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TEL: 0742046956/0712164200
NAME_____________________________DATE __________________STD VII
Answer all questions
Choose the words that complete the sentences by writing letters of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following countries is the not a member of E.A.C?________
A. Somalia B. Burundi C. South Sudan D. Tanzania E. Uganda
2. Which of the following international organizations deals with environmental affairs____
3. The best way to stop drug abuse in schools is by_________
A. Permanent dismissal from school B. educating pupils on dangers of using drugs
C. arresting suspected drug dealers D. giving heavy punishment to drug abuser
E. fencing school compounds to keep off peddlers.
4. Who is the head of the municipal council?__________
A. Member of parliament B. prime minister C. councilors
D. district commissioner E. mayor
5. Which of the following is not a national symbol?_________
A. National anthem B. national currency C. national day D. coat of arms
E. national flag
6. The authority responsible for revenue collection in Tanzania is_______
7. A social group of people living together in a country with their own
government,language,traditions and history is called_________
A. Territory B. government C. family D. nation E. community
8. The president of Tanzania has the following powers, except_________
A. To declare the state of emergency violate the laws appoint the chief
Justice D. to command the armed forces of Tanzania
E. to appoint the prime minister
9. The ability to select a course of action from among possible alternatives is called_____
A. Life experience B. life style C. assertiveness D. life skills E.decision making
10.The current secretary general of the united nations is________
A. Vladimir Putin B. Manuel Barosso C.Antonio Guterres D. Donald Trump
E. Ban Ki Moon
11.The parliament is also known as the legislature because___________
A. It proposes the bills B. it can vote out the president C. it checks the government
works D. it approves the state budget E. it has power to make laws.
12.Who was the vice president of the united republic of Tanzania between 1995 and 2001?_
A. Aboud Mwinyi Jumbe B. Ali Hassan Mwinyi C. Omari Ali Juma D. Mohamed
Gharib Bilal E. Ali Mohamed Shein.
13.__________refers to traditions and customs of particular society.
A. Traditions B. culture C. customs D. dressing E. language
14.A state of peaceful existence and agreement of people in the community is called_____
A. Optimism B. patriotism C. honest D. faithful E. harmony
15.Who is the chairperson of defence and security committee at the regional level?_______
A. District commissioner B. regional administrative secretary C. regional educational
officer D. regional commissioner E. regional police commander
16.________ is the government emblem or logo.
A. National currency B. the coat of arm C. national constitution D. presidential flag
E. national language
17.The best way to improve improper behaviours includes the following but _______is not.
A. Guidance and counseling B. abide to religion C.drunkness D. parental care
E. mass media.
18.The highest level of local government is_________
A. National government B. urban authority C. district authority D. ward government
E. the village government.
19.Elections organs in Tanzania are__________
E. NEC and ZIC.
20.The leadership in dictatorship states are made through________
A. Appointment B. free and fair election C. general election D. coup d’état
E. inheritance of power.
21.The following countries are correctly matched with their capital cities except one. Which
is________ A. Liberia-Freetown B. Kenya-Nairobi C. Tanzania-Dar es salaam
D. Togo-Lome E. Swaziland-Mbabane
22.In Tanzania, a member of Parliament is elected in an electoral area known as_______
A. Zone B. region C. district D. ward E. constituency
23.Which of the following symbols is not found in the coat of arms of Tanzania?______
A. Mount Kilimanjaro B. Man and women C. Parliament buildings D. Uhuru torch
E. cloves and cotton.
24.Tanganyika cerebrates the day when Julius K. Nyerere died because he was the first
president of Tanganyika in the year________
A. 1961 B. 1962 C.1996 D. 1977 E. 1964
25.Which of the following factors will encourage peace in the society?________
A. Abuse of power B. intolerance C. nepotism D. poverty E. responding the law.
26.The most effective way of reducing road accidents in Tanzania is through________
A. Educating the vehicles B. driving at low speed C. putting more pumps on roads
D. employing more police officers E. observing traffic rules
27.It is important for a citizens to participate in community work mainly because______
A. It is the way of doing body exercises B. it is must for them promotes their
skills D. it helps them to show abilities E. it promotes unity.
28.The objective of establishing common wealth was to_________
A. To promote English language B. to promote the British ruling system
C. to exploit the former British colonies D. strengthen the relationship between
Britain and British colonies E. get more colonies in Africa
29.There are two types of leadership in local government which are________
A. Appointed and voluntary B. appointed and paid C. democratic and dictatorship
D. elected and appointed E. paid and voluntary
30.The pedestrians are allowed to cross the road on a_________
A. Round about B. main road C. pavement D. zebra cross E. bridge
31.Things which every human being is entitled to irrespective of tribe, nationality or gender
are called_________
A. Gender equality B. democracy C. rule of law D. human right E. good governance
32.The age of the presidential candidate of the united republic of Tanzania should be
A. 45 years B. 60 years C. 35 years D. 18 years E. 40 years
33.A person who invest capital in a project or business in order to gain profit is called_____
A. An entrepreneur B. an economist C. a racketeer D. a donor E. an auctioneer
34.Father, mother and children together make up__________
A. A clan B. an extended family C. a society D. a family E. a community
35.How many colours are there in the national flag?_______
A. Six B. four C. three D. five E. Ten
36.Which organ is empowered to issue bank notes and coins in Tanzania?_________
A. Ministry of home affairs B. the Tanzania investment bank C.the bank of Tanzania
D.the world bank E. ministry of finance.
37.One of the activities of the national electoral commission is to__________
A. Supervise the counting of votes B. appoint the speaker C. register political parties
D. elect members of the parliament E. criticize the ruling party.
38.The advantages of cooperation between the school and community around the school
A. Many teachers are able to rent houses near the school B.increase trading
activities around the school C. an increase job opportunity by the community
around the school area D. an increase in children enrolment at school
E. strengthening of the school
39. A public instrument which shows the distribution of public power and its limits is the__
A. Mass media B. constitution C. parliament D. political party E. judiciary.
40. One of the following is not a principle of democratic government__________
A. Corruption B. free and fair election C. accountability D. transparency
E. rule of law.

