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School of Engineering

Report/Assignment Cover Page

Student/Group Name(s): Student(s) ID Number:

Subject Code and Name:

ME 424 Energy Conversion
(e.g. EI140 Fundamentals of Engineering)
Lecturer Name: Nathan Quinlan

Title of Report/Assignment: Optimization of Combined Cycle Power Plant

Submission Deadline: 26th November 2023

Submission Date: 26th November 2023

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1. Introduction:
In the pursuit of enhancing energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, the integration of
combined cycle power plants has emerged as a prominent solution. This report delves into the
meticulous design and optimization of the steam power cycle, acting as the bottoming cycle in a
combined cycle power plant, complementing the Siemens SGT-800 62 MW gas turbine. The
primary objective is to achieve optimal overall thermal efficiency within the defined constraints,
adhering to a simple cycle configuration without reheating or regeneration.
The synergistic operation of gas and steam cycles in a combined cycle power plant allows
maximum energy extraction from the fuel, thereby significantly improving the plant's efficiency.
By focusing on the design intricacies of the steam power cycle, we aim to harness the untapped
potential within the gas turbine's exhaust and convert it into additional electrical power.
Throughout this report, a systematic approach is undertaken, considering key parameters such
as turbine inlet conditions, ambient and condenser conditions, isentropic efficiency, turbine
steam quality, and ISO sea level conditions. The limitations imposed on the HRSG ΔT, condenser
temperature difference, and overall heat transfer coefficient are integral components in shaping
the design.
The utilization of Siemens SGT-800 gas turbine technology, coupled with a carefully designed
steam power cycle, not only ensures optimal energy extraction but also aligns with contemporary
environmental concerns. As we embark on this optimisation journey, each assumption and
calculation will be meticulously documented, providing a transparent and thorough analysis of
the proposed steam power cycle design. The subsequent sections will unfold the detailed steps in
the design process, leading to an efficient and robust bottoming cycle for the combined cycle
power plant.

2. Methods:
In crafting the blueprint for a steam power cycle within the combined cycle power plant, the
initial step involves delving into the intricate workings of the Siemens SGT-800 62 MW gas
turbine. Meticulously exploring its operational nuances, establishing a robust foundation for
subsequent design considerations. Simultaneously, the fundamental parameters of the basic
steam cycle are defined, setting the stage for optimization endeavours – factors like temperature,
pressure, and mass flow rates are all meticulously outlined.
Next, the combined cycle power plant's configuration is mapped, emphasizing the dynamic
interplay between the gas turbine topping cycle and the steam power cycle. To navigate this
design journey effectively, key constraints and assumptions are laid out, explicitly stating the
absence of reheat or regeneration, and ensuring clear guidance throughout the process.
Initiating the optimization of the Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power plant involves a
comprehensive understanding of the Siemens SGT-800 62 MW gas turbine. This exploration

delves into its operational characteristics, laying a robust foundation for subsequent design
considerations. Fundamental parameters of the basic steam cycle, including temperature,
pressure, and mass flow rates, are defined to establish the groundwork for the optimization
Steam power cycle part:

𝑇1 = T9 = T𝐴𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 + ∆T (Equation 1)
This equation indicates that the temperatures at State 1 and State 9, and the sum of the ambient
temperature and the specified temperature difference are the same.
w1−2 = η 1−2s (Equation 2)

ℎ2 = ℎ1 − 𝑤1−2 (Equation 3)

These equations help determine the real specific work done by the pump and, consequently, the
specific enthalpy at State 2 in the steam cycle.

𝑤5−6 = 𝑤5−6𝑠 × 𝜂𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒 (Equation 4)

ℎ2 = ℎ1 − 𝑤1−2 (Equation 5)

These equations are crucial for determining the real specific work done by the steam turbine, the
pressure at State 6, and the specific enthalpy at State 6 in the steam cycle.

