Fix Homeschooling

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Group 3
• Adiba Khanza Az-Zahra (02)
• Diva Nailah Tsabitah (06)
• Fathia Azzhara (07)
• Nurul Auliyah (24)
• Riska Arini (29)
• St.Salwa Nurazizah (32)
• Tasya (33)
Homeschooling comes from 2 words that are
combined into one, namely 'Home' which
means family, and 'Schooling'means school.
Homeschooling is a teaching and learning
activity that is carried out at home and is one of
the alternatives to children's education besides
sending them to school in general which is
where children are educated at home by their
parents according to the wishes and abilities of
the child. If people are unable to educate, then a
private teacher is called to teach their child.
Pro Argument
Parents often decide to homeschool because they do not want
their child’s values to be defined by their peers or for their
children to face social ridicule or bullying. In private or public
schools, the pressure to “fit in” or achieve a perceived level of
social status among classmates can be quite great. In addition
Homeschooling children can move through educational materials
at a faster pace than their peers. In a public or private school, with
20 or more kids in a class, a teacher has to address everyone’s
learning style and everyone’s pace. When the majority are ready
to move on, other children get left behind. Of course, if your child
is ready to advance to other material, she/he often must wait until
a sufficient number of students are ready. In both cases, many
children often end up feeling bored, frustrated, or both.
Contra Argument
Some people agree about homeschooling, and on the other hand,
some people also disagree, because homeschooling also has
weaknesses such as affecting children's growth and development. One
of them is children who is less able to socialize because teaching and
learning activities are only carried out at home. Being at home often
makes children quiet and shy. This personality will also make things
difficult for children when they grow up. Homeschooled children may
have fewer opportunities to do activities with friends their own age. For
example, activities such as group sports Many teenagers want to
interact by exercising with their friends. Unfortunately, homeschooled
teens may struggle to make enough friends to play team sports, such
as futsal or basketball. Unlike government-facilitated state schools,
homeschooling requires large costs.
Base on the argument above, we conclude that
there are many advantages and disadvantages of home
schooling. Before planning to start home schooling, parents
should ensure their children's abilities and the quality of
their teachers before deciding to send their children to
school at home. because this has a negative impact on
children's growth and development due to the limited scope
of social interactions and friendships they experience. If you
feel unable to cope, you should send your child to a public

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