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NUTRITION ACROSS ALL AGES( PREGNANCY - Mabilis ang metabolism because the

AND LACTATION) nutrients is being divided by the mother

Pregnancy - growing fetus and the baby.
- Pre- pregnancy, if the couple decide to - Increase 5% during the first trimester,
have the pregnancy, then the woman nag-i-increase ang BMR and 12% during
would consult an ob gyne and then she the second and third trimester. This
should take a folate. (about 400 increases the total energy requirement.
micrograms or milligrams of the - The increase of BMR is needed so that
folate). the weight of the mother will increase
- Can be taken 2 months of pre and also for the baby to develop inside
pregnancy to prevent the NTD’S. the womb.
- Pregnancy= refers to the condition or B. Gastrointestinal changes: There is an
state of a woman carrying or developing alteration in Gl functions which causes nausea,
embryo or fetus within her body. constipation & vomiting. In the later trimester
- Developing fetus inside the womb of of pregnancy absorption of nutrients like
the mother. vitamin B12, iron and meek calcium increases in
- In order for the fetus to thrive the order to meet the increased needs of the
mother needs enough nutrients mother & fetus.
because the nutrients are being shared C. Changes in body fluid: Mother's blood
to the baby. volume increases so as to carry the appropriate
- Saan dumadaan ang nutrients= amount of nutrients to the fetus and metabolic
placenta waste away from the fetus. With increase in the
- Nutrition is very important in blood volume the concentrations of plasma
pregnancy. proteins, hemoglobin and other blood
● Pregnancy (gestation) is a period of constituents are lowered.
great physiologic stress for a woman as - Intake of nutrients and vitamins,
she is nurturing a growing fetus in her minerals are increased during this stage
body. of life.
- There's also a change in body fluid
CHANGES THAT MAY OCCUR TO THE MOTHER because the mother's blood volume
DURING PREGNANCY increases kasi nag hati sila ng baby.
● Some changes occur in the mother's - Kailangan natin ang increase ang blood
body which influences the need for to prevent anemia so not only the
nutrients & the efficacy with which the blood, the iron is also needed.
mother's body uses the nutrients. WHAT CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN
A. Basal metabolic rate (BMR): Fetal growth & BLOOD VOLUME- increases by about 4 pounds
development increases the BMR by 5% during PLACENTA- increase by 1 pound
1st trimester and 12% during 2nd & 3rd AMNIOTIC FLUID- increases by about 2 pounds
trimester. This increases the total energy BREAST- breast tissue increase by about 1-2
requirement. ( Nutrients divided by mother and pounds
the baby). MATERNAL FAT- increases by about 4 plus and
2. A well nourished woman prior to conception
UTERUS - Grows for about 2 pounds enters pregnancy with a reserve of several
DIET INTAKE nutrients that meets the needs of the growing
NORMAL WEIGHT GAIN FOR WOMEN DURING fetus without affecting her own health.
PREGNANCY - If a mother is well nourished, the
● 3 and a half pounds for the first mother may suffer fewer complications
trimester and 1 pound per week during pregnancy and fewer chances of
● Tota weight gain of 25-35 pounds by premature birth.
term - The baby will be born at a proper age,
UNDERWEIGHT at a proper time. So by 9 months,
● For first trimester, 5 pound and half to manganganak na mother at hindi 7 or
1 pound per week 6 months
● 28-40 pounds per term 3. A well nourished woman suffers fewer
complications during pregnancy & there are few
OVERWEIGHT chances of premature births.
● During 1st trimester 2 pounds and 2/3rd 4. A well nourished mother will give birth to a
pounds per week healthy child.
● Total of 15-25 pound by term 5. Maternal diet during pregnancy has a direct
WOMAN CARRYING TWINS influence on fetal growth, size & health of the
● Weight gain should be around 35-45 newborn.
pounds by term 6. Poor diet during pregnancy affects the
- A large weight gain over a short period mother's health, a malnourished mother
of time first sign of Pre- Eclampsia provides nutrients to the fetus at the expense of
● PRE ECLAMPSIA- 140/100 ( her own tissues.
development of high blood pressure, - Pag malnourished kasi ang mother, she
swelling, high levels of albumin in urine) cannot provide enough nutrients for the
● ECLAMPSIA- 160/100 (development of fetus. Hindi mag-grow ang fetus or will
seizure) not develop normally and properly=
● Characterized by hypertension - SGA= SMALL GESTATIONAL AGE
● Proteinuria - Too much= macrosomia or LGA
7. Poor nutrition during pregnancy increases the
IMPORTANCE OF GOOD NUTRITION DURING risk of complications such as prolonged labor
PREGNANCY and even death.