𝑠6s = 𝑠𝑓6 + 𝑋 (𝑠𝑔6 − 𝑠𝑓6 ) (Equation 6)

ℎ6s = ℎ𝑓6 + 𝑋 (ℎ𝑔6 − ℎ𝑓6 ) (Equation 7)

These equations are used to calculate the isentropic specific entropy and enthalpy at State 6,
providing insights into the properties of the steam as it enters the condenser.

𝑇5 = 𝑇7 − ∆𝑇 (Equation 8)
The temperature at State 5 as part of the steam cycle analysis. This state represents the
temperature of the steam at the inlet of the steam turbine, specifically at the outlet of the

𝑃1 = 𝑃6𝑠 = 𝑃6 (Equation 9)

𝑃2 = 𝑃2𝑠 = 𝑃3 = 𝑃4 = 𝑃5 (Equation 10)

This equation implies that these pressures are assumed to be equal at the corresponding states.

q 2−5 = h5 − h2 (Equation 11)

This represents the specific heat transfer in the steam cycle, specifically from state 2 (economizer
inlet/pump outlet) to state 5 (steam turbine inlet/superheater outlet). It is the energy added to the
working fluid (water/steam) in the boiler to raise its temperature and phase.
ṁ g ×C𝑝𝑔 (T5 −T2 )
ṁ s = (Equation 12)
(h5 −h3 )

This equation calculates the mass flow rate of water entering the steam turbine. It considers the
mass flow rate of the gas turbine exhaust, the specific heat capacity of air, and the temperature
and enthalpy differences between states 5 and 2.
𝑤5−6 +𝑤1−2
𝜂𝑡ℎ = (Equation 13)

This equation calculates the thermal efficiency of the steam cycle. It is the ratio of the network
the steam cycle does to the heat added to the steam cycle. It considers the specific work done by
the steam turbine and the specific work done on the pump.
𝑄𝐺𝑇 = (Equation 14)

This expression calculates the net heat power input to the gas cycle. It divides the gas turbine's
gross power output by the gas cycle's gross efficiency.
𝜂𝐶𝐶𝐺𝑇 = (Equation 15)

This equation calculates the overall efficiency of the combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) system.
It considers both the gas and steam cycles and is the ratio of the sum of the gas turbine output
and net power of the steam cycle to the heat input to the gas cycle.
𝑚̇ 𝑠 (ℎ5 −ℎ4 )
𝑇8 = 𝑇7 − (Equation 16)
𝑚̇𝑔 ×𝐶𝑝𝑔

𝑚̇ 𝑠 (ℎ3 −ℎ2 )
𝑇10 = 𝑇9 − (Equation 17)
𝑚̇𝑔 ×𝐶𝑝𝑔

These equations calculate the temperatures at states 8 and 10 in the CCGT system. State 8
represents the gas turbine inlet (burner outlet), and state 10 represents the compressor inlet. The
temperatures are determined based on the heat transfer from the steam cycle to the gas cycle.
𝑚̇𝑔 ×𝐶𝑝𝑔 (T9 −T10 )
A1 = (Equation 18)
𝑚̇ 𝑠

𝑚̇𝑔 ×𝐶𝑝𝑔 (T8 −T9 )

A2 = (Equation 19)
𝑚̇ 𝑠

𝑚̇𝑔 ×𝐶𝑝𝑔 (T7 −T8 )

A3 = (Equation 20)
𝑚̇ 𝑠

A𝑡𝑜𝑡 = A1 + A2 + A3 (Equation 21)

These equations calculate the required surface areas for specified sections in the HRSG. Each
stage (1, 2, and 3) corresponds to a different section of the HRSG. The total surface area is the
sum of the surface areas in these stages.

3. Results:

Temperature Pressure Specific entropy
State enthalpy
(C) (bar) (kJ/kg.K)
1 45 0.09594 188.44 0.63862
2s 45.095 30.57 191.5 0.63862
2 45.172 30.57 191.78 0.63959
3 234.9 30.57 1013.3 2.6552
4 234.9 30.57 2803.3 6.1784
5 566 30.57 3605.2 7.411
6 51.765 0.09594 2595.5 8.204
6s 45 0.09594 2343.1 7.411
7 596 x x x
8 434.85 x x x
9 264.9 x x x
10 99.823 x x x
Table 1: The main parameters calculations for each state and each cycle.

