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1 High Five! 6 Name:


Pr sena
t tion pronouns

Policeman: Hello operator. I thought I heard something inside the
factory. I think there’s someone inside.
Operator: Message received. Can you see anyone or hear
anything? Are the lights on anywhere?
Policeman: Yes, I can see everything inside the factory. The top secret
robots are safe – no one has taken them and nothing is
Operator: Have you checked everywhere in the building? A robber
could be hiding somewhere.
Policeman: No, there’s nowhere to … no, wait, one of the robots is
Operator: OK, I’ll alert everyone here. We’re sending two police cars.
Just stay there and tell us everything that happens.

Remember! We use indefinite pronouns to talk about people, things and places we don’t specifically name.

People Things Places

someone something somewhere
everyone everything everywhere
anyone anything anywhere
no one nothing nowhere


1 Read and circle.

1 I can hear a noise, I think there’s someone / anyone in the house.

2 For homework I have to find out somewhere / something about robots.

3 No one / anyone likes being alone for too long.

4 I haven’t packed everyone /everything I need for the school trip yet.

5 Is there anything / anywhere I can help you with?

6 I’m sure I buried the treasure something /somewhere round here!

7 I haven’t been nowhere /anywhere as beautiful as Paris.

8 I haven’t done nothing /anything interesting this holiday.


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1 High Five! 6 Name:


2 Complete the sentences using indefinite pronouns:

anyone anywhere everything no one
anything everyone everywhere nothing
nowhere someone something somewhere

1 I had a huge birthday party and I invited _____________________ in my class.
2 The tablet is so small you can take it _____________________.
3 My keys must be _____________________ in the house.
4 This game is easy, _____________________ can learn to play.
5 The closet is too full, you can’t put _____________________ you have in there!
6 The pirates searched _____________________ for the hidden treasure.
7 When I looked through the microscope I saw _____________________ strange.
8 It wasn’t my fault. There was _____________________ I could do to stop it.
9 _____________________ knows exactly how many stars there are in the sky.
10 Did you buy _____________________ while you were out shopping?
11 I saw _____________________ going into the museum.
12 There is _____________________ to buy eggs. All the shops are closed.

3 Read and complete the riddles.

a car my grandfather a notebook a pen a plane a spaceship

my brother a mobile phone the Sahara Desert

1 It’s something kept in a pencil case that everyone uses to write. a pen
2 This is someone in your family who is older than your parents. ___________________________
3 It’s somewhere very hot and dry located in the North of Africa. ___________________________
4 You can travel everywhere in the universe in it. ___________________________
5 This is something you use to communicate with anyone and take everywhere. ___________________________

4 Make questions using the words provided. Answer the questions.

Has anyone in your family got blue eyes

1 anyone / blue eyes ____________________________________________________________________________________?

2 everyone / mobile phone ______________________________________________________________________________?


3 something / weekend __________________________________________________________________________________?


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High Five! 6 Name:


Past Perfect


When I arrived at the

party, my friends had
eaten all the food.

I missed the bus

because I had forgotten
to set my alarm clock.

We use the past perfect when we want to talk about an earlier time in the past
than the time of the narrative.
7:50am 8:30am
I had forgotten to set my alarm so I missed the bus.
To make the past perfect of the verb, we use had + past participle.

I had forgotten
He/she had arrived
They had eaten


1 Read and match.

1 I arrived late at the theatre a because my brother had already eaten it all.
2 My teacher was happy with me b because I hadn’t slept well the night before.
3 I had finished studying c because I had already seen the film.
4 I didn’t get a piece of cake d before the I left for the party.
5 Our trainer was very happy that e and the play had already started.
6 I felt tired yesterday f before I started playing computer games.
7 I didn’t go to the cinema with my friends g because I had done all my homework.
8 We had decorated the house h everyone had participated in the school olympics.

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2 Read and complete. Use the past perfect.

What a day!

