Third Party Waste Stewardship Standard

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Third-Party Waste Stewardship

CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

third-party waste

OE standard
chevron environmental and real estate company
03 August 2021

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CEMREC Third Party Waste Stewardship Standard Version 7.0
Third-Party Waste Stewardship
CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

Standardized text may not be altered, deleted or contradicted. Opco/SBUs may insert any
additional language to any section of the Standard documentation, and/or develop opco specific
processes to describe the workflow.

third-party waste stewardship standard .......................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose and Objectives ..............................................................................................3
1.2 Scope .........................................................................................................................4
In-Scope and Out-of-Scope Waste ..................................................................4
Out-of-Scope Waste Nominations ...................................................................6
De minimis Waste ............................................................................6
In-Scope and Out-of-Scope Waste Facilities ...................................................6
Figure 1:TWS Waste Scope Determination Workflow................................................................ 8

1.3 Corporate Requirements .............................................................................................9

2 supporting tools..................................................................................................................11
2.1 Corporate TWS Evaluation Procedure ......................................................................11
2.2 In-Scope Determination for Secondary Facilities .......................................................11
2.3 TWS Guidance and Interpretation FAQs ...................................................................12
3 document and reference information ..................................................................................12
3.1 Reference List...........................................................................................................12
4 document control information .............................................................................................13
appendix a: terms and definitions ............................................................................................14
appendix b: in-scope determination for secondary facilities .....................................................17
appendix c: examples of in-scope waste facilities ....................................................................18
appendix d: risk-based facility re-evaluation cycle ...................................................................19
appendix f: TWS Database .................................................................................................... 21

Figure 2 : CEMREC Flowchart for Identification of (SFU) Facility and Contract ........................ 22

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CEMREC Third Party Waste Stewardship Standard Version 7.0
Third-Party Waste Stewardship
CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

third-party waste stewardship standard

The Third-Party Waste Stewardship Corporate Standard (TWS Standard) is part of Corporate
Environmental Stewardship Process. This document sets forth a standardized approach to
select third-party owned and operated waste management facilities (Waste Facilities) that
handle waste generated from in-scope Chevron operations by evaluating Waste Facilities
before use by Chevron Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

The TWS Standard does not represent Chevron’s interpretation of any legal or regulatory
requirements that might apply to its operations. Nothing in this standard is intended to conflict
with law and, in all cases, Business Units are expected to comply with applicable laws and
regulations, as they exist now and as such laws and regulations may be adopted, modified or
amended in the future. In the event of a conflict between this standard and any applicable legal
requirement, the legal requirement shall supersede the standard requirement unless the
standard requirement is more stringent in which case the standard requirement shall apply and
shall be followed in all instances where doing so is allowed by, and does not conflict with,
applicable laws and regulations. Chevron has elected to adopt uniform standards and operating
practices even though some of them may exceed applicable legal requirements. Compliance
with government regulations generally achieves our goals of protecting human health, safety,
and the environment. Standardizing Chevron’s approach to environmental stewardship, even
beyond applicable legal requirements in some instances, will enhance our ability to achieve the
objectives set forth in our Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS). Applying this
standard will illustrate to our partners and the local communities in which we operate that
Chevron maintains the highest level of respect for all the locations in which it does business,
and Chevron’s core values include protection of human health, safety, and the environment.

1.1 Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the TWS Standard is to reduce the potential long-term environmental,
safety and health impacts and potential risks associated with waste disposal. The
TWS Standard is designed to achieve minimum environmental impact through
responsible waste management; it is NOT intended to fully eliminate the generation,
treatment, or disposal of waste materials from Chevron’s operations.

Objectives of the TWS Standard are:

• Apply a standard protocol for evaluating Waste Facilities

• Define risk-based in-scope and out-of-scope waste, and Waste Facilities for the
purpose of this Standard to reduce potential long-term environmental, safety and
health impacts, and potential risks
• Define standardized evaluation procedures and Selected-for-Use (SFU) criteria
• Evaluate Waste Facilities receiving waste generated by in-scope Chevron
operations to determine whether these facilities meet Chevron's criteria to be
Selected-for-Use for waste management

The TWS Standard supports the achievement of Operational Excellence (OE)

environmental expectations. The TWS Standard does not provide guidance for
identification, classification, transportation or management of waste prior to disposal.

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1.2 Scope

The TWS Standard applies to all Chevron operations, locations, and organizations in-
scope for Chevron's OE reporting boundaries per the Corporate Operational
Excellence Data Reporting Standard when sending in-scope waste to in-scope Waste
Facilities. In-scope wastes are set forth in section 1.2.1.

