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Questions: World History

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World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and
Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
© © All Rights Reserved A The First World War (1914-1918)

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(1) Truth or Fraud: Put ! for true statements and " for false statements.

1. In the late 19th century, European powers scrambled for colonies because they
wanted to get new markets and more raw materials. ( )

2. In the late 19th century, EuropeanTwitter
powers competed fiercely for colonies in South
America. ( )

3. Before the First World War, France and Germany had colonial conflicts over
Morocco in North Africa.
( )
4. Extreme nationalism demanded that people should be absolutely loyal to the
nation and oppose foreign expansion. ( )

Did you find this document useful?

5. Since France was forced to cede Alsace and Lorraine to Germany after the Franco-
Prussian War, France wanted to take revenge on Germany. ( )

6. Pan-Germanism called for expansion in Europe under the leadership of the

German race. ( )

7. Austria wanted to unite all Slavs living in the Balkan Peninsula into its own
Is this content
empire.inappropriate? Report this Document ( )

8. Pan-Slavism demanded that all people in Europe should be united under Russian
control. ( )

9. Before the First World War, all European powers competed fiercely in building
dreadnoughts. ( )

10. Britain and Germany competed with each other in building submarines before the
First World War. ( )


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World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

11. The alliance system was offensive [攻擊性] in nature. ( )

12. Bismarck was the chancellor of Germany who started the alliance system to
isolate France. ( )

13. In 1882, Germany, Austria and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. ( )

14. Europe was divided into two rival camps with the formation of the Triple Entente
in 1907. ( )

15. The Moroccan Crises occurred because both Britain and Germany wanted to turn
Morocco into its colony. ( )

16. The Balkans was a group of small states in Northern Europe. ( )

17. In 1908, Russia annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. ( )

18. Bulgaria was defeated in the Second Balkan War. ( )

19. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the spark that set off the First World
War. ( )

20. Serbia declared war on Germany immediately after the Sarajevo Incident. ( )

21. Bulgaria was a member of the Allied Powers in the First World War. ( )

22. During the First World War, Italy was British ally from the beginning to the end. (

23. The Central Powers of the First World War had four members: Austria-Hungary,
Germany, Turkey and Italy. ( )

24. In August 1914, Germany invaded France through Holland. ( )

25. The tank was first invented by Britain to break through the German trenches.
( )

26. In 1917, Germany started the unrestricted submarine warfare to cut off the U.S.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

supplies. ( )

27. In 1917, the October Revolution took place in Russia, and Russia soon withdrew
from the First World War. ( )

28. In 1919, all victorious powers of the First World War met at the Paris Peace
Conference. ( )

29. The Paris Peace Conference was dominated by the U.S., Britain and France. ( )

30. After the First World War, all defeated nations were forced to sign the Treaty of
Versailles at the Paris Peace Conference. ( )

31. Russia suffered the heaviest casualties in the First World War. ( )

32. When the First World War ended, the Germany Empire collapsed officially. ( )

33. In November 1917, Russia became a democratic country. ( )

34. At the Paris Peace Conference, the map of Europe was redrawn. ( )

35. New nation-states, such as Hungary and Czechoslovakia, were set up after the
First World War. ( )

36. After the First World War, Japan’s position in Asia was strengthened. ( )

37. The First World War was marked by the development and use of new weapons and
new patterns of warfare. ( )

38. Women gradually enjoyed higher social status after the First World War. ( )

39. The United Nations was set up to maintain world peace after the First World War.
( )

40. The League of Nations was able to settle all international disputes. ( )


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(2) Matching: Match the following columns together.

1. Clemenceau ‧ ‧ Kaiser of Germany

Archduke Ferdinand ‧ ‧ President of the U.S.
Wilson ‧ ‧ Czar of Russia
Nicholas II ‧ ‧ Prime Minister of Britain
Bismarck ‧ ‧ Premier of France
Lloyd George ‧ ‧ Chancellor of Germany
William II ‧ ‧ Heir to the Austrian throne

2. Italy ‧ ‧ This country started the alliance system.

Britain ‧ ‧ This country quarrelled with Austria-
Hungary over the control of Bosnia and
Russia ‧ ‧ This country hated Germany due to its loss
of Alsace-Lorraine.
Germany ‧ ‧ This country declared war on Serbia and
started the First World War.
Austria-Hungary ‧ ‧ This country competed with Germany
fiercely in the naval race.
France ‧ ‧ This country formed the Triple Alliance
with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Serbia ‧ ‧ This country formed the Triple Entente
with Britain and France.