1. Mother has to nurture the fetus, health of 8. Inadequate diet during pregnancy affects the
the newborn depends on nutritional status of health of the baby during early infancy. They
the mother during and prior to conception. develop nutritional diseases like anemia, rickets
- Nutrition is very important for pregnant or suffer from Infectious diseases due to lack of
women because it is needed to nurture good immunity.
the fetus inside in order for the baby to - SGA Small Gestational Age
thrive, to grow normally. - To prevent Anemia, Prolong labor,
Rickets etc
- SGA, usually ang mga adolescent - The protein intake should increase
mothers na may mga vices (drug because it is needed for the
abusers, usually nagkaroon sila ng SGA development, the growth and
or mga babies with some complications) development of the baby ( nagkakaroon
ng anabolism)
NUTRITIONAL NEEDS DURING PREGNANCY - Building up of tissues, paano lalaki ang
During pregnancy the nutrient needs increases: bata kung walang protein
1. To develop maternal organs such as uterus, ● Increased protein is necessary in
placenta and breast tissues pregnancy for sparing
- Need ng mother and weight gain. ● carbohydrates for energy, rapid growth
- It is not normal for a pregnant woman of the fetus, development of the
to not gain weight during pregnancy placenta, growth of maternal tissues,
because everything will be increased. increased maternal blood volume, and
2. To build up body reserves to be utilized at the amniotic fluid.
time of delivery and lactation. ● Iron needs are increased during
3. During the 1st trimester there is no significant pregnancy for increased
increase in the size of the fetus thus only - Iron is needed to increase because it is
qualitative improvement in nutrients intake is divided between the baby and her and
required during this time. that the baby is storing its iron store.(
4. 2nd & 3rd trimester: An increased nutrient needed to for the next 4 to 6 months of
intake is suggested in the the second & third life) ( Ibig sabihin, kailangan ng bata ng
trimester of pregnancy thus need for almost all iron after delivery because the sole
the nutrients is increased during pregnancy. food of the baby is only the breast milk
● Nutritional needs during pregnancy are which lacks in iron).
affected by the mother's age along with - Kulang sa iron ang mga breast milk and
height and pre-pregnancy weight. even the infant formula. So that's why
● The national standard recommends an the baby needs an iron store of its own,
increase of 340 kcal/day during the needed for the first 4 to 6 months of life
second trimester and approximately in order to prevent the iron deficiency
450 kcal/day during the third trimester anemia.
of pregnancy. - Nagbibigay lang ng iron
- The increase of nutrient intake during supplementation during the 6 months
the 2nd and 3rd trimester should be of life pero hindi lagi , kung anemic lang
about 340 Kcal on top of the ang bata.
requirement per pregnancy. ● hemoglobin synthesis required for the
- Third trimester= 450 kcal greater maternal blood
● Protein intake should increase 25 ● volume as well as for the baby's
g/day during pregnancy on top of necessary prenatal storage of iron.
nonpregnancy needs. This increase is
approximately 50% more than the
average adult requirements.
PROTEIN, CA, AND FE REQUIREMENT DURING - Vitamin D is really important especially
PREGNANCY in the absorption of your calcium
PROTEIN because calcium is needed for the fetal
● Growth of fetus bones. Especially during the third
● Development of placenta trimester of pregnancy, calcium is very
● Enlargement of maternal tissues important because about 300 mg of
● Increased maternal blood volume calcium is being transferred to the baby
● Formation of amniotic fluid daily. Because at that stage of
● Protein reserves prepare the mother for pregnancy, the third trimester, the fetal
labor, delivery and lactation. bones begin to calcify. So that's why 300
CALCIUM mg is being transferred daily to the
● Growth and development of bones as baby.
well as teeth of the fetus. - We also need phosphorus and
● Calcium intake decreases risk of magnesium to strengthen the bones to
hypertension, pre-eclampsia in mothers prevent rickets etc.
and low birth weights and chronic ● Vit B6 (2.5mg/d): It is required for
hypertension in new-borns. normal fetal development & positive
● Maintaining bone strength pregnancy outcomes.