In addition to Operating Companies (OpCos) waste management standards, OpCos

may also choose to apply the TWS Standard to Chevron owned and/or operated
waste management facilities, or to third-party facilities otherwise out-of-scope as
defined by this Standard.

Please see appendix a:Terms and Definitions for a list of terms and acronyms related
to this Standard, as well as the Terms and Definitions described in the Environmental
Stewardship Corporate Standardized OE Process.

Figure 1 describes the workflow for determining in-scope and out-of-scope waste for
TWS. For supporting guidance, review details in the TWS Guidance and
Interpretation FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).

In-Scope and Out-of-Scope Waste

In general, most waste and materials designated for recycling, treatment, or disposal
are in-scope unless specifically listed as out-of-scope. See appendix a for the
definition of "waste", which is intentionally broad for the purposes of this standard.
Table 1 lists the in-scope and out-of-scope wastes.

Table 1. In-Scope and Out-of-Scope Wastes

In-Scope Waste for TWS Standard Out-of-Scope Waste for TWS Standard
Type of All types of waste including, but not • Waste not handled by a third party (for
Waste limited to: example, most Chevron wastewater
• Solid, sludge, liquid, and containerized discharges)
gas waste • Non-oily vegetation waste
• Produced water from oil and gas • Food waste and food containers
exploration and production operations (including aluminum cans, cooking oil
• Waste regardless of local regulatory and grease)
designation including industrial, • Non-oily/non-contaminated office and
commercial, hazardous, non- domestic trash
hazardous, exempt, e-waste, special • Non-oily/non-contaminated animal
waste, etc., unless specifically listed as remains (e.g., roadkill)
out-of-scope for TWS
• Non-contaminated soil and construction
• Material that is recycled, reused, or debris such as wood, concrete, plastic,
recovered unless the material is sent non-contaminated asphalt
back to the original manufacturer
• Non-contaminated scrap metal
• Containers sent for reconditioning,
including drums • Non-contaminated tires, glass,
cardboard, paper, and plastic
• Thread protectors sent for
reconditioning • Asphalt sent for recycling
• Batteries (excluding alkaline) • Electronic materials (computers,
computer components, televisions,

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In-Scope Waste for TWS Standard Out-of-Scope Waste for TWS Standard
• Fluorescent light bulbs printers, printer components, fax
machines, etc.) if donated to serve their
• Contaminated scrap metal, intended purpose (that is, material must
underground storage tanks, etc. be working properly and will not be
• Medical waste dismantled or disposed of)
• Materials sent back to the manufacturer
(note that materials returned to
vendors/distributors other than the
original manufacturer remain in scope)
• Materials owned by one of the operating
partners or government per a joint
operating agreement
• Sewage and wastewater effluent
discharges sent to government-owned
or operated treatment facilities (i.e.,
through sewers)
• Slop generated from chemical backwash
from shipping operations regulated by
commercial agreement and MARPOL
(International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships)
• Samples sent externally for waste
characterization or other laboratory
usage (e.g., research)
• Refrigerants (e.g., CFC, FC, CFHC) that
are extracted from equipment and
removed from site for recycling by a
certified technician
• Materials transferred to other third-party
entities and will directly serve their
intended purpose, provided disclosure of
the potential risk is reviewed and
documented by Business Unit Legal
• De minimis waste streams approved
through OE Exception
• Corporate-approved out-of-scope waste
nominations (see section 1.2.2)
Waste- • Waste generated by Chevron-operated • Waste generated at Non-Chevron-
Handling Joint Ventures Operated Joint Ventures (NOJV)
Activities • In-scope types of waste (above) • Chevron-owned or Chevron-operated
generated by contractor activities as waste management facilities (facilities
part of the contracted scope of work at considered internal to Chevron versus
an in-scope Chevron operations sending waste to a Waste Facility)
• Waste (i.e., off-specification or • Waste generated during contract
damaged product) generated during blending or toll manufacturing only in the
contract blending or toll manufacturing case when the waste is not identified as
when Chevron owns the material, solely Chevron’s waste
unless the material is commingled with • Waste from contractor’s equipment
other operators’ material and is maintenance, unless explicitly included
therefore unidentifiable as solely in contractor's scope of work
• Waste generated at fabrication yards
where the contractor is serving multiple
Notes 1. Combination of out-of-scope waste and in-scope waste: Entire mixture is in-scope.

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CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

In-Scope Waste for TWS Standard Out-of-Scope Waste for TWS Standard
2. Recycling does not include repair and maintenance work. For example, sending a
pump for repair is not considered recycling.