SECTION:B Fill in the blanks

41.The national assembly comprises of______________and members of the parliament.
42.Tanzania is made up of _________________governments.
43.The situation whereby all people are under the laws is called________________
44.The main constitutional policy of Tanzania is__________________________
45.A set of laws that governs a country or state is called________________________

TEL: 0742046956/0712164200
NAME_____________________________DATE __________________STD VII
Answer all questions
Choose the words that complete the sentences by writing letters of the correct answer.
1. The process whereby a state lifts restriction on some private individual activities______
A. Movement B. nationalism C. liberalization D. colonialization E. interference.
2. The colonial health services characterized by the following, except________
A. Inadequate facilities and personnel B. poor promotion of African medicine C. racial
segregation D. aimed to promote scientific ways of curing African E. low budget.
3. The Zanzibar slave market was closed in_______
A. 1873 B.1822 C. 1845 D. 1820 E. 1900
4. Which of the following is a way of controlling floods?________
A. Construction of durable houses B. cutting down trees C. planting trees
D. constructing houses on valleys E. burning of forests.
5. The action of buying and selling goods is called________
A. Market B. trade C. shopping D. farming E. entrepreneurship.
6. The big number of refugees in African continent are caused by ______
A. political stability B. good governance C. leadership
D. civil wars E. floods
7. The skull of early man was discovered by Dr. Leakey at the Olduvai Gorge in
A. 1873 B. 1840 C. 1948 D. 1859 E. 1959
8. There are _______________ theories of the origin of man.
A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 5 E. 10
9. Kaole ruins are found at the historical site called ____________
A. Kondoa Irangi B. Ismila C. Bagamoyo D. Engaruka E. Zanzibar
10.Sultan Seyyid Said shifted his capital from Muscat – Oman to Zanzibar in __
A. 1940 B. 1858 C. 1804 D. 1856 E. 1840
11.A period of a hundred years is known as ________
A. century B. decade C. millennium D. week E. center
12.The following are rift valley lakes except _________
A. Kyoga B. Kivu C. Turkana D. Tanganyika E. Rukwa
13.An instrument that measures wind speed is known as ________
A. hygrometer B. wind vane C. anemometer
D. barometer E. thermometer
14.What will occur when the moon comes between the sun and the earth _______
A. solar eclipse B. seasons of the year C. day and night
D. lunar eclipse E. earth movement
15.The islands of Zanzibar are famous for growing __________
A. grapesB. cotton C. cashew nuts D. cloves E. coffee
16.One of the following is not essential of the map is _________
A. key B. scale C. title D. contour E. north direction
17.Which feature is formed when the contour lines are close to each other?
A. ridge B. steep C. gentle slope D. escarpment E. steep slope
18.Songosongo in Tanzania is famous for __________
A. water B. natural gas C. coal D. gold E. iron
19.Blowing of winds from the ocean to the land are known as ___________
A. monsoon B. sea breeze C. cold winds D. land breeze E. warm winds
20. This map sign stands for ___________
A. river B. relief C. mountain peak D. spur E. hill
21.Which among the following planets has no moon?
A. Jupiter B. Neptune C. Mars D. Uranus E. Mercury
22.The feature formed when the ground between the sets of faults sink is a ____
A. river B. saddle C. block mt. D. rift valleyE. depression
23.The atmospheric condition of a place recorded for a short period of time is ___
A. climate B. vegetation C. weather D. altitude E. latitude
24.The natural vegetation grow along the coast of East Africa is known as _____
A. miombo B. savanna C. mangroves D. shrubs E. dates
25.The first famous coastal town in East Africa to use its own currency was
A. Lamu B. Sofala C. Bagamoyo D. Kilwa E. Kaole
26.The average difference in age between a child and his/her parents is known as _____
A. clan B. time graph C. generation D. period E. history
27.______ is a practice or state of having slaves.
A. Slave masterB. Crime C. Slave D. Slavery E. Caravan
28.The largest slave market in East Africa was in ________
A. Kilwa B. Zanzibar C. Bagamoyo D. Tabora E. Kigoma
29.A collection of families from the common ancestor is known as ______
A. society B. family C. tribe D. community E. clan
30.______ was the first British Governor to introduce indirect rule in Africa.
A. Fredrick Lugard B. Carl peters C. Horace Byatt
D. Richard Turnbul E. Donald Cameroon
31.Kings African Riffles was the ______ army in East Africa.
A. Germany B. French C. Tanganyika D. British E. Portuguese
32.One was not among the European nations participated in the Berlin Conference of 1884 –
A. Italy B. Germany C. France D. Britain E. Poland
33.Zanzibar became a British colony in ___________
A. 1980 B. 1886 C. 1890 D. 1940 E. 1840
34.The title given to the traditional leader of Ngoni was ________
A. Nkosi B. Mtwa C. Kabaka D. Mtemi E. Mtumwa
35.If letter “C” is at grid reference 0835 on the map, which number refer to the Northing?
A. 08 B. 35 C. 03 D. 85 E. 83
36.A group of stars is known as _________
A. galaxy B. asteroids C. comets D. constellation E. satellites
37. The temperature decreases with increase in height at the rate of ________
A. 0.60C for every 1000m B. 60C for every 100m C. 0.60C for every 100m
D. 10C for every 100m E. 1000C for every 0.6. m
38. The factor which cannot contribute the rapid population increase in the urban areas are ___
A. availability of minor business B. employment, business and essential social facilities
C. improving social services in villages D. music, television and industries
E. easy transportation
39. Soaking dirty clothes helps to _________
A. loosen dirty B. brighten the usage C. reduce soap usage D. make clothes dry
quickly E. make clothes clean
40. A person who composes poems is called a _________
A. poetry B. persona C. poet D. judge E. author
SECTION:B Fill in the blanks
Study the following maps then answer questions 41-43

