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Javinez Cyver P

BSCS 301
Rizal Life and Works
According to Filomeno V. Aguilar
- According to Filomeno V. Aguilar, the Pacto de Sangre, or blood compact, is
a symbol of friendship between Filipinos and Spaniards. He stressed that the
blood compact, or "sandugo," signifies the treaty and alliance of friendship
of both Filipinos and Spaniards. Unlike common perception, the blood
compact, or sandugo , is performed by mixing the blood taken from an
incision in the arms of the two leaders entering in alliance. It engaged the
Filipinos with the mixing and drinking of blood and wine to empower the
fraternity between two nation. It was considered the first treaty of
friendship between Filipinos and Spaniards. It was an eternal alliance in
which Filipinos swore loyalty to the King of Spain. The Spaniards’ part of the
agreement is to understand Filipinos as well. However, there are some
instances where Spaniards violated their side of the agreement. According
to Aguilar's writings, the event was plainly one-sided, and while they had a
mutual agreement, it was different from what the Spaniards believed.
According to Vicente Rafael
- From Vicente Rafael’s point of view, the blood compact is the Spaniards'
way of establishing friendship and mutual support between Indios and
Spaniards. It was considered a contractual agreement by each side. In his
terms, it is the "mixing of blood taken from an incision in the arms." Pacto
de Sangre is a promise of mutual agreement and recognition between the
Spanish and the Filipinos. For them, it is not only an agreement or contract,
but it is also an exchange of obligations. We are also entitled to be treated
as Spaniards. The mixing of their blood signifies alliances between the
colonized and the colonizer. The deal, however, was broken by the
Spaniards, and the Filipinos responded by rebelling. They discovered that
the true motivation behind the agreement was to rule over the Filipinos.
This revelation leads to a breach of the agreement's law. As a result,
Filipinos were called "Indios," or individuals who might be bought and taken
as slaves.
Your Thoughts about the blood compact
- The blood compact is a part of our history, and it has multiple definitions
along the way. The blood compact is binding two different tribes with
different beliefs as one. It is a mutual agreement even they are aware that
they both have different beliefs, perspectives or culture. It should be sacred
in my opinion because it is not only your word that you promised, but there
is also a trust given on both sides. As a promise, blood or words will not
suffice, but it must be understood wholeheartedly. In the previous lesson
about the blood compact, our people were abused by the Spaniards who
tried to make bond. They took advantage of our sincerity, or, more exactly,
our total lack of understanding. We may be ignorant, but there is no excuse
to jump on our land

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