Out-of-Scope Waste Nominations

When a Business Unit identifies a waste stream that is not already listed in Table 1 as
out-of-scope or in-scope, and there is a potential business case to classify the waste
as out-of-scope across the enterprise, the Business Unit can complete the TWS Out-
of-Scope Waste Nomination Form and submit to the Corporate TWS Advisor for
approval. The Corporate TWS Advisor maintains a log of out-of-scope nominations
and final determinations, which will be available on the TWS Community of Practice

If the business case is specific to a Business Unit, reference the section on de

minimis waste in section

De minimis Waste

For de minimis waste determinations, the Business Unit must use their OpCo OE
Exception Procedure to classify an in-scope waste stream as de minimis. Business
Units should evaluate the potential environmental and financial risks and should
consult with Legal to evaluate legal risks to develop the business case to support the
designation of de minimis waste for the purpose of TWS.

In-Scope and Out-of-Scope Waste Facilities

If waste is determined to be in-scope, then the receiving Waste Facility’s entire

operations will be subject to the TWS Evaluation Procedure.

There are situations where both primary and secondary facilities are used (as defined
in appendix a: Terms and Definitions). The TWS Standard applies to both the primary
facility to which Chevron sends its waste, and all secondary facilities to which
Chevron-generated materials are sent from the primary facility; both primary and
secondary facilities must be evaluated. There are some exclusions to this
requirement as clarified in appendix b: In-Scope Determination for Secondary
Facilities for cases where the waste has lost its identity as Chevron waste by meeting
the criteria listed there. Please see appendix b for explanation and details.

The following facilities are deemed to be out-of-scope for the TWS Standard, and
therefore are not subject to the TWS Evaluation Procedure (see definitions in
appendix a: Terms and Definitions).

• Transportation facilities
• Shore-based reception facilities (shorebases)
• Handling and sorting facilities (where no storage, treatment or open waste
container dispensing activities take place)
• Chevron-owned and operated facilities

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Third-Party Waste Stewardship
CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

• NOJV Waste Management Facilities unless otherwise determined by Business

Units to apply TWS evaluations in addition to the NOJV HES assessments

Examples for facilities normally in scope for TWS are listed in appendix c: Examples
of In-Scope Waste Facilities.

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Third-Party Waste Stewardship
CEMREC OE Standard – TWS
Figure 1: TWS Waste Scope Determination Workflow

***TWS exception is required for any in-scope waste to be classified as de minimis or for a
specific Waste Facility that does not meet the TWS evaluation criteria prior to use.
***Request TWS
(including de
minimis waste
Yes determination)

Is the waste Is there a business

Does the Is the waste listed as "In- case to classify the ENTER TWS
material listed as "Out-of- Scope Waste" in waste as an "Out- (Waste is in
Material for meet the Scope Waste" in Table 1 (Section of-Scope Waste" No scope for
Disposition TWS
Table 1 (Section
1.2.1 of TWS
across the TWS)
definition 1.2.1 of TWS Standard) or enterprise? (Section Follow TWS
for waste*? Standard)? proposed as de 1.2.2 of TWS Evaluation
miminis? Standard)

No Yes
*TWS Waste Definition Complete the Out-of-Scope
Any material that is surplus, Nomination Form and submit
unwanted, scrap, contaminated, to TWS Corp Advisor
unusable, etc. designated for disposal,
re-use, reclaiming, recycling,
treatment, or discharge either at
Chevron or third-party facilities, or
material that is stored before those Comply with other Is nomination
Document decision Yes approved by No Document decision
actions. This term is a Chevron- OE, legal, and
(TWS Out-of-Scope (TWS Out-of-Scope
internal term used for convenience in regulatory Legal and Corp
the TWS Standard; it is not intended Waste Determination Advisor as out- Waste Determination
requirements (e.g.,
to supersede regulatory definitions or Log) of-scope? Log)
HES Property
represent Chevron’s interpretation of
any regulatory definitions that might
apply to these materials. TWS does
not define waste for corporate
reporting; refer to the most recent
**If unsure, consult Process Advisors or
OEDRS for corporate waste reporting
Legal on the appropriate next steps.

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Third-Party Waste Stewardship
CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

1.3 Corporate Requirements

To comply with this Standard, Business Units shall meet the following corporate
1. Only Waste Facilities designated as Selected-for-Use (SFU) shall receive in-
scope waste unless the facility is out-of-scope for TWS (see section 1.2.3), or an
exception is granted (see requirement 3). This designation must be issued prior to
initial use and maintained while being used by Chevron.

The designation of SFU does not ensure that a contract is in place. Business
Units should verify that there is an existing and current contract with the SFU
facility before sending any waste to the facility. All Waste Facilities used by
Chevron to receive in-scope waste shall have the required operating permits, as
verified during the TWS Evaluation.

Waste Facilities receiving in-scope waste shall be evaluated and re-evaluated

according to the Risk-based Facility Re-evaluation Cycle described in appendix d.