41.The famous mountain in area represented by letter “A” is known as _____________

42.The river represented by letter “B” is known as _________________________

43.The country shown by letter “C: is famous in producing minerals known as _________

44.What is the largest lake in Africa?.________________________________

45.________________is the total things and objects that surround living things in their life.



TEL: 0742046956/0712164200
NAME_____________________________DATE __________________STD VII
Answer all questions
Listen carefully to the passage read by the invigilator then answer questions 1-5
1. Mrs. Rehema Shomari is Mr. Matundas _____________
a) Sister b) Daughter c) Wife d) Mother e) Niece
2. Ali is Zainabu’s _______
a) Uncle b) Father c) Nephew d) Brother e) Grandfather
3. Farida is Pili’s _________________
a) Niece b) Mother c) Daughter d) Grandmother e) Aunt
4. Juma and Pili are Farida’s Asha’s and Paulo’s _______
a) Parents b) Friends c) Children d) Uncles e) Aunt’s
5. Mr. Matunda Shomari is Paulo’s _______
a) Uncle b) Grandson c) Nephew d) Brother – in – law e) Cousin

Choose the correct word which complete sentences

6. It is going to ______________
a) Rained b) raining c) rains d) rain e) ran
7. We ______be working in our father’s farm tomorrow
a) Shall b) are going c) should d) is e) should
8. It __________arrive next week
a) Would b) shall c) will d) should e) won’t
9. We usually __________football on Monday
a) Plays b) play c) played d) playing e) pray
10.He _________me last week
a) Tell b) telling c) told d) talked e) talk
11.I know ________girl
a) Whom b) who c) that d) those e) what
12.This is the train by ______________I came by
a) Which b) whose c) whom d) what e) who
13.I went to school _______________study
a) With b) by c) in d) for e) to
14.That bicycle is ______________expensive __________buy
a) Neither or b) either nor c) too to
d) whether e) both and
15.I have been drawing ___________last week
a) For b) since c) from d) to e) in
16.Will you __________ them tomorrow
a) Seen b) saw c) see d) sees e) have seen
17.This is a boy _________mother died
a) Whom b) whose c) who d) that e) which

