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JO, Motion of Thank, on MAGHA • 1906 (SAKA) th~ Pre,jdent's Add'ea, 310

ourselves to enter the twenty first atmosphere, where we can help the
century. but we are going to look young people in identifying themselves.
modern. we are going to look stronger. Today there is complete lack of identity
And all our party's contributions to for young men and women. It is not
the nation building are a part of only education, which wil1 make our
history. I must congratulate our new young people happy, vigorous and
and young Prime Minister who at the nationalistic; it will have to be some-
time of the tragedy and assassination, thing beyond the degree; it wil1 have te
stood like a rock between a country be something more tban the job of LDC
shattering into pieces and a country or sub-inspector. I suggest that we must
coming back to senses of solidarity. have an identity of the people, we must
That was the time when Delhi could make our young people synchronise
have burnt and fuI1 credit must go to their aims and objectives with the
the new, young but dynnmic Prime development of the country, particularly
Minister who made Delhi see sense and in the rural areas. We have got today
create an atmosphere of peace, friend- in our country a young Prime Minister.
ship and brotherhood. And tha t is I am very sure, under his stewardship,
where we started our elections. Lot of we will .go further and the frustration
ballyhoo is being made about rigging, of the young people will be tackled
money and muscle and of power. I am successfully.
very sure my hOD. friends, my bon.
elders on the other side also know that
there is something like people's power: In the end, I only wish to say that
People power they were praising tbe Government stands to be given an
the congratulations for corning out with
sky high in 1977, and DOW they forget
very practical and with very ambitious
about tbe power of the people in 1984.
nation-buJldi ng plans. I only hope
I have nothing much to say except that
that~ so far as rural areas are concerned,
we must star c tC'~ether not on Jy for the
more priority wi)) be given to the
unity and integrity of the country but
also for the s('cu ri ty of the coun try. It schemes, like drinking water and electri-
is not only th;; sccuri ty of the terri t0ry ~ city and whatever we can do by way of
developing the identity of the young
it is not on ly the securi ty of men and
material but eVen for the securi~y of
information to which our Prime
Minister is most sensitive and most I thank you for giving me an
alert. We wi 11 have to have a complete opportunity to speak.
sense of alertnl'ss in \\hatever dealings
with docun1cnts and men we have to do
at the highest Je\'d of the Government
RAJIV GANDHI) : Mr. Speaker~ Sir,
of Ind ia. And it is a rna tter of grea t
I would like to first thank the President
pride that no hush hush has been made
for his Address. I thank aU the
of this scanda Ion which the Prime
Members that participated in this de-
Minister made a stJ !cmcnt on the floor
bate for their contribution. Unfor-
of the House and which was fUT ther
tunately, I was not able to spend as
clarified by the honourable Heme
much time as I would have liked to
here, in this House listening to the
debate, because of certain issues that
So far as our aims and our am-
came up. just, during these days, and I
bitions for the ccming five years are
know you wiJl understJnd. But I have
concerned, I, with your permission, Sir,
heard many of the speeches in my room
wish to lay emphasis on only on three
on the loud-speaker, and I have been
points. We are talking a Jot about
given notes of most of the others.
16.00 lus.
unemployment, about the frustration of
the young people. I think what we Our friends, si tting across from me,
require from the educational and youth have spent most of their time dwelling
welfare activities is the projection of an on the past five years. Tbey Coraet
311 Motlo" 0/ Thank, on JANUARY 22. 1985 tbe Pre81dent's Addrel' 312

[Shri Rajiv Gandhi] removed; in 1980 and in 1984, 'OU

were not in touch with the people and
that we went to the polls with the re- you were removed . You have to accept
cord of the past five years, and our this fact. You can say what you like
work in those five years has been endo- about percentages. You are taJkin,
rsed by the people of this country,over- about 50 percent and 49 percent; may
whelmingly endorsed by the people of I remind you, Sir, that your party
this country. I wi II not waste my time got 5.8 percent? It may be just a
on the past, like my friends in the question of a decimal point that you
Opposition we look to·wards the future did not notice between 5 and 8.

You must remember that although

Some issues have been raised about
you pretend to speak as the voice of the
the eJections and all sorts of wild char-
people, you pretend to be the saviour
ges have been made. It is customary
of the nation, the fact is tbat the voice
after elections to make such charge s,
of the peopJe speaks from this side
because they make a very good excuse.
of the House.


How can we make them before the mulJa) : Also from this side.
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I do not centage has been established barely
wish to make a charge against you. two wee ks ago.
The people know wha t charges there
are. That is why we are here and you PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ: Per.
are there. centage is the same.

