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Name: Date: _ Class Period: _ ‘TONS, READERCHEZANPLE AND DECUE WHETHERTT IS & SENTENCE FRECNENT,CRFLN-OR COR EACH SPACEOF THAT MUMRER TH THE ovo TNDKATED NBER EXAMPLE IFITBA , COLOR IT. 4, | Jake's birthday was in July he went toa baseball | StNIE\E | FRAGIEN AUN-ON game to celebrate. Purple Green | Light Red 2, | A few of my friends from elementary school. SENTENCE RU-ON Pink Blue 3, | The milk that had been sitting out on the counter | siWIENte RUN-ON all day spoiled Purple Pink 4, _ | Matika’s tavorite band was Ine Kamones she saw HULU them in concert fifteen times. Orange 5, | The forecast said it might rain, so you should RUN-ON pack an umbrella. Yellow Blue Red 6, | After my alarm clock rings. RUN-ON Green Blue Brown 7, | !had a dentist appointment, so | got to leave SENTENCE RUN-ON school early. Light Red | Purple Black 8. _ | We love to play dodge ball in gym class we also SENTENCE RUN-ON like to play basketball Green Dark Red g, | Samknew he had to study for his grammartest, | SINILNL RUN-ON or he would fail like tast time. Purple Yellow | Orange 410. | Although the puppy was cute. SENTENE RUN-ON Brown Red Ss (oS oF EA ee ES Za | a 8 (. i. ES [/\ ~O : eo SPINES PLAS Name: Date: “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening” by Robert Lee Frost Whose woods these are | think I know. His house is in the village, though; 1. Paraphrase the poem (rewrite it in your He will not see me stopping here own words) to summarize what is To watch his woods fill up with snow. happening. My little horse must think it's queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there's some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But | have promises to keep, And miles to go before | sleep, And miles to go before | sleep. 2, Which words from the poem have a strong connotation (emotional association)? Explain. 3, What is the poem's tone/attitude? How can you tell? 4, What inferences can you make about the speaker of the poem? Explain, « Poetry Analysis ...*, « 10

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