CCGT efficiency
CCGT plant calculations 59.21%
Specific work done by pump
Isentropic specific work done by pump
Specific work done by turbine
Isentropic specific work done by turbine
Steam Cycle 1262.2
specific heat transfer
Mass flow rate of steam
Thermal efficiency

Net power
Net heat power
Net heat power
Gas Cycle 1.52E+05
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Total Area
Table 2: CCGT results.

Figure 1: T-s plot.

Figure 2: T-h plot.

4. Discussion:
The comprehensive analysis of the steam and gas cycles, along with the combined cycle
performance, provides valuable insights into the efficiency and power generation capabilities of
the proposed power plant. Let's delve into the key findings and implications of the study:
The calculated thermal efficiency of the steam cycle stands at 29.48%. This figure reflects the
effectiveness of converting heat into mechanical work.
The specific work done by the pump is determined to be -3.3452 kJ/kg, indicating the energy
input required for the water pump.
The turbine, a crucial component, performs specific work amounting to 1009.7 kJ/kg. The
isentropic-specific work for the turbine is found to be 1262.2 kJ/kg.
The specific heat transfer within the system is estimated to be 3413.4 kJ/kg, illustrating the
efficiency of the heating process.
The mass flow rate of steam is calculated as 27.364 kg/s, representing the amount of steam
circulating through the system.
Net Power and Efficiency:
The net power output of the steam cycle is calculated as 27,500 kW, showcasing the work
available for electricity generation.

The thermal efficiency of the steam cycle, at 29.48%, signifies the percentage of heat effectively
converted into useful work.
The net heat power of the gas cycle is determined to be 152,000 kW, indicating the amount of
heat available for power generation.
Combined Cycle and Overall Efficiency:
The Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) efficiency is calculated as 59.21%, demonstrating the
effectiveness of integrating both the steam and gas cycles.
The total surface area required for the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) is determined
by considering different stages of the process. Areas 1, 2, and 3 contribute to a total surface area
of 2,469,200 m2.
4.1.Implications and Recommendations:
The study emphasizes the intricate interplay of various parameters in achieving optimal
performance. The CCGT system's high efficiency underscores its potential as a sustainable and
efficient power generation solution.
Further investigations could focus on fine-tuning parameters to enhance overall efficiency.
Sensitivity analyses on key parameters could provide insights into potential improvements.
Technological advancements or alternative configurations might be explored to boost

5. Conclusion:
The detailed analysis of the steam and gas cycles, coupled with the overall CCGT efficiency,
provides a robust foundation for understanding the proposed power plant's performance. The
results offer valuable information for decision-making in power plant design and operation, with
a focus on achieving higher efficiency and sustainability.

Appendix A: Octave code.

% Bashar Al Hawarna 18101415.
clear all;
close all;

% given parameters in students table
de_T = 30; % minimum HRSG delta T (deg C)
effi_P = 0.92; % isentropic efficiency of pump(%)
effi_T = 0.8; % isentropic efficiency of steam turbine(%)
% given parameters in problem sheet
T_Ambient = 15; % Ambient temperature (deg C)
X = 0.9; % Turbine steam quality should be at least 90%
U = 1220; % HRSG overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K^1)
% given parameters in Siemens Energy website
T7 = 596; % Gas turbine exhaust temperature
mg_dot = 135.5; % Mass flow rate of the exhaust of gas turbine (kg/s)
W_out_gas = 62.5E3; % the power output of gas cycle (kWe)
effi_gas = .411; % the efficiency of gas cycle(%)
% another parameters
Cp_a = 1005; % Specific heat capacity of air (J/kg.K)

% The main parameters of steam cycle:

% ===================================
% Calculating state 1 [pump inlet/condenser outlet]:
T1 = T_Ambient + de_T; % temperature (deg C)
P1 = XSteam('psat_T',T1); % pressure (bar)
h1 = XSteam('hL_T',T1); % Saturated liquid enthalpy (kJ/kg)
s1 = XSteam('sL_T',T1); % Saturated liquid entropy (kJ/kg.K)
v1 = XSteam('vL_T',T1); % Saturated liquid volume (m^3/kg)
% Calculating Isentropic state 6 [condenser inlet/steam turbine outlet]:

T6s = T1; % temperature (deg C)
P6s = P1; % pressure at steam turbine [state 6] (bar)
sg6 = XSteam('sV_p',P6s); % saturated vapour entropy (kJ/kg.K)
sf6 = XSteam('sL_p',P6s); % saturated liquid entropy (kJ/kg.K)
s6s = sf6 + X * (sg6-sf6); % Isentropic Specific entropy (kJ/kg.K)
hg6 = XSteam('hV_p',P6s); % saturated vapour Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
hf6 = XSteam('hL_p',P6s); % saturated liquid Specific enthalpy(kJ/kg)
h6s = hf6 + X * (hg6-hf6); % Isentropic Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
% Calculating state 5 [steam turbine inlet/superheater outlet]:
T5 = T7 - de_T; % temperature (deg C)
s5 = s6s; % Specific entropy (kJ/kg.K)
P5 = 30.57; % pressure (bar) at T5 and s5
h5 = XSteam('h_pt',P5,T5); % Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
w5_6s = h5 - h6s; % Isentropic specific work done by steam turbine (kJ/kg)
% Calculating real state 6 [condenser inlet/steam turbine outlet]:
w5_6 = w5_6s * effi_T; % Isentropic specific work done by steam turbine (kJ/kg)
P6 = P1; % pressure (bar)
h6 = h5 - w5_6; % Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
T6 = XSteam('T_ph',P6,h6);; % temperature (deg C)
s6 = XSteam('s_pt',P6,T6); % Specific entropy (kJ/kg.K)
% Calculating state 4 [superheater inlet/boiler outlet]:
P4 = P5; % pressure (bar)
T4 = XSteam('TSat_p',P4); % temperature (deg C)
s4 = XSteam('sV_p',P4); % saturated vapour entropy (kJ/kg.K)
h4 = XSteam('hV_p',P4); % saturated vapour enthalpy (kJ/kg)
% Calculating state 3 [boiler inlet/economiser outlet]:
P3 = P4; % pressure (bar)

10 | P a g e
T3 = T4; % temperature (deg C)
s3 = XSteam('sL_p',P3); % saturated liquid entropy (kJ/kg.K)
h3 = XSteam('hL_p',P3); % saturated liquid enthalpy (kJ/kg)
% Calculating Isentropic state 2 [economiser inlet/pump outlet]:
s2s = s1; % Isentropic Specific entropy (kJ/kg.K)
P2s = P3; % Isentropic pressure (bar)
T2s = XSteam('T_ps',P2s,s2s); % Isentropic temperature (deg C)
h2s = XSteam('h_ps',P2s,s2s); % Isentropic Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
w1_2s = v1*(P1-P2s)*100; % Isentropic specific work done by pump (kJ/kg)
% Calculating real state 2 [economiser inlet/pump outlet]:
w1_2 = w1_2s/effi_P; % specific work by pump(kJ/kg)
P2 = P2s; % pressure (bar)
h2 = h1 - w1_2; % Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
T2 = XSteam('T_ph',P2,h2); % temperature (deg C)
s2 = XSteam('s_pt',P2,T2); % Specific entropy (kJ/kg.K)