Yesterday was terrible! I woke up late because I Add small AW picture of

boy aged about 12. Looking
had forgotten
(1) ____________________ (forget) to set my alarm clock. When I went to at his computer which had
the kitchen my little brother (2) ____________________ (eat) all the cereals

already, so I didn’t have time for breakfast. I rushed out of the house to aw_gb6.2_05]]
catch my school bus, but when I got to the bus stop I

(3) ____________________ (miss) it. When I finally arrived at school the lessons (4) ____________________ (start)

and my teacher was not happy with me. After break we had Maths. I opened my school bag to take out

my notebook, but I (5) ____________________ (leave) it at home along with my P.E. kit. It was volleyball day in

P.E., my favourite sport, but I couldn’t play since I

(6) ____________________ (not bring) my kit.

When I arrived home from school I went to do my homework on the computer, but I found that a glass of

water (7) ____________________ (fall) on top of it. I tried to turn it on, but the water

(8) ____________________ (damage) the computer. Luckily, when my mum arrived home she was able to

help me. Today has to be a better day!

3 Complete the sentences. Write the past simple or past perfect form of the verbs
in brackets.
had studied visited
1 She ____________________ (study) English for three years before she ____________________ (visit) Scotland.
2 My team ____________________ (win) ten games before we ____________________ (play) in the championship.
3 He ____________________ (understand) the film better because he ____________________ (read) the book.
4 We ____________________ (prepare) for weeks before we ____________________ (do) our final presentation.
5 Mary ____________________ (come) to my house yesterday around 7pm, but I wasn’t there.
I ____________________ (go) to my guitar lesson.
6 Tim ____________________ (not hear) the CD before I ____________________ (give) it to him.

4 Complete the sentences using the past perfect.

because I had slept in
1 I was late _____________________________________________________________________________________________.

2 My sister was happy ___________________________________________________________________________________.

3 His arm hurt ___________________________________________________________________________________________.

4 I had purple hair _______________________________________________________________________________________.

5 My friend was crying ___________________________________________________________________________________.


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Past narrative tenses


Last week’s school trip was fantastic! We

got up early on Thursday, met at school and then
travelled by bus to the city farm. The farmers
were working in the vegetable garden when we
arrived. They showed us around the garden and
the barn, but the best part was the tractor ride.
We had learned all about community gardens
in Science class before we went on the trip. It was
great to see a green space in the middle of our city.


The past simple is used for narrative events in

I woke up. Then I got dressed.

The past continuous is used for a continued While I was going to school, it
action that happens before/after the narrative. started to rain.

The past perfect is used when there are two events When I arrived at school, the class
in the past, one at an earlier time than the narrative. had begun.


1 Read and circle the correct tense.

1 While I watched / was watching / had watched the television, the telephone rang.

2 I broke / was breaking / had broken my leg while I was playing football.

3 He had / was having / had had a shower and then got dressed.

4 I was late, so when I arrived at the cinema the film started / was starting / had started.

5 As the plane took / was taking / had taken off the lights went out.

6 At the airport we checked in and then went / were going / had gone to departures.

7 When she got to the airport she realised that she left / was leaving / had left her passport at home.

8 They read / was reading / were reading when the train arrived.

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2 Read and complete with the correct past narrative tense.

Last year I (1) _________________________ (go) on holiday to Italy with my
family. We (2) _________________________ (travel) to the airport by bus. While
we (3) _________________________ (check) in, I saw a famous footballer. He
was getting on the plane too! I knew who he was because I
(4) _________________________ (see) him on TV.
The flight attendant (5) _________________________ (look) at our boarding
passes and passports before we got on the plane. As the plane
(6) _________________________ (take) off I felt very excited. It was my first
international flight. When we arrived in Rome, dad
(7) _________________________ (find) a trolley for our luggage. Then we
(8) _________________________ (take) a taxi to our hotel. In my room I opened my suitcase, but my clothes
(9) _________________________ (to be) missing! Somebody in the airport
(10) _________________________ (take) my suitcase by mistake.

