292a Concrete Floor Device - US20090301009A1

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US 200903 01009 A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0301009 A1
Falk et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 10, 2009
(54) CONCRETE FLOOR DEVICE Publication Classification
(76) Inventors: Jörgen Falk, Malmo (SE); Thomas (51) Int. Cl.
Johansson, Solna (SE); Markus
Peterson, Solna (SE); Peter
Et, : ( .01)
Svenmar, Lund (SE) (52) U.S. C. .. 52/220.1; 52/250; 52/745.05:52/742.14
Correspondence Address:
P.O. BOX8910 A concrete floor assembly is disclosed including a Subfloor
RESTON, VA 20195 (US) element with a floor side and a ground/ceiling side, and a top
casting layer. In at least one embodiment, the Subfloor ele
(21) Appl. No.: 12/086,062 ment includes a concrete portion on the floor side, which
(22) PCT Filed: Dec. 5, 2006 concrete portion has a bottom casting Surface with a Surface
e a9 roughness. The top casting layer includes a casting composi
(86). PCT No.: PCT/SE2006/OO1385 tion, which includes a self-compacting concrete and a shrink
age reducing admixture. The top casting layer is cast on the
S371 (c)(1), floor side of the subfloor element so that at least a portion of
(2), (4) Date: Sep. 4, 2008 the bottom casting Surface is covered by the top casting layer,
the bottom casting Surface having Such Surface roughness that
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data the top casting layer adheres to the bottom casting Surface. A
method of providing Such a concrete floor assembly is also
Dec. 6, 2005 (SE) .................................... 0502666-1 disclosed, as well as a floor assembly.




Fig. 2
Patent Application Publication Dec. 10, 2009 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2009/030.1009 A1
US 2009/03 01009 A1 Dec. 10, 2009

CONCRETE FLOOR DEVICE adhering of the concrete to the base both centrally and along
the edges due to loss of bond and edge lifting, respectively.
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION This is above all due to the fact that thin layers have a high
moisture gradient, which causes the Surface layer to bend. In
0001. The present invention relates to a concrete floor most cases, it is not possible to use concrete layers with
device or assembly and to a method of providing such a sufficient thickness to avoid these problems, since this
concrete floor element as well as a method of providing a floor requires Such large Volumes that also the use of ordinary
assembly. concrete would be too expensive. It is also a problem that
thick concrete layers need alongtime to dry out, which delays
the construction process, thus also making it more expensive.
0002. A floor structure is a substantially horizontal, struc
tural element which separates different storeys of a building, 0008. Therefore object of the present invention is to pro
or the ground floor of the house and the ground. In addition to vide a concrete floor assembly, which makes it possible to lay
a structural element, the so-called structural floor, a floor a flat floor in a cost-effective manner and at a desired vertical
structure also includes floor and ceiling. The structural flooris level, and to provide a method of making Such a concrete floor
part of the structural framework of a building and its main assembly and a method of making a floor assembly.
function is to carry the load of the storey, such as the floor, the 0009. According to the invention, these objects are
ceiling, interior walls and fittings, and to transfer the weight achieved by a concrete floor assembly and methods according
of this load to structural walls and columns. to claims 1, 20 and 34.
0003. A floor structure must satisfy a number of require 0010. The concrete floor assembly according to the inven
ments. It must have the capacity to carry the load of the storey tion comprises a subfloor element with a floor side and a
and have sufficient stiffness, so that the deflections (the resil ground/ceiling side, and a top casting layer. The Subfloor
ience) are minimised and do not damage, for instance, the element comprises a concrete portion on the floor side and the
interior walls and fittings. A floor structure should further concrete portion has a bottom casting Surface with a Surface
more satisfy specific requirements regarding fire resistance roughness. The top casting layer comprises a casting compo
and acoustic and thermal insulation. Sometimes it should also sition, which comprises a self-compacting concrete and a
have the capacity to include conduits or electrical installa shrinkage reducing admixture. The top casting layer is cast on
tions. the floor side of the subfloor element so that at least a portion
0004. A prior-art floor structure comprises prefabricated of the bottom casting Surface is covered by the top casting
structural concrete elements with longitudinal holes, layer, the bottom casting Surface having Such Surface rough
so-called hollow core slabs. Several hollow core slabs can be ness that the top casting layer adheres to the bottom casting
joined to form a hollow core floor. These hollow core slabs Surface.