The Environmental Management Project Managers (PM) and Real Estate (RE)
Environmental Advocates are responsible for using Selected for Use (SFU)
facilities for all in-scope CEMREC operations and wastes.

2. Business Units shall develop and maintain the OpCo TWS Annual Evaluation
Plan in coordination with the Corporate TWS Advisor.

3. A Waste Facility that is not designated as SFU shall not be used unless an
exception is granted. Step five of the TWS Evaluation Procedure outlines how to
obtain an exception, including the use of the TWS Exception Form or OpCo
specific exception process where applicable.

If the facility did not meet the evaluation criteria, the TWS exception request must
be granted within:

• One month of the on-site evaluation for facilities being actively used, or
the Business Unit must stop using the facility

• Four months of the on-site evaluation for new facilities

For a facility exception to be valid, it must meet the following requirements:

a. The Business Unit must endorse the request and submit it to the OpCo

In CEMREC, the EM PM or Environmental Advocate is responsible for

submitting the TWS Exception Form to the CEMREC Waste Advisor when an
exception is needed.

b. The request must then be approved by the OpCo Advisor after his or her
review of the TWS Facility Evaluation and the Business Unit endorsed
Exception Request.

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CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

The CEMREC Waste Advisor is responsible for approving TWS exception


c. The exception request must be endorsed by the Vice President or equivalent

management level of the requesting Business Unit.

A General Manager of Real Estate or Environmental Management is

responsible for endorsing TWS exception requests.

A Waste Facility approved through the Exception Procedure may only be used by
the Business Unit that was granted the exception. Therefore, the facility will
continue to be listed in the TWS database as “Not Selected for Use – Exception
Granted.” The Corporate TWS Advisor may involve other Business Units to
consider a potential multi-business unit exception, if necessary.

4. All Waste Facility evaluations shall be undertaken by personnel certified as TWS

Facility Evaluators. TWS Evaluator certification guidelines are described in the
TWS Training Guidelines. Contractors may perform evaluations only if they have
been certified as TWS Facility Evaluators. These contractors are required to sign
a confidentiality agreement with Chevron.

The following are the requirements for TWS Facility Evaluator certification:

a. For initial certification: Attend the TWS Facility Evaluator certification training,
pass the exam, and shadow at least one evaluation (see definition for
shadow in appendix a) within 12 months after the date of the training.
Evaluators must perform an independent evaluation within two calendar
years after their initial certification, otherwise they will need to be recertified.

b. To maintain certification: Evaluators must perform or shadow one evaluation

per calendar year or two evaluations within two calendar years. Evaluators
who do not meet the criteria to maintain certification will not be able to
perform a TWS evaluation until they complete a TWS refresher training.
Refresher trainings shall be completed within 12 months prior to performing a
future evaluation; refresher training is described in the TWS Training

5. Required information about the disposal of all in-scope waste shall be

documented per step eight of the TWS Evaluation Procedure, which requires that
all in-scope waste be tracked to verify the usage of Selected-for-Use (SFU) Waste

For all in-scope wastes, CEMREC will use the Sphera Essential Waste Module to
track waste management data. Where Sphera Essential has not been deployed,
the above information will be maintained by the Environmental Management PM
or RE Environmental Advocate as part of the project files.

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6. A contract with the Waste Facility shall be in place prior to sending any in-scope
waste to the Waste Facility. As the “Selected-for-Use” designation does not
ensure a contract is in place, each Business Unit is responsible for planning and
implementing the appropriate contracting, procurement strategies, and activities
necessary to comply with Policy 500 - Contracting and Procurement. It is the
responsibility of the contract owner to communicate with procurement and supply
chain management (P/SCM) to confirm Policy 500 is followed for the contracting
of TWS Facilities. P/SCM has the responsibility to develop and implement the

The Environmental Management PM OR RE Environmental Advocate will use the

flowchart in Figure 2 to identify a selected for use facility and to put in place a
contract. Refer to CEMREC contract guidance document.

Direct contracting with the final treatment/disposal Waste Facility is preferred in

order to establish the most direct contracting indemnity protection from Waste
Facility-related environmental impacts as well as other essential contractual terms
and conditions such as scope of services, financial matters, and insurance. The
TWS template contract can be used if there is no SBU/OpCo specific contract.

If necessary, contracting with brokers/transporters/agents instead of the final

Waste Facility is acceptable provided the Business Unit follows the procedures
provided by Procurement. The following requirements must be met:

a. Broker/transporter/agent contract must be in place and the preferred

indemnity provisions and other terms contained in the model Master Waste
Services Contract (adapted as necessary for international locations, e.g., for
terms that are not permissible under the local legal system) must be met.

b. Destination transfer, treatment, and disposal facilities in-scope for TWS must
still be evaluated per TWS and meet Selected-for-Use evaluation criteria
when broker/transporter/agent contracts are used.