3. 1882 ‧ ‧ The Sarajevo Incident took place.

1907 ‧ ‧ The First World War ended.
1913 ‧ ‧ The Second Balkan War broke out.
1914 ‧ ‧ The Triple Alliance was formed.
1918 ‧ ‧ The Triple Entente was formed.

4. 1905 ‧ ‧ The Bosnian Crisis took place.

1908 ‧ ‧ The Second Moroccan Crisis broke out.
1911 ‧ ‧ The First Balkan War broke out.
1912 ‧ ‧ The Paris Peace Conference was held.
1919 ‧ ‧ The First Moroccan Crisis broke out.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

5. 1914 ‧ ‧ Italy joined the Allied Powers.

1915 ‧ ‧ Germany carried out the Schlieffen Plan.
1917 ‧ ‧ The United States declared war on
1918 ‧ ‧ Germany surrendered.

6. Germany attacked American ‧ ‧ Serbia decided to take revenge on

ships in the English Channel. Austria.
Russia wanted to withdraw from ‧ ‧ The Germans wanted to destroy
the First World War in 1917. the treaty at all cost.
Austria annexed Bosnia- ‧ ‧ America declared war on
Herzegovina where many Germany.
Serbs were living.
Both Russians and Serbs were ‧ ‧ Russia supported Serbia in the
Slavs. Austro-Serbian conflict.
The Treaty of Versailles was ‧ ‧ Russia signed a treaty with
regarded as a humiliation to Germany by which it had to
many Germans. give away some land.

7. Germany was afraid of a two- ‧ ‧ Bismarck started the alliance

front war. system to isolate France.
Germany attacked Belgium. ‧ ‧ Britain declared war on Germany.
Bismarck was worried that ‧ ‧ Germany planned to invade
France would take revenge on France through Belgium in 6
Germany after the Franco- weeks and then turn east to attack
Prussian War. Russia.
Extreme nationalism was popular ‧ ‧ The First World War brought
in Europe in the late 19th century. about heavy casualties and severe
Trench warfare developed and ‧ ‧ The powers were prepared to go
many new weapons were used to war in order to promote their
during the First World War. national interests.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

8. Central Powers of the First World War ‧ ‧ Germany

‧ Austria-Hungary
Allied Powers of the First World War ‧ ‧ The United States
‧ Serbia
‧ Britain
‧ Turkey
‧ Russia

9. Victorious powers of the First World War ‧ ‧ France

‧ China
Defeated powers of the First World War ‧ ‧ Italy
‧ Germany
‧ Bulgaria
‧ Austria-Hungary
‧ Britain


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(3) Time Sense: Arrange the following in chronological order.

1. (a) First Balkan War; (b) Franco-Prussian War; (c) Bosnian Crisis

2. (a) Second Moroccan Crisis; (b) Bosnian Crisis; (c) Sarajevo Incident

3. (a) Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated; (b) Morocco became a French

protectorate; (c) Bosnia was annexed

4. (a) Unification of Germany; (b) Formation of the Triple Alliance; (c) Outbreak of
the Franco-Prussian War

5. (a) Formation of the Triple Entente; (b) Outbreak of the Second Balkan War; (c)
Formation of the Triple Alliance

6. (a) Bosnian Crisis; (b) First Moroccan Crisis; (c) First Balkan War

7. (a) Formation of the League of Nations; (b) Formation of the Triple Entente; (c)
Formation of the Triple Alliance

8. (a) Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia; (b) Herzegovina was annexed; (c)
Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated

9. (a) Germany carried out the Schlieffen Plan; (b) Austria-Hungary sent an
ultimatum to Serbia; (c) Russia mobilised its troop to support Serbia

10. (a) The U.S. joined the First World War; (b) Italy joined the Allied Powers; (c)
Germany invaded France through Belgium


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

11. (a) Defeat of Russia on the Eastern Front; (b) The Schlieffen Plan; (c) British
first use of the tanks