have increased stiffness and strength by being provided with 0011. Owing to a sufficient surface roughness of the bot
pretensioned reinforcement which gives the hollow core slabs tom casting Surface of the Subfloor element, good adhesion is
a curved shape. Due to this curvature, it is usually not possible obtained. Thereby, the invention allows the use of a casting
to lay a floor directly on top of them. composition based on a self-compacting concrete provided it
0005. There are several systems on the market for provid contains a shrinkage reducing admixture. Sucha casting com
ing a flat floor on top of a curved hollow core floor. According position is much more economical than prior-art Screed. Due
to one system, a plurality of pins are first attached at equal to the good adhesion to the subfloor element and the shrink
distance over the hollow core floor. Then carefully levelled age reducing admixture, it is possible, according to the inven
joists are attached to the pins, so that the joists form a hori tion, to cast a layer that is sufficiently thick to satisfy the
Zontal base for a parquet floor or a subfloor in the form of, for acoustic insulation requirements and the requirements
instance, chipboard. The mounting height of the joists can be regarding embedment of conduits, but not so thick that unnec
selected so as to leave enough room for electric or water essary amounts of material are consumed. Furthermore, the
conduits under the floor. One disadvantage of this system is casting composition, which according to the invention is
that it requires much work and is time-consuming. In addi based on a self-compacting concrete, advantageously
tion, it is difficult to achieve high precision, which may result requires little labour input since it does not, as ordinary con
in a resilient or inclined floor. crete, have to be vibrated, but spreads itself substantially
0006 Another system for providing a flat base for floor horizontally. According to the invention, a flat upper Surface
laying is application of so-called screed to the hollow core is thus provided, also without the use of screed. Owing to a
floor. One disadvantage of the use of screed is that it is cost-effective casting composition and a rational application
expensive. Thus, it is not desirable to apply screed in layers method, the concrete floor assembly according to the inven
that are thick enough for the embedment of electric or water tion is thus much more cost-effective than conventional alter
conduits. In addition, it is difficult to predict how well the natives.
screed will dry out and how long it will take for the screed to 0012. The concrete floor assembly according to the inven
dry when applied in such thick layers. If the base is not dry tion is intended to be part of a floor structure for construction
enough when the floor is laid (for instance a parquet or a works, for instance buildings, such as dwelling houses, office
plastic carpet), the floor can be damaged by the moisture or or industrial premises, or structures such as sports centres,
mildew problems can arise. underground cavities or silo buildings.
0007 Experimental studies have also been carried out 0013 The concrete floor assembly according to the inven
using ordinary concrete instead of Screed. They have shown tion can be part of or constitute the entire structural floor of
that if ordinary concrete is cast on a prefabricated hollow core the floor structure. It can also be a non-structural part of the
slab in layers thinner than 100 mm, problems arise in the floor structure.
US 2009/03 01009 A1 Dec. 10, 2009

0014. According to the invention, a concrete floor assem method. By this is meant any optional method that removes,
bly is thus a portion of a floor structure, which portion forms transfers and/or compacts material unevenly over the Surface
a base which is suitable for floor laying or which itself can So as to make the Surface rugged or, in other words, rough.
function as a floor. 0024. According to an embodiment of the invention, the
0.015 The term subfloor element here means an element bottom casting Surface is brushed or combed. This can Suit
cast on the spot or a prefabricated element. The subfloor ably be performed in connection with the manufacturing of
element can extend over the entire floor of a room or over the the subfloor elements, by a brush or comb being attached to a
entire floor of a storey, but it can also be a slab with limited casting machine. In such a method, it may sometimes be
extension. The subfloor element has a floor side and a ground/ desirable to remove possible loose material originating from
ceiling side. The floor side is the side which in normal use is the brushing/combing from the bottom casting Surface before
part of the base of a floor. The ground/ceiling side is the side the casting of the top casting layer. By this means, the adhe
which in normal use is facing the ceiling of a lower storey or sion properties are further improved.
the ground if the subfloor element belongs to the ground floor. 0025. According to an embodiment of the invention, the
0016. According to an embodiment of the invention, the bottom casting Surface is embossed. This can, for instance, be
subfloor element is a structural prefabricated hollow core achieved by a rotating cylinder or several rotating wheels
slab. Several such hollow core slabs can be joined together so which are attached to a casting machine in connection with
as to extend over an entire storey. the manufacturing of the subfloor elements.
0017. According to an embodiment of the invention, the 0026. According to an embodiment of the invention, at
subfloor element is a hollow core slab with pretensioned least a portion of the floor side of the subfloor element has a
reinforcement. Due to the prestress, such hollow core slabs concrete Surface with a bottom casting Surface which has
are usually curved, that is they have an arched longitudinal exposed aggregate.
section. By casting the top casting layer according to the 0027. In this application, "exposed aggregate’ means that
invention on the arched floor side of the hollow core slab, the Surface skin, Surface silt and fine aggregate particles have
concrete floor assembly can be given a flat floor side that is been removed from the concrete surface so that coarse aggre
Suitable as a base for floor laying. gate protrudes.