2 supporting tools
2.1 Corporate TWS Evaluation Procedure

The TWS Evaluation Procedure provides a company-wide, step-by-step protocol for

evaluating Waste Facilities used by Chevron, and contains tools for determining if
Waste Facilities meet the criteria established for Chevron use.

2.2 In-Scope Determination for Secondary Facilities

Appendix b provides additional details and examples on in-scope determination when

both primary and secondary facilities are used.

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CEMREC OE Standard – TWS

2.3 TWS Guidance and Interpretation FAQs

The TWS Guidance and Interpretation FAQs document contains guidance for OpCos
when using their exception processes, Frequently Asked Questions about the TWS
Standard, details for interpreting TWS Standard requirements, and additional
examples and clarifications for various situations.

3 document and reference information

3.1 Reference List

This is a list of the documents referenced in this Standard and in the associated TWS
Evaluation Procedure. There are additional tools and guidance documents available
on the TWS website and for use with the TWS Evaluation Procedure.

Table 2: Document Reference List

CEMREC TWS Contracting Guidance
Policy 500 - Contracting and Procurement - General
TWS Evaluation Procedure
TWS Exception Form
TWS Scoring Report*
TWS Facility Prescreening Tool
TWS Onsite Visit Questionnaire*
TWS Onsite Photographs with Captions*
Simplified TWS Facility Prioritization Tool
Corporate Third-Party Waste Stewardship
Detailed TWS Facility Prioritization Tool CoP Share Point Site
TWS Database User Manual (coming soon)
TWS Training Guidelines
TWS Out-of-Scope Waste Nomination Form
TWS Out-of-Scope Waste Determination Log
Corporate Operational Excellence Data Reporting Standard
Corporate HES Property Transfer Standard
Master Waste Services Contract
*= Part of the mandatory documentation for facility evaluations

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4 document control information

Table 3: Document Control Information

Author: Kwame Awuku

Current Version 03 August 2021
Issue Date:
Document CEMREC Environmental SharePoint

Table 4: Document Change History

Version Number Date Description of Change

1.0 28 March Authors: D. Bednar and M. Stella


2.0 20 February Authors: R. Mihalovich and K.C.Stewart


3.0 12 January Authors: R. Mihalovich and K. Higgins


4.0 11 August Authors: Mark Harvey and Melanie Luenenborg


5.0 09 February Author: Kwame Awuku

2018 Updated to reflect new corporate TWS 4.0 standard.

6.0 05 May 2019 Author: Kwame Awuku

EM and RE TWS standard integration

7.0 03 August Author: Kwame Awuku

2021 Exception endorser update

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appendix a: terms and definitions

Table 5: Terms and Definitions

Term Definition
Broker/Transporter/Agent A third-party that arranges for recycling, treatment, disposal, or other waste
management activities for Chevron waste but does not perform the
activities themselves (except for transportation).
CHWMEG A non-profit trade association which performs comprehensive, independent
reviews of commercial facilities that treat, store, dispose, recycle, or
transport waste. TWS evaluations are sometimes based on these reports
in lieu of firsthand site visits or site evaluations.
Contractor waste Waste generated by contractor activities as part of the contracted scope of
work at an in-scope Chevron operation.
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon (refrigerant)
CFHC Chlorofluorohydrocarbon (refrigerant)
De minimis waste stream A de minimis waste stream is defined as a waste or waste stream that
poses a level of potential risk to the Business Unit that is deemed to be at
an acceptable level such that the waste stream can apply for an exception
to the TWS Standard.
Domestic trash Trash generated in offices, living quarters, or inside vehicles. Examples of
trash include food, paper, glass, newspaper, aluminum cans, food
wrappings, tissue, cigarette butts, and empty bottles.
FC Fluorocarbon (refrigerant)
Handling and sorting Facilities like shorebases, usually operated by Chevron, where waste is
facilities handled on an interim basis without treatment.
Hazardous waste Waste meeting at least one of the following characteristics or criteria are
typically considered hazardous: corrosive, ignitable, reactive, toxic, listed
as hazardous, or a mixture of hazardous and nonhazardous waste.
Local government (state, federal, country, county, municipality, etc.) laws,
regulations, or guidance will determine hazardous or non-hazardous
In-Scope In-scope for purposes of complying with the TWS Standard. This refers to
wastes and facilities required to comply with this standard.
In-Scope Chevron Operation In-scope for purposes of complying with the TWS Standard. This includes
all Chevron operations, locations, and organizations in-scope for Chevron's
OE reporting boundaries as described in the Corporate Operational
Excellence Data Reporting Standard (when sending in-scope waste to in-
scope third-party facilities).
NOJV Waste Management A waste disposal facility owned and operated by the operator of the NOJV
Facility that disposes of the NOJV generated waste as well as waste from other
operations not part of the NOJV (for example a disposal well that accepts
Chevron produced water from operations not related to the NOJV
Non-contaminated If a waste contains any level of contaminant (hydrocarbons and/or other
(including non-contaminated non-naturally occurring substances), it is considered contaminated, even if
scrap metal) the material has undergone decontamination.
A non-contaminated material is one that is essentially free of hydrocarbons
and other non-naturally occurring substances that were introduced to the
material from industrial use or contact, such as use in process/equipment,
contact with hydrocarbons or chemicals, etc.