18.She was __________a kind woman that everyone wanted to marry her
a) Such b) very c) already d) that e) too
19.Jackson is ____________tallest boy in the class
a) The b) a c) one of d) was e) is
20.This is Mr. James’ car it belongs to ___________
a) Her b) them c) him d) none e) any
21.Yesterday I __________an elephant
a) See b) saw c) an seeing d) have seen e) shall see
22.Mariam ____________food for the family now
a) Is cooking b) cooks c) cook d) cooked e) was cooking
23.Kenya is _______________in Europe nor in Asia
a) Neither b) or c) either d) nor e) so
24.You will give the crying baby ____________milk
a) a b) some c) an d) many e) any
25.Next time, he ___________us
a) visits b) visited c) visiting d) will visit e) visit
26.Rehema ___________looking at you
a) Am b) were c) is d) have e) are
27.The food is too hot __________him to eat
a) So b) to c) at d) as e) for
28.Pupils have been doing it ___________morning
a) For b) until c) at d) since e) to
29.Asha and Musa ___________going to Zanzibar next week
a) Will has b) will have c) are d) is e) have
30.Okello is ____________than Agella
a) Short b) shortest c) shorter
d) most shortest e) shut
31.A place where milk is processed and sold is called ______
a) A diary b) a dairy c) a church d) a school e) a mosque
32.My father owns that house it belongs to ________
a) Her b) him c) their d) our e) ourselves
33.Fadhila is among the pupils _____________ were given scholarship last year
a) Whom b) which c) who d) whose e) whom
34.__________ cried bitterly when her father died
a) The b) her c) she d) they e) their
35.You can ___________ sleep or watch T.V
a) Neither b) either c) go d) watch e) whether
Arrange these jumbled sentences in their right order
36.First I swept the room.
37.Today I woke up at seven o’clock in the morning
38.After my bath, I had breakfast with my sister, Ruth
39.Next I went to bathe
40.After finishing the meal, we put on our school uniform and left for school

36 37 38 39 40

Read the story and answer the questions that follow
Mapengo and his family are hardworking people. They wake up every early in the morning.
They all leave their beds at 5:00Am. Mr. Mapengo is milking his cow; his wife Maria is
milking the big black goat. The elder son Jonah is preparing breakfast while their second son
Michael is cleaning the house. Their daughter Judith is looking after the dogs. The last born
Suzan is cleaning the cow shed.


41.What was Mr. Mapengo doing in the morning?_______________________________

42.What was Maria doing?__________________________________

43.What was Jonnah doing in the morning?_____________________________

44.How many children does Mr. Mapengo have?_______________________________

45.What was their last born’s name?________________________________________


TEL: 0742046956/0712164200
NAME_____________________________DATE __________________STD VII
Answer all questions
SECTION:A Choose the correct answer
1. The gas which is responsible for combustion is __(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Nitrogen
(c) Hydrogen (d) Oxygen(e) Methane
2. Lack of vitamin D in the body causes _____ (a) marasmus
(b) malaria (c) cholera (d) pneumonia (e) rickets
3. The response of plants growth towards water is known as _____
(a)photosynthesis (b) thygromotropism (c) hydrotropim
(d) hibernation (e) phototropism
4. Which one of the following is complex machine _____?
(a) ladder (b) see - saw (c) lever (d) torch (e) bicycle
5. The hormone secreted by the testes is known as ___(a) adrenal
(b) progesterone (c) oestrogen(d) thyroxin (d) testosterone
6. Which of the following disease has no vaccination?______(a)tetanus
(b) measles (c) tuberculosis (d) polio (e) beriberi
7. In order to test starch we use _____ solution
(a) acid (b) iodine (c) alcohol (d) mercury (e) base
8. Which part of a nerve cell acts as an insulator?______(a) axon(b) myelin sheath
(c) dendrites (d) axon terminal(e) golgi bodies
9. Jorono was seen with the following symptoms:(i) high fever and headache (ii) swollen
back and neck(iii) sore in the throat and other part of the body. What was she likely to be
suffering from?_____(a) tetanus (b) chicken pox(c) diphtheria (d) measles (e) malaria
10. Which part of the brain controls the action of all sensory organs? ______
(a) medulla oblongata (b) cerebrum (c) cerebellum
(d) fore brain (e) brain stem
11. The fifth stage of scientific investigation is ______
(a) data collection (b) data analysis (c) data interpretation
(d) conclusion (e) hypothesis
12. Bats and whales are animals that reproduce through ______
(a) laying eggs (b) giving birth (c) asexually
(d) divides into small young ones (e) without mating
13. ________ is a dicotyledonous plant (a) sugarcane
(b) maize (c) groundnut (d) millet (e) sorghum
14. The nerve which connects the eye to the brain is called _______
(a) auditory nerve (b) optical nerve (c) cranical nerve
(d) motor nerve (e) ear
15. Which one of the following is the main component of biogas? _____
(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon monoxide (c) Neon (d) Hydrogen
(e) Methane
16. How can you help the victim of electric shock?______(a) by pushing him hands
(b) by pushing him by legs (c) by pushing him with steel bar
(d) by pushing the victim by a wet piece of wood
(e) by pushing him with a dry wood bar
17. The film in a camera is similar to ______ in a human eye
(a) lens (b) pupils (c) iris (d) retina (e) cornea
18. A person with HIV AIDS can be identified by ________
(a) appearance (b) attendance in hospital (c) his behavior
(d) coughing habit (e) blood screening
19. Rust is a result of a chemical combination between _______
(a) copper, water and oxygen (b) iron, oxygen and water
(c) sodium, water and oxygen (d) calcium, water and oxygen
(e) water, oxygen and potassium
20. The light of lightning is seen before the thunderstorm is heard although they happen at
the same time. This is because ___(a) the light has larger waves than sound(b) the speed
of light is higher than the speed of sound(c) the eye nerves work better than the ear
(d) the sound waves do not travel in air
(e) the light and sound normally travel perpendicularly
21. Normally fruits fall from the tree. This illustrates the presence of ___ force (a) lifting
(b) dragging (c) gravitational (d) pushing
(e) perpendicular
22. The bottom of a river seems to be shallower than its real depth due to ____ (a) water
(b) reflection (c) refraction
(d) poor eye sight (e) density
23. Animal group that eats meat are classified as ___(a) omnivores
(b) fruitvores (c) carnivores (d) herbivores (e) predator
24. N
(a) Q
(b) O
(c) M
(d) P
Q (e) N
25. The skin, pupils and hair colour is determined by a pigment called ___ (a) chlorophyll
(b) melanin (c) haemoglobin (d) albinism
(e) secretions
26. Convert 2120F into degree centigrade _______
(a) 1080C (b) 1000C (c) 1760C (d) 400C (e) 750C
27. When the meeting of sperms takes place in water in the case of frogs it is called _____
(a) internal fertilization (b) external fertilization
(c) metamorphosis (d) asexual reproduction (e) incubation
28. The drug in tobacco is called ______ (a) nicotine
(b) caffeine (c) ethyl alcohol (d) aspirin (e) panadol
29. What is the value of R in the following _______
45 cm R cm (a) 90 (b) 65
(c) 30 (d) 75
(e) 80
30 30 15 15
Kg Kg Kg Kg

