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Q1 Describe concept and aims of Sustainable development.

Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is the organizing principle for achieving human
development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to
provide the natural resources and ecosystem services based upon which the
economy and society depend.
The ultimate aim of sustainable development is to create a world where all people
can enjoy a good quality of life within the limits of the planet's resources. This
• Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
• Protecting the environment
• Promoting social equity and economic justice

Q2 What is ecosystem explain the types of ecosystem.

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms (biotic factors) in interaction with
their physical environment (abiotic factors). Ecosystems are found at all levels of
organization, from the smallest pond to the entire Earth.
Types of ecosystems:
• Terrestrial ecosystems: These are ecosystems that occur on land. Examples
include forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundra.
• Aquatic ecosystems: These are ecosystems that occur in water. Examples
include oceans, lakes, rivers, and wetlands.

Q3 What is biodiversity explain the in-situ and ex-situ conservation with example.

Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes the variety of species, the
variety of genes within species, and the variety of ecosystems. Biodiversity is
important because it provides us with many essential services, such as food, clean
water, and clean air.
In-situ and ex-situ conservation
In-situ conservation is the conservation of biodiversity in its natural habitat. Examples
of in-situ conservation include national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere
Ex-situ conservation is the conservation of biodiversity outside of its natural habitat.
Examples of ex-situ conservation include zoos, botanical gardens, and gene banks.

Q4 Explain the causes of water degradation and suggest some control measures to overcome water
scarcity problem.

Water degradation
Water degradation is the process by which water quality is reduced. This can be
caused by a variety of factors, including pollution, sedimentation, and
Control measures to overcome water scarcity problem:
• Water conservation: We can use water more efficiently by taking simple
measures such as fixing leaky faucets, watering our lawns less often, and
taking shorter showers.
• Water pollution prevention: We can prevent water pollution by properly
disposing of hazardous waste, using less pesticides and fertilizers, and
treating wastewater before it is discharged into water bodies.
• Water reuse: We can reuse water by collecting rainwater, using greywater for
irrigation, and recycling wastewater for industrial use.

Q5 Explain the effects of disaster

Effects of disaster
Disasters can have a wide range of effects, including:
• Loss of life and injury
• Destruction of property and infrastructure
• Economic disruption
• Social and environmental impacts
These effects can be long-lasting and can take years or even decades to recover

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