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Term Definition
Clarification of non-contaminated scrap metal:
1 – Process equipment and piping, although “cleaned”, would be
considered “contaminated” and therefore be “in-scope” for TWS. This
contaminated scrap metal would have to be sent to a TWS SFU recycling
or disposal facility (e.g., scrap metal from offshore operations).
2 – Structural steel that has not been in contact with process streams could
be considered non-contaminated and therefore “out-of-scope” for TWS.
This steel would not have to be recycled or disposed of at a TWS SFU
Waste Facility.
Non-hazardous waste As locally defined by applicable regulations.
Not-Selected-for-Use Represents a Waste Facility that does not meet the evaluation criteria set
forth in Chevron’s internally developed TWS Evaluation Procedure.
Onsite visit A visit to a Waste Facility to collect data to be used in the TWS Scoring
Out-of-Scope Out-of-scope for purposes of complying with the TWS Standard. This
refers to either wastes or facilities not required to comply with this
Primary Waste Facility The first Waste Facility receiving Chevron-generated waste that is intended
to eventually be recycled, treated, or disposed; or the first Waste Facility in
a series of Waste Facilities receiving such waste.
Secondary Waste Facility A Waste Facility used by a primary Waste Facility for recycling, treating, or
final disposal of waste generated by Chevron.
Selected-for-Use Selected-for-Use (SFU) represents a Waste Facility that meets the
evaluation criteria set forth in Chevron's internally developed TWS
Evaluation Procedure. The SFU designation does not ensure that a
contract is in place; each Business Unit is responsible for following
contracting procedures per Policy 500 - Contracting and Procurement.
Shadow evaluation Occurs when a newly trained TWS Facility Evaluator assists in conducting
a TWS evaluation with a certified and experienced TWS Facility Evaluator
or when more than one experienced TWS Facility Evaluator conducts an
evaluation together; a requirement of becoming a TWS Evaluator upon
completion of training.
Shore-based reception Facility located onshore which is dedicated to Chevron and is used for
facility (shorebase) receiving, managing, temporarily storing, or distributing waste from
offshore operations. It does not include facilities where treatment, mixing of
waste with other vendors’ waste, or disposal takes place.
Third-Party Parties that are not affiliates or subsidiaries of Chevron Corporation.
Third-Party Owned Waste Non-Chevron owned or operated facilities intended to be utilized for the re-
Facilities (referred to as use, reclaiming, recycling, treating, transferring, storing, or disposal of
Waste Facility) waste.
Transfer facility A primary Waste Facility from which waste is passed on to secondary
Waste Facilities without undergoing treatment or disposal, although mixing
with other clients’ waste may occur. Transfer facilities may store waste for
some period of time; therefore, they are in scope for the process. If multiple
waste streams are sent to a primary Waste Facility, but only one stream is
treated while the other streams are passed on to secondary Waste
Facilities for treatment, the primary Waste Facility is considered a transfer
facility and is in-scope for TWS.

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Term Definition
Transportation facility Facilities used only for temporary transportation-related activities in the
normal course of transportation, such as loading docks, carrier terminals,
parking areas, short-term storage areas, etc. These facilities are out of
scope for TWS if ALL the following apply for any waste handled at the site
(including non-Chevron generated waste):
• No treatment, disposal, recycling, processing, etc. of waste
• The waste must remain in the original containers it arrived in
• Original waste containers must remain closed and may not be
opened for any reason including sampling, waste consolidation,
repackaging, or other handling of the waste outside of the original
waste containers
• Waste must not be held at the facility for more than 10 days

TWS Community of Practice A community of employees from Corporate, OpCos, Business Units, and
(TWS CoP) Technology Companies, who are trained and capable of conducting Waste
Facility evaluations.
TWS Onsite Visit Mandatory tool to collect data when conducting an onsite visit to a Waste
Questionnaire Facility. This includes as appendices the Operations and Materials Form
and the Financial Information Sheet.

