Science and English Test

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Paper 2: Section A 1. Learners in form two were given an end of year examination and thelr percentage mark was recorded randomly as shown below. (a) Use the information listed in table below to make a tally. B) 58 67 77 69 85 81 49 54 46 57 83 76 63 84 46 58 7556 67 4361 65 76 6457 66 84 83 56 76 85 54 67 58 65 76 80 72 5968 45 61_47 63 55 68 56 68 57 59 63 47 (b) Construct a table of the figures from your tally. 2) (Q) How many students are in this class? nm (d) From the set of results above construct a line graph of test mark against number of learners. [5] (©) What is the average percentage? BI 2. (a) (i) Define density. Mm (ii) Describe how you would determine the density of one match stick. 14) (b) A learner found the thickness of a book to be 5.8cm. The book has 250 pages excluding covers. Calculate the thickness of one sheet of paper. 2) (©) Convert the following units to their SI unit; () 4603cm (i) 5498minutes (uy 275m1 6] 3. (a) Given suitable apparatus, describe how you would determine the density of anamed liquid. [5] (b) A stone with density of 3g/cm? is lowered into a measuring cylinder containing a liquid of density 1.2g/cm’, if 180g of liquid is displaced, calculate the following: () The volume of the stone (li) The mass of the stone. (6) (© Differentiate between direct measurement and indirect measurement. 2] SECTION B 4. (a) (i) Define the moment of a force. QQ) (i) State the law of moments and describe an experiment you would do to verify thislaw. [6] (b) The diagram represents a horizontal uniform stick XY of weight 15N and length1 00cm fixed at point X. the end Y is supported by a spring balance which read 20N. (i) Calculate the weight of a stone placed 20cm from Y, 4) (ii) What would be the reading on the spring balance if it was shifted 60cm towards the pivot while the stone remained at the same position? (4) (€) How can friction be overcome? (4) 5. (a) Define the terms; () Work (i Energy (ii) Power 6] (b) A class decided to measure the power output from one of the learners. Describe a method the class could use. [5] (0) Acar of total mass 1500kg moves up to the top of a hill 60m high in 5 minutes, Calculate () Useful work done by the car engine BI (ii) The power output of the engine 12 (ii) Name and explain one force acting on the car. (2 (d) Describe and explain how the force in (c ili) is applied in everyday life. (5) a ‘Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which one of the following gases supports combustion? ‘A Carbon dioxide 8, Carbon monoxide C. Oxygen D. Hydrogen 2. The products of complete combustion of fuels are carbon dioxide and water B. carbon monoxide and water C.carbon D. soot and water 3. Which one of the following gases is not naturally found in the atmosphere? ‘A Oxygen B. Nitrogen C.Hydrogen D. Carbon dioxide 4, Which statement among the following Is TRUE about fuels? A Allfuels are renewable. 8. Fuels burn to give out heat energy. C. Burning hydrocarbon fuels in plenty supply of oxygen does not cause pollution. D. Oxygen isa fuel. 5. The energy ina maize field Is A.kinetic 8. potential ‘C.chemical D. radiation 6. Wood isa A.fuel B. alkane Calkene D.coal 7. Burning hydrocarbons produces, ‘A.water only B. carbon dioxide only C.water and carbon . water and carbon dioxide 8. Gas needed for combustion. p A.carbon dioxide B. nitrogen C.hydrogen D.oxygen 9. Most fuels such as petroleum are. A. fats 8. carbohydrates C.hydrocarbons —_D. metals 10. Compounds made up of hydrogen and carbons are known as, . A. carbohydrates B. hydrocarbons Calkanes D. alkenes carbon dioxide nitrogen Chydrogen ‘9. Most fuels such as petroleum are. xygen A. fats B. carbohydrates C. hydrocarbons D. metals 10. Compounds made up of hydrogen and carbons are known as A. carbohydrates B. hydrocarbons C alkanes D. alkenes Structured Questions 1. (a) Define complete and incomplete combustion. (2) (b) Write the products of the two processes you have defined above. (4) 2. (a) Define a hydrocarbon. 22) (b) Write a word equation when wood is burnt in: i. Enough oxygen. ii. Less supply of oxygen (4) 3. (a) Explain the concept of global warming. 3) (b) What are the effects of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? BI 4.(a) Define ozone. 