /
texts) are appropriate and effective for educational
8.3 Visual and audio components engage the interest /
of the target learners and enhance the content of
the script.
8.4 Cues for music and sound effects are accurately and /
properly indicated for smooth and coherent
integration and transitions.
8.5 The type of shots used are complete in detail, useful, /
and relevant to the story.
8.6 The camera angles/frames movements described /
are complete, relevant, and useful to the content.
8.7 There is variety and consistent use of camera /
angles/frames movements.
8.8 Volume and sound quality are smooth and well /
8.9 Pacing is effective and appropriate to instructional /
8.10 The timing shows smooth flow of topics / stories. /

8.11 The interactive features (e.g., menus, buttons, /

labels, control panel, etc.) are easy to navigate and
Below is the criterion item for interactive learning resources intended for the
LR Portal for Kids only.
A. Game/Activity Specification:

• The file size does not exceed 5mb. /

• The file format is HTML5.

• The file is compatible for mobile use.

B. Game/Activity Cover Specification:

• The file size does not exceed 400kb

• The file format is PNG.

• The dimesions are 1057px width and

748 px height.
Complied Not Complied
Note: At least 7 criterion items must be marked YES
to indicate compliance to this factor.
Recommensdation: (Please put a check mark ( ) in the appropriate box.)

Minor revision. This script, video, television-based, or interactive learning

resource is compliant to the minimum requirements of all eight factors.
Revision based on the recommendations included in the Summary of
Findings, Corrections, and Review (SFCR), form and script with marginal
notes must be implemented.

Major revision. This script, video, television-based, or interactive learning

resource is non-compliant to the requirements in one or more factors.
Revision based on the recommendations included in the Summary of
Findings, Corrections, and Review (SFCR) form and the script with
marginal notes must be implemented.

For production. This script, video, television-based, or interactive learning

resource is found compliant to all factors with NO corrections.

I / We certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the

summary report are my / our own and have been made without any undue
influence from others.

Name of Evaluators(s) Signature(s)

___________________________________ ______________________________

___________________________________ ______________________________

___________________________________ ______________________________

Date accomplished: ______________________________

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