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Chapter 3 Introduction to Derivatives

3,1 Introduction to Derivative may change, the basic economic functions associated
with trading will continue to be necessary.

Trading of Financial Assets

A derivative is a financial instrument that has a value
determined by the price of something else. Options, The trading of a financial asset—i.e., the process by
futures, and swaps are all examples of derivatives. A which an asset acquires a new owner— is more
bushel of corn is not a derivative; it is a commodity complicated than you might guess and involves at
with a value determined in the corn market. However, least four discrete steps. To understand the steps,
you could enter into an agreement with a friend that consider the trade of a stock:
says: If the price of a bushel of corn in 1 year is
1. The buyer and seller must locate one another
greater than $3, you will pay the friend $1. If the price
and agree on a price. This process is what
of corn is less than $3, the friend will pay you $1. This
most people mean by “trading” and is the
is a derivative in the sense that you have an agreement
most visible step. Stock exchanges,
with a value depending on the price of something else
derivatives exchanges, and dealers all
(corn, in this case).
facilitate trading, providing buyers and
You might think: “That doesn’t sound like sellers a means to find one another.
it’s a derivative; that’s just a bet on the price of corn.”
2. Once the buyer and seller agree on a price,
Derivatives can be thought of as bets on the price of
the trade must be cleared, i.e., the obligations
something, but the term “bet” is not necessarily
of each party are specified. In the case of a
pejorative. Suppose your family grows corn and your
stock transaction, the buyer will be required
friend’s family buys corn to mill into cornmeal. The
to deliver cash and the seller to deliver the
bet provides insurance: You earn $1 if your family’s
stock. In the case of some derivatives
corn sells for a low price; this supplements your
transactions, both parties must post collateral.
income. Your friend earns $1 if the corn his family
buys is expensive; this offsets the high cost of corn. 3. The trade must be settled, that is, the buyer
Viewed in this light, the bet hedges you both against and seller must deliver in the required period
unfavorable outcomes. The contract has reduced risk of time the cash or securities necessary to
for both of you. satisfy their obligations.
Investors who do not make a living growing 4. Once the trade is complete, ownership
or processing corn could also use this kind of contract records are updated.
simply to speculate on the price of corn. In this case
the contract does not serve as insurance; it is simply a To summarize, trading involves striking a deal,
bet. This example illustrates a key point: It is not the clearing, settling, and maintaining records. Different
contract itself, but how it is used, and who uses it, that entities can be involved in these different steps.
determines whether or not it is risk-reducing. Context
Much trading of financial claims takes place
is everything.
on organized exchanges. An exchange is an
organization that provides a venue for trading, and
that sets rules governing what is traded and how
trading occurs. A given exchange will trade a
particular set of financial instruments. The New York
3.2 An Overview of Financial Markets
Stock Exchange, for example, lists several thousand
firms, both U.S. and non-U.S., for which it provides a
trading venue. Once upon a time, the exchange was
In this section we will discuss the variety of markets solely a physical location where traders would stand in
and financial instruments that exist. You should bear groups, buying and selling by talking, shouting, and
in mind that financial markets are rapidly evolving gesturing. However, such in-person trading venues
and that any specific description today may soon be have largely been replaced by electronic networks that
out-of-date. Nevertheless, though the specific details provide a virtual trading venue.