12. (a) The October Revolution broke out in Russia; (b) Germany invaded France
through Belgium; (c) Russia withdrew from the First World War

13. (a) The U.S. joined the First World War; (b) Germany started the unrestricted
submarine warfare; (c) Germany made several major attacks on the Western

14. (a) Surrender of Bulgaria; (b) Surrender of Germany; (c) Withdrawal of Russia
from the First World War

15. (a) Fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; (b) Formation of the League of
Nations; (c) Convening of the Paris Peace Conference

16. (a) Signing of the Treaty of Versailles; (b) Surrender of Germany; (c) End of
fighting on the Eastern Front

17. (a) Fall of the Russian Empire; (b) Fall of the Ottoman Empire; (c) Fall of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire

18. (a) First Balkan War; (b) Franco-Prussian War; (c) First World War

19. (a) German entry into the League of Nations; (b) Fall of the German Empire; (c)
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

20. (a) Russia became a communist country; (b) The Paris Peace Conference were


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

held; (c) The German Empire collapsed



World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(4) Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answers and put them in the boxes below.

1. Which of the following ideas aimed at uniting all Slavs living in the Balkan
Peninsula and bringing them under Russian control?
A. Pan-Slavism B. Pan-Germanism
C. Communism D. Capitalism □

2. Which of the following was not related to the rise of extreme nationalism in
A. People developed peaceful relations with other countries.
B. People of the same race formed a nation-state of their own.
C. People of the same race fought for their independence.
D. People supported the foreign expansion of their countries. □

3. Which of the following was not a reason for the European powers to compete for
colonies in Asia and Africa in the late 19th century?
A. To help the backward countries
B. To get more raw materials
C. To gain overseas markets
D. To raise national glory □

4. What were the reasons for France to form the Triple Entente?
(1) To isolate Germany and prevent it from taking revenge
(2) To protect itself by finding allies
(3) To counterbalance the German influence
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (1), (2), (3) □

5. Which country started the alliance system after 1870?

A. France B. Germany
C. Austria-Hungary D. Britain □

6. In 1907, Britain, France and Russia joined together and formed _______.
A. the Triple Entente
B. the Triple Alliance
C. the Entente Cordiale
D. the League of Three Emperors □


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World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

7. When was the Triple Alliance formed?

A. 1880 B. 1882
C. 1900 D. 1902 □

8. When was the Triple Entente formed?

A. 1890 B. 1898
C. 1907 D. 1911 □

9. Which of the following were members of the Triple Entente?

(1) France
(2) Britain
(3) Germany
(4) Russia
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (2), (4)
C. (1), (3), (4) D. (2), (3), (4) □

10. Which countries were members of the Triple Alliance?

(1) Germany
(2) Italy
(3) Austria-Hungary
(4) Russia
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (2), (4)
C. (1), (3), (4) D. (2), (3), (4) □

11. The French people developed strong revengeful feelings against the Germans
after the ___________.
A. Anglo-French War
B. Franco-Prussian War
C. Prusso-Russian War
D. Franco-Russian War □

12. Which of the following countries put forward the idea of Pan-Germanism?
(1) France
(2) Austria-Hungary
(3) Germany
(4) Italy
A. (1), (3) B. (1), (4)
C. (2), (3) D. (3), (4) □


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

13. Which two countries competed fiercely in building dreadnoughts before the First
World War?
A. France and Britain
B. France and Russia
C. Germany and Russia
D. Britain and Germany □

14. Which country was forced to make concessions in the two Moroccan Crises?
A. Germany B. Britain
C. Austria-Hungary D. France □

15. The Balkans was situated in:

A. Western Europe B. North Africa
C. Northern Europe D. Southern Europe □

16. Before the 19th century, the Balkan states were all ruled by ____________.
A. Turkey B. Russia
C. Austria-Hungary D. Serbia □

17. Which areas did Austria-Hungary annex in 1908?

(1) Montenegro
(2) Bosnia
(3) Serbia
(4) Herzegovina
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (2), (4) □

18. After the two Balkan Wars, Serbia became very powerful. This threatened the
___________ expansion into the Balkans.
A. German B. Austrian
C. Bulgarian D. Russian □


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

19. The man in the picture below was the heir to the throne of _____________.

A. Germany B. Britain
C. Turkey D. Austria-Hungary □

20. The event shown in the following picture took place in ____________.

A. Serbia B. Bosnia
C. Russia D. Italy □

21. Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were killed by a ___________.