2) (b) Explain the effect of deforestation. 8) 5. Explain how carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. Include a word equation. (6) Practical Questions You are provided with paraffin, two paraffin burners (one has a shorter wick and the other has a longer wick). Prepare and carry out an activity to illustrate complete and incomplete combustion. You may seek help from your teacher. [20] (iene oes Saponification Soap is made from fats and oils such as lard, tallow and palm oil. The process of manufacturing soap is called saponification. Soap is a product of a reaction between a fat (oll) and sodium hydroxide (base). Soap is used to clean fabrics and remove grease and oil from house hold utensils like plates and cups. Soap molecules have two parts, one is hydrophobic (water hating) and the other one is hydrophilic (water loving). The hydrophobic tails of the soap molecule dissolves grease or oll by allowing them to float on water and this emulsifies them. The hydrophilic head dissolves in water and this helps to wet the material. The flow diagram below shows how soap is industrially produced. Fat + Sodium Hydroxide glycerine + soap Step 1: Saponification A mixture of tallow (animal fat) and coconut oll is mixed with sodium hydroxide and heated. Step 2: Glycerine removal Glycerine is more valuable than soap so most of it removed. Some is left to make the soap smooth and soft. Salt is added to wet soap causing it to separate into soap and glycerine Step 3: Soap purification ‘Any remaining sodium hydroxide is neutralized with a weak acid such as citric acid. Step 4: Finishing Additives such as colour and perfume are mixed with the soap and itis then shaped into bars for sale. Flow diagram of the manufacture of soap Saponification (oll + sodium hydroxide) Oil extraction | Separation of glycerol | Addition of brine(salt) v ‘Addition of colour and perfume Activity 10.1 Saponification ‘Acid-base indicators are given in Table 9.1 below. When acids are in solution they turn blue litmus paper red. When bases are in solution they turn red litmus paper blue. Table 9.1 The colour of some acid-base indicators in acidic and basic medium Colourin Colourin iad — Acidic medium Basic medium. 1 Litmus solution Red Blue 2 Methyl Orange Pink Orange 3 Phenolphthalein Colourless Pink 4 Methyl red Yellow Red Acid-Base reactions When an acid reacts with a base, a salt and water are formed. This reaction is known as neutralization. Neutralization can be defined as a reaction between an acid and abase to form salt and water. The salt is in two parts, one part is from a base and another part is from an acid. For example, f hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride (common salt) is formed. Chemical properties of acids ‘© Acids react with active metals to give hydrogen gas. © Acids react with metal carbonate and metal hydrogen carbonate to give carbon dioxide. © Acids react with bases to give salt and water. Chemical properties of bases © Reaction with metals certain reactive metals such as zinc, aluminum and tin react with alkali solutions on heating and hydrogen gas evolved. 23, By what process are mineral ions absorbed into the ret hair cell? A Active uptake. B. Diffusion. C. Osmasis. D. Assimilation. 24. The human heart is connected to four major blood vessels: (1) aorta (2) venacava (3) pulmonary artery (4) pulmonary vein. Which two blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood? At and2, B.2and3. C3and4. D.1and4 25, Which of the blood vessel named in question 24 carry oxygenated blood to the body? Ad BZ ca D4 26, The vessel in which dissolved food travels in plant is called Avxylem B. phloem, C. cambium D. cortex 27. Plant roots absorb water by A diffusion B. active uptake transpiration —_D. asmasis, 28. Apart from transporting water, what other function does the xylem vessel perform? A Store energy. B. Transport food. C. Transport dissalved ions. D. Transport carbon dioxide. 29, Which statement best describe osmosis? A. The diffusion of substances down a concentration gradient. 