Chapter 3 Introduction to Derivatives
After a trade has taken place, a clearinghouse and size (notional value) of these positions. Here are
matches the buyers and sellers, keeping track of their more detailed definitions:
obligations and payments. The traders who deal
directly with a clearinghouse are called clearing Trading volume. This measure counts the number of
members. If you buy a share of stock as an individual, financial claims that change hands daily or
your transaction ultimately is cleared through the annually. Trading volume is the number
account of a clearing member. commonly emphasized in press coverage, but
it is a somewhat arbitrary measure because it
With stock and bond trades, after the trade is possible to redefine the meaning of a
has cleared and settled, the buyer and seller have no financial claim. For example, on a stock
continuing obligations to one another. However, with exchange, trading volume refers to the
derivatives trades, one party may have to pay another number of shares traded. On an options
in the future. To facilitate these payments and to help exchange, trading volume refers to the
manage credit risk, a derivatives clearinghouse number of options traded, but each option on
typically interposes itself in the transaction, becoming an individual stock covers 100 shares of
the buyer to all sellers and the seller to all buyers. This stock.
substitution of one counterparty for another is known
as novation. Market value. The market value (or “market cap”) of
the listed financial claims on an exchange is
It is possible for large traders to trade many the sum of the market value of the claims that
financial claims directly with a dealer, bypassing could be traded, without regard to whether
organized exchanges. Such trading is said to occur in they have traded. A firm with 1 million
the over-the-counter (OTC) market. shares and a share price of $50 has a market
value of $50 million.5 Some derivative
There are several reasons why buyers and sellers claims can have a zero market value; for such
might transact directly with dealers rather than on an claims, this measure tells us nothing about
exchange. activity at an exchange.
1. It can be easier to trade a large quantity Notional value. Notional value measures the scale of a
directly with another party. A seller of fifty position, usually with reference to some
thousand shares of IBM may negotiate a underlying asset. Suppose the price of a stock
single price with a dealer, avoiding exchange is $100 and that you have a derivative
fees as well as the market tumult and contract giving you the right to buy 100
uncertainty about price that might result from shares at a future date. We would then say
simply announcing a fifty-thousand-share that the notional value of one such contract is
sale. 100 shares, or $10,000. The concept of
2. We might wish to trade a custom financial notional value is especially important in
claim that is not available on an exchange. derivatives markets. Derivatives exchanges
frequently report the notional value of
3. We might wish to trade a number of different contracts traded during a period of time.
financial claims at once. A dealer could
execute the entire trade as a single Open interest. Open interest measures the total
transaction, compared to the alternative of number of contracts for which counterparties
executing individual orders on a variety of have a future obligation to perform. Each
different markets. contract will have two counterparties. Open
interest measures contracts, not
counterparties. Open interest is an important
statistic in derivatives markets.
Measure of Market Size and Activity

There are at least four different measures that you will

see mentioned in the press and on financial websites.
No one measure is “correct” or best, but some are
more applicable to stock and bond markets, others to 3.3 The Uses of Derivatives
derivatives markets. The different measures count the
number of transactions that occur daily (trading
volume), the number of positions that exist at the end We can think about derivatives and other financial
of a day (open interest), and the value (market value) claims in different ways. One is a functional

Chapter 3 Introduction to Derivatives
perspective: Who uses them and why? Another is an stock) while still maintaining physical
analytical perspective: When we look at financial possession of the stock. This transaction may
markets, how do we interpret the activity that we see? allow the owner to defer taxes on the sale of
In this section, we discuss these different perspectives. the stock, or retain voting rights, without the
risk of holding the stock.

