H.W. Nov 17th

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Mahiro Sato


BOX SET: 6 Minute English - 'Green

BOX SET: 6 Minute English - 'Green issues' English mega-class! 30 minutes of new vo…

BOX SET: 6 Minute English - 'Human

Emotions (30:27)
BOX SET: 6 Minute English - 'Human Emotions 3' English mega-class! Thirty minutes …

Q: Where was the first How can I help the environment?

artificial plastic developed?
Madalyn Murray
A: England - Belonging to an Irish organization
- She buys the biggest containers
- Reusing things
The hand-me-down - The hand-me-down, passing on culture is important

pet peeve - Something that you find particularly annoying

Buying in bulk - buying a lot of something
Q: In 2011, Which country Good nick - in good condition
announced gradually
stopping using, nuclear How green is nuclear energy
power altogether?
the most well-known nuclear accident
A: Germany - on the 26th of April, 1986
- at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in Soviet Ukraine

Mirjam Vossen
Vivid memories - powerful - Dutch journalist
images and strong mental - The accident in Chornobyl changed many people's
images opinions of nuclear power in a negative way
- Accidents caused by human error will not happen in
Casualty - a person or modern nuclear power station
thing that suffers as a result - Nuclear power is the greenest way of generating energy
of something else without fossil fuels
happening - Nuclear power stations are located near seas or large
Paul Dorfman
- Nuclear power produces electricity using little carbon

Q: What was the Making old things last longer

inspiration behind Rafi's
idea? The world generates ↑ 2 bil tonnes of rubbish every year

C. He was late for his Rafi Mohammad

lecture because of a flat - Fixi, his shop
tire. - They do promise free repairs for life

Jessika Richter
- researcher at Lund University
Given - assumed to be true - She thinks repairing is an endangered activity that we
or certain to happen. used to do more of both individually and as a society

Do consumers care about carbon footprints?

Carbon footprint' - how much carbon is used through the

Q: How many tonnes of activities of a person, company, or country
CO2 equivalent per person
annually Mark Engle
- Chief Supply Chain Officer at Unilever
A: Research found living - Gen Z decides to buy products based on good and
car-free reduces a person's accurate information
annual CO2 production by - He committed to putting carbon footprint information on
an average of 2.04 tonnes. 70,000 products
Dr Zaina Gadema-Cooke
food for thought - - Expert in supply chain management at Northumbria
something to think University
seriously about - It is very difficult to include that so ‘farm-to-fork’

Q: What band wrote a song Changing the earth's climate

called Lucy In The Sky
With Diamonds? David King
- chairs the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge
A: The Beatles University.
- Whales live in groups called pods
- They swim up to the ocean surface to poo
- a large current of water moving in a circular motion like
a giant whirlpool
- As a result, huge areas of the ocean are covered in

Professor Rachael James

- geochemist
- mine waste material is potentially a great source
- Mining for diamonds creates tonnes of waste rock

Q: The word 'rat' what does Are there benefits to schadenfreude?

that mean in German?
A: Advice - Enjoying someone's misfortune can certainly make us
feel good.
- Scientists have shown this feeling is quite normal
Wilco Van Dijk
- University of Leiden,
- Psychologist
- The misfortune of another appeals to a sense of justice
- the punishment someone receives is fair

Dr Tiffany Watt-Smith
- When something goes wrong for someone, we can
commiserate with them

How color affects us

Q: What the splitting of
white light into its different We choose color to express ourselves in what we wear or how
colors is called? we decorate our home

A: Dispersion Karen Haller

- A color psychologist
- A color designer
- color is wavelengths of light
- wavelength is the distance between two waves of sound
or light that are next to each other

Color can affect us differently

Before Covid (ppl tired)

- Ppl use pale colors to relax
During lockdown
- Ppl put brighter color

Q: It's thought the largest The fear of numbers

number in the world is
called a googol. It's written Charles Seife
with a 1 and how many - The number is the most powerful tool for deception
zeros? advertisers marketers
- But numbers are persuasive
- Girls are more anxious about learning math
A: a mere 100 zeros
Paula Miles
- Psychology teacher at St Andrew's Uni
- We all have the potential to be the number one person
Q: Which country is the
world’s happiest in 2020? Looking for utopia

A: Finland Kate Raworth

2nd Denmark - Economist
- Ppl in Amsterdam are trying to live within the doughnut

Mindset That describes the Bert van Son

fixed thoughts and attitudes - CEO of Mud Jeans
someone has. - benefit of the doughnut economy by treating people
fairly and with respect

Q: There is s scientific field Why laughter is the best medicine

of study into laughter and
its effects on the human Laughing is most strong medicine
body, What is this study
called? Sophie Scott
- Laughin is a variation of breathing
- Ha-ha sound comes from your rib cage
A: Gelotology
Expression for laughing
Chuckle, giggle, chortle, cackle, and guffaw

For every six minutes, there are two speakers. They explain the topic with some interviews for
each expert. There is also a quiz related to the topic.


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