8. The diffusion of soluble sugar molecules through a semmi-permeable membrane C. The diffusion of water molecules only through a semi permeable membrane D.The diffusion of water molecules aut of the stomata 30, The use of energy to absorb mineral salts by plants roots called A. translocation B.osmasis CC. diffusion D. active uptake 31. What name is given ta the male sex cell of a plant A.sperm Begg C pollen D.owule 32. Which of the following is a characteristic of wind-pollinated flowers? A. Abundant, light pollen. B. Sticky pollen grains C, Brightly coloured petal D. Prasance of nectars. 33, In the female reproductive system, fertilization takes place in the uterus B. vagina C. cervix D. eviduet 34, The part of the male reproductive argan which praduces sperms cellsis the A testis B. sperm duct C. penis D. urethra 35. Bilharzia is classified as a A-deficiency disease B. parasitic disease C. sexually transmitted disease D. child killer disease 36, Which of the following best describes a healthy person? A. Being happy and cheerful B. Being fat and strong. C. Being physically, mentally and socially well D. Being free from diseases. Nee 37, Most diseases are caused by . A poverty B. poor nutrition C. witches D. pathogens 38. Which of the following is a symptom of bitharzia? A. Passing aut watery faeces. B. Discharge of bload from the vagina periodically. C. Presence of blood in urine and faeces, D. Difficulty in passing out faeces 39, Which of the following statements is true? A. Flowing river water is safe fram bilharzia 8. Bitharzia is a symptom of manhood, C. Bilharziais spread by defecating in open places. D. Bilharzia symptoms are caused by adult worms, 40, Bilharzia and malaria are both A. water borne disease B. parasitic disease C. pathogenic disease D. deficiency disease Paper 2: Theory Section A (40 marks) Answer all questions. 1. (a) Define variation, 2 (a) State two types of variation. Ql (c State twra factors which cause variation among organisms. re 2. (a) Explain the term digestion RB) (b} Complete the table below which shows organs of the alimentary canal and their uses, ‘ORGAN DIGESTIVE FUNCTION Mouth Produces gastric juice which begin protein digestion Small intestine Iswhere water and salts are absorbed Bi (c}Which twa processes are involved in the absorption of food? Ly 3. (a) Define the term respiration. RQ) (b) State the word equation for respiration B) (c) State three similarities between respiration and burning. BI (d) State two differences between respiration and photosynthesis. (2) 4, The diagram below shows a structure of a dicotyledonous root Root cross-section (a) Identify the parts labeled P,Q and R. (o} Which labeled partis responsible for: (Absorbing water andl mineral salts? m (ii) Transporting saluble food? ul 5. The diagram below shaws the female reproductive organs. Female reproductive organs (a) Which part of the female reproductive system: (i) Produces female sex cell. a (i) Receives an erect penis during sexual intercourse, o lil) Allows the baby to develop inside it o (iv) Stretches during child birth, f) (b} Define fertilization. PI (c} Which part of the male reproductive organs play a similar role to that of the following: Ovary? Oviduct in female? 2) 6, Bilharziais a parasitic, waterborne disease. (a) What is.a parasite? i) (b) Besides water snail, which other host is required to complete the bilharzia life cycle? i) (c} (il Why does the female bitharzia worm lie inside a grove in the male bilharzia worm? al (ii Identify two organs whose blood vessels are damaged by the sharp spines on the eqgs produced by adult worms. PR) Section B (60 marks) Answer all questions 7. (a) Define the following terms: (i) Continuous variation, rl i) Discontinuous variation. ie} (6) Give any two examples of; (i) Continuous variation characteristics. RI (i Discontinuous variation characteristics BI (c} State two differences between continuous and discontinuous variation. fea} 8, (a) Define photosynthesis, (2) (b) State the word equation for photosynthesis. {2) (c} Describe and explain any two adaptations of a leaf for photosynthesis. BW (d) Explain why photosynthesis is an important process to the existence af life on earth. PR) 9, (a) Draw a well labelled diagram af the human respiratory system. a) 10. 