These are common reasons for using

The Uses of Derivatives derivatives. The general point is that derivatives
What are reasons someone might use derivatives? provide an alternative to a simple sale or purchase,
Here are some motives : and thus increase the range of possibilities for an
investor or manager seeking to accomplish some goal.
Risk management. Derivatives are a tool for Obviously, for society as a whole, hedging may be
companies and other users to reduce risks. desirable while regulatory arbitrage is not. But it is
With derivatives, a farmer—a seller of corn difficult to control trading on the basis of motive.
—can enter into a contract that makes a
payment when the price of corn is low. This
contract reduces the risk of loss for the The Perspectives on Derivatives
farmer, who we therefore say is hedging.
Every form of insurance is a derivative: For How you think about derivatives depends on who you
example, automobile insurance pays if you are. In this section we will think about three distinct
have an accident. If you destroy your car in perspectives on derivatives :
an accident, your insurance is valuable; if the
car remains undamaged, it is not. The end-user perspective. End-users are the
corporations, investment managers, and
Speculation. Derivatives can serve as investment investors who enter into derivative contracts
vehicles. As you will see later in the book, for the reasons listed in the previous section:
derivatives can provide a way to make bets to manage risk, speculate, reduce costs, or
that are highly leveraged (that is, the avoid a rule or regulation. End-users have a
potential gain or loss on the bet can be large goal (for example, risk reduction) and care
relative to the initial cost of making the bet) about how a derivative helps to meet that
and tailored to a specific view. For example, goal.
if you want to bet that the S&P 500 stock
index will be between 1300 and 1400 1 year The market-maker perspective. Market-makers are
from today, derivatives can be constructed to intermediaries, traders who will buy
let you do that. derivatives from customers who wish to sell
and sell derivatives to customers who wish to
Reduced transaction costs. Sometimes derivatives buy. In order to make money, market-makers
provide a lower-cost way to undertake a charge a spread: They buy at a low price and
particular financial transaction. For example, sell at a high price. In this respect market-
the manager of a mutual fund may wish to makers are like grocers, who buy at the low
sell stocks and buy bonds. Doing this entails wholesale price and sell at the higher retail
paying fees to brokers and paying other price. Market-makers are also like grocers in
trading costs, such as the bid-ask spread, that their inventory reflects customer
which we will discuss later. It is possible to demands rather than their own preferences:
trade derivatives instead and achieve the As long as shoppers buy paper towels, the
same economic effect as if stocks had grocer doesn’t care whether they buy the
actually been sold and replaced by bonds. decorative or super-absorbent style. After
Using the derivative might result in lower dealing with customers, market-makers are
transaction costs than actually selling stocks left with whatever position results from
and buying bonds. accommodating customer demands. Market-
makers typically hedge this risk and thus are
Regulatory arbitrage. It is sometimes possible to deeply concerned about the mathematical
circumvent regulatory restrictions, taxes, and details of pricing and hedging.
accounting rules by trading derivatives.
Derivatives are often used, for example, to The economic observer. Finally, we can look at the
achieve the economic sale of stock (receive use of derivatives, the activities of the
cash and eliminate the risk of holding the market-makers, the organization of the

Chapter 3 Introduction to Derivatives
markets, and the logic of the pricing models Suppose you want to buy shares of XYZ stock. We
and try to make sense of everything. This is can calculate the cost to own 100 shares: If the price
the activity of the economic observer. to buy the stock is $50, 100 shares will cost $50 × 100
Regulators must often don their economic = $5000. However, we must also account for
observer hats when deciding whether and transaction costs.
how to regulate a certain activity or market
participant. First, there is a commission, which is a
transaction fee you pay your broker. A commission
for the above order could be $15, or 0.3% of the
purchase price.
Financial Engineering and Security Design
Second, the term “stock price” is,
One of the major ideas in derivatives—perhaps the surprisingly, imprecise. There are in fact two prices, a
major idea—is that it is generally possible to create a price at which you can buy, and a price at which you
given payoff in multiple ways. The construction of a can sell. The price at which you can buy is called the
given financial product from other products is offer price or ask price, and the price at which you can
sometimes called financial engineering. The fact that sell is called the bid price. To understand these terms,
this is possible has several implications. consider the position of the broker.
1. Since market-makers need to hedge their To buy stock, you contact a broker. Suppose
positions, this idea is central in understanding that you wish to buy immediately at the best available
how market-making works. The market- price. If the stock is not too obscure and your order is
maker sells a contract to an end-user, and not too large, your purchase will probably be
then creates an offsetting position that pays completed in a matter of seconds. Where does the
him if it is necessary to pay the customer. stock that you have just bought come from? It is
This creates a hedged position. possible that at the exact same moment, another
2. The idea that a given contract can be customer called the broker and put in an order to sell.
replicated often suggests how it can be More likely, however, a market-maker sold you the
customized. The market-maker can, in effect, stock. As their name implies, market-makers make
turn dials to change the risk, initial premium, markets. If you want to buy, they sell, and if you want
and payment characteristics of a derivative. to sell, they buy. In order to earn a living, market-
These changes permit the creation of a makers sell for a high price and buy for a low price. If
product that is more appropriate for a given you deal with a market-maker, therefore, you buy for
situation. a high price and sell for a low price. This difference
between the price at which you can buy and the price
3. It is often possible to improve intuition about at which you can sell is called the bid-ask spread. In
a given derivative by realizing that it is practice, the bid-ask spread on the stock you are
equivalent to something we already buying may be $49.75 to $50. This means that you can
understand. buy for $50/share and sell for $49.75/share. If you
were to buy immediately and then sell, you would pay
4. Because there are multiple ways to create a
the commission twice, and you would pay the bid-ask
payoff, the regulatory arbitrage discussed
above can be difficult to stop. Distinctions
existing in the tax code, or in regulations,
may not be enforceable, since a particular
security or derivative that is regulated or Example 3.3.1 : Suppose XYZ is bid at $49.75 and
taxed may be easily replaced by one that is offered at $50, and the commission is $15. If you
treated differently but has the same economic buy 100 shares of the stock, you pay ($50 × 100) +
profile. $15 = $5015. If you immediately sell them again,
you receive ($49.75 × 100) − $15 = $4960. Your
round-trip transaction cost—the difference between
what you pay and what you receive from a sale, not
counting changes in the bid and ask prices—is
3.4 Bid-Ask Spread $5015 − $4960 = $55.