Like my friend has said, it is not SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: The issues
money power, muscle po~er or any in this election were very c1ear and
other power that counts; it is the voter righ t through the elections my friends
that counts in an ejection. When we kept .saying the Congress is not talking
see such a large discrepancy in the about issues. But the fact was that we
number of people sitting on this side were talking about the issues which
and that side, it can only mean that. were important to the nation and they
were talking about the issues which
SHRI AMAL DATIA (Diamond the nation did not think were important.
Harbour) : What about the percentage? We had one issue in front of u~-Indja 's
unity. integrity, India's nationalism-
SHRI RAJl V GANDHI: I will and this is what has been won in this
come to the percentage also; don'"t eJection.
Much as my friends in the Opposi-
SHRI AMAL DATTA; Next time tion would like to believe that they are
don't use money power. the consciencekeepers of this na tion.

SHRI RAJIV GANDHI : Dattaji, This ejection has· elected the

I will answer your question. I have Congress to be the conscience keepers
heard ~ha t you said. of the na tion.

The question is, who is in touch

with tbe pulse of the people. SHRI" S. JAIPAL REDDY
(Mabbub nagar) : Sir, we want to Jisten
In 1977 we were not in touch with to the Prime Minister. But We are
tlie pulse of the people and we were beiDa disturbed by table-thumpiq.
JIJ Motion of Thanks on MAGHA 2, 1906 (SAKA) the Pre,ident', Addre" 314

MR. SPEAKER : Please do not in- friends in the Opposition whether the J
terrupt. Be a good Parliamentarian. are in this House or other parties fD
the Opposi ti on who arc not in '''.
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: I think House, in solving this partic\tla r
wo will excuse him. He has just come problem.
from a House and we know how that
House functions. So, we will give him Sir, the problems of tbe minoritie..
t,ime to learn and learn to behave in a in India have to be given special
proper House. thought. They erupt in tension. the,
erupt in riots, but when we reaIJy loot
SHRI . S. JAIPAL REDDY: at it, it almost invariably goes back
I bad been there for 16 years and I do to economic disparity and it is this
not have to Jearn anything more here. root tha t we must get to and our
Government will be doing its best to
try and start from the beginning and
)'OU like to say anything more? Thank
end this problem once and for all for
a proper uni ted India.
During the past few days we have
had one of the mest serious cases of In a few days we are havin, a
e'pionagc being uncovered in India. Summit of six nations in Delhi. This f.
I cannot say very much about this another step in the direction of peace.
because investigations are still in pro- in the direction of disarmament and we
,ress and ianything 1 say might jeopar- look forward to help relieve tensioDl
dise further investiga tions. The Members in the world. India has been a stronl
from both sides of this House must supporter of the non-aligned movement.
understand that here we need the heJp we are founder members and our policy
of everyone. This is not a Congress towards this movement has not cbanaed·
versus OpP0sition event. This is not We will, in fact, be tak~ng morc in-
something that either of us should try terest, developing more contacts. and
and get poHtical credit for. It is some- try to improve South-South relations,
thin, that affects the whole nation. It South-South exchanges and see that
has· been uncovered because we have the Third World can help itself because
wanted to investigate, specific areas we have seen that where there has Dot
where thing did not look right and we been enough imagination and we have
have taken action wherever it was succumbed' to foreign thought, it haa
necessary. I would like to clarify that ended to disast~r, it has not ended in
aJthough a very senior member of my development. We Wil1, in a similar way,
Staff has resigned,' there is nothing look towards the South Asian region
against individual. It is in the highest for better cooperation with our neiah-
propriety of' the civil service that he bours, bet ter cooperation within the
has taken this decision. I would like sub-continent.
to say that we are going into this in
areat depth, into every aspect of what
W\! have been having some diffe-
has happened, how it happened, the
rences wi th Pakis tan. On his last visit
possible damage that has occurred and
to India I had a meeting with thoir
when I am in a position to let you
President, Shri Zia, and he was very
know more, I wi II keep you fuI1y in-
cordial, very helpful and he talked very
positively. I was very hopeful, I still
We have problems in Punjab and am very hopeful, but unfortunate)y in
in Assam, we are looking towafds the intervening period some of the
'Glving those problems and we are hope- actions by the bureaucracy. by the
ful tbat we wi)) be abJe to come in other members of the Pakistan Go'leftl-
. front of you with some news-well, ment have not been conducive to betteI'
Dot in this Session t but I bope we will relations between the two countrNa
mako proarcss in this and I do look and we look forward to a ~.
1ANUARY 22, 1985
,[Sbri Rajiv Sandhi]
allY such legislation, we are really
The House has been very alive to groping. It is something new that we
wbat has be~n happening in Sri Lanka. are putting in. There are no precedents
We are dismayed a t the way the All we can lookatandit~fur us to show
Party Conference ended, we are dis- the way. But that also means that we
mayed that a political solution does must be a little more objective, we
not seem around the corner and we are must show a littJe more strength and
unhappy about the way the security be able t.o come out and have the guts
forces have bean deployed and used. to do it. That will not be lacking from
We look forward to a high level com- our s ide, Sir.
munication with Sri Lanka and we will
do v.'hatever we can to help solve the
problems. We have to help them b~­ Jndia 's economy , Sir. is very largely
cause we have a very large number of that :>f farmers. We will be doing
refugees. And we would like condi- many things for the farmers in the
tions to be such that they can return coming )ears. We have to see that
to tbeir homes. Later, in this year, Sir, our agricultura 1 output increases subs-
I wilJ be visiting the U.S.S.R. and the ·tantially. We have to see that the in-
U.S.A. and I win keep the House in puts to the farmers have proper prices.
touch with my deliberations there. We We have to see that the procurement
look forward to many more exchanges pflces are correct. It is only then that
with ether countries. We look forward we will be able to get the ,8i owth that
to better friendship wi th al I countries in we afe wanting. \Ve wiH 'look towards
the worJd. this end and I hope we will see a sbarp
in(reasc in our agricultural productioD.
In his speech, the President has
talked about the future talks that are
in front of us. Sir, this Government We \\til] be looking, like the Pre-
is committed to a clean public life. siden t said, Si r, a t t~e lex tile industry.
And we have started taking measures Over the ytars, the textile industry
towards' this end. We are committed has dcklioralld very substanli3J1~, and
towards electoral reforms. \\'e "",ill when I talk "bout the textile industry,
have discussions with an sections of I include th.:! hand;ooms, the w~avers.
this House on electoral reforms and from the lowest level to the highest
we do hope to get fu1J cooperation mtchanised k vci of industry. We have
from you. Because jf electoral reforms to dt.vdop a new po]jcy which does
are going to take 10 years of delibera- not lhrow an) body out of a job but
tions, then they are not going to be we mu~t remember that our textile
worth the discussions. So, we would policy is not targcttd a t producing
like to ~ Quick-not hurried but quick-- jobs but at p1(·duc;ng C oth, Jnj pr oduc-
and come to a conclusion so that the ing c!c,th at rat:s which are acceptab1e
next elections c;)uld be fou£ht uncer to the poor people. to the masses,in our
whatever reforms that we agr~e to. country. Vv'e will llY Jnd achieve this.