3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box. Use the past narrative tenses.

fall forget go play ring see

I saw a hot-air balloon

1 While I was on my way to school, ________________________________________________________________________.
2 When I opened my bag I realized that ___________________________________________________________________.
3 We were playing football when __________________________________________________________________________.
4 It started to rain while ___________________________________________________________________________________.
5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
6 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4 Write about one of your most memorable moments. Use the past narrative tenses.

1 What happened?
2 What were you doing when it happened?
3 Where and when did it happen?
4 What had you done earlier that day?
5 What happened at the end?

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High Five! 6 Name:




Present Passive
Coffee is grown in South America.
Cars are made in factories.
The museum is visited by thousands of people every day.

Past Passive
Manga was created in Japan.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
The pyramids were built by the Egyptians a long time ago

Making the passive

To make the passive, use to be in the present or past followed by a past participle.

we don’t know who did the action

Remember! We use the passive when we don’t need to know who did the action

it’s very clear who does/did the action


1 Read and match.

1 Romeo and Juliet a were made in China.

2 The first Narnia film b is made in factories.

3 Bananas c is celebrated on 31st October.

4 The first shadow puppets d was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

5 Chocolate e is held every four years.

6 The World Cup f was written by Shakespeare.

7 The Mona Lisa g are grown in tropical countries.

8 Halloween h was made in 2005.


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High Five! 6 Name:


2 Complete the sentences using the present or past passive.

are found
1 Kangaroos ______________________________________ (find) in Australia.
2 Oranges ______________________________________ (grow) in warm climates.
3 We ______________________________________ (tell) to quiet down.
4 The Eiffel Tower ______________________________________ (build) in 1887.
5 Jeans ______________________________________ (invent) in the USA.
6 Penicillin ______________________________________ (discover) in 1929.
7 The Hobbit ______________________________________ (write) by J. R. R. Tolkien
8 The first plane ______________________________________ (fly) in 1903.

3 Complete the verbs using the past passive.

build cut up cover find make need place use visit

were built
The pyramids of Egypt (1) _______________________ over 5,000
years ago as a place to bury kings and pharaohs. The largest
one – the Pyramid of Giza – (2) _______________________ from 2.3 [Add AW Egyptian pyramid –
million blocks of rock. How were these huge blocks carried and maybe show ancient Egyptians
built? Thousands of blocks of rock (3) _______________________
carrying stones to build one
and then ramps (4) _______________________ to move the rocks
around. It is believed that about 20,000 workers built the Pyramid
of Giza and that it took around 23 years!
The Pharaohs’ tombs were placed in the pyramids. The walls
(5) _______________________ paintings and treasure (6) _______________________ there when the pharaohs
died. In 1922 , when King Tutankhamun’s tomb (7) _______________________, there were more than 5,000
pieces of treasure inside.

Today the pyramids (8) _______________________ by thousands of tourists each year.

4 Make questions in the present and past passive using the words in the box.

How When Where Why Who

1 English / speak Where is English spoken


2 rice / grow ______________________________________________________________________?

3 mobile phones /make ______________________________________________________________________?

4 the internet / invent ______________________________________________________________________?

5 win / Nobel Peace Prize ______________________________________________________________________?


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High Five! 6 Name:


The causative have

Director: Hello, Gina. I’m just phoning to see if you’re all ready
to start filming tomorrow.
Actress: Hi Steve. Yes, I am. Yesterday I had my hair cut and
Director: Oh you’ll look great. Well, we had a special costume
made for you as well.
Actress: Yes, I know, I had it fitted last week and I love it.
Director: Tomorrow before the actual filming there will be a
photo shoot. You can have your photo taken in
costume. Then we’ll have it sent out with the film
trailers to promote the new film.
Actress: Right. Sounds good.
Director: And don’t be late Gina. They had the limo repaired
last week and it’s coming for you at 6am to take you
to the location.
Actress: Great! See you then.

Remember! Use have with the past participle to form the causative. We use the
causative have actions which are done for the subject rather than by the subject.

subject + have + noun + past participle

I have my hair cut
She has her photo taken
We had a costume made


1 Read and circle.

1 My Dad usually have / has his car washed every week.
2 I have / had my hair cut very short yesterday.
3 The actors have / had their makeup done before they go on stage.
4 For our school play last summer we have / had special costumes made.
5 We always have / had a big cake made for birthday celebrations.
6 My parents have / had our house painted last year.
7 We can’t bake the cake at our house, we still haven’t had / hasn’t had our oven repaired.
8 They don’t have / didn’t have the curtains cleaned for three years.