● Proper muscle contraction - We need it for DNA, synthesis, and
● Blood clotting RBC.
IRON ● Vitamin K: Vitamin K is required for
● Expansion of maternal tissues including normal coagulation of blood & prevents
the red blood cell mass newborn infants hemorrhages.
● Maintaining additional iron content of ● Vit C (60mg /d): It increases iron
placenta absorption and also helps in fetal
● Building the iron stores in fetal liver growth. Deficiency of vitamin C
● Compensate blood loss during delivery decreases the chances of preterm
VITAMIN REQUIREMENTS DURING PREGNANCY ● Vit B1 (+0.2mg/d), B2 (+0.2 mg/d),
● Vit B12 (1.2 ug/d) : Vitamin B12 ● B3(+2mg/d): As total energy
sUpplementation during pregnancy requirement increases during
helps in brain & nervous system pregnancy so B vitamin requirement
development of the fetus. also increases.
● Vitamins A (600 g/d retinol): it is - The B complex is really needed in the
needed in small amounts to protect the metabolism of the macronutrients.
fetus from immune system problems, - We need vitamin B complex to
blindness, infections and death. metabolize the food that we eat.
- Too much vitamin A results in problems
● Vitamin D (5ug/d): It is required for DURING PREGNANCY
formation of fetal bones. Folic acid (Vit B9) (RDA- 400 pg/d):
● During pregnancy maternal blood mothers that are carrying multiple
formation increases thus folic acid fetuses, like twins, triplets, adolescents
requirement also increases mother, Smokers, kailangan ng vitamin
● Folic acid supplementation during C, alcohol drinkers, drug abusers need
pregnancy prevents fetal neural tube nila because they have inadequate
defects and improves birth weights of intake of nutritious foods-= stunting of
the fetus. child
- Folate to prevent NTD’S or neural tube
● lodine: Lack of iodine causes stillbirth, ● NAUSEA- Digestive muscle, hormonal
birth defects & decreased fetal brain changes, rapid stretching of
development. ( Just like in the case of uterine,”morning sickness' '. ( Do not
deficiency of iodine= cretinism drink milk and juices, citrus juice
Zinc (RDA-12 mg/d) : For immunity and because it triggers vomiting)( arise
synthesis of nucleic acid just like your DNN RNA. slowly, consume dry toast or crackers
- And it is very important in reproduction. or any carb, suck hard candies or chew
● It is required for synthesis of nucleic gums avoid foul odor food)
acids DNA & RNA and it has an - Rapid stretching= morning sickness
important role in reproduction. - Pag too much or severe yung vomiting
● Zinc deficiency during pregnancy can and nausea ng ating pregnant women=
cause poor pregnancy outcomes and Hyperemesis gravidarum.
abnormal deliveries including - Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy that
congenital malformations. may result in dehydration.
- Increased vitamin A will result in cleft ● HEARTBURN- Hormonal , relaxation of
palate, microcephaly, mental the digestive muscle, Growing fetus
abnormalities, eyes and ears foot putting pressure on the mother’s
abnormalities. ( small amount or wag na stomach, back up acid (Rest first before
kunin na lang sa pagkain) drinking , avoid spicy, coffee and greasy
- Prenatal supplements are needed but food and tell the mother to relax and
not all. chew slowly the food. Avoid drinking
- First trimester folate, B complex are fluids immediately after eating. Sit up
given as prenatal supplement while eating, elevate head while
- Vitamin C is needed for the collagen sleeping. )
formation also para at least mas strong ● HEMORRHOIDS- Hormonal imbalance,
ka during pregnancy and also for the poor motility in the digestive tract
baby. (Increase progesterone and estrogen)(
- Multi-vitamins also pero pag too much Increase fluid intake and physical
and weight gain, hindi na masyado. activity)
- But it is needed for clients who belong - This is a hormonal imbalance just like in
to a high-risk group ang nausea. It's an increase in progesterone
supplementations natin na ang mga and estrogen levels.