During the past few days, we have

bee[J haVing talks with the Opposition, We are )ookirg at a new industrial
and amongst ourselves on the Antj~De­ policy. We have to realise that India
fecajon Bill. We feeJ that for a cleaner in the psst 35 j l~ars has progressed
public Jife, this is essential What we tremendously in sr:te of everything our
have to see •. Sir, is that the-re are no friends across the room ~ay. We have
loopholes left which a How defections made tremendous progress and now we
uDder any name, under any mpst Jook ahead to a bright future. If
ether method to take place. our industry is to progress, if our in-
W. had lome talks with the Opposition. dustry is to keep tiP wi th tbe industry
Some Parties want stronaer Bi II. Some in the rest of the world, it must operate
Partin are jn favour (f a softer Bill under simiJar condi lions. We will look
-I lope .e can close this gap and com; towards this end. We have to see to-
.... _ .,..". ........ Ll ............. _ ........ ! ...... I , . _ ..... -. !_
wart'flll ~1II'1oln\lmeJ1t i. nnt
'jl'1 JI olton til Tlu",Ic, Oil MAGHA 2, 1906 (SAKA)

necessarily the best place tor employ- thing I would like to talk about whon
ment. Sometimes it is the most in- the education policy comes up.
efficient place for employment. We
have to look how we can increase
employment even more than industry In this work for women. we would
can give us. I am not advocating clos- like that voluntary organisations are
ina down Industry or a radical change speciaJJy involved and they take a major
in all the industries that we have. role.