12, (a) State the functions of any two labelled parts, (c) Describe: the role played by the following parts during inhalation: (i) Diaphragm. (ii) Rib muscles (a) Which chamber of the heart : (i) Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. {i} Pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs. (6) Explain why: (i) The left ventricle wall is thicker than the right ventricle wall? Gil) The heart has walves? (c} Name the blood vessel which carries blood from the: (i) Lungs to the heart i] Aorta to the liver. Body to the heart. (d) State the two main functions of the heart. |. The following is a diagram of a flower. anther stigma: style filament ovary- petal vue sepal’ Structure of a flower (a) Name the type of flower shown, (6) Descritse any four adaptations of the flower to its mode of pollination. (c) Draw alabelled diagram of a wind-pollinated flower. (d} Explain why a wind pollinated flower has: Gi) Afeathery stigma, (il Exposed anthers. Define good health. (a) State any two ways by which diseases are transmitted. (b) Draw and label the life cycle of the bilharzia parasite. (c} Descritte any ways of preventing the spread of bilharzia (2) 1) ol a fo] a 2 ul [4] BI a ol fa) Ql [4 a 21. Which of the following is lever which has a pivot on the centre? A. See-say B. Coal tongs 22. The rate at which a machine can do work is called A. power B. effort 23. Abboy lifts a weight of 10N through a height of 50cm. Calculate work done. ASO B20) 24, Which of the following is a unit of energy? A Watt B. Newton 25, Sound travel fast in A. solid B. liquid 26, The speed of ight Is ‘A. 30000kr/5 B, 3000000000km/s 27, Lunar eclipse is ‘A when shadow of moon fails onto the sun C. when shadaw af earth falls onto the moon Light is transmitted through 7 A dull substances B. transparent 29, All sounds caused by Acradio waves C. musical instruments 28 30. Sound can pass through all of the following except A.water B. air 31, Which instrument is used to measure voltage? A. Forcemeter B. Ammeter 32. The units for current are A.Ohms B. Volts 33. The unit of electric energy is A Coulomb: B. Joules 34, Electric charge is measured in___ A. Coulomb: B. Electron volt 35, Which one is the correct symbol for.a resistor? —}— C. Scissors: D. Wheel barrow ~“Cenergy Distrength C05) D.08) C.Newton metre D.Metre gas D.vacuum ©. 300000km/s ——_D, 3000000Km/s B. when shadow of sun falls onto the moon D. when shadow of earth falls onte the sun C. shiny substances D. opaque B. vibrations Dilight Crock D.vacuum C.Voltmeter D.Current C. Amperes D. Watts C. Amperes D. Watts C. Amperes D.¥olt B —H— es | 36. A positively charged rod is brought near a brass sphere. Which diagram shows the correct charge distribution? 3aQ aC) ae O 37. Two magnets are arranged as shown below. Which diagram represents correct magnetic field? Which diagram represents correct magnetic field? 38, The diagram below shows a strong magnet holding two iron pins A and B, A. Be attracted to the magnet B. Repelled by the magnet C. will drop D. Both A and B will drop 39, What does an ammeter measure? A Potential difference B.Voltage C. Current D.Charge 40. A boy of mass 40kg runs up a building 8m high in 4s. How much power does the boy develop? A. BOOW B.400W c.160W D. 1600" Paper 2: Section A 1. Learners in farm two were given an end of year examination and their percentage mark was recorced randomly as shown below. (a) Use the information listed in table below to make a tally. BI 58 67 77 69 85.81 49 54 46 57 83 76 63 84 46 58 7556 67 4361 65 76 6457 66 6: 83 56 76 85 54 67 58 65 76 80 72 5968 45 61 47 63 55 68 5668 57 59 63 47 (b) Construct a table of the figures from your tally. RB) (c) How many students are in this class? nM (d) From the set of results above construct a line graph of test mark against number of learners. [5] {2} What is the average percentage? BI 2. (a) (i) Define density. rf {il Describe how you wauld determine the density of one match stick a) (b) A learner found the thickness of a book to be 5.8cm, The book has 250 pages excluding cavers. Calculate the thickness of one sheet of paper. 2 (c) Convert the following units to their SI unit; (i 46030m {i} $458minutes (i) 275m (6 3. (a) Given suitable apparatus, describe how you would determine thedensity ofanamediliquid. [5] (b) A stane with density af 3g/cm! is lowered into a measuring cylinder cantaining a liquid of density 11.2g/cm:’, if 180g of liquid is displaced, calculate the following: (i) The volume of the stone Gi The mass of the stone, (6) (c) Differentiate between direct measurement and indirect measurement. fa) SECTION B 4, (a) (i) Define the moment of a force. 