% The power and efficiency for both cycles and overall plant:
q2_5 = h5 - h2; % specific heat transfer done by heating system (kJ/kg)
mw_dot = mg_dot * Cp_a *(T5 - T2)/(1E3*(h5 - h3)); % Mass flow rate of steam (kg/s)
effi_steam = (w5_6 + w1_2)/q2_5; % thermal efficiency of steam cycle(%)
W_net_steam = mw_dot * (w5_6 + w1_2); % net power of steam cycle (kW)
Q_net_steam = mw_dot * q2_5; % net heat power of steam cycle (kW)
Q_net_gas = W_out_gas / effi_gas; % net heat power of gas cycle (kW)
effi_CCGT = (W_out_gas + W_net_steam) / Q_net_gas; % CCGT efficiency (%)

11 | P a g e
% Required HRSG surface area for specified section:
Cg = mg_dot * Cp_a; % heat capacity of air (J/K)
T8 = T7 - ((mw_dot * 1E3*(h5-h4))/Cg); % temperature (deg C) at state 8 [gas turbine
inlet/burner outlet]
T9 = T3 + de_T; % temperature (deg C) at state 9 [burner inlet/compressor outlet]
T10 = T9 - ((mw_dot * 1E3*(h3-h2))/Cg); % temperature (deg C) at state 10 [compressor inlet]
A1 = mg_dot * Cp_a *(T9 - T10) / mw_dot; % surface area in stage 1 (m^2)
A2 = mg_dot * Cp_a *(T8 - T9) / mw_dot; % surface area in stage 2 (m^2)
A3 = mg_dot * Cp_a *(T7 - T8) / mw_dot; % surface area in stage 3 (m^2)
A_total = A1 + A2 + A3; % Total surface area (m^2)
% creating table:
P_steam = [P1; P2s; P2; P3; P4; P5; P6; P6s; P1];
T_steam = [T1; T2s; T2; T3; T4; T5; T6; T6s; T1];
h_steam = [h1; h2s; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; h6s; h1];
s_steam = [s1; s2s; s2; s3; s4; s5; s6; s6s; s1];
T_gas = [T10; T9; T8; T7];
h_gas = [h2; h3; h4; h5];
T_steam1 = [T2; T3; T4; T5];
% ploting T-s and T-h figures
plot(s_steam, T_steam);
xlabel('Entropy (kJ/kg)','FontSize', 25);
ylabel('Temperature (°C)','FontSize', 25);
title('Temperature vs. Entropy', 'FontSize', 25);
xlabel('Enthalpy (kJ/kg)','FontSize', 25);

12 | P a g e
ylabel('Temperature (°C)','FontSize', 25);
title('Temperature vs. Entropy', 'FontSize', 25);

Appendix B: symbol definitions:

Steam Cycle:
State 1 (pump inlet/condenser outlet): Temperature (T1), Pressure (P1), Enthalpy (h1), Specific
Entropy (s1)
State 2s (economizer inlet/pump outlet) - Isentropic: Temperature (T2s), Pressure (P2s),
Enthalpy (h2s), Specific Entropy (s2s).
State 2 (economizer inlet/pump outlet) - Real: Temperature (T2), Pressure (P2), Enthalpy (h2),
Specific Entropy (s2).
State 5 (steam turbine inlet/superheater outlet): Temperature (T5), Pressure (P5), Enthalpy (h5),
Specific Entropy (s5)
State 6s (condenser inlet/steam turbine outlet) - Isentropic: Temperature (T6s), Pressure (P6s),
Enthalpy (h6s), Specific Entropy (s6s).
State 6 (condenser inlet/steam turbine outlet) - Real: Temperature (T6), Pressure (P6), Enthalpy
(h6), Specific Entropy (s6)
Gas Cycle:
State 7 (gas turbine outlet): Temperature (T7)
State 8 (gas turbine inlet/burner outlet): Temperature (T8)
State 9 (burner inlet/compressor outlet): Temperature (T9)
State 10 (compressor inlet): Temperature (T10)

13 | P a g e
Appendix C – CCGT diagram with numbered states:

9 8

10 5

Figure 3: CCGT diagram with numbered states.

Energy, Siemens. “SGT-800.”, www.siemens- Accessed 26 Nov.


Weston, Kenneth C. Energy Conversion. Thomson Learning, 1 Jan. 1992.

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