This eJection reaHy showed the

What I am saying is that our
world the power of youth of India and
education policy, our industrial policy
that is why there is such an age differ-
and our trade policy must be such
ence between the two sides of the
that it looks ahead to taking India in-
House. We win be looking into very
to the future with the rest of the
special programmes for the youth, for
world. We cannot pretend to be equal
the employment of the youth and for
to other countries when we are operat-
the involvement of the youth in buildiol
. ing systems which are 10 years or 20
this great nation of ours.
years out of date. The world today is
moving very fast and, towards this end,
we wi 11 introduce a new education Vast areas in our country are de.
policy which will be targeted at a more void of forestation, are waste lands. We
modern type of employment. We will are going to deve lop these and we are
have a new industrial policy which will going to set up a Waste Land Develop-
generate this employment and we will ment Board to look into this, This
have to have a trade pol icy whicn wi]) be not aimed just at forestry' but.
dovetails with this. We will be trying it wi)) be designed in such a manner
to do this by (he next session. that the produce from this reclaimed
land is given back to the people who
One of the most difficuh points to are Jiving in the neighbouIhood. It win
handJe has a Iways been the judicia J be for the benefit of the local people.
system. The judicial system is there to
iive justice and~ if justice is delayed, We are also looking at cleaning up
justice is denied. We will look ·into the air and the water in our country.
this to see how quicker and speedier We have seen recent tragic accident in
justice can be given at all levels. Bhopal where many people died and
many many more may be injured or are
maimed, I am told that some effects of
While every section of our society
this terrible tragedy might not even be
has been progressing, we find that one
known for another six months. We are
section which cuts across aIJ religious,
looking at the location policy for such
caste and regional barriers gets left be-
factories and we are lookirg at how we
h:nd. That is why we have taken up
special programmes for worn~n. We can stop any factories polluting our
will se~ that speciaJ programmes for the rivers a nd our air. Our rivers have
socia1,' economic and cultural develop- become extremely poll uted. The first
river that we are attempting to clean up
ment of women are made and put in
front of you. We have already aono- is the Ganges. I win not say purify.
unced tha t -we wiJ J be giving free edu- because nobody can purify the Ganaa.
cation to girls up to the secondary But we will try to dean it. We have •••
(Adilabad) : It is a Herculean task.
AN HON. MEMBER: You provide
hostels also for them. SHRI RAflV GANDHI: It is a
Hereuleas task. Yes. But we have
SHRI RAJIV GANDHI; I wish we already identified tbe areas and we fcol
could afford to do tba t. That is lome. tha t we are UJ) to it.
JANUARY.2.2, 19i5

Sir, in the coming years, we will

SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI : You build a united, secular. free India where
allo clean tbe Augean stables. a person's worth is not measurect by,hil
caste, creed. region or reJigion. We
SURI RAJlV GANDHI: That is wi]) build an India which is d;namic"
why. 'ou are there and we are here ! an India which can move ahead wit.
Wo have set up the Central Gaola the res't of the worJd. .
Authority to clean the Ganga and, as
my friend is so interested in the Ganla, Once again, I thank all the Mem.
out of the pollution in the Ganga, only bers who have participated and 1
20% of the pollution is chemical poUu- commend the President's Address for
tion and 80% is sewage and other ex.. adoption.
creta and we will be able to clean this
'up with a time-bound programme. MR. SPEAKER There are a
number of amendments wbich have
From this Government, yOu will see been moved by Members to the hlotioa
reaults. of Thanks on the President's Address.
If the House agrees, I shall put aU tbe
This Government is looking deeply amendments together to the vote of tbe
into our cultural heri tage. Not only House ...
lookina into our cultural heritage, to
preserve it, to save it but, we are als.
If aIJ the amendments are put together.
,oing to look ahead into how to
it would mean a 'coJlective massacre' !
develop the culture of every region, or
every group, in our country. We will
be taking this up as a major pro- MR. SPEAKER : I now put all tbe
aramme. flmer,dments together to the vote of the
To do all these things, we will need Amendments were put and "egatived.
a fast administration, a clean administ-
ration, a responsive administration and MR. SPEAKER: I shall now put
we will be giving you this. the m I in Motion to the vote of the
To take India ahead, we have to
The questinn is :
look towards tbe optimum utilisation of
our resources. Our biggest resource is "Tha t an Address be presented ,to
tbe human resource and we will look the Presiden t in the following
towards how to deveJop this. We will terms : -
develop our natural resources and we
will utilise our industrial and capital 'Tha t the Mem bers of Lot Sabha
resources to tbe best benefit. assembled in this Session are
deeply grateful to the President
To do this, we will need technology. for the Address which he has
We will need a new education and we been pleased to deliver to both
will need to look a ftef the' hea Ith of Houses of Parliament assem.
our people so tha t they are up to this. bled together on the 17th Jan-
But, most of gil, it will need managerial uary, 1985.' "
lkill and it will need political will and The mot ion was adopted,
we will give you both. But whenever MR. SPEAKER: The House Itaads
one tiahtens one's belt to move ahead adjourned to reassemble tomorrow at
faster, one does fee) tbe pinch. And 11.00 a.m.
this pinelli is going to come in disci-
1834 hr••
pline. We will have to have discipline.
We wiU have to respect institutions, The Lok S abita t hell .djo"",,,tI II/I
Elev.en of the Clock till w~.
arid we win have to think, again, about Janua,y 2J, 1985/Magha 3,1906 (S.ia).
"ot abr freedom but tbe country's

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