0.018. If the subfloor element has a curvature, or in other 0028 Such exposed aggregate Surfaces are known to pro
words an arched cross-section, and the top casting layer is vide aesthetical effects. However, according to the embodi
such that the concrete floor assembly has a flat floor side, the ment of the invention, the exposed aggregate is used to
thickness of the top casting layer will vary over the cross increase the surface roughness of the surface of the subfloor
section. Its smallest thickness is where the curve of the arch is element. Increased roughness of the surface of the subfloor
at its maximum. Usually, such a subfloor element has its element results in improved adhesion between the subfloor
Smallest thickness approximately at the centre and its greatest element and the top casting layer, which reduces the risk of
thickness at two opposite edge sides. loss of bond and edge lifting. Another positive effect is that
0019. The subfloor element according to the invention can the upper Surface is also strengthened since loose mortar is
be made of concrete or reinforced concrete, but it can also removed. Thus, the exposure of aggregate according to this
comprise other materials. According to the invention, at least embodiment provides two properties which are beneficial for
a portion of the floor side of the subfloor element has a the adhesion of the top casting layer to the subfloor element,
concrete Surface of which at least a portion constitutes a that is increased Surface roughness and strong concrete in the
bottom casting Surface. The bottom casting Surface is joint.
intended to interact with the casting composition. 0029. According to the invention, substantially the entire
0020. According to the invention, the bottom casting sur floor side of the Subfloor element can have exposed aggregate
face has such surface roughness that the top casting layer or only a portion thereof. The top casting layer can cover
adheres to the bottom casting Surface. This means that the substantially the entire floor side of the subfloor element or a
casting composition forms a top casting layer with desired portion thereof, in which case at least a portion of the exposed
thickness over at least part of the bottom casting Surface of the aggregate Surface, i.e. the bottom casting Surface, is covered.
Subfloor element, the top casting layer adhering to the bottom In some embodiments, the adhesion of the top casting layer
casting Surface so that the requirements of the building sector can be sufficient even if the surface of the subfloor element
are met, for instance, those referring to loss of bond and edge covered by the top casting layer does not in its entirety have an
lifting and those referring to the strength of the adhesion area exposed aggregate finish.
between the subfloor element and the top casting layer. 0030. According to an embodiment of the invention, the
0021. According to an embodiment of the invention, the concrete portion of the subfloor element has a surface with a
bottom casting Surface has a Surface roughness which, when deep exposure of aggregate, i.e. aggregate in the concrete
measured according to the Swedish Standard for determina Surface is exposed to such depth that the coarse aggregate
tion of surface roughness SIS812005, is preferably S>1.5. grains appear clearly. The depth can be greater than /3 of the
Reference is made to this Standard, for instance, in the Swed maximum size of the Surface aggregate.
ish concrete code (BBK04). 0031. According to an embodiment of the invention, a
0022. According to the invention, this surface roughness membrane curing compound is applied to the top casting
can be obtained by any suitable method. One example is to layer so that the after-curing proceeds under the effect of the
seed the bottom casting Surface with granular material. Such membrane curing compound. Membrane curing compounds
as crushed stone material. Examples of particle sizes are 2-4 or (liquid membrane curing compounds) are compounds that
mm or 4-8 mm. delay the drying out of the concrete during curing. The mem
0023. Another example of providing a bottom casting sur brane curing compound forms a thin film over the newly cast
face with a rough surface structure is, according to the inven Surface so that usually it does not have to be moistened.
tion, to treat the bottom casting Surface by a surface roughing Membrane curing compounds with different chemical com
US 2009/03 01009 A1 Dec. 10, 2009

positions, such as wax dispersions, acrylate polymers or latex European Project Group, with representatives from BIBM,
emulsions, are commercially available. Preferred membrane CEMBUREAU, ERMCO, EFCA and EFNARC.