- Nausea may HCG pa diyan na - Characteristics of a baby with FAS has a
nag-increase. small head, short eyes, flat midface, and
- Constipation in hemorrhoids thin lips.
nagkakaroon ng alteration kasi on - Alcohol drinking may cause deficits in
muscle tone because of these the behavioral and social abilities on the
imbalances that may alter or it slows part of the baby.
down the motility. Yung paggalaw ng - In mother nagkakaroon ng abruption of
tiyan, mabagal and even the intestines. placenta, placenta previa. PROM
So kaya nagkakaroon ng constipation. (premature rupture of membrane) ,
- Expanding uterus, kaya nagkakaroon ng decrease of appetite, infertility and
hemorrhoids poor circulation going hypertension.
there on the rectal mucosa. ● Drugs: During pregnancy drugs
- Strategies will be to increase fiber consumption lead to poor prenatal
intake, increase fluid intake, increase weight gain, very short or prolonged
physical activity. labor, operative delivery and other
- If there is an urge to defecate, respond perinatal problems or perinatal death,
immediately. preterm birth or SIDS( sudden infant
Hormone induce changes ( Non food ● Smoking: During pregnancy smoking
cravings- PICA) ( ex. Ice/ dirt)= results in placental abnormalities & fetal
geophagia ( Iron deficiency anemia) damage, including prematurely & low
● GESTATIONAL DIABETES- Gestational birth weights. Smoking impairs oxygen
diabetes na nangyayari result of too much, & nutrient transport through the
increase of weight din or may lahi ang placenta due to reduced blood flow.
nanay. - Limits the waste removal of the fetus.
- The caffeine should be limited to a
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS DURING PREGNANCY pregnant mother, to only 2 12 oz
( PRACTICES INCOMPATIBLE WITH caffeine-containing beverages. (
PREGNANCY) dalawang tig 12oz lang sa isang araw or
● Alcohol: During pregnancy alcohol less than 300mg of caffeine. )
consumption causes low birth weight - Moderate to heavy use of caffeine may
infants & growth retardation, fetal increase spontaneous abortion.
impaired central nervous system - Spontaneous abortion= walang
performance including growth ginagawa nalaglag si baby.
- If a mother who is alcoholic will deliver IMPORTANCE OF NUTRITION DURING
a baby, the baby may have the FAS ( LACTATION
Fetal alcohol syndrome) - For healthy teeth
- FAS=Irreversible physical and mental - Lactation is the production of the milk
retardation and the breast of the mother.
- All mother has the capable of doing it
- Recommended month for breastfeeding ● Your breast milk contains the right
is 6 months to 1 year. amount of water, EFA, and AA that are
- The mammary gland is responsible for necessary for brain development and
secreting the milk. growth and development.
- Prolactin is responsible for milk ● EFA= essential fatty acid
production ● AA= Amino Acid
- milk ejection with the sucking of the ● Lower the incidents of ear infection,
infant is oxytocin diarrhea and allergies
- With the help of the sucking of the it ● It lowers the incidence of ear infection
initiates the release of the oxytocin. kasi usually pag-battle fat ang bata,
- Milk will be ejected at the baby's mouth nagkaka-otitis media.
and it is called your let down reflex. ● Growth of straight and healthy teeth
- A fully established feeding routine takes ● Through sucking, it promotes good jaw,
about two to three weeks. growth of straight and healthy teeth.
- Minutes to breastfeed =10 to 15 ● Babies receive immunities from the
minutes for each breast( to prevent mother because of the presence of
previous breast). antibodies on the breast milk.
1. During lactation adequate nutrition is ● It prolongs a minoria on the part of the
required as the infant derives all its nutrition mother.
from the mother's milk. ● It delays the return of ovulation and
2. Mother needs extra nutrition as she has to lengthening birth intervals.
nourish a fully developed & rapidly growing ● Conserves iron stores for the mother by
infant. She