Case Study 2

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Nathalie Chalhoub A2110269

Case Study 2
A. The Ministry of Labor and UN agencies are targeting Street-Based Children to
understand and address the issues they face. Street-based children can have an impact on
public health due to factors like lack of access to healthcare and proper nutrition. It's
important to support them and find solutions to improve their well-being. Factors that
contribute to the impact of Street-Based Children on public health include limited access
to healthcare services, inadequate nutrition, exposure to unsanitary living conditions, and
higher vulnerability to diseases and infections. It's crucial to address these factors to
ensure the well-being of Street-Based Children and the overall public health. Some of the
effects of Street-Based Children on overall public health include increased healthcare
costs, strain on healthcare resources, and the potential for the spread of infectious
diseases. It's important to address the needs of Street-Based Children to mitigate these
effects and promote a healthier community for everyone.

B. To address the issue of Street-Based Children (SBC), various strategies and plans can be
suggested. These can be implemented at different levels, including individual,
community, and policy levels. At the individual level, providing access to education and
vocational training programs can help empower SBC and provide them with better
opportunities for the future. Engaging with them through outreach programs and offering
counseling and support services can also make a positive impact. At the community level,
creating safe spaces and community centers where SBC can access basic services, such as
healthcare, nutrition, and hygiene facilities, can be beneficial. Promoting community
awareness and involvement through campaigns and workshops can help reduce
stigmatization and encourage support for SBC. At the policy level, it is important to enact
and enforce legislation that protects the rights of SBC and ensures their well-being. This
can include measures to prevent child labor, provide social protection, and strengthen
child welfare systems. Collaboration between government agencies, NGOs, and
international organizations is crucial to implement and monitor these policies effectively.
By implementing strategies at these different levels, we can work towards addressing the
challenges faced by Street-Based Children and improving their overall well-being.

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