30. The following diseases attack the central nervous system.

Which one is not _____ a) meningitis
(b) cerebral malaria (c) polio (d) tetanus (e) cholera
31. In this diagram of simple machine the support is at _____
(a) M (b) O
O (c) X (d) R
(e) no answer
32. Which of following appliances uses direct current? ___
(a) electric cooker (b) refrigerator
(c) torch (d) electric iron (e) cattle iron
33. Which type of mosquitoes caused malaria? _______
(a) aeds (b) anopheles
(c) tsetse fly (d) culex (e) non of above
34. ______ is the stage where a woman stops menstruation
(a) adulthood (b) adolescence
(c) menopause (d) puberty (e) childhood
35. A bone is connected to a muscle by? ______(a) a ligament
(b) tendon (c) cartilage (d) joint (e) synavoil fluid
36. Glucose is the end product of ___ digestion(a) a protein
(b) carbohydrates (c) fats (d) minerals (e) vitamin
37. The main cause of fainting is due to ________
(a) a lack of oxygen (b) an excess of oxygen
(c) nitrogen (d) lack of carbon dioxide (e) carbon dioxide
38. The type of liquids used in a thermometer are ________
(a) mercury, alcohol (b) alcohol, spirit (c) mercury, spirit
(d) mercury, acid (e) water and alcohol
39. Which is not true about fish? ___ (a) fish get air from the water
(b) fish is cold blood (c) fish use gills to get oxygen from the water
(d) fish is a warm blooded animal (e) fish use fins to swim
40. Chocking is a result of _____ (a) air trying to pass through the trachea
(b) food trying to pass through into the stomach
(c) food or water trying to pass through the wind pipe
(d) air being swallowed into stomach (e) saliva is swallowed
SECTION:B Fill in the blanks

41. Which part of the computer is used to type in information into the computer?__________

42. What is the function of this sign in the computer______________

43.Lack of insulin and glucagon results to deficiency disease known as___________________

44.The value of potential difference (P.d) across 100 resistor in the following figure is _____

45.. What part of the computer is used to copy pictures from the computer to paper__________