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2 Read and complete:

baked built checked delivered interviewed

made painted plaited repaired decorated

1 We had a special cake _______________________ for Tom’s party.
2 She’s going to have a new dress _______________________ for the party.
3 We had our faces _______________________ before we went to the football match.
4 My dad’s car broke down so he had it _______________________ at the garage.
5 If I were rich I would have a house _______________________ with ten bedrooms.
6 The newspaper had the politician _______________________ by its best investigative journalist.
7 I have my teeth _______________________ at the dentist twice a year.
8 My friend Ana had her hair _______________________ last week. It looks great!
9 My bedroom looks great now. My parents had it _______________________.
10 I’m going to buy a new laptop online. I’ll have it _______________________ to my house.

3 Write about the changes to the school. Use had and hadn’t had.

Summerhill School Improvement plan

clean all windows ✗ paint classrooms ✓ She had all the windows cleaned.
1 _______________________________________________
repair computers ✓ make garden ✗
2 _______________________________________________
install solar panels ✓ design new sports hall ✗
3 _______________________________________________

4 _______________________________________________

5 _______________________________________________

6 _______________________________________________

4 What would you have done to improve your school? Write four sentences.

1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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High Five! 6 Name:


Reported speech with questions


Excuse me, can you

take my picture? He asked if I could
When does the
train leave? take his picture.
He wanted to
know when the
train left.

He asked how long

How long is
the journey was.
the journey?

He wanted to
Is this your first know if this was
time backpacking? my first time

Remember! To report a yes / no question use if.

We don’t use a question mark with a reported question.

1 Read and circle.

Do you like your new school? 1 She asked me if I like / liked my new school.

Where did you use to go to school? 2 She wanted to know where I use / used / to go to school.

Can you speak another language? 3 She asked me if I could /can speak another language.

What are your hobbies? 4 She asked me what my hobbies are / were.

Are you going to join any clubs? 5 She asked me if I was / am going to join any clubs.

Will you go on the class trip? 6 She asked me if I would / will go on the class trip.

What’s your favourite subject? 7 She asked me what my favourite subject was / were.

Do you play sport? 8 She asked me if I play / played a sport.


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High Five! 6 Name:


2 Circle the mistake in each sentence. Then write the correct word.
1 He asked me what my name is . was
2 He asked me do I came from Earth. ___________________
3 He asked me if I can fly. ___________________
4 He asked me if I have siblings. ___________________
5 He asked me if I speak English. ___________________
6 He asked me when my birthday is. ___________________
7 He asked me if I can programme a computer. ___________________
8 He asked me if I understand his message. ___________________

3 Write two more questions the alien asked. Then report the questions.

1 ______________________
2 He asked me _________

3 ______________________
________________________ 4 He wanted to know
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
_______________________? ________________________.

4 Imagine that you witnessed a robbery on your way to school. Report the questions
that the police officer asked you.
1 Did you witness the crime?
He asked me if I witnessed the crime.
2 Did you call the police department?
3 Can you identify the suspect?
4 Do you know what time it happened?
5 Do you have any other information?

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High Five! 6 Name:


Reported speech with reporting verbs

Jordan: Hey Eric, can your little brother come to the theme park
with us on Saturday?
Eric: No, my parents refused to let him go.
Jordan: Why?
Eric: Well, he promised to tidy up his bedroom before football
practice. I offered to help him with the vacuuming, but
he refused to do any of his chores. Instead, he went to
the garden to play outside. While he was playing in the
garden, he kicked a ball through one of the living room
Jordan: What did your parents say?
Eric: I suggested telling the truth, but at first he denied breaking the window. That made the situation
worse since they knew it was him. In the end, he promised to do his chores.