TWS Scoring Report Tool to analyze the data collected during the onsite visit and to determine if
including the TWS Scoring a Waste Facility is TWS “Selected-for-Use” or TWS “Not-Selected-for-Use”
Model (Mandatory Tool) and by Chevron.
Executive Summary
Waste Any material that is surplus, unwanted, scrap, contaminated, unusable, etc.
designated for disposal, re-use, reclaiming, recycling, treatment, or
discharge either at Chevron or third-party facilities, or material that is
storedbefore those actions. This term is a Chevron-internal term used for
convenience in the TWS Standard; it is not intended to supersede
regulatory definitions or represent Chevron’s interpretation of any
regulatory definitions that might apply to these materials. TWS does not
define waste for corporate reporting; refer to the most recent Operational
Excellence Data Reporting Standard (OEDRS) for corporate waste
reporting guidance.

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appendix b: in-scope determination for secondary facilities

There are situations where both primary and secondary facilities are used (as defined in appendix a:
Terms and Definitions). The TWS Standard applies to both the primary facility to which Chevron
sends its waste and all secondary facilities to which Chevron-generated materials are sent from the
primary facility; both primary and secondary facilities are deemed to be in-scope and must be
evaluated, except those facilities that are listed as out-of-scope in Section 1.2.3.
Exclusions: There are some exclusions clarified below for cases where the in-scope waste can lose
its identity as a Chevron waste by meeting all of the following criteria. In general, facilities managing
in-scope waste are in-scope until it is proven that all the following criteria are met.
a. The waste is mixed, treated, or otherwise handled in a manner such that it loses its identity as
being generated by Chevron.
b. A Certificate of Destruction, Transfer of Title, Manifest of Final Disposal, or other documentation
must be procured to confirm that the waste has lost its identity as a Chevron-generated waste.
c. The waste must be shipped and/or manifested under a non-Chevron third-party name.
d. The waste itself, storage and shipping containers, and shipping papers must not have any
Chevron labels or markings or other identification indicating the waste was generated by
e. The waste and residuals cannot be from a facility that receives waste exclusively from Chevron.

Details and Examples:

1. Transfer Facilities: When waste is sent to a transfer facility (as defined in appendix a: Terms
and Definitions), both the transfer facility and any subsequent Waste Facilities utilized by the
transfer facility where the treatment or disposal of Chevron-generated waste ultimately takes
place must be evaluated. The following exclusions apply:
• If at a given facility, the waste is managed in a manner to lose its identity as Chevron waste
by meeting all the exclusion criteria a) through e) above, evaluation of subsequent facilities is
not required.
• If the waste is co-mingled upon pickup from Chevron (e.g., pumped into a tanker with other
companies’ oil), as a minimum the first transfer facility must be evaluated.
• If a company owns multiple transfer facilities, the initial transfer facility receiving any
Chevron-generated individual waste shipment must be evaluated. If it passes the evaluation,
all remaining transfer facilities owned by the same company (used for that waste shipment)
are exempt from evaluation. Evaluation of the final recycling/disposal/treatment facility is
required regardless of who owns or operates it.
2. Transportation Facilities: Facilities that meet the definition of a transportation facility as defined
in appendix a: Terms and Definitions are out-of-scope and do not require evaluation.
3. Residual Waste Streams: In the case of a Waste Facility that receives waste exclusively from
Chevron, (such as a facility that incinerates the waste and sends ash to another Waste Facility’s
landfill), both Waste Facilities must be evaluated because the waste has not lost its identity as a
Chevron-generated waste.
4. Co-mingled Waste Streams: As an example, a waste oil recycling company picks up a 55-
gallon drum of used oil from Chevron and brings it to a transfer facility for further transportation
to a recycling plant.
• If at the transfer facility, the used oil is never removed from the original container Chevron
sent it in, both the transfer facility and the recycling plant must be evaluated.
• If at the transfer facility, the used oil is co-mingled with other customers’ materials (e.g.,
placed into a tank at the transfer facility) prior to being sent to the used oil recycling plant and
is managed in a manner to lose its identity as Chevron waste by meeting exclusion criteria a)
through e) above, only the transfer facility must be evaluated.

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appendix c: examples of in-scope waste facilities

Table 3: Examples of In-Scope Waste Facilities

Including but not limited to:

Facility Type Battery recyclers
Bioremediation facilities
Carbon regenerators
Catalyst recyclers
Cement kilns
Drum reconditioners
E-waste recyclers
Fuel blenders
Hazardous landfills
Injection wells (down-hole disposal)
Liquid treatment facilities
Non-hazardous landfills
Ports that treat waste
Scrap metal recyclers
Soil recyclers
Solvent recyclers
Tank bottom recyclers
Transfer facilities
Used oil recyclers

NOTE: If waste is determined to be in-scope, then the receiving third-party Waste Facility’s entire
operations will be subject to the TWS Evaluation Procedure.