curing compounds comply with the specifications laid down 0036 Concrete mainly consists of mineral particles (ag
in ASTMC 309, Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for gregate) of different grain sizes which are bonded by cement
Curing Concrete, for instance the specifications in this docu paste consisting of cement and water. A common mixing ratio
ment concerning maximum loss of moisture. Thanks to the based on parts by Volume is one part water, one part cement,
application of the membrane curing compound to the top two parts sand and three parts coarse aggregate. Admixtures
casting layer, the top casting layer does not dry out too modifying the properties of the concrete in various ways can
quickly during the first hours after casting, whereby plastic also be included. In general, in the case of self-compacting
shrinkage cracking in the Surface layer is advantageously concrete, the ratio of fine aggregate (e.g. sand and gravel) is
avoided. greater, and the ratio of coarse aggregate (e.g. Stone material)
0032. According to an embodiment of the invention, the is Smaller, than in traditional concrete. It is also common to
use fine-particle material in self-compacting concrete. Such
subfloor element is pre-moistened before the casting of the as lime or glass filler. A common admixture in self-compact
casting composition on the Subfloor element. This advanta ing concrete is commercially available water reducing agents,
geously prevents water from the casting composition from so-called Superplasticisers, which can make the self-com
being absorbed into the subfloor element, which would pacting concrete plastic and workable.
reduce the strength of the layer of the top casting layer that is 0037 According to an embodiment of the invention, the
closest to the subfloor element.
self-compacting concrete has a slump-flow of>520 mm, pref
0033 According to an embodiment of the invention, a erably >650 mm. The measurement of slump-flow is a test to
plurality of subfloor elements are joined together to form a assess the flowability of self-compacting concrete in the
subfloor unit with or without the aid of interconnecting absence of obstructions. It is based on the slump test
means. The Subfloor elements can, for instance, be joined by described in EN 12350-2. The result is an indication of the
grouting but the Subfloor elements can also be loosely placed filling ability of the self-compacting concrete. Slump-flow is
next to each other or be attached to each other or to a base. thus the mean diameter of the spread of fresh concrete using
Subsequently, the casting composition is cast so that a top a conventional slump cone. The measuring of slump-flow is
casting layer forms which extends over several subfloor ele defined in Annex B.1 of The European Guidelines for Self
ments, whereby a floor assembly according to the invention is Compacting Concrete—Specification, Production and Use
provided. According to an embodiment, substantially the and is Summarised below.
entire floor side of the Subfloor elements has exposed aggre 0.038 Prepare the cone and baseplate as described in EN
gate and the top casting layer extends over Substantially the 12350-2.
entire subfloor unit. Owing to the self-levelling properties of
the casting composition, it is thus possible to provide a flat 0039 Place the cone coincident with the 200 mm circle
base for floor laying by one single casting of a layer. In on the baseplate and hold in position by standing on the
addition, electric and/or water conduits can be embedded in foot pieces (or use the weighted collar), ensuring that no
the top casting layer. concrete can leak from under the cone.
0034. In some construction projects, use is made of pre 0040 Fill the cone without any agitation or rodding, and
fabricated wall elements in which windows are already strike off surplus from top of the cone. Allow the filled
mounted. Furthermore, the construction process is some cone to stand for not more than 30 s. During this time
times such that also the ceiling is applied before a method of remove any spilled concrete from the baseplate. Ensure
providing a flat base is initiated. In Such constructions, it is the baseplate is damp all over but without any surplus
possible, according to an embodiment of the invention, to seal
door openings and bushings, if any, in the wall elements, for 0041 Lift the cone vertically in one movement without
instance, by means of plastics So that a relatively airtight room interfering with the flow of concrete. Without disturbing
is obtained. Only thereafter, the top casting layer is applied. the baseplate or the concrete, measure the largest diam
Hereby, the moisture evaporated from the top casting layer eter of the concrete flow and measure the diameter of the
can be maintained in the sealed room, which delays the drying flow spread at right angles to the largest diameter.
out of the top casting layer. Owing to the slower drying-out 0042. The slump-flow is the mean of the two measured
process, plastic shrinkage cracking in the top casting layer diameters.
can be avoided. It is often sufficient to keep the room airtight 0043. Self-compacting concrete can have a very high ten
for about 24 hours. dency to shrink due to a small amount of coarse aggregate and
0035. The inventive casting composition comprises a self a large amount offine material and/or lime filler, which can be
compacting concrete and a shrinkage reducer. Self-compact used to make the concrete self-compacting. To reduce shrink
ing concrete is compacted homogenously under its own age and thus the risk of loss of bond and edge lifting, shrink
weight and fills formwork without using the vibratory unit age reducing admixtures are used. Such shrinkage reducing
required for ordinary concrete. This makes it possible to admixtures comprise, for instance, various types of alcohols.
obtain a rational casting process without vibrating, which is They are Supposed to primarily reduce the Surface tension of
less time-consuming and requires less manpower. The con the pore water, whereby the shrinkage tensions in the concrete
crete will also be self-levelling, which means that it does not are reduced. Shrinkage reducing admixtures are commer
have to be coated with screed before the floor is laid, which is cially available and a person skilled in the art can choose a
a great saving in costs. Self-compacting concrete and various Suitable agent based on the composition of the concrete and
types thereof are described in The European Guidelines for its shrinkage tendency, etc. A Suitable shrinkage reducing
Self-Compacting Concrete—Specification, Production and admixture can comprise a polyalcohol, preferably 2,2-dim
Use, May 2005, issued by the Self-Compacting Concrete ethylpropane-1,3-diol.