Remember! Some reporting verbs are followed by the infinitive and others are followed by the gerund.

reporting verbs pattern

promise subject + reporting verb + infinitive

reporting verbs pattern

deny subject + reporting verb + gerund


1 Read and circle.

1 My teacher offered to open / opening the window.
2 I promised to help / helping my mum with the shopping.
3 My friend refused to play / playing tennis.
4 The thief denied to steal / stealing the money.
5 The dentist recommended to brush / brushing after lunch.
6 My parents suggested to go / going on holiday to the beach.
7 I refused to watch / watching the sad film, I prefer comedies.
8 My grandmother promised to buy / buying me a new bike.

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High Five! 6 Name:


2 Complete each of the sentences with a reporting verb from the box.

denied offered promised refused suggested recommended

1 I ________________________ to finish my homework before watching TV.
2 It was really windy in the car so I ________________________ closing the window.
3 My brother ________________________ eating all the chocolate, but I knew it was him!
4 It was raining so dad ________________________ to take us to school by car.
5 I ________________________ to eat the toast because it was burnt to a crisp.
6 The nurse ________________________ doing more exercise.

3 Report what the people said using a reporting verb from the box.

denied invited offered promised refused suggested

Get up and have

Do your homework!
a shower!

told me to get up and have a shower.

1 Mum ____________________________________________ 2 My teacher ______________________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

You should stay in Why don’t you come to

bed for three days. the party on Sunday?

3 The doctor ______________________________________ 4 My friend ________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I didn’t take the I’ll study hard for
money! the test

5 He ______________________________________________ 6 She _____________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

4 Write sentences about you.

My teacher told us to study for the exam.

1 My teacher / tell _________________________________________________________________________________________

2 My parents / offer _______________________________________________________________________________________

3 The doctor / advise ______________________________________________________________________________________

4 My best friend / promise _________________________________________________________________________________


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First and second conditionals


First Conditional
Ana: Hi Paul. What are you doing this afternoon?
Paul: Well, if it doesn’t rain, I’ll go to the beach. I’ll probably
spend the whole afternoon there if the weather is good.
Ana: And what will you do if it rains?
Paul: If it rains, I’ll go to the cinema.

Second Conditional Sally: What would you do if you had a lot of money Josh?
Josh: Well, if I had a lot of money I would travel round the world.
Sally: And where would you go?
Josh: I think I would go to a tropical island. I would love to
go wildlife spotting.
Sally: That would be exciting.
Josh: What would you do if you won the lottery, Sally?
Sally: I wouldn’t spend all the money right away. I would give
some away. If I had a lot of money I would travel too.


First conditional will + present tense used for possible future situations

used for unreal, imaginary or

Second conditional would + past simple tense
improbable situations


1 Read and match.

1 If it’s sunny tomorrow, a he would buy a new car.
2 If he won the lottery, b I’ll tell him you called.
3 If I see Jake, c if we don’t study.
4 If she lived on a tropical island, d if the sports centre is open.
5 We’ll play tennis e I’ll go to the beach.
6 You would visit ancient Egypt f she would sleep in a hammock.
7 We won’t pass the test g if I won the lottery.
8 I wouldn’t spend all the money h if you travelled back in time.

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2 Read and circle.

1 If I pass the test, I will / would be very happy.
2 If she met an alien, she will / would ask to see its spaceship.
3 If it rains / rained tomorrow, we won’t have a picnic.
4 They will / would go wildlife spotting everyday if they lived in Ecuador.
5 If you don’t study, you won’t / wouldn’t pass the exam.
6 If you travelled back in time, you will / would visit ancient Greece.
7 I will / would give my family some of my money if I won the lottery.
8 If I saw an alien, I wouldn’t / won’t run away.