2) {il State the law of moments and describe an experiment you would do to verify this law. [6] (b) The diagram represents.a horizontal uniform stick X<¥ of weight 15N and length! 00cm fixed at point X. the end ¥ is supported by a spring balance which read 20N i) Calculate the welght of a stone placed 20cm from ¥. 4] {i What would be the reading on the spring balance if it was shifted 60cm towards the pivot while the stone remained at the same position? i) {c) How can friction be overcame? ia) 5. (a) Define the terms; (Work (il Energy (iit Power fa (b) A class decided to measure the power output from oneof the learners. Describe amethod the class could use. 15] {c) Acar of total mass 1500kg moves up to the top of a hill 60m high in 5 minutes. Calculate (i) Useful work done by the car engine B) {i The power output af the engine 2) (ii Name and explain one force acting on the car. RQ) (d} Describe and explain how the force in ( applied in everyday life 6) a CHAPTER EXAMINATION PRACTICE | English Language: Paper 1 Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Read the paper carefully before answering questions. Answer two questions Answer one question from Section A and one from Section B. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question ‘You are advised to spend 50 minutes on Section & and 40 minutes on Section B SECTION A (30 marks) Write a composition on one of the following topics. You shauld not treat question 7 as a character's name. ‘Your answer should be between 350 and 480 words in length. You are advised to spend 50 minutes on this section. 1. Describe the sights in your classroom during the last lesson on a typical Friday afternoon. [30] 2, Write a story based on ane of the following statements: Either (a) From that moment, he never locked back again. 130) Or (b) When her name was called, she got the shock of her life. Bo) 3. What, in your own opinion can be done to preserve our resources forfuture generations? [30] Describe an incident in which everybody felt touched by the circumstance of one member of your class 30) 5. Zimbabwe needs unity more than it needs foreign investment. Discuss. Bo 6, Rural life s better than urban lite, Do you agree? Bol 7. Soccer Bo) SECTION B (20 MARKS) ‘Answer the following question. You are advised to spend 40 minutes on this section. Begin your answer on a fresh page. 8. Imagine you work for a human rights non-gevernmental organisation. Cases of child abuse have reached an alarming level in a certain area and you have been tasked to speak to-a group of youths.on how they can pratect themselves from the abusive members af the society. Use the ideas below to write your speech and add any other that are relevant, — maintaining social distance ing provocative dressing ing walking in the dark reporting any strangers seen in the area avoiding being unnecessarily talkative ‘walking in in groups of 3 or mare 120) ENGLISH LANGUAGE: PAPER 2 Duration: 2 Hours INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES Read the provided passage carefully before you attempt any question. Answer all questions. Yeu are advised te answer them in the order set. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [J at the end of each question. ‘You are advised to spend 1 hour 30 minutes on Section A and 30 minutes on Section B. Mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar may be penalised on any part of the paper. ‘SECTION A (40 MARKS) Read the following passage very carefully before you attempt any questions. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided on the question paper. ‘Mistakes in spelling, punctuation and granwnar may be penalised for on any part of the paper. Going home The paverty and life struggles make Themba try to escape from his rural home do not leave him even when he is away from home. Read about his experiences till he comes back home to roost. 