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Importance of discipline

Discipline is very essential thing everywhere . discipline means sef-control and obedient .
rule and laws have been made for the functions of the family, institutions, society and
country . to obey them is discipline. Showing respect to elders and senior officers is also
discipline. It is of great value for every person at every place.
Discipline is necessary everywhere we are. Wheather at school or offices, battlefield or
playground Discipline is must . no organization can function well without discipline.
Absence of discipline creates disorders. Discipline brings peace and order. It develops
strength , unity and cooperation.
Discipline is applies in every field . we must observe discipline at home. We must obey our
seniors at home. Home is the first school of discipline. If there is discipline at home, the
family progress much.
We see the importance of discipline in a school . it discipline which helps the headmaster to
organize the work in the school and teaching – learning function well discipline is of great
importance in the army.
Discipline is an essential and noble quality. Therefore, everyone should be disciplined
wherever we are.

Importance of education
Education is the most important thing in our life . It improves our knowledge , skill and
develops the overall personality and attitude . It brings a great change in our life also it
makes our life prosperous and meaningful. It is the foundation of human development. It
prepares us to face the world . It is said that education is the third eye of human beings.
Education teaches us to be polite when you are educated you know, when to speak and
when to remain silent. Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world .
Education is that property that can not be stolen . We can take this property where ever we
go. It is a ray of light in the darkness. It certainly is a hope for a good life.
Education is the only thing that have no disadvantages while getting education , you loose
nothing. It is the single door to prosperity and is the key to success.
Education brings happiness in our life. An educated person always respected everywhere .
People treat well with him in the society.

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