SDLC-Based Software Development Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

SDLC-Based Software Development Decision

Support Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
S. M Asif Hossain, Ruksat Khan Shayoni
Department of Computer Science
American International University-Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract:- The significance of software engineering has A decision support system (DSS) is employed to
increased in today's technology-driven landscape, enhance the decision-making process through the analysis of
demanding the creation of high-quality software to extensive data, presenting information in an organized
satisfy market needs. Selecting the appropriate SDLC fashion along with the best available options. [5]. A decision
model is a fundamental prerequisite for crafting high- support system for software engineeringhelps the decision-
quality software, while a wrong choice can lead a makers of the software development team to choose the
software project to losses to some extent and even correct SDLC model.
failure. A decision support system for software
engineering ensures informed choices, optimizes the For software engineering projects, choosing the wrong
development process, and delivers robust, user-centric software development model can lead to problems like
applications by providing the opportunity to choose the exceeding the budget or the deadline,not getting
proper SDLC model. This paper represents a systematic enoughresources at the time of need, or even failure of the
literature review of the availability of decision support entire project. So, making the right choice of the SDLC
systems for software engineering. Moreover, this model is a must in the early stage of developing software for
systematic review also focused on the commonly the improvement of the team’s productivity, software
included SDLC models and their noteworthy features in quality, defects reduction, cost reduction, and product
existing software engineering decision support systems. maintenance [6].Every SDLC model has its characteristics,
The result showed that software engineering decision criteria, and different working processes [7]. Finding the
support systems were mostly proposed between 2015 to correct fit for a particular project is quite hard, as it will take
2019. Agile, Waterfall, and Scrum are the SDLC models a lot of time to research this. So, a software engineering
that have been included predominantly in the existing decision support system can ease the process of decision-
studies and the most highlighted features are project making and choosing the accurate SDLC model for every
size, requirement transparency, change flexibility, and unique project.
According to this research, several studies proposing
Keywords:- Software Engineering Decision Support System, software engineering decision support systems have been
Software Engineering, Decision Support System, Systematic found. However, there has been no systematic literature
Literature Review, SLR, Software Development Life Cycle, review exists for such studies.Therefore, this paper conducts
SDLC. a systematic literature review regarding the availability of
the software engineering decision support system and the
I. INTRODUCTION most popular SDLC models in decision support systems
along with their mentioned features.
Software engineering is one of the most trending works
in this era as various kinds of software are being used The structure of this paper is as follows- Section II
daily[1]. Producing upscale software has become necessary presents the research methodology, Section III showcases
to meet market requirements and make human life easy. the results obtained for the research questions, andSection
Software development life cycle, also known as SDLC, is a IV provides the concluding remarks.
methodology that aims to develop upscale software with the
best outcome, including all the phases in a software II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
engineering project focusing on different areas and interests
[2]. The major phases of SDLC consist of requirement This study has been conducted by systematic literature
analysis, planning, software design, software development, review (SLR) approach following the guidelines set forth by
testing, deployment, and maintenance [3]. In software B. Kitchenham [8]. This SLR is a comprehensive and
engineering, to create high-quality software, every step must rigorous method that involves research question(s), selection
be properly executed, from planning to delivery [4]. To of the databases, setting search terms, determination of
make upscale software, it is a must to choose the right inclusion and exclusion criteria, data extraction, quality
SDLC model for specific software by matching the assessment, and data synthesis. The outcomes obtained from
requirements and features. a systematic literature review are more accurate, coherent,
and impartial compared to those of a conventional
review[9].The procedure of the SLR is presented in TABLE

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 1: Contents of the SLR
Procedure Content of the method
A Research questions
B Selection of databases
C Search procedure
D Search results
E Screening
F Data extraction
G Quality assessment
H Data synthesis