A. German B. Serb
C. Russian D. British □

22. Which of the following were the reasons for the outbreak of the First World War?
(1) European powers scrambled for colonies in Asia and Africa.
(2) The idea of nationalism grew extreme.
(3) Different alliances were set up among European powers.
(4) There was an armaments race among European powers.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3), (4)

C. (2), (3), (4) D. All of the above □

23. Which of the following were causes of the First World War?
(1) Economic and colonial rivalries
(2) The armaments race
(3) The alliance system
(4) Extreme nationalism
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (3), (4)
C. (2), (3), (4) D. All of the above □

24. What was the immediate cause of the First World War?
A. The alliance system
B. The armaments race in Europe
C. German invasion of Belgium
D. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand □

25. What was the immediate result of the Sarajevo Incident?

A. France declared war on Germany.
B. Germany declared war on Russia.
C. Russia declared war on Austria.
D. Austria declared war on Serbia. □

26. Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia after the Sarajevo Incident. According to the
ultimatum, Serbia had to:
(1) suppress all anti-Austrian activities.
(2) punish all people who were against Austria.
(3) allow Austrian officials to try the murderer.
(4) pay an indemnity to Austria.
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (2), (4)
C. (2), (3), (4) D. All of the above □

27. Germany helped start the First World War by declaring war on Russia when:
A. the Russians plotted the Sarajevo Incident.
B. the Russians remained neutral.
C. the Russians invaded Austria.
D. the Russians refused to stop the mobilisation. □


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

28. According to the Schlieffen Plan, Germany wanted to quickly defeat France by
passing through ___________.
A. Italy B. Britain
C. Belgium D. Holland □

29. Which of the following weapons were used during the First World War?
(1) Tanks
(2) Atomic bombs
(3) Submarines
(4) Poison gas
A. (1), (3) B. (1), (3), (4)
C. (2), (3), (4) D. (3), (4) □

30. Which of the following weapons was not used in the First World War?
A. Rockets B. Tanks
C. Warplanes D. Submarines □

31. The United States declared war on Germany shortly after the Germans
A. attacked all merchant ships that traded with Britain and its allies
B. attacked Belgium
C. attacked the United States
D. invaded countries that traded with the United States □

32. The fighting on the Eastern Front ended when ____________.

A. Germany surrendered
B. Russia withdrew from the War
C. Italy joined the Allied Powers
D. Austria-Hungary surrendered □

33. When was the Paris Peace Conference held?

A. 1882 B. 1907
C. 1914 D. 1919 □

34. Which of the following countries controlled the Paris Peace Conference?
(1) The U.S.
(2) Britain
(3) Japan


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(4) France
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (2), (4)
C. (1), (3), (4) D. (2), (3), (4) □

35. Which country was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles at the Paris Peace
A. Britain B. France
C. Germany D. Italy □

36. Which of the following were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
(1) Germany was solely responsible for the War.
(2) Germany should be given some land.
(3) Germany should pay an indemnity to cover the cost of the War.
(4) Germany should give up all its colonies.
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (3), (4)
C. (2), (3), (4) D. All of the above □

37. When was the League of Nations set up?

A. 1918 B. 1919
C. 1920 D. 1921 □

38. Which international organisation did the man shown in the picture below propose
to set up?

A. The United Nations

B. The League of Nations
C. The Permanent Court of Arbitration
D. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization □


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

39. Which of the following nation-states were newly created after the First World
(1) Albania
(2) Yugoslavia
(3) Romania
(4) Czechoslovakia
A. (2), (4) B. (3), (4)
C. (1), (2), (3) D. (1), (3), (4) □

40. The First World War led to the collapse of some traditional empires. They were:
(1) The Russian Empire
(2) The German Empire
(3) The British Empire
(4) The Austro-Hungarian Empire
A. (1), (2), (4) B. (1), (3), (4)
C. (2), (3) D. (2), (3), (4) □

41. Which of the following were results of the First World War?
(1) The social status of women dropped.
(2) A huge number of people died.
(3) Some European powers collapsed.
(4) The League of Nations was set up.
A. (1), (2), (4) B. (1), (3), (4)
C. (2), (3), (4) D. All of the above □

42. Which of the following were impacts of the First World War?
(1) The map of Europe was redrawn.
(2) Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.
(3) Heavy casualties and great economic losses were brought about.
(4) The empires of Germany, Russia, Turkey and Austria-Hungary broke down.
(5) The alliance system started.
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (3), (4)
C. (2), (3), (5) D. (3), (4), (5) □


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(5) Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the following blanks with the correct answers.