Transaction Costs and the Bid-Ask Spread

Ways to Buy or Sell
Chapter 3 Introduction to Derivatives
A buyer or seller of an asset can employ different the stock price goes up or down), but it is a loan
strategies in trading the asset. You implement these nonetheless.
different strategies by telling the broker (or the
electronic trading system) what kind of order you are The opposite of a long position is a short
submitting. position. A short-sale of XYZ entails borrowing
shares of XYZ from an owner, and then selling them,
A market order is an instruction to trade a receiving the cash. Some time later, we buy back the
specific quantity of the asset immediately, at the best XYZ stock, paying cash for it, and return it to the
price that is currently available. The advantage of a lender. A shortsale can be viewed as a way of
market order is that the trade is executed as soon as borrowing money. With ordinary borrowing, you
possible. The disadvantage of a market order is that receive money today and repay it later, paying a rate
you might have been able to get a better price had you of interest set in advance. This also happens with a
been more patient. short-sale, except that typically you don’t know in
advance the rate you will pay.
A limit order is an instruction to trade a
specific quantity of the asset at a specified or better There are at least three reasons to short-sell:
price. A limit order to buy 100 shares at $47.50 can be
filled at $47.50 or below. A limit order to sell at 1. Speculation: A short-sale, considered by
$50.25 can be filled at $50.25 or above. Having your itself, makes money if the price of the stock
limit order filled depends upon whether or not anyone goes down. The idea is to first sell high and
else is willing to trade at that price. As time passes, then buy low. (With a long position, the idea
your order may or may not be filled. Thus, the is to first buy low and then sell high.)
advantage of a limit order is obtaining a better price. 2. Financing: A short-sale is a way to borrow
The disadvantage is the possibility that the order is money, and it is frequently used as a form of
never filled. financing. This is very common in the bond
There are other kinds of orders. For example, market, for example.
suppose you own 100 shares of XYZ. If you enter a 3. Hedging: You can undertake a short-sale to
stop-loss order at $45, then your order becomes a offset the risk of owning the stock or a
market order to sell once the price falls to $45. derivative on the stock. This is frequently
Because your order is a market order, you may end up done by market-makers and traders.
selling for less than $45.

