Nnquestion 1what Is Stacks (STX) Nansdr GRFD HGXDRF

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\n\nQuestion 1:What is Stacks(STX)?\nAnswer 1:Stacks 2.

0 is a blockchain that
connects to Bitcoin and allows smart contract creation for dApps.\n\nQuestion
2:What is Proof-of-Transfer (PoX)?\nAnswer 2:Proof-of-Transfer (PoX) is a novel
category of consensus mechanism that transfers a base cryptocurrency to mint units
of a new cryptocurrency. In the case of Stacks implementation of PoX, it is
anchoring itself to Bitcoin as the underlying asset. The protocol works by Miners
sending their bitcoin, in exchange for the right to compete to mine Stacks token.
Stackers add value to the network and lock up their tokens to earn the BTC that’s
being paid by miners to compete to mine STX.\n\nQuestion 3:What relationship does
PoX and PoW have?\nAnswer 3:PoX uses the proof-of-work cryptocurrency of an
established blockchain to secure a new blockchain. In the case of Stacks. The
consensus mechanism is mimicking Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work mechanism. But instead of
using energy to produce new blocks, Stacks miners use bitcoin — that they need to
buy at the market rate — to maintain the Stacks blockchain. Since this approach
incurs costs for Stacks miners, they are compensated accordingly. Compensation is
also similar to Bitcoin as it is provided in the form of block rewards and
transactions fees from the Stacks network. The compensation is issued by the
protocol in STX, Stacks’ native blockchain coin.\n\nQuestion 4:Why did stacks
choose Bitcoin to power its consensus?\nAnswer 4:There are a number of reasons that
Stacks chose Bitcoin as the blockchain to power consensus.\n1) It's the oldest
blockchain protocol, having launched in 2009, and has become a recognized asset
outside of the cryptocurrency community.\n2) Bitcoin has the characteristics of
money (durability, portability, fungibility, scarcity, divisibility, and
recognizability) and is based on the properties of mathematics rather than relying
on physical properties (like gold and silver) or trust in central authorities (like
fiat currencies).\n3) Bitcoin champions simplicity and stability, and has stood the
test of time. Influencing or attacking the network is economically illogical for
any potential hackers. It's one of the only cryptocurrencies to capture public
attention.\n4)Bitcoin is a household name, and is recognized as an asset by
governments, large corporations, and legacy banking institutions. Lastly, Bitcoin
is largely considered a reliable store of value, and provides extensive
infrastructure to support the PoX consensus mechanism.\nSIP-001 provides a
full list of reasons why Bitcoin was chosen to secure Stacks.\n\nQuestion 5:Why is
Stacks (STX) called Layer 1.5 (L 1.5)? What does it mean?\nAnswer 5:Stacks (STX) is
called L1.5 because STX is not a sovereign system, meaning it cannot exist without
Bitcoin but at the same time it doesn’t fall into an L2 category, because it brings
functionality that cannot be implemented with Bitcoin script, specifically fully
expressive smart contracts. This is what makes Stacks (STX) unique, it makes
Bitcoin Dapps programmable.\n\nQuestion 6:What is Clarity smart contract\nAnswer
6:Clarity is the language for smart contracts developers use to build on the Stacks
blockchain.\nClarity is a decidable smart contract language that optimizes for
predictability and security, designed for the Stacks blockchain. Smart contracts
allow developers to encode essential business logic on Bitcoin Blockchain.\nThe
design decisions behind Clarity were based heavily on taking lessons learned in
common Solidity exploits and creating a language that has been purpose-built for
safety and security in mind.\nClarity is Turing incomplete similar to how Bitcoin
is. Due to being Turing incomplete, a developer’s code will have to behave exactly
to what the developer codes. This limits the room for hackers to exploit and easier
for auditors and community members to understand how the code will behave.
https://docs.stacks.co/docs/clarity/\n\nQuestion 7:What is Velar?\nAnswer 7:Velar
v1 codenamed “Velar Dharma” is a DEX and a IDO Launchpad platform built on Stacks
secured by Bitcoin. Velar offers a suite of decentralized financial applications
with Bitcoin finality built with the foundation of core decentralized ethos shared
by Bitcoin.\n\nQuestion 8:Why is Velar built using Clarity and not on an other
blockchain language?\nAnswer 8:Predictability: The Clarity language uses precise
and unambiguous syntax that allows developers to predict exactly how their
contracts will be executed.\nSecurity: The Clarity language allows users to supply
their own conditions for transactions that ensure that a contract may never
unexpectedly transfer a token owned by a user.\nNo compiler: Contracts written in
Clarity are broadcasted on the Stacks blockchain exactly as they are written by
developers. This ensures that the code developers wrote, analyzed, and tested, is
exactly what gets executed.\n\nQuestion 9:What is the design behind Clearity ?\
nAnswer 9:1. The language is interpreted and broadcast on the blockchain as is (not
compiled)\n- Interpreted language ensures that the executed code is human-readable
and auditable, which unlike solidity you require a compiler to read the code and
how it will execute, which could allow a malicious code to be introduced into the
codebase if developers and users are not careful.\n2. The language is decidable
(Turing incomplete)\n- A decidable language like Clarity makes it possible to
determine precisely which code is executed, for any function.\n\nQuestion 10:What
is the biggest difference between Clarity And Solidity ?\nAnswer 10:1. Clarity is a
non-Turing complete language, whereas Solidity is a Turing complete language.
https://101blockchains.com/solidity-vs-move-vs-clarity/\n2. Clarity is a decidable
programming language by design. A major advantage of Clarity being a decidable
language is that contract termination and the transaction fee can be guaranteed,
whereas in Solidity that is not the case.\n3. Clarity is an interpreted programming
language whereas Solidity is not. In Clarity, contracts are written in human-
readable form, and are accessible to any professional auditor or casual onlooker.
The code deployed onto the Stacks 2.0 blockchain is “What You See Is What You Get",
and prevents the surfacing of the compiler bugs. Whereas, In Solidity, the source
code is not published , only the compiled version of the source code is published
to the blockchain. This causes the difficulty to audit the code once pushed into
the chain. https://app.sigle.io/learnblock.id.blockstack/kjB7ymtoQg8qBiB6alPYa\n4.
Design principles. When it comes to design principles, Solidity differs from
Clarity by using an imperative style of programming (think C++, Python and
JavaScript), whereas Clarity uses a functional style (think Scala, Scheme, and
LISP).\n5. Security. Clarity has post-conditions on tokens, which allows users to
proactively defend their assets from theft or destruction by unknown attackers and
unknown bugs in other contracts. Also, in Clarity, the set of reachable code can be
efficiently determined, so you can ensure that your transaction only ever runs code
you have vetted yourself first. https://stacks.org/bringing-clarity-to-8-dangerous-

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