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appendix d: risk-based facility re-evaluation cycle

The TWS scoring model is a risk assessment methodology and represents an overall review of
the potential long-term environmental, health and safety impacts and potential risks associated
with the disposal of waste. The risk-based facility evaluation cycle utilizes the result of the TWS
scoring model (TWS scores) to classify the cycle levels for re-evaluations. The following table
describes the requirement for each cycle level.
Table 4: Levels for Risk-based Facility Re-Evaluation Cycle

TWS Evaluation Score* Full TWS Re-evaluation TWS Interim Review **
A >100 Re-evaluation at least once every six
calendar years is required.

Interim review is not required.

B 80-100 Re-evaluation is required at least once However, it may occur per
every four calendar years, or fewer if recommendation of the TWS
recommended by TWS Evaluator, SBU Evaluator, SBU TWS/ES Advisor,
TWS/ES Advisor, OpCo TWS Advisor, OpCo TWS Advisor, or Corporate
or Corporate TWS Advisor. TWS Advisor.
C <80 Under exception Re-evaluation is required at least once
request or any facility every four calendar years, or fewer if
marked as Not-SFU recommended by TWS Evaluator, SBU
exception granted TWS/ES Advisor, OpCo TWS Advisor,
regardless the score or Corporate TWS Advisor.
*The Score refers to the most recent evaluation score determined using the Scoring Model. The score always
determines the frequency of the next evaluation.
Example: A facility was evaluated in 2016 as SFU with a score of 105. Based on the score (>100), the next full
evaluation is now scheduled for 2022 (six calendar years from 2016). If in 2022, the facility is evaluated with a score of
95, but continued as SFU per OpCo Advisor recommendation, then based on the score (80-100), the next full
evaluation will be scheduled for 2026 (four calendar years from 2022).
**TWS Interim Review is described in step nine of the Evaluation Procedure.

Note: When necessary, the Corporate TWS Advisor can modify the Target Evaluation Date
based on the TWS facility risk.

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appendix e: Roles and Responsibilities

Functions as the leader of the TWS program. Ensures that necessary tools
Corporate Process (e.g., databases, websites, spreadsheets, and checklists) and guidance are
Advisor developed. Maintains the TWS Database and the summary documentation
supporting each evaluation. Makes recommendations to opcos on ways to
improve quality of evaluations. Reviews random selection of Evaluations to
evaluate the competency of the Evaluators.

Provides leadership to CEMREC in the implementation of the TWS

CEMREC Waste Standard Process. Participates in the TWS CoP. Makes final determination
Advisor within CEMREC as to whether a waste facility is Selected-for-Use or Not-
Selected-for-Use in the TWS database. Manages CEMREC Evaluators.

Develops and executes CEMREC’s TWS Annual Evaluation Plan.

Approves or denies evaluation when a waste facility is nominated to be
added to the plan through the TWS Database (see Appendix f). Revises
the plan when the use of a Selected for Use facility is discontinued or when
evaluation of a new facility is required to accommodate business needs.
Conducts onsite visits of waste facilities or uses CHWMEG reports as a
TWS Facility data source for completing the evaluation requirements. Uses the Scoring
Evaluator Model to analyze the data collected during the onsite visit and makes a
recommendation to CEMREC Waste Advisor to pass or fail the facility.
Locate and nominate new waste facilities to evaluate according to Figure 2.
EM Project Assists TWS Facility Evaluators in arranging and conducting onsite visits, if
Managers & Real necessary. Identifies and communicates proposed exceptions to the
Estate CEMREC Waste Advisor before seeking endorsement. Develops business
Environmental case and submits completed TWS Exception Request Form to the VP of
Advocates EM or RE for endorsement.

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appendix f. TWS Database

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Figure 2: CEMREC Flowchart for Identification of Selected for Use (SFU)

Facility and Contract

EM Project Manager (PM) or RE

CEMREC Procurement CEMREC Waste Advisor
Environmental Advocate


EMC PM determines that

waste disposal is required

EM PM or RE Environmental
Advocate reviews the TWS
Database to identify a
Selected for Use (SFU)
facility that meets the
disposal needs
These steps can occur concurrently.

Work with the

Work with CEMREC
Is there a SFU CEMREC Waste
No Procurement to identify a
facility? Advisor
facility that meets the
to initiate the TWS
disposal needs
evaluation process

Work with CEMREC

Is facility evaluated
Yes Procurement to ensure Yes
and selected for use?
valid contract is in place

E Procurement or Paper
Service Order


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