D 13 P 6 Sci Mid Year Exam March 2023 Up To Date Question 1

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P6 Sc

KBTC International School

Examination and Evaluation Board



LEVEL Primary - 6




50 Marks 1 hr 15 mins


Write your answers in the space provided.

Write in dark blue and black pen.

You may use an HB pencil for any lines, diagrams

or graphs.

Do not use correction fluid.


This document consists of (5) pages.


SECTION A (15× 1 = 15 marks)

Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. For each question, three options are given. Choose the correct one.
1. We change a material from one state into the other by --------.
a. Liquid
b. Heating or cooling
c. Freezing 1. __________

2. The change from liquid to solid, or the reverse of melting, is called:

a. freezing
b. condensation
c. boiling 2. ___________

3. The characteristic temperature at which a pure solid change to a liquid is its __________ point.
a. melting
b. boiling
c. pressure
3. __________
4. What is the boiling point of vinegar?
a. 115 ‘C
b. 113 ‘C
c. 118 ‘C 4. __________

5. When we mix magnesium metal with oxygen, we see a bright white flame and a white powder. Which is
a product?
a. The flame
b. The powder
c. Oxygen 5. ________
6. Eggs rotting is an example of a chemical reaction because -------.
a. A gas that smells bad is formed
b. The egg shrinks
c. The egg yolk and egg white separate from each other.

7. What is the left part of a chemical equation called?

H2 + O → H2O
a. Reactants
b. Products
c. Chemical Equation
7. __________
8. What does “igneous” means?
a. hot
b. fire
c. steam

9. One common use for the igneous rock granite is --------.

a. building material
b. cutting tools
c. cement

Primary 6 KBTC International School


10. What is the most common type of extrusive rock?
a. basalt
b. granite
c. shale
11. What causes rocks to break down?
a. Weathering
b. Erosion
c. Cementation
12. When a solute can dissolve in a solvent we say it is
a. solute
b. dissolves
c. soluble

13. Rock made of layers of compressed sediments

a. metamorphic rock
b. igneous rock
c. sedimentary rock
14. A type of consumer that eats only meat is called a-----------.
a. herbivore
b. carnivore
c. omnivore

15. _______ is the type of soil used most often with plants and on farms. It is a mixture
of clay, sand, and silt.
a. loam
b. humus
c. soil
16. Igneous Rock turns into sediment through which process?
a. Weathering & Erosion
b. Melting
c. Compaction & Cementation
17. A ___________ makes its own energy and begins the food chain.
a. consumer
b. producer
c. decomposer
18. “Extrusive” means -------- the Earth’s crust.
a. Outside
b. Inside
c. None of these above
19. A compound is made up of

Primary 6 KBTC International School


a. one or more different atoms.

b. one or more atoms.
c. one or more mixtures.
20. Two ways to describe igneous rocks are ---------.
a. Intrusive and Extrusive
b. Gray and White
c. Foliated and Non-Foliated

SECTION B (5 × 3 = 15 marks)
Questions 21 to 25 carry 3 marks each.
21. Fill in the blanks.
a. Air is a ----------- of gases.
(a) -----------------------------

b. --------------- means inside the Earth’s crust.

(b) -----------------------------

c. The word ‘metamorphosis’ means -----------.

(c) -----------------------------

22. Name each of the following.

(a) The body organs used for breathing


(b) The gas we need to breathe in


(c) The gas our bodies must get rid of


(d) The substance that carries the gases around the body


(e) The muscle that helps us breathe


(f) The part of the skeleton that protects the breathing organs


Primary 6 KBTC International School


23. Name the three parts of the circulatory system




24. Say whether each of these changes is reversible or irreversible:

(a) melting butter in a hot pan: __________________________________

(b) baking a cake: _______________________________________________

(c) rusting on a tin can: _______________________________________


Look at the food web and answer these questions.

a. Name the producers in the food web.

b. Name the herbivores in the food web.

c. Name the carnivores in the food web.

d. Identity and draw one food chains in the food web that have four links.


SECTION C (3 × 5 = 15 marks)
Questions 21 to 23 carry 5 marks each.
21. State whether TRUE or FALSE.
(a) Most of the living things don’t eat just one kind of food. (a) ___________

(b) Heat and ice break up rocks in a process called erosion. (b) ___________

Primary 6 KBTC International School


(c) Very small pieces of rock are called fossils. (c) ___________

(d) The lava cools quickly to form an extrusive ingenious rock. (d) ___________

(e) Some materials and substances are able to conduct electricity. They are called

insulators. (e) ___________

22. Match each word to its meaning.

Words Meaning
Process where liquid magma or lava cools
(a) Fossils (i)
down and becomes solid rock
(b) Solidification (ii) A whole animal preserved in minerals
The preserved remains of animals and plants in
(c) pesticide (iii)
sedimentary rock
A rock that has been changed by heat or
(d) cast (iv)
pressure or both heat and pressure
A factory – made product that kills unwanted
(e) Metamorphic rock (v) insects but also kills the organic matter in the

(a) _________

(b) _________

(c) _________

(d) _________

(e) _________

Look at the food web from an Africa grassland. Use the above drawing to answer the
a. Name two producers in the food web.

b. Name three herbivores in the food web.

Primary 6 KBTC International School


c. How many carnivores are shown? Name them.

d. Identify and draw two food chains in the food web with four links.


Primary 6 KBTC International School

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