1 The ravaging pangs of hunger pierced right through Themba, stabbing relentlessly at his empty belly as he trudged through the night. Perhaps if it was still light, he would have foraged for a handful of wild berries from the nearby bushes. But even imagining that was akin to wishing for the moon. 2 The darkness had already camouflaged and enveloped everything. Tuming into a path that 5 branched aff the pothaled main road was mainly due to instinct instead of any visibility factor. The chilly air and light drizzle did nothing to add to his comfort, Themba thought, as he pulled his aged worn bomber jacket to his body. 3 Quickening his steps, the mounting excitement he had made him immune to the pain caused by the scratches of shrubs and thorny bushes. Just one more kilometre, and he 10 would reach his destination. His grandmother's home, a place of warmth and comfort, far away from the misery he had left behind. 4 “Diana mntanomntanami,” kind eyes and a gentle smile creased the face that had seen so many years had regarded him. “Finish your food so that you can grow up and become big and strong like your father,” his 15 grandmather had said as she pushed a plate full af sadza and sour milk towards him. That was years ago when he was six years old, 5 "Ouch!" Themba was brought out of his reverie by a thorn that had plerced right through his under-sized age-eaten slippers into the sole of his foot. Removing the offending item, Themba thought of the hardships he had endured these past six months 20 6 “My child, you should go to school and get yourself a good education,” his father's words echoed in his head. Themba had not even sat for his Ordinary Level examinations. What he had managed to do was steal one of his father's calves and pay umalayitsha whe was to take him straight to Johannesburg. 10 " 12 1B 4 Dreams of going to South Africa and returning a hero had all turned sour. He had expected ta come back driving a new BMW like Zenzo from the next village. He had even imagined the colour of the car. Red. It would have been red, But umalayitsha had dodged him at the border. The man had even disappeared with his suitcase. Stranded, with na one to turn ta he had first tried his luck at the mines ta no avail. A Good Samaritan eventually led him to a homestead in rural Beitbridge where he tended cattle in exchange for food and paltry coins. But the meagre meals came in the evenings only and fell short of sating an absle- bodied boy's appetite. As his suffering continued, he had thought of the story of the prodigal son, imagining his father welcoming him with hugs and kisses. However, he knew that no such home-coming would await him. What would greet him were whips and lashes and then maybe after weeks of cold civility he would finally be accepted. At his whit's end, he decided to visit his grandmother who lived a few kilometres from her son's homestead. Themba knew without doubt that he would always be welcome there, and had absolute faith in his grandmother's ability of calming her son’s temper. Yes, he would go to MaDube, his grandmother. After amassing enough money for the fare, he had taken a bus to Bulawayo and from there managed to get a truck which was enroute to Nkayi, his hame, A low-lying branch whipped his face bringing him back to the present. Where is the gum tree? Themba was positive that he should have reached it by now. The drizzle had stopped and the cool air had intensified to a cold breezy wind. He should have passed two homesteads before arriving at the tree. Where were the hamesteads? Increasing speed, ‘Themba arrived ata fork. Should he take the left path or the right? He felt certain that he should turn right. The boy’s heart almost skipped a beat when he found himself at a grave yard. It was very dark but there was no mistaking the mounds and the crosses which were placed on three or four of the graves. A shooting star almost cnppled him with dread, as it raced through the sky. A frog rustling in the grass did not help the situation either. It sent shivers of cold sweat running down his brow. He was a man. He should nat be afraid, he told himselt as he tried to calm his petrified nerves, Did he believe in ghosts? Ghosts or no ghosts, a cemetery was not a place to find oneself at night, he reminded himself as he rushed away. ‘An hour later, Themba was still walking. Trees surrounded him and his disoriented mind could not tell north from east, Someone had once told him that when lost he should sit down and try to collect his bearings, but he quickly discarded the advice not seeing how it could help him, Growing weary, a fatigued Themba trudged on. Maybe if he fallowed those electricity lines that were vaguely visible in the dark, he would get home. But