A. Research Questions  Studies that do not focus on decision support systems for
While undertaking a systematic literature review, the software engineering.
research questions are vital in determining the approach to  Studies that are not published in peer-reviewed
conducting the search, extracting, and analyzing data. The international journals or international conferences.
research questions chosen for this particular study are listed  Papers that are not written in English.
below:  Papers that are not from the year 2000 to 2023.
 RQ1.How many existing studies are available on
thesoftwareengineering decision support system? By employing these criteria, 25 papers were finally included
 RQ2.Which SDLC models have been commonly usedin out of 242 papers for the literature review.
the software engineering decision support system?
 RQ3.Which features of SDLC models are considered in F. Data Extraction
existing software engineering decision support systems? A data extraction form was created to record the relevant
data from the included articles. The following information
B. Selection of databases was extracted from each of the studies:
In this paper, for the search process of SLR, the  Publication year.
following prominent electronic libraries were included:  Name of the database.
 IEEE Xplore.  Offering software engineering decision support system.
 Scopus. (yes or no)
 ACM Digital Library.  Offering software engineering decision support systems
for choosing the right SDLC model. (yes or no)
C. Search Procedure  SDLC model(s) name.
The search process has been performed by utilizing the
 Feature(s) of SDLC model.
following search string to select the relevant studies:
("decision support system" OR "software engineering The first author performed the first level of data
decision support system" OR "software development extraction, and the second author did verification
decision support system") AND ("software engineering" OR simultaneously.
"software development" OR "software development life
cycle" OR "SDLC") G. Quality Assessment
Quality assessment is essential in a systematic literature
D. Search results review to ensure the credibility and reliability of the selected
Searching through IEEE Explore, ACM Digital studies. The quality of this study was assessed by the
Library,and Scopus using the above-specified search string following questions:
resulted in a total of 242 papers (till 06 Aug 2023) after  Is the study well-cited?
removing duplicates.  Does the study follow proper research methodology?
E. Screening  Is the study about the software engineering decision
As of the search, 242 studies were initially selected for support system?
the screening process. The screening process involved  Are the data collection procedures clearly described in
applying the following inclusion and exclusion criteria: the study?

 Inclusion criteria: The assessment questions mentioned above were

 Studies focused on software engineering decision marked as ‘Yes’ if theywere satisfied, otherwisemarked as
support systems. ‘No’ for each.
 Studies published in peer-reviewed international journals H. Data Synthesis
or international conferences. Data synthesis in SLR refers to the process of analyzing
 Papers that were written in no other language than and combining relevant information from included studies to
English. derive meaningful conclusions and insights. In this study,
 Available papers from the year 2000 to 2023 only. the data synthesis was conducted as a narrative summary
including some graphical representation by using the
 Exclusion criteria: extracted information after quality assessment.

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
I. Review Protocol Validation III. RESULT & DISCUSSION
Kitchenham's guidelines [102] were followedto review
the SLR protocol and ensure a comprehensive review This section presents the results related to the research
process. Moreover, we decided to consult an expert in SLR questions and engages in discussions about them.
methodology to establish a systematic, thorough, and all-
encompassing process. As part of this, we sought the RQ1-Answer: Fig. 1 shows the number of studies
validation of the review protocol from an associate professor about software engineering decision support systems
of the Department of Computer Science at the American published from 2000 to 2023. From the graph, it can be seen
International University-Bangladesh. that there were no published studies about this topic before
2005. Only 9 articles were published before 2011on this

On the other hand, there are 36 papers were published

after 2011 about the same topic. Most of the decision
support systems were proposed from 2015 to 2019. After
2019, the trend has gone downwards.

Fig. 1: No. of papers published each year on the decision support system for software engineering.

These findings provide insights into the development development life cycle models are Agile, Scrum, Waterfall,
of software engineering decision support systems over time, Iterative, Incremental, Extreme Programming, Spiral,
highlighting key periods of growth and innovation. DSDM, V-shaped, RUP,and RADmodels.

RQ2-Answer:From 25 included studies, most of the In Figure 2, it can be seen that Agile, Waterfall, and
articles are factor specified, such as decision support system Scrum are the common SDLC models that are included in
for cost estimation, error detection, reliability measurement, all the mentioned previous studies. In addition, Iterative,
etc. Very few studies include a decision support system for Extreme Programming,DSDM, Incremental, and Spiral
choosing the right SDLC model for the specific models were included in 8 of the studies. Therest RAD,
requirements of each software project. RUP, and V-shaped models were used in 5 of the articles.
Also, there were a few different models that were also
12 papers out of 25 included papers illustratedthe mentioned in some of the research articles, which have been
decision support systems for choosing the SDLC models for considered negligible.
software engineering. However, mostemployed software

Fig. 2: Commonly used SDLC models in the mentioned previous studies of decision support systems for software engineering

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
RQ3-Answer: Different articles interpreted the features them, we have represented the SDLC models' noteworthy
of the SDLC models in different manners. By combining features in the pie chart below:

Fig. 3: The highlighted features of the SDLC models in the mentioned previous studies of decision support systems for software

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technologies used, stakeholder involvement, and deadline [4]. I. Sommerville, "Introduction to software engineering"
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engineering decision support system are project timeframe 7, 2011.
and required expertise. [5]. “What is a decision support system (DSS)?”
TechTarget | CIO,
on-support-system (accessed Aug. 12, 2023).
This study has conducted a systematic literature review [6]. “Choosing the Right Software Development Model to
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for choosing an SDLC model for developing specific International Journal of Engineering Research and
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