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September English Homework

If I was stranded on an island and could bring five

things with me, I would bring a knife/machete so I
could cut through plants and defend myself against
dangerous animals. Next, I would choose a
flashlight/torch so I could see when it becomes dark
and not trip over anything or bash my head into tree
branch. I could also use a flashlight to signal to boats
passing. For my third item that I would bring, I would
take bug spray, so I don’t get bitten by all the different
insects, especially mosquitos because they always
seem to go for me every single time, and I just get
dozens of bites all over me, so that would be a very
important item for me to bring. The fourth item I
would bring is sunblock. The reason I chose sunblock as
my fourth item is because I do not tan when I go in the
sun, I just burn and burn and burn some more and if I
stay in the sun I will literally look like a human tomato
then I would grow some blisters and look like a bumpy
human tomato. Anyway, after that fairly disgusting
thought my fifth and final item would be a hammock so
when I want to, I can just lay back and relax. Even
though it’s not the most comfortable bed in the world
it does the job when surviving in the wilderness. So
that’s it! Those are my five important items I would
bring with me to stranded island.

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