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Running Head: Modern Technologies Change the Way of Teaching in the Future?

“How will Modern Technologies Change the Way of Teaching in the Future?”

Mauer Osa

Instructor: Robert Vaeao

Course & Period: English 128: 3rd Period

Samoana High School

April 13, 2023

Modern Technologies Change the Way of Teaching in the Future 2


God gave us technology as a gift. It is the beginning of all artistic and scientific

civilizations. The way we live has certainly changed as a result of technology. Technology

unquestionably has a significant impact on all aspects of life. Technology allows for the

automation of numerous manual chores. A lot of difficult and important activities can also be

completed more easily and effectively with the aid of modern technology. Living has changed,

and for the better, as a result of the application of technology. Education has undergone a

technological revolution. It is impossible to ignore the role that technology plays in education.

In fact, the introduction of computers into the classroom has made it simpler for teachers to

spread knowledge and for students to learn it. The use of technology has improved the enjoyment

of both teaching and learning.

Keywords: Modern Technology in Education, Importance of Technology in Education.

Modern Technologies Change the Way of Teaching in the Future 3

Introduction of technology in education

The 21st century is frequently seen as a technological period. Today, technology is

essential to our daily lives. It is regarded as the foundation of economic expansion. In the current

environment, a technologically underdeveloped economy cannot develop.

This is so because technology has simplified and sped up our work. Every conceivable

field is affected by technology, and education is one of them. In the past ten years, the arrival of

technology into education has completely changed how well students are taught and how they

learn. Technology has been so easily added to classroom lectures by teachers that both students

and teachers now view computers and related educational apps as "routine components of the

classroom and educational process in general." Learning can change dramatically with the help

of technology. It might encourage confirmation. And strengthen connections between teachers

and students, reimagine how we learn and collaborate, close long-standing equity and

accessibility gaps, and modify our educational experiences to meet the needs of all learners. Our

community institutions, universities, and schools ought to serve as hubs for research and

creation. Teachers should actively seek out new information and continually develop their own

skill sets alongside their students. But for our educational system to completely benefit from

technology and offer meaningful learning opportunities, teachers must successfully integrate it

into their daily work. In addition, everyone involved in education should commit to cooperating

to use technology to enhance American education. Participants in education include

administrators, professors, researchers, politicians, financiers of technology, technology

developers, community members, and organizations, as well as students and their families.

Courses in educational technology may be referred to as "Computer Studies" or "Information and

Communication Technology."
Modern Technologies Change the Way of Teaching in the Future 4

Modern Technology in Education

It's a really intriguing issue, and I was just thinking back to earlier times when mail was

delivered by postman and there was no concept of online education. Just assuming that era and

the present. If we look back at previous years, there was no concept of a VLE (virtual learning

environment). Technology is developing very quickly. Accessible and simple to obtain is the

thing. The educational system of today allows students to collaborate with many resources

through communication. Students can work with their friends on any project or assignment

without any difficulty. Nowadays, students frequently use technology resources and other

methods to create projects that they may share with everyone. The learning process is being

redesigned in all private educational institutions to support the new educational model. The use

of today's equipment, technology, and tools results in increased student learning and interactivity,

according to the most recent research on how precisely modern students of today choose to use

technology and how using it affects their learning. When technology is used to help, they find it

to be much more interactive and full of intriguing places. It becomes very simple, useful, and

effective for transferring knowledge. This indicates that we now have a tendency to think more

quickly while using modern technologies, whether it be in education or any other area of life.

These days, even in schools, universities, and colleges, it is impossible to escape becoming

dependent on an innovation that only makes life a simple, pleasant journey.

Is using technology effective in education, yes because it would help students or teachers

share information faster and easier without even the hassling of writing it down in a notebook,

technology is not only making learning and teaching easier it is also helping us with everything

we want us to have learned in the past year or so and i am

Modern Technologies Change the Way of Teaching in the Future 5


It is obvious how technology has influenced education today and will do so in the future.

It has removed obstacles to learning and given pupils the most effective teaching resources.

Teachers and students are both impacted by the use of cutting-edge technology since they use it

and other advances to help pupils and enhance their learning. Every institution must recognize

the importance of education technology and adopt it if they want to get the greatest results.

Technology influences education in a beneficial way, but it also has potential drawbacks.

Teachers and students should make use of this in a positive way and remove the obstacles that

prevent many students and schools from attaining success. Therefore, it is now necessary for

every nation to establish a more technologically advanced education sector in the future.

Technology benefits
Modern Technologies Change the Way of Teaching in the Future 6

1. Fındıkoğlu, F., & İlhan, D. (2016). Realization of a Desired Future: Innovation in

Education. Boun.


2. Admin. (2023, January 7). How will Modern Technologies change the way of Teaching in

the future? – Samved School.

3. Webmaster, & Webmaster. (2021). How Technology Has Changed Teaching and

Learning - Sentinel | 9. Sentinel | 9.

4. Solutions, A. (n.d.). How Technology is Shaping the Future of Education: What You

Need to Know.


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