were the lines leading to the main road or away fram it? Or were they merely parallel to the road, Tired, discouraged, hungry and thirsty he moved an. His grumbling stomach reminded him that he had not eaten since the previous day. He could hardly call the manga given ta him by the weman on the truck that evening a meal. Numb with cold, his uncovered feet felt foreign to him and rubbing his hands together did not remave the iciness that cut through his digits. He had lost track of the time he had spent walking. Three, maybe four hours. Accepting defeat, he slumped to the ground and rested his back against a nearby tree. Exhaustion took aver and he could have lost himself in a slumber had it not been for the stabbing cold and the void in his stomach. It was going to be a very long night, he reckoned. 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 15. Ahooting ovd sent Themba jumping in fright. His unsettled heart almost sent him sprinting 75 away when he noticed a light in the distance which reminded him of his stint in the graveyard. However, reasoning got the better of him. Maybe, he reasoned, the light was coming from a homestead. He could go there and seek refuge far the night. 16 For the first time realisation tampered with hope dawned on him. All along he had been sitting under a gum tree. The very tree he had been searching for all those hours. The 80 flickering was fram his grandmather's place. 17 Doubt, desolation and trepidation fled from Themba and an uncontrollable jay set upon him. He was finally home, he thought, as he raced into the yard knacking at the door of the hut nearest to the gate. One thing he was certain af was that he would not be spending the night on an empty stomach. The door creaked open and Themba's face fell as he found 85 himself standing face to face with his father who had chosen that weekend to-come and repair his mather's fence. ‘Comprehension questions Answer all questions in the spaces provided, You are advised to answer them in the order set. From Paragraph 1 1. (a) What is the writer emphasising when she says the ‘ravaging pangs’ of hunger were stabbing relentlessly at Themba’s belly? — — — tN (b) Write down one word which tells us that Themba was now having difficulty in walking. m {c) Explain what Themba could have done ifit was still day. eee) From Paragraph 2 {d) How was Themba able to find his way in the darkness which had camouflaged everything? 0 (e) What was the effect of the chilly air and light drizzle ta Themba? fl From P: (0) In your own words, explain the effect of Themba’ excitement which increased as he walked home. = — a From Paragraph 5 {g) What does the writer refer to by ‘his reverie’ in this statement: "Themba was brought out of his, reverie?" fi 2. {a) Explain what Themba had decided todo instead of sitting for his Ordinary Level examinations. _ (b) How were his dreams of going to South Africa shattered? 0 (@) What does the expression ‘Good Samaritan’ tell you about the person who gave Themba a job to herd cattle? nM (d) Write down one word in the nearby context which means the same as ‘palt From Paragraph 8. {e) Give a reason why Themba would not be welcomed warmly by his father if he went straight to his father’s home. nl From Paragraph 9 (f) Explain why Themba was in a dilemma whether to tum left or right. - _ 1 (g) Write down a phrase of three consecutive words which shows that fear suddenly gripped him, a saad _ oe — ieee scenes Eee LU) {h) Give a phrase of five consecutive words which emphasises the fear which was experienced by Themba when he saw a shooting star. ml From the whole passage (9 Choase five of the following words or phrases. For each of them, give one werd or a short phrase (of not more than seven words) which has the same meaning as the word or phrase has in the passage. V.akin (line 4)___ 2. echoed (line 22) __ 3. ating (line 31) __ 4, amassing (line 40) 5. petrified (line 52) 6. disoriented (line 55) 7. tampered (line 79) _ 8. trepidation {line 82) _ 5 Part of the passage describes the problems faced by Themba as he walked to his grandmother's home. Write a summary of all the disconiforts and feelings that Themba experienced as he was on his way up the time he came face to face with his father. Use only material from paragraph 9 to the end of the passage. Your summary which must be in continuous writing, must not be longer than 160 words including the 10 opening words given below. Write your summary on this page putting one word in each of the calls for easy counting. Hyphenated words are counted as one word. Begin your summary as follows: hame, As Themba walked to. his a lowly tying branch SECTION B: SUPPORTING LANGUAGE STRUCTURES (10 MARKS) Answer all the following questions. ‘You ate advised to spend no more than 30 minutes on this section. 