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Higher 2


Paper 2 11 September 2021

3 hours

Additional Materials: Answer Booklet

List of Formulae (MF26)


Write your name, registration number, subject tutorial group, on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
You may use an HB pencil for diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all the questions.

Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of angles in
degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.
You are expected to use an approved graphing calculator.
Unsupported answers from a graphing calculator are allowed unless a question specifically states otherwise.
Where unsupported answers from a graphing calculator are not allowed in a question, you are required to
present the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator commands.
You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.

The number of marks is given in the brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page.

[Turn Over

Section A: Pure Mathematics [50 marks]

1 The sequence  X n  is given by

X n2
Xn  for n  3 .
X n 1
By applying the natural logarithm to the recurrence relation, use a suitable substitution to
determine the general solution of X n . [6]

2 (i) Differentiate ln  x  ln  x  p   with respect to x, where p  1 . Leave your answer in the

f  x
form , where f  x  and h  x  are linear expressions. [2]
h  x   x  ln  x  p  
(ii) Find the general solution of the differential equation
dy f  x  1
 x  ln  x  p    y 2 . [3]
dx h  x  x
(iii) Determine the locus where the stationary points lie. [1]
(iv) When p  2 , sketch the solution curve which has no stationary points. [2]

a b 
3 The matrix M    , a, b, c, d  , is such that a  d  0 . Prove that
c d 
M M 2   ad  bc  I  ,
1 0
where I   . [2]
0 1
Given that
 p q
M2   ,
 r s
prove that p  s   a  d   2  ad  bc  and ps  qr   ad  bc  .
2 2
Hence, find four distinct matrices M such that
 2 1
M2   . [4]
 2 3

[Turn Over

4 A complex-valued function f of the complex variable z is a rule that assigns to each complex
number z in a set D exactly one complex number w. We write w  f ( z ) and call w the image of
z under f. Just as z can be expressed by its real and imaginary components, z  x  iy , where
x, y  , we can write
w  f ( z )  f ( x  iy)  u  iv .
You should see that u and v, the real and imaginary components of w respectively, are dependent
on x and y. Geometrically, f describes a transformation from D in the xy-plane into the uv-plane.
For example, the image of z  3  i under the transformation w  f ( z )  z  1  2i can be found
w  f (3  i)   3  i   1  2i  2  3i .
(a) Sketch the image of the line z  i  z  1 under the transformation w  h( z )  z  2  4i .
1 1
(b) Show that the image of the circle z  1 under the transformation w  j( z )   z   is
2 z
a line segment of length two units. [4]
(c) By considering the general equation for circles and lines,
A  x 2  y 2   Bx  Cy  D  0 , where A, B, C and D are constants,
show that the images of circles and lines under the transformation g( z )  are circles
and lines. [4]

5 The polar curves C1 and C2 have equations r  3cos  for 0    π and r  1  cos  for
0    2π respectively. Sketch the curves on the same diagram, indicating clearly the exact
polar coordinates of the points of intersections. [4]
Explain why one point of intersection cannot be found by solving the equation
3cos   1  cos  . [1]
Find the area of the region which is inside C2 and outside C1 . [3]

[Turn Over

6 The set of all 2  2 matrices, denoted by M 22  , under the usual addition and scalar
multiplication, is a vector space.
(i) Consider a fixed matrix M  M 22   . Show that the set
S  B  M 22   : B  AM  MA for all A  M 22  
is a subspace of M 22  . [2]

The linear transformation T : M 22    M 22   is defined by

T  A   AM  MA
 2 0
for all A  M 22   and M   .
 1 3 
(ii) Find the dimension of R, the range space of T, and find a basis for R. [3]
(iii) Find a basis for K, the null space of T and obtain the general solution of the matrix
 9 9 
equation T  X    . [4]
 3 9

[Turn Over

Section B: Probability and Statistics [50 marks]

7 Suppose that the numbers of arrivals and departures at a particular domestic airport follow
Poisson distributions.
In a one-hour period, it is expected that there are 5.4 arrivals and 4 departures.
(i) Given that the probability of at least 60 arrivals in a randomly selected n-hour period is
0.0626 , correct to 3 significant figures, where n is an integer, solve for the value of n. [3]
(ii) Find the probability that, in a randomly selected one-hour period, there are at most 2
departures given that the airport handles a total of exactly 13 arrivals and departures. [4]
(iii) State the assumption for the calculation in (ii) to be valid. [1]