1. By the late 19th century, most European countries were industrialised. To meet
their increasing demand for _____________ and overseas markets, they
scrambled for _____________ in Asia and Africa.

2. In the early 20th century, _____________ and Germany competed fiercely in

building _____________, which were the largest and most powerful battleships
in the world at that time.

3. In the second half of the 19th century, nationalism drove the _____________ and
the _____________ to unify their own country.

4. With its defeat in the _____________ in 1871, France lost _____________ and
_____________ to Germany.

5. The alliance system was suggested by _____________.

6. In 1882, Germany formed the _____________ with Italy and _____________. In

response, ______________, Russia and Britain formed the _____________ in

7. Under the influence of extreme nationalism, Russia planned to bring all

_____________ living in _____________ under its control.

8. The idea of _____________ called for the German people to expand in Europe.

9. The members of the Triple Entente included Britain, _____________ and


10. The members of the Triple Alliance included Germany, _____________ and

11. _____________ was forced to make concessions to France in the two Moroccan

12. In 1908, Austria annexed _____________ and _____________. This angered

Russia and led to the _____________.


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

13. After the two Balkan Wars, _____________ was much enlarged, and it hindered
the expansion of _____________ into the Balkans.

14. On 28 June 1914, _____________ and his wife were shot dead when they visited
_____________, the capital of Bosnia. This incident started the First World War.

15. By August 1914, a local conflict between _____________ and _____________

had developed into the First World War.

16. After the outbreak of war, Germany carried out the _____________. It tried to
launch a quick attack on _____________ by passing through Belgium.

17. _____________ was a member of the Triple Alliance. However, it changed sides
to support the _____________ in 1915.

18. In 1917, Germany adopted the policy of _____________ to cut off Britain’s

19. In 1917, the _____________ took place in Russia and soon Russia withdrew
from the First World War.

20. Tanks were first used by _____________ during the First World War.

21. When the First World War ended, the European powers met at the
_____________, in which Germany was forced to sign the _____________.

22. After the First World War, a number of new _____________ were set up in
Eastern and Southern Europe, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia,

23. The First World War led to the fall of some traditional empires in Europe. These
included the Russian Empire, the _____________, the _____________ and the
Ottoman Empire.

24. The _____________ was set up in 1920. It aimed at settling future disputes and
maintaining _____________. Its headquarters were in _____________,


World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

25. After the War, Britain and France became weaker, while _____________ and
_____________ rose up as world powers.

26. During the First World War, _____________ were encouraged to work in
factories in order to carry on industrial production. After the War, their wartime
contributions were recognised and their _____________ began to rise.


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World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(6) Sorting: Distinguish the odd item from each question and write it on the line

1. Austro-Hungarian Empire; Russian Empire; German Empire


2. Serbia; France; Romania


3. Second Balkan War; Bosnian Crisis; First Moroccan Crisis


4. Pan-Germanism; Pan-Slavism; Pan-Aryanism


5. Triple Entente; Triple Axis; Triple Alliance


6. The armaments race; Scramble for colonies; Anti-communism


7. Formation of the League of Nations; Convening of the Paris Peace Conference;

Outbreak of the October Revolution

8. Prime Minister Lloyd George of Britain; President Wilson of the United States;
Kaiser William II of Germany

9. Franco-Prussian War; First Balkan War; Franco-Turkish War


10. Bulgaria; Poland; Lithuania



World History Express 3 Topic One International conflicts and

Question Bank (Revised Edition) threats to peace in the 20th century
A The First World War (1914-1918)

(7) Vocabulary: Define the following historical terms with simple words.

1. Franco-Prussian War

2. Nationalism

3. Pan-Germanism

4. Pan-Slavism

5. Armaments race

6. Dreadnought

7. Triple Alliance

8. Triple Entente

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