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English B2- Intensiv I
Book: Go for it! B2
ISBN 978-3-19-042940-0

B1 level
• can understand the main points of clear texts on
familiar topics in standard language
• can read signs and simple instructions on a trip to
places where English is used
• can produce short texts about familiar topics
• can describe experiences, events, wishes and
regrets, and explain opinions and plans.
B2 level
• can understand complex texts about concrete or
abstract topics.
• can express themselves fluently and
spontaneously enough to comfortably
communicate with other English speakers
• can produce detailed text and explain a viewpoint
on a topic, including expressing advantages and
Which of these ideas are true for you?

1. I mainly use English for travelling.

2. The last time I spoke English was last night.

3. My last English course was 2 years ago.

4. The last time I listened to something in English was last week.

5. I’m good at taking notes in English.

6. I find singing in English difficult.

7. I would like to be able to write a book in English.

8. I plan to watch more films in OV to improve my English on my own.

Match a grammar pattern with a sentence

1. I mainly use English for travelling. preposition+ V-ing

2. The last time I spoke English was last night. BE+ time expression

3. My last English course was 2 years ago. BE+ time expression

4. The last time I listened to something in English was last week. BE+ time expression

5. I’m good at taking notes in English. preposition+ V-ing

6. I find singing in English difficult. VERB+ V-ing

7. I would like to be able to write a book in English. VERB+ V-infinitive

VERB+ V-infinitive
8. I plan to watch more films in OV to improve my English on my own.
1. I mainly use English for travelling. preposition+ V-ing

2. The last time I spoke English was last night. BE+ time expression

3. My last English course was 2 years ago. BE+ time expression

4. The last time I listened to something in English was last week. BE+ time expression

5. I’m good at taking notes in English. preposition+ V-ing

6. I find singing in English difficult. VERB+ V-ing

7. I would like to be able to write a book in English. VERB TO+ V-infinitive

8. I plan to watch more films to improve my English on my own. VERB TO+ V-infinitive
FOR + V-ing
1. I mainly use English for travelling.

Extra example:
FOR+ noun
I mainly use English for school.

GOOD AT+ V-ing

5. I’m good at taking notes in English.

VERB+ V-ing
6. I find singing in English difficult.

TO BE ABLE TO+ V-infinitive

7. I would like to be able to write a book in English.

PLAN TO+ V-infinitive

8. I plan to watch more films in OV to improve my English on my own.
Page 7
1. I love running (V preference+ V ing)
2. Running helped me find new friends (Start a
sentence with and activity)
3. I’ll be like that
4. I’m going to give it my best shot
5. Off to a flying start
6. Competition day
Page 9

she’s + V-ing seems+ adjective she + verb

It looks like she’s winning

It looks like she’s smiling

She seems happy

I reckon she won.

Listen and complete

I’ve done it. I’ve won my first 10K race.

It was a lot of hard work to get here, not just today but with all my training.

It’s been an amazing journey, from the very first step to today. I’m so proud of

my success!

I never hoped to win, but I love running and I just tried my best. Wow, I’m on

such a high right now- I wonder where this will take me.
Page 10

1. When did Emily start running?

2. Where did she train?
3. How often does she train?
4. How long did it take her to get there?
5. What does she eat every day?
6. How long does she train every week?
7. Why did she start running?
1. When did Emily start running? Page 10
2. Where did she train?
3. How often does she train?
4. How long did it take her to get there?
5. What does she eat every day?
6. How long does she train every week?
7. Why did she start running?
Page 10

She found it, but she didn’t look for it originally

Page 11

so Finally
At first
After that later
And one day… In the end
First of all I started
excited, hopeful, determined Page 11
Page 12

I’m meeting
I’m going to book/ I’ll

‘ll ‘re going to


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