4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences following the given instructions. The chilly air and light drizzle did nothing to add to his comfort, Use “comfortable.” mM {b) The mounting excitement he had made him immune to the pain, Rewrite this sentence beginning as given, and use ‘excited.’ He increasingly became. mM 5. {a)Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Write the prepositions only in the answer spaces provided below. (b) Themba branched _the road into a foatpath which led to his home. (0) {q Themba was offended __a thorn which had pierced him through his slippers. [1] (d) Rewrite the following statement in reported speech. “My child, you should go to school and get yourself a good education,” his father said. [1] {e) Rewrite the following statement in direct speech. Umalayitsha had told him that he would help him to crass the border without using a passport. [1] 6. Write the underlined words in plural form, Write only the word in the space provided for each statement (a) He boarded a bus to Bulawayo and to his rural home in Nkayi. t {b} A shooting star almost crippled him with fear. 0 7. Rewtite the following sentences using given instructions. {a) His grumbling stomach reminded him that he had not eaten since the previous day. Use ‘was reminded: fn {b) Punctuate the followring sentence correctly. Tired discouraged hungry thirsty he moved on. n separate box. If you make a mistake, cancel the word(s) and write the correct words) in the same box (es) above or next to the cancelled wordis). Begin your summary as fallowss: [Suddenly [eat [wn [we [ema] [arming [thing [was [eiscovered | ———— [=] SECTION B: SUPPORTING LANGUAGE STRUCTURES (10 MARKS) in this sentence with the correct verb. (a) Snowball (was/here) a threat to the animals m 5. Combine the following sentences using a suitable conjunction. (@) The animals were disturbed, They could not sleep. (b) Snowball was accused of wickedness. He had fought bravely at the battle of the Cowshed. [2] 6. Underline an adjective in this sentence. fa) The animals were thoroughly frightened. M 7. Rewrite the following sentence in the simple present tense. {a) He stole the com and broke the eggs. nl 8. Fill in the following sentences with ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’ (a) Snowball was accused of being __ traitor. {b)______dogs followed Napoleon everywhere. 2] 9. Complete this sentence using the correct comparative (a) Snowball was than Napoleon. (clever) rt} 10. Write the correct question tag in the follawing sentence fa) The animals weren't terrified, ou separate box. If you make a mistake, cancel the word(s) and write the correct werdis} above or next to the cancelled word(s}. Begin your summary as follows: he same box (es) Suddenly, ‘early in the an alarming thing was discovered ‘SECTION B: SUPPORTING LANGUAGE STRUCTURES (10 MARKS) 4. Fillin this sentence with the correct verb. {a) Snewball (was/here) a threat to the animals. 10] 5. Combine the following sentences using a suitable conjunction. {a) The animals were disturbed. They could not sleep. {b) Snowball was-accused of wickedness. He had fought bravely at the battle of the Cowshed, [2] 6. Underline an adjective in this sentence. {a) The animals were thoraughly frightened. 1 7, Rewrite the following sentence in the simple present tense. {a) He stole the corn and broke the eggs. i 8. Fill in the following sentences with ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’ (a) Snowball was accused of being _ __ traitor. (b)______ dogs followed Napoleon everywhere. 2 9, Complete this sentence using the correct comparative fa) Snowball was_____than Napoleon. (clever) i) 10, Write the correct question tag in the following sentence. {a) The animals weren't tertified, 1 Pry]

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