In the earlier example we supposed that the

bid and ask prices for XYZ were $49.75 and $50. You Example: Short-Selling Wine.
can think of those prices as limit orders—someone has
Because short-sales can seem confusing, here is a
offered to buy at $49.75 and (possibly someone
detailed example that illustrates how short-sales work.
different) to sell at $50.
There are markets for many collectible items,
such as fine wines. If you believe prices will rise, you
would buy the wine on the market and plan to sell
after the price rises. However, suppose there is a wine
3.5 Short-Selling from a particular vintage and producer that you
believe to be overpriced and you expect the price to
fall. How could you speculate based on this belief?
The sale of a stock you do not already own is called a The answer is that you can engage in a short-sale.
short-sale. In order to understand short-sales, we first
need to understand the terms “long” and “short.” In order to short-sell, you must first obtain
wine. You can do this by borrowing a case from a
When we buy something, we are said to have collector. The collector, of course, will want a promise
a long position in that thing. For example, if we buy that you will return the wine at some point; suppose
the stock of XYZ, we pay cash and receive the stock. you agree to return it 1 week later. Having reached
Some time later, we sell the stock and receive cash. agreement, you borrow the wine and then sell it at the
This transaction is a form of lending, in that we pay market price. After 1 week, you acquire a replacement
money today and receive money back in the future. case on the market, then return it to the collector from
For many assets the rate of return we receive is not whom you originally borrowed the wine. If the price
known in advance (the return depends upon whether has fallen, you will have bought the replacement wine

Chapter 3 Introduction to Derivatives
for less than the price at which you sold the original, shares
so you make money. If the price has risen, you have
lost money. Either way, you have just completed a Security : –– Purchase
short-sale of wine. The act of buying replacement Sell shares shares
wine and returning it to the lender is said to be closing
or covering the short position. Cash : + S0 –D + S 90

Note that short-selling is a way to borrow

money. Initially, you received money from selling the Table 3.1 Cash flows associated with short-selling a
wine. A week later you paid the money back (you had share of IBM for 90 days. S0 and S9 0 are the share
to buy a replacement case to return to the lender). The prices on days 0 and 90. Note that the short-seller
rate of interest you paid was low if the price of the
must pay the dividend, D , to the share-lender.
replacement case was low, and high if the price of the
replacement case was high.

This example is obviously simplified. We The Lease Rate of an Asset

have assumed several points:
We have seen that when you borrow an asset it may
 It is easy to find a lender of wine. be necessary to make payments to the lender.
Dividends on short-sold stock are an example of this.
 It is easy to buy, at a fair price, satisfactory
We will refer to the payment required by the lender as
wine to return to the lender: The wine you
the lease rate of the asset. This concept will arise
buy after 1 week is a perfect substitute for the
frequently, and, as we will see, it provides a unifying
wine you borrowed.
concept for our later discussions of derivatives.
 The collector from whom you borrowed is The wine example did not have a lease
not concerned that you will fail to return the payment. But under some circumstances it might be
borrowed wine. necessary to make a payment to borrow wine. Wine
does not pay an explicit dividend but does pay an
implicit dividend if the owner enjoys seeing bottles in
Example: Short-Selling Stock. the cellar. The owner might thus require a payment in
order to lend a bottle. This would be a lease rate for
Now consider a short-sale of stock. As with wine,
when you short-sell stock you borrow the stock and
sell it, receiving cash today. At some future date you
buy the stock in the market and return it to the original

Suppose you want to short-sell IBM stock for

90 days. Table 3.1 depicts the cash flows. Observe in
particular that if the share pays dividends, the short-
seller must in turn make dividend payments to the
share-lender. This issue did not arise with wine! This
dividend payment is taxed to the recipient, just like an
ordinary dividend payment, and it is tax-deductible to
the short-seller.

Notice that the cash flows in Table 3.1 are

exactly the opposite of the cash flows from purchasing
the stock. Thus, short-selling is literally the opposite
of buying

Dividend Ex-
Day 0 Day 90
Action : –– Return shares

Chapter 3 Introduction to Derivatives

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