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Project Proposal

Guidance and
Diploma in Creative
Media Production
and Technology
Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology

In producing the project proposal, and in

preparing for the project realisation, you Section 1 - Rationale
should familiarise yourself with Unit 8 of (Approximately 100 words)
the qualification.
This section provides you with an opportunity to reflect
In particular, you should understand the on, review and summarise your progress and
assessment and grading criteria which will be achievements through the first 7 units of the
used to determine standards of achievement. qualification, and the knowledge, skills and
understanding you have acquired: What you know now,
Unit 8 requires you to produce a project and what it means to you, compared with what you
proposal of about 350 words, excluding the knew and could do before you started the
project action plan and bibliography. Project course and how this has influenced your choice of
proposals should not be so succinct that they
pathway and your project proposal.
do not address the requirements listed
below, nor should they be excessively long
and unfocused. Section 2 – Project concept
(Approximately 200 words)
Your project proposal should be sufficiently
challenging to ensure you have the This section provides an opportunity for you to
best possible chance of meeting the clearly explain the concept and aims of your
grading criteria. project, the research and ideas that will
support its development, what you anticipate
Your project proposal should include: producing, the levels and types of resources
- Centre name and number
that you will need and an indication of the
- Candidate name and number
- Project proposal title and date form in which you will complete and
- Main area of activity / pathway, e.g. film, TV, present your project realisation within
games design etc. the allocated timescale.

The project proposal must be word processed and

presented under the headings listed here:

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Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology
Project proposal template

Additional requirements, not included in the

350 word limit of the proposal:

Project action plan and timetable:

This section provides you with an opportunity to

outline your planning and organisation over a
period of weeks and the activities you will need to
carry out in order to successfully complete
your project in the agreed time frame. The more
time and thought you give to
planning your project, the more successful it is
likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will

balance ambition, time and realism in the
realisation of the project. You should also include
what you are going to do, how you will do it
and by when. Remember to include: time spent
sourcing materials and other resources to conduct
research, feedback from tutors and peers, and
when you will carry out independent study.

Bibliography (Harvard Format):

This section provides an opportunity to record the

initial research sources, both primary and
secondary, that you intend to use.

Your sources of research should be as wide

as possible and could include libraries,
galleries, books, magazines, films, computer games,
websites, blogs, social media, radio
programmes, archive material etc. Where
appropriate, you should use the Harvard
system of referencing. The bibliography should be
continuously updated as the
project progresses.

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Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology
Spotify Canvas Project Proposal
Candidate Name
Josh Rooney

Candidate Number

Level 2 Content Creation

Project Title
Spotify Canvas

Section 1: Rationale
(approx. 100 words)
For this brief I will be creating a Spotify canvas for a song of my choice. I have been given 3
weeks for this unit and the deadline is 14/12/23 I will make too sure manage my time and get
everything completed when it is given to me. In this project I am excited on learning how to
create a Spotify canvas and using the premier pro. I already know how to create a gif so if I
wanted to do that I could. I think that this unit will help me to continue to build up my skills. I
feel quite confident with this as I have been fine with the other units and I have help if I need
it, I also feel confident that I will get this done on time as I have lots of free periods to
complete work if it hasn’t been done.

Section 2: Project
The overall idea for my Spotify canvas is for it to be a 3-8-second-long video for my chosen
(approx. 200 words song, My chosen song is original nuttah 25 made by a group of people: UK Apache, SHY FX,
IRAH and, Chase & Status, the target audience for the musician I have chosen is people who
listen to drum and bass and I can create something they like by looking at other Spotify
canvas’ of other drum and bass musicians. My Spotify canvas is going to be a GIF, and this
will be made in adobe photoshop by sticking a range of images together and then putting this
into a timeline, you then turn that into an animation frame, you then set the GIF to loop and
you are done. I have made a GIF before, so I feel confident in making it and won’t take me too
long. A GIF is a bunch of photos put together in photoshop to then look like a video. Research
in GIFs for Spotify canvas will be able to help me develop on this more.

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Diploma in Creative Media
Production and Technology
Spotify Canvas Project Proposal

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Date Week

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