TEL: 0742046956/0712164200
NAME_____________________________DATE __________________STD VII
Answer all questions
1. 9998 + 2 =
A. 99982 B. 1000 C. 11998 D. 10000 E. 10008
2. 34 + 6083 + 9 =
A. 9483 B. 6126 C. 6026 D. 6307 E. 63489
3. 30394 + 9885 =
A. 30509 B. 21519 C. 20509 D. 31051 E. 20059
4. 27258 ÷ 66 =
A. 348 B. 403 C. 418 D. 313 E. 413
5. 5 1 + 3 1 =
4 4
A. 8 /8 B. 9¼ C. 8½ D. 9½ E. 9
6. 999 x 210 =
A. 200,990 B. 209,790 C. 309,800 D. 290,790 E. 309,790
7. 200 – 198 7 =
A. 2 7 B. 2 33 C. 1 7 D. 33 E. 1 33
40 40 40 40 40
- -
8. ( 200) ÷ ( 20) =
A. -220 B. 10 C. +220 D. +10 E. -10
9. 19.04 ÷ 0.56 =
A. 0.24 B. 3.4 C. 38 D. 34 E. 0.034
- - -
10. ( 10) – ( 10) + ( 10) =
A. +30 B. -10 C. -30 D. +20 E. +10
11. 150 + (55 ÷ 11) x (9 – 10 + 3)
A. 310 B. 130 C. 160 D. -620 E. 151
12. What is 80081 in words
A. Eight hundred thousand and eighty one
B. Eight thousand and eighty one
C. Eight hundred and eighty one
D. Eight thousand and eighty one
E. Non of the above
13. If m x n = 130 and m x y = -70, find the value of mx (n – y)
A. 60 B. 140 C. 85 D. 106 E. 9100
14. Find the sum of the L.C.M and the H.C.F of 15, 21 and 35
A. 105 B. 110 C. 125 D. 106 E. 108
15. Write all prime numbers between 160 – 165
A. 161, 163, 165 B. 161, 162, 163 C. 161, 163 D. 161 E. 163
16. Round off 346.0463 to the nearest two decimal places
A. 0.04 B. 346.05 C. 34 D. 0.05 E. 346.04
17. Find the squire number of 2¼
A. 3/2 B. 6½ C. 5¼ D. 1¼ E. 51/16
18. Express 2½% as a ratio to its simplest form
A. 2:5 B. 5:2 C. 40:5 D. 1:40 E. 1:2
- -
19. Write the next number in the series 27, 9,3, 1, _____
A. -4 B. 1/3 C. +3 D. -1/3 E. +5
20. Find 2% of 20
A. 0.4% B. 0.04% C. 4% D. 40% E. 44%
21. Write 104 in Roman numerals
22. 10 – 9.081 =
A. 9.071 B. 9.091 C. 0.919 D. 0.981 E. 19.081
23. Simplify the expression; 3(2b + c) + 2b – 3c
2(2b + 2c) + 4b + 4c

A. 8C B. 4b + 3c C. 2b D. b E. 1
4 (b + c) 3bc b+c 8c
24. Write 432 2/5% in decimal form
A. 43.225 B. 0.4324 C. 432.4 D. 4.322 E. 4.324
25. Write eight minutes past mid-day in 24 hrs system
A. 2358 hrs B. 1208 hrs C. 0008 hrs D. 2308 hrs E. 1158hrs
26. Find the area of this triangle, if its perimeter is 80cm


A. 68 Cm2B. 60 Cm2 C. 120Cm2 D. 240Cm2 E. 255Cm2
27. Find the circumference of this circle

42 m

A. 132Cm B. 42m C. 174Cm D. 154Cm E. 132m

28. How many lines of symmetry are contained in the figure


A. Three lines B. two lines C. one line D. four lines E. no line

29. Find theXsurface area of the cube below;


A. 900m2 B. 27000m2 C. 540m2 D. 180m2 E. 5400m2

30. What is the area of this squire?

(x + 6)

(2x – 1)
A. 166Cm2 B. 169Cm2 C. 91Cm2 D. 52Cm2 E. 42Cm2
31. If ABCD is a rhombus and < QRS = 380; find the size of <QTS

A. 1420 T B. 760 C. 520 D. 380 E. 1040
32. Write the coordinates of point K if those of point N are (-14,4)

A. (1,-3) B. (-6,14) C. (7,-4) D. (7,-6) E. (1,7)

33. Find the volume of this box

6 cm

8 cm

A. 80Cm3B. 48Cm3 C. 60Cm3 D. 480Cm3 E. 160Cm3

34. What is the formular used in finding the volume of the figure below?

A. B. Lxwxh C. D. E.
3 3
35. Find the size of the largest angle in the drawing below


X 4X
A. 1800 B. 180 C. 720 D. 1000 E. 900
36. Find the length AC from the drawing below

28 cm

45 cm
A. 73cm B. 65cm C. 53cm D. 48cm E. 57cm

37. Find the value of x in the figure below



A. 4600 B. 1280 C. 800 D. 520 E. 200

38. If the area of the un shaded part is 200cm2 in the figure below. What is the shaded area?


A. 1240cm2 B. 616cm2 C. 1386cm2 D. 346.5cm2 E. 308cm

39. Our teacher’s salary was increased by 20% because of his hardworking efforts in class. If his
original salary was Sh. 12,500/=, find his new salary.
A. Sh. 14.00 B. Sh. 15,000 C. Sh. 16,500 D. Sh. 15,500 E. Sh. 13,700

40. James sent a telegram of 30 words through a certain post office company. If he was charged Sh.
350 for the first ten words, find the charge of the extra word if he used a total of Sh. 970 to send
his telegram
A. Sh. 620 B. Sh. 1320 C. Sh. 30 D. Sh. 42 E. Sh. 31
41.Find the size of angle y in the following figure

42.Find the perimeter of the following garden

43.Lulu had 800,000/= and bought the following items:- T.V set at @ 182,000/=.
3 suit cases @ 45,800/=. 7 pairs of Khanga @ 8,600/= and 2 sets of coaches @
178,000/=. How much money did she remain with?