3 Read and complete. Use the first or second conditional of the verbs in the box.

be go have help stay travel take visit

W b V
From: Katy Subject: holiday weekend

Hi there!
I’m making plans for the holiday weekend, but I can’t decide what to do. If the weather is nice,
will go
I (1) ___________________ to the beach with my cousins. But if it rains, I (2) _________________ my
grandparents in the county. If I visit my grandparents, I (3) ___________________ help my grandma bake a
pie with the apples from her garden.
If we had a longer holiday, our family (4) ___________________ to Mexico. If we went to Mexico, we
(5) ___________________ a tour of the ancient pyramids and explore the Mayan ruins. If we
(6) ___________________ in a hotel near the beach, we could do lots of adventure sports like sea kayaking
or scuba diving.
What are you going to do for the holiday weekend? Where will you go if the weather
(7) ___________________ nice? Where would you go if you (8) ___________________ a longer holiday?
Have fun!

4 Order the words to make questions. Ask a friend.

1 tomorrow/ park / the / you / go / Will / sunny / it’s / if / to / ?
Will you go to the park tomorrow if it’s sunny?
2 pass / you /exams / if / your / all / will / you / feel / How / ?
3 travel / anywhere / If / could / world / you / the / in / would / go / where / you / ?
4 You / you / travelled / If / would / space / in / see / what / ?

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Future forms: Will and going to

Tom: What are you going to do this weekend, Sue?
Sue: We’re going to have a goodbye party on Sunday for my
sister, Lucy. She’s leaving to university. I’m going to decorate
the house.
Tom: Cool!
Sue: Are you going to come to the party, Tom?
Tom: Yes, of course! I think it’ll be fun!
Tom: I’ll go shopping tomorrow and buy her a present. I think I’ll
give her some oil paints. She’s going to study Art, isn’t she?
Sue: Oh yes, she’ll love that. I’m sure she’ll be pleasantly surprised!


to talk about future plans + to be + going to + infinitive We’re going to have a party.

to talk about decisions

+ will + infinitive I’ll answer the phone.
made at the moment subject

She thinks she’ll be a doctor

to make predictions + will + infinitive
in the future.


1 Read and circle.

1 I think I’m going to / I’ll be a fashion designer when I grow up.

2 I’ve studied a lot so I’m sure I’m going to / I’ll pass the test.

3 I’m going to / I’ll go to summer camp in July.

4 Someone’s ringing the doorbell, I‘m going to / I’ll answer it.

5 In twenty years’ time computers will / are going to be much smaller.

6 We’re going to / We’ll visit my grandparents at the weekend.

7 I think tomorrow’s weather will / is going to be cloudy with some showers.

8 Are you going / Will you go to Emma’s party on Friday?


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2 Complete the sentences using going to or will.

’m going to
1 On Saturday I ___________________________________ play football in the park.
2 I think I ___________________________________ have a cup of coffee.
3 He ___________________________________ watch a film later.
4 I think she ___________________________________ be a famous composer.
5 My parents ___________________________________ take me to my favourite restaurant.
6 I’m confident my brother ___________________________________ pass his Maths test.
7 My cousin ___________________________________ have a baby girl.
8 Tomorrow it ___________________________________ rain heavily in mountain areas.

3 Read about Luke and Ellie. Complete the gaps using going to or will.

’m going to
Hi, I’m Luke and I’m 12 years old. Next year (1) I _________________________ change
schools because in September (2) I _________________________ start secondary school.
I think it (3) _________________________ be fun. It won’t be as boring as primary school
because (4) we _________________________ study a lot of different subjects. But I expect
(5) we _________________________ have a lot more homework.

Hi, I’m Ellie, Luke’s sister. I’m only 16 years old, but I have a lot of plans for the future.
When I’m 18 (6) I _________________________ go to university.
(7) I _________________________ study Science since Biology is my favourite subject.
I think (8) I _________________________ going to be a doctor in the future. But before
I go to university, (9) I _________________________ take a gap year to travel and go
backpacking with my best friend, Megan. (10) We _________________________ visit tons
of interesting places together.

4 Write about your plans and predictions for the future.

1 Tomorrow morning I’m going to __________________________________________________________________________.

2 At the weekend I ________________________________________________________________________________________.

3 This summer ____________________________________________________________________________________________.

4 For my future career _____________________________________________________________________________________.

5 In thirty years’ time ______________________________________________________________________________________.


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