8 In a game stall, all games involve drawing balls from a bag that contains 18 red balls, 18 black
balls, and one green ball. When a ball is drawn, the colour is noted, and the ball is returned to
the bag for the next draw.
To participate in the games in the game stall, a player needs to make a payment of $a to make
the bet. If the player wins the game, he will be paid ar to a, which means he will receive the
initial payment of $a and also $ar. If the player loses the game, he will receive nothing.
(a) One of the games available involves the game master drawing balls until a green ball is
(i) Explain why the number of draws needed until a green ball is drawn follows the
geometric distribution. [2]
In this game, the player wins if the first green ball is not drawn within 45 draws and he
will be paid 2a to a. Otherwise, the player loses.
(ii) Determine the expected winning for a player who makes a payment of $10 to make
a bet. [3]
(b) In another game, the player wins whenever a red ball is drawn and he will be paid a to a
whenever he wins; if a non-red ball is drawn, the player loses. Tom decides to employ the
following strategy. He first makes a payment of $1 to make the bet. If he wins, he quits;
if he loses, he will make a payment of $2 to make the next bet. His nth bet is $2n1 so long
as he loses; as soon as he wins, he quits.
(i) Show that Tom is certain to win $1 every time he uses this strategy. [3]
(ii) By considering the expected amount of Tom’s winning bet, explain why his strategy
is not feasible. [3]

[Turn Over

9 (a) A current affairs quiz consisting of 5 true or false questions was administered to 100
students. Assume that the probability of a student selecting either response is equal. Let
X be the number of questions that the students answered correctly. The number of students
who answered X questions correctly is shown in the table below.
X 0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of
2 15 s 69  s 12 2

Find the smallest value of s such that at 10% significance level, the assumption that X
follows a binomial distribution will not be rejected. [6]
(b) In 2020, an election think tank recorded in a survey the preferred candidate and the highest
academic qualification obtained by 120 voters. The data are summarised in the following
Highest Academic Qualification
JC/ Polytechnic University
Preferred A 10 9 11
Candidate B 4 24 8
C 4 22 10
D 2 5 11
Use a  2 -test to determine at 1% significance level whether the choice of preferred
candidate is independent of the highest academic qualification. [4]

10 Let X and Y be two continuous random variables which are independent. If f X and fY are the
probability density functions of X and Y respectively, then the probability density function fW
of W  X  Y is given by the formula

fW  w    f X  x  fY  w  x  dx.

Let X1 , X 2 , X 3 be independent exponentially distributed random variables with each having

the expected value .

(i) Let W  X1  X 2 and its probability density function be fW . Prove that fW  w    2 we  w
and state the mean and variance of W. [5]
(ii) Let S  X1  X 2  X 3 . Find its probability density function f S . [3]

The time taken for a service officer at a bank to serve a customer can be modelled by an
exponential random variable with mean 5 minutes. A service officer can only serve one
customer at a time. When Mr Erlang joins the queue at the bank, the service officer has just
begun to serve a customer and there are two customers before him in the queue. Assuming that
there is only one service officer on duty on that day, find the probability that Mr Erlang waits
for at most 15 minutes to be served. [2]

[Turn Over

11 A competition was held in schools where students had to solve a puzzle individually. The
amounts of time taken for 8 randomly chosen students from School A and 8 randomly chosen
students from School B, in minutes, to solve a puzzle were recorded in the table below:
Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
School A 12.5 18.5 4.2 9.5 4.3 6.8 8.6 9.5
School B 10.2 13.6 4.0 8.1 3.8 5.9 7.9 8.4

Perform a suitable test to determine, at 5% significance level, if there is a difference in the mean
amount of time taken to solve a puzzle between students from these two schools. State any
assumptions that are necessary for the test to be valid. [6]

A student reporter used the data recorded in the table above to find a 99% confidence interval
for the population proportion of student participants who solved the puzzle in less than 6
minutes. Discuss the accuracy of the confidence interval found by the student reporter. [1]

Use the data recorded in the table above to find a 95% confidence interval for the mean amount
of time to solve a puzzle of students from School A. [2]

After the competition, some students from School A attended a workshop on solving puzzles.
After attending the workshop, 8 randomly chosen students solved a similar puzzle to the one
used in the competition and a 95% confidence interval constructed for the mean amount of time
to solve the puzzle, in minutes, is (4.211,5.999). Discuss briefly if the workshop had helped to
improve the students. [2]

--- END OF PAPER ---



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