44.Mr. Enock uses 72,000/= of his salary as shown in the following pie chart. How
much does he spend for food?

45.A circle has an area of 616m2. Find the circumference of the circle. Use π=22/7).

JINA______________________TAREHE __________________DRSVII
SEHEMU:A Jibu maswali kutokana na habari uliyosikiliza kwa kuchagua herufi sahihi
1. Baba anatoa wosia kwa wanawe kuwa atakapokufa wao _______ wa nchi

a) Viongozi b) Watakuwa watawala c) Wakazi d) Wawakilishi e) Raia

2. Mkwawa na Muhenga ni __________
a) Ndugu b) Marafiki c) Majirani d) Mapacha e) Biriani
3. Kichwa cha habari hii kinafaa kwa methali isemayo___________
a) Samaki mkunje angali mbichi b) Dalili ya mvua ni mawingu
c) Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu d) Hakuna marefu yasiyo na ncha
e) Kawia ufike
4. Habari hii inasisitiza___________
a) Kanuni bora za uongozi b) Utawala kwa demokrasia c) kutawala kwa kunyenyekea
d) Kuongoza kwa kujali maslahi e) Unaowaongoza
5. Mkwawa na Muhenga waliahidi ______ yale yote waliyohusiwa na baba yao.
a) Kutofuata b) Kutimiza c) Kukumbuka d) Kuitikia e) Kukataa
SEHEMU B: MSAMIATI NA SARUFI : Chagua jibu sahihi
6. Kazi yake ina walakini. Neon walakini maana yake ni ______________
A. Umakini B. uhakika C. ubora D. sifa E. kasoro
7. Adinani alilipwa ___________baada ya nyumba yake kubomolewa kwa ajili ya kupitishwa
A. Fadhila B. tija C. fidia D. lija E. pole
8. Rukia ndiye pekee aliyepata ___________ ya kuongea na Raisi
A. Wakati B. rizaa C. fursa D. akiba E. hifadhi
9. __________ni haki ya kila mshitakiwa
A. Rufaa B. kifungo C. dhamana D. msamaha E. hukumu
10. Tulitia nanga salama kwani __________wetu alikuwa mzoefu
A. Dereva B. utingo C. konda D. rubani E. nahodha
11. Kinyume cha neon UKWASI ni __________
A. Ukata B. hodari C. upweke D. tajiri E. wingi
12. La haula! Yule jamaa kafariki. Neon lenye maana sawa na kufariki ni _________
A. Kuaga dunia B. kupagawa C. kuzaliwa D. kupona E. kuondoka
13. Mwanamke aliyefiwa na mumewe huitwa
A. Mfiwa B. yatima C. mjane D. mkiwa E. mgeni
14. Katu usinizoee. Neon KATU lina maana ya ____________
A. Wewe B. sipendi C. kamwe D. sitaki E. koma
15. Juma hataki kazi yoyote, kazi __________ tu.
A. Kulanda B. kuranda C. kuulanda D. kulandana E. kurandana
16. Mtu anayefanya kazi ya kubeba mizigo anaitwaje?_____________
A. Utingo B. mbebaji C. mpagazi D. mchukuzi E. baunsa
17. Kuna________ kali sana hapa bila shaka kuna mzoga hapa.
A. Arufu B. alufu C. harufu D. halufu E. hisia
18. Mtu mwenye jicho moja linaloona huitwa_______________
A. Kipofu B. kiziwi C. chongo D. kilema E. kengeza
19. Andika neno jingine la NYATI _________
A.Mnyama B. ng’ombe C. mbogo D. simba E. nguruwe pori
20. Andika neno moja la Kiswahili lenye maana ya maneno TASI,CHANGU, PONO, TAA, MKIZI _
A. Wanyama B. wadudu C. samaki D. viumbe E. mchuzi
21. Unda kitenzi kutokana na neon SOMO __________
A. Masomo B. kukariri C. kujifunza D. kusoma E. kunakili
22. Neno lipi ni nomino dhahania _____________
A. Samba B. wanafunzi C. upepo D. sikio E. polisi
23. Sentensi ipi ipo katika kauli taarifa? ______________
A. Njoo hapa B. nenda kule C. nenda na usirudi
D. amekuambia kuwa uende E. njoo haraka
24. Kuku _________ ameliwa na mbwa.
A. Nilimchinja B. niliyemchinja C. niliomchinja D. nilimchinja
25. Neno HARAKATI lina konsonanti ngapi? _____________
A. Nne B. nane C. sita D. mbili E. tatu
26. Katika neno “ wamechelewa” kiambishi kinachoonesha nafsi ni ____________
A. Le B. che C. me D. chelewa E. wa
27. Jua limewaka kutwa. Neno kutwa ni ________________
A. Kivumishi B. kiwakilishi C. kielezi E. nomino E. kitenzi
28. Ipi ni kauli ya kutendeka.
A. Mwalimu alisoma gazeti B. nilisoma gazeti C. gazeti lilisomwa
D.gazeti limenunuliwa E. gazeti limenunulika
29. Kujua mbivu na mbichi, maana yake ni _____________
A. Kujua mema na mabaya B. kusema mabaya tu C. kujua mambo
D.kusema mema tu. E. kusema mabaya tu.
30. Sitaki motto mkorofi. Sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi ya ngapi?___________
A. Ya kwanza umoja B. ya pili umoja C. ya pili wingi
D. ya kwanza wingi E. ya tatu wingi
31. Radhia ana mkono wa birika. Maana yake ni ____________
A. Mwizi B. mvivu C. mchoyo D. mtukutu E. mtundu
32. Malizia methali ifuatayo, Lakuvunda _______________
A. Mbaya B. halina dereva C. halina usafi D. nzuri E. halina ubani
33. Hamisi ana kichwa cha panzi. Maana yake ni ___________
A. Anaona haraka kuliko panzi B. anaruka kama panzi C. ana sura kama panzi
D. kichwa kama cha panzi E. msahaulifu wa mambo
34. Mpenda chongo huona ________________
A. Maruweruwe B. kengeza C. karibu D. vizuri E. mbali
35. Methali bandubandu humaliza gogo, “hufanana na ipi?_____________
A. Harakaharaka haina Baraka B. safari ni hatua C. polepole ndio mwendo
D.mwenda pole hajikwai E. chovyachovya humaliza buyu la asali
Kamilisha barua ifuatayo kwa kujibu maswali 36 – 40 kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi.
Shule ya Msingi Rehema,
S.L.P 2015,
36. _____________________
37. ______________________
38. _______________________
39. ___________________________
Husika na kichwa cha habari hapo juu,
Mimi ni kijana mwenye umri wa miaka 18. Nimemaliza masomo yangu katika shule ya Msingi
Lassana mwaka 2012. Naomba kujiunga na masomo ya Ufundi magari katika chuo chako. Pamoja
na barua hii naambatanisha na kivuli cha cheti changu cha kuhitimu darasa la saba (VII).
Ni mategemeo yangu kuwa ombi langu litakubaliwa.

Wako Mtiifu,
40. _________________



Soma habari kisha jibu maswali.

Bustani hutupatia chakula. Bustani zitupatiazo chakula ni kama zile za miti ya matunda
na mboga. Kutokana na bustani za miti ya matunda tunapata aina mbalimbali ya
matunda kwa mfano machungwa, mapera, ndimu, mapapai, mananasi, ndizi na
mengineyo mengi.
Matunda hutupa vitamini na viini vya madini ya vyakula ambavyo hulinda na kujenga
mifupa. Tuuzapo matunda tunapata fedha ambazo hutusaidia kuendeleza viwanda
vyetu. Matunda pia hutumika viwandani kwa kusindika vinywaji kama vile maji ya
mchungwa na mananasi na pia hutumika kutengeneza jemu kutokana na mapapai,
mananasi na maembe. Baada ya kutosheleza mahitaji yetu ya vijijini na taifa kwa
ujumla, ziada ya bidhaa hizo huuzwa nchi za nchi za nje na kutupatia bidhaa, vifaa na
zana tunazohitaji katika shughuli zetu za maendeleo.
Miti ya matunda hustawi popote nchini Tanzania ili mradi udongo wake usiwe na
kichanga mno wala maji yasituame. Zipo aina tatu za miti ya matunda. Aina ya kwanza
ni ile inayooteshwa kwa kutumia mbegu kama vile miembe, michungwa, mipapai na
michenza. Aina ya pili huoteshwa kwa kutumia machipukizi kama vile minanasi. Tatu ni
miti ya matunda inayooteshwa kwa kutumia pingili kama vile mizabibu na mipera.
Matunda yote yatokanayo na aina tatu za miti ni muhimu kwa miili yetu. Hata hivyo
kustawi au kutostawi kwake katika vijiji vyetu kutategemea zaidi aina ya udongo na
kiasi cha maji yanayopatikana katika sehemu hizo.

41. Mwandishi ametaja aina ngapi za bustani ya miti ya matunda?_____________

42.Bidhaa za viwandani zitokanazo na matunda ni zipi?_____________________

43.Faida muhimu zitokanazo na kilimo cha miti ya matunda ni zipi?____________

44.Je, mwandishi angeliweza kutumia neno lipi badala ya neno “bustani” bila kubadili
maana ya maelezo yake?____________________________

45.Kichwa cha habari kinachofaa kwa taarifa uliyoisoma ni kipi?_______________

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