US 2009/03 01009 A1 Dec. 10, 2009

0044) Lime fillers contribute to the self-compacting prop composition which comprises a self-compacting concrete
erties of the concrete. Lime fillers have also been found to and a shrinkage reducing admixture, casting the casting com
accelerate the drying-out process due to their effect on the position on the floor side of the subfloor element so that a top
structure of the pore system. The accelerated drying-out casting layer forms which covers at least a portion of the
allows concrete comprising lime filler to comply with the exposed aggregate Surface.
relative humidity (RH) requirements on concrete before car 0050 Finally, an embodiment of a method of making a
peting. Lime fillers are commercially available in a number of floor assembly for a floor structure in construction works
qualities. For the inventive use, it has been found that a lime comprises according to the invention the steps of providing
filler, for instance a crystalline limestone filler, with a mean subfloor elements which have a floor side and a ground/
particle size of <0.05 mm, preferably 0.025-0.05 mm, pro ceiling side and comprise a concrete portion on the floor side,
vides the desired combination of contributions to the self which concrete portion has an exposed aggregate surface,
compacting properties of the concrete and to the accelerated providing a casting composition comprising a self-compact
drying-out. ing concrete and a shrinkage reducing admixture, joining the
0045. The high amount offine material in self-compacting Subfloor elements to form a subfloor unit, casting the casting
concrete increases the water requirement, which further composition on the Subfloor unit by covering at least portions
increases the shrinkage tendency. Self-compacting concrete of the exposed aggregate surfaces, thereby forming a top
for use according to the invention has a water-cement ratio of casting layer with a flat upper side which has a desired incli
>0.5, preferably >0.55. nation, preferably substantially horizontal.
0046 By exploiting the positive effect of lime fillers on the
drying-out process, quick drying-out can be achieved accord BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
ing to the invention without reducing the water-cement ratio, 0051. The invention will now be described in more detail
which could have increased the risk of loss of bond and edge by way of examples and with reference to the accompanying
lifting. Owing to the quick drying-out of the casting compo drawings.
sition, the floor laying is not delayed and a quick and efficient 0.052 FIG. 1 is a schematic longitudinal section view of a
construction process can be maintained. concrete floor assembly according to the invention.
0047 Thus, an embodiment of a concrete floor assembly 0053 FIG. 2 is a schematic cross-section view of a con
according to the invention comprises a Subfloor element with crete floor assembly according to the invention.
a floor side and a ground/ceiling side, and a top casting layer. 0054 FIG. 3 is a schematic top plan view of a subfloor
The subfloor element comprises a concrete portion on the element according to the invention.
floor side and the concrete portion has an exposed aggregate 0055 FIG. 4 is a schematic top plan view of a floor assem
Surface, and the top casting layer comprises a casting com bly according to the invention, in which part of the Figure
position which comprises a self-compacting concrete and a shows joined Subfloor elements under the top casting layer.
shrinkage reducing admixture. The top casting layer is cast on
the floor side of the subfloor element so that at least a portion DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED
of the exposed aggregate Surface is covered by the top casting EMBODIMENTS
0048. Due to the exposed aggregate surface of the subfloor 0056. With reference to FIGS. 1 and 2, a concrete floor
element, which allows good adhesion, it has been found pos assembly according to the invention is schematically shown.
sible, according to this embodiment of the invention, to use a The concrete floor assembly comprises a subfloor element in
casting composition based on a self-compacting concrete if it the form of a prefabricated hollow core slab 1. The hollow
contains an admixture of a shrinkage reducer. Such a casting core slab 1 comprises longitudinal reinforcement wires 2 that
composition is considerably more economical than prior-art prestress the hollow core slab 1, whereby it obtains a curved
screed. According to the invention, the good adhesion to the longitudinal section. The prestress and the curved shape
Subfloor element and the shrinkage reducing admixture make advantageously provide a good ability to absorb tensions and
it possible to cast a layer that is sufficiently thick to comply thus also a good load-carrying ability. The hollow core slab 1
with the requirements on acoustic insulation and the require is furthermore formed with weight-reducing recesses in the
ments on the embedment of conduits, but not so thick that an form of longitudinal holes 3. The hollow core slab 1 accord
unnecessary amount of material is consumed. Advanta ing to the example is 10 mx 1.20mx0.265 m.
geously, the casting composition, which according to the 0057 The hollow core slab 1 has a floor side 9 which in use
invention is based on a self-compacting concrete, requires is an upper side and a ground/ceiling side 10 which in use is
little labour input since it does not, as ordinary concrete, have an underside. The hollow core slab 1 has an arched shape, the
to be vibrated but spreads itself substantially horizontally. curvature being directed upwards in use. If the hollow core
Thus, according to the invention, a flat upper Surface is pro slab 1 is placed on a flat base, the difference in height of the
vided, also without the use of screed. Thanks to an economi upper side 9 of the hollow core slab 1 above the base mea
cal casting composition and a rational application method, the sured at half the length of the hollow core slab 1 and at its
concrete floor assembly according to the invention is thus short ends is 15 mm.
considerably more cost-effective than the conventional alter 0058. The hollow core slab 1 is made of a prior-art con
natives. crete mix also comprising coarse aggregate grains 5 with a
0049. Furthermore, an embodiment of a method of mak diameter of about 12 mm. The hollow core slab 1 has a
ing a concrete floor assembly according to the invention com concrete surface that covers the entire floor side 9, and in the
prises the steps of providing a Subfloor element having a floor shown example the entire concrete surface of the floor side 9
side and a ground/ceiling side, the Subfloor element compris forms a bottom casting surface which has been provided with
ing a concrete portion on the floor side, which concrete por a desired roughness by aggregate exposure, cf. FIG. 3. The
tion has an exposed aggregate Surface, providing a casting concrete Surface has deep aggregate exposure, down to a
US 2009/03 01009 A1 Dec. 10, 2009

depth corresponding to about half the diameter of the coarse paste, i.e. the aggregate is exposed and a rough and clean
aggregate. In this example, the depth of aggregate exposure is surface 4 appears. In this example, the entire floor side 9 of the
6 mm. hollow core slab 1 has exposed aggregate.
0059 A top casting layer 6 is cast on the arched floor side 0064. A plurality of such hollow core slabs are subse
9 and covers the floor side 9 over its entire exposed aggregate quently transported to the desired building site.
Surface 4. The top casting layer 6 has a Substantially flat upper 0065. The hollow core slabs 1 are joined together on site to
side 7 facing away from the exposed aggregate Surface. When form a subfloor unit, which in this example extends over a
using the hollow core slab 1 according to the shown example storey and in which all the floor sides 1 of the hollow core
in a floor structure, the upper side 7 of the top casting layer 6 slabs are upwardly directed. The hollow core slabs 1 are
is horizontal. Furthermore, conduits 8 for electric cables are joined by grouting. In other embodiments of the invention, it
embedded in the top casting layer 6. In the shown example, may be sufficient to place the hollow core slabs adjacent to
the top casting layer 6 has a thickness of 55 mm at the Smallest each other or to attach them to each other or to a base in some
cross-section where the curve formed by the hollow core slab other convenient manner. The curved, arched longitudinal
1 has its maximum and a thickness of 70 mm at the short ends section of the joined hollow core slabs 1 gives the upper side
of the hollow core slab 1. of the subfloor unit a waveform. Furthermore, owing to the
0060 According to the invention, the top casting layer exposed aggregate floor side 9 of the hollow core slabs, the
comprises a casting composition based on a self-compacting entire floor side of the Subfloor unit has exposed aggregate.
concrete. The casting composition can, for instance, comprise 0066. Subsequently, conduits 8 are placed over the sub
the following materials: floor unit in a desired pattern.
0067 Furthermore, a casting composition according to the
above formula is mixed and supplied to the building site.
0068. The ready-mixed casting composition is pumped
Materials Amount (kg/m) out over the subfloor unit so that the conduits 8 are covered
Building cement 2SO-SOO and the desired thickness, for instance with regard to acoustic
Lime filler SO-200 insulation class, is obtained. Before that, the subfloor unit has
Sand 0-2 mm 400-700 been slightly pre-moistened. The casting composition forms
Gravel 0-8 mm SOO-1OOO a top casting layer 6 which covers the entire upper side of the
Stone material 8-11 mm 400-700
Water reducing agent O.1-10 Subfloor unit and the conduits 8. The casting composition is
Shrinkage reducing admixture O.1-10 self-levelling, which means that it compacts under its own
Water 100-500 weight, which makes vibration unnecessary. Moreover, the
casting composition spreads so that the top casting layer
0061 A preferred casting composition has the following obtains a Substantially horizontal Surface.
composition: 0069. When spreading, use is made of a laser, to obtain the
desired vertical level, and by bull floating, to obtain plane and
Smooth Surfaces. Bull floating means that the concrete Surface
is treated by a so-called bull float. Usually, a bullfloat consists
Amount Manufacturer? of a board or a plastic tube provided with a handle. The
Materials (kg/m) supplier Surface is easy to work manually so that a plane and Smooth
Building cement 385 Cementa Surface is obtained. The top casting layer finally has a thick
Lime filler “Limus 40 135 Nordkalk ness of 55 mm at its thinnest point and a thickness of 70 mm
Sand 0-2 mm (R6) S86 Skanska at the short ends of the hollow core slab 1.
Gravel 0-8 mm (Enköping) 747 Skanska 0070. In other embodiments, it is, of course, possible to
Stone material 8-11 mm (Vällsta) 598 Skanska perform levelling and Smoothing by other suitable methods.
Water reducing agent “Evo 26 2.7 Sika
Shrinkage reducing admixture 5.8 Sika 0071. Before the top casting layer has cured, a membrane
“Control 40 curing compound is injected over the Surface of the top cast
Water 2O7 ing layer. This is done immediately after the free water has
disappeared from the concrete Surface, usually within an hour
0062. The invention also relates to a floor structure com after casting. Owing to this, the after-curing of the top casting
prising at least one concrete floor assembly according to the layer proceeds under the action of the membrane curing com
invention. With reference to FIG.4, such a floor structure can, pound, whereby plastic shrinkage cracking in the Surface
according to the invention, comprise a floor assembly accord layer is advantageously avoided.
ing to the invention, which can be obtained in the following 0072. Due to the lime fillers of the casting composition, it
is possible, according to the invention, to obtain quick drying
out and the relative humidity (RH) requirements on concrete
0063 First, a subfloor element is manufactured in the form before carpeting can be complied with and long waiting times
of a hollow core slab 1 with an exposed aggregate surface 4. in the construction process are avoided.
The hollow core slab 1 is cast in prior-art concrete and com 0073. According to the invention, a separate concrete floor
prises a prestressed reinforcement 2. To obtain the exposed assembly can also be provided by the above-described
aggregate surface 4 of the hollow core slab 1, a retarding method.
admixture (in liquid form) is applied before curing of the
hollow core slab. This means that curing is delayed down to a 1. A concrete floor assembly, comprising:
depth of 6 mm, which has been selected in consideration of a Subfloor element with a floor side and a ground/ceiling
the fact that the aggregate grains have a maximum diameter of side; and
12 mm. The hollow core slabs are then high-pressure washed, a top casting layer, wherein the Subfloor element includes a
which means that the surface layer is “cleaned” of cement concrete portion on the floor side, the concrete portion
US 2009/03 01009 A1 Dec. 10, 2009

including a bottom casting Surface with a surface rough concrete portion on the floor side, the concrete portion
ness, the top casting layer including a casting composi including a bottom casting Surface with a Surface rough
tion which comprises a self-compacting concrete and a neSS,
shrinkage reducing admixture, and wherein the top cast providing a casting composition which comprises a self
ing layer is cast on the floor side of the subfloor element compacting concrete and a shrinkage reducing admix
So that at least a portion of the bottom casting Surface is ture; and
covered by the top casting layer, and wherein the bottom casting the casting composition on the floor side of the
casting Surface has such surface roughness that the top Subfloor element so that a top casting layer forms which
casting layer adheres to the bottom casting Surface. covers at least a portion of the bottom casting Surface,
2. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, wherein the bottom casting Surface having such surface rough
the Surface roughness of the bottom casting Surface, when ness that the top casting layer adheres to the bottom
measured according to the Swedish Standard for determina casting Surface.
tion of surface roughness SIS812005, is S>1.5. 21. A method as claimed in claim 20, further comprising
3. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, wherein applying a membrane curing compound to the top casting
the bottom casting Surface is seeded with granular material. layer.
4. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, wherein 22. A method as claimed in claim 20, further comprising
the bottom casting Surface is treated by a surface roughening pre-moistening the Subfloor element before the step of casting
method. the casting composition.
5. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 4, wherein 23. A method as claimed in claim 20, further comprising
the bottom casting Surface is brushed and/or combed. bull floating the top casting layer.
6. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 4, wherein 24. A method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the providing
the bottom casting Surface is embossed. of a Subfloor element comprises seeding the bottom casting
7. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 4, wherein Surface with granular material.
the bottom casting Surface has exposed aggregate. 25. A method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the providing
8. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 7, wherein of a Subfloor element comprises treating the bottom casting
coarse aggregate grains in the exposed aggregate Surface of Surface by a Surface roughening method.
the subfloor element are exposed at a depth of >/3 of the 26. A method as claimed in claim 25, wherein the treating
maximum size of the Surface aggregate. of the bottom casting Surface by a surface roughening method
9. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 7, wherein comprises at least one of brushing and combing the bottom
coarse aggregate grains in the exposed aggregate Surface of casting Surface.
the subfloor element are exposed at a depth of </2 of the 27. A method as claimed in claim 25, wherein the treating
maximum size of the Surface aggregate. of the bottom casting Surface by a surface roughening method
10. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, comprises embossing the bottom casting Surface.
wherein at least one of conduits and electrical installations are
embedded in the top casting layer. 28. A method as claimed in claim 25, wherein the treating
of the bottom casting Surface by a surface roughening method
11. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, comprises exposing the aggregate of the bottom casting Sur
wherein the bottom casting Surface covers Substantially the face.
entire floor side of the subfloor element.
29. A method as claimed in claim 28, wherein the providing
12. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, of a Subfloor element comprises casting the Subfloor element
wherein the top casting layer is cast on Substantially the entire in concrete, applying a retarding admixture to a surface of the
floor side of the subfloor element. floor side before curing of the subfloor element, and cleaning
13. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, the surface of mortar after curing of the subfloor element, thus
wherein the maximum thickness of the top casting layer is exposing the aggregate of the Surface.
<100 mm. 30. A method as claimed in claim 20, further comprising
14. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, arranging conduits or electrical installations on the Subfloor
wherein the minimum thickness of the top casting layer is >40 element before the casting of the casting composition, and
. wherein the casting of the casting composition comprises
15. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, embedding of conduits or electrical installations in the top
wherein the casting composition further comprises a lime casting layer.
filler. 31. A method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the casting
16. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, composition is cast with a thickness of <100 mm at its thickest
wherein the subfloor element is a prefabricated element. point.
17. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 16, 32. A method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the casting
wherein the subfloor element is a hollow core slab. composition is cast with a thickness of>40 mm at its thinnest
18. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1, point.
wherein the self-compacting concrete has a slump-flow of 33. A method as claimed in claim 20, wherein the self
>520 mm. compacting concrete has a slump-flow of >520 mm.
19. A floor structure for construction works comprising a 34. A method of making a floor assembly for a floor struc
concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1. ture in construction works comprising:
20. A method of making a concrete floor assembly com providing subfloor elements which have a floor side and a
prising: ground/ceiling side and comprise a concrete portion on
providing a Subfloor element having a floor side and a the floor side, the concrete portion including a bottom
ground/ceiling side, the Subfloor element including a casting Surface with a surface roughness;
US 2009/03 01009 A1 Dec. 10, 2009

providing a casting composition comprising a self-com 40. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1,
pacting concrete and a shrinkage reducing admixture; wherein the bottom casting Surface is seeded with granular
joining the subfloor elements to form a subfloor unit; 41. A concrete floor assembly as claimed in claim 1,
casting the casting composition on the Subfloor unit by wherein the bottom casting Surface is treated by a Surface
covering at least portions of the bottom casting Surfaces, roughening method.
the bottom casting Surfaces having Such surface rough 42. A method as claimed in claim 21, further comprising
ness that the top casting layer adheres to the bottom pre-moistening the Subfloor element before the step of casting
casting Surface, thereby forming a top casting layer with the casting composition.
a flat upper side which has a desired inclination. 43. A method as claimed in claim 21, further comprising
35. A method as claimed in claim34, wherein the providing bull floating the top casting layer.
ofa Subfloor element comprises exposing the aggregate of the 44. The method of claim 34, wherein the desired inclina
tion is horizontal.
bottom casting Surface. 45. A method as claimed in claim 35, further comprising
36. A method as claimed in claim 34, further comprising arranging conduits or electrical installations on the Subfloor
arranging conduits or electrical installations on the Subfloor unit before the casting of the casting composition, and
unit before the casting of the casting composition, and wherein the casting of the casting composition comprises
wherein the casting of the casting composition comprises embedding of conduits or electrical installations in the top
embedding of conduits or electrical installations in the top casting layer.
casting layer. 46. A method as claimed in claim 35, wherein the casting
37. A method as claimed in claim 34, wherein the casting composition is cast over Substantially the entire Subfloor unit.
composition is cast over Substantially the entire Subfloor unit. 47. A method as claimed in claim35, wherein the casting of
the casting composition comprises pumping out the casting
38. A method as claimed in claim 34, wherein the casting of composition over the subfloor unit.
the casting composition comprises pumping out the casting 48. A method as claimed in claim35, wherein the casting of
composition over the subfloor unit. the casting composition comprises leveling of the top casting
39. A method as claimed in claim 34, wherein the casting of layer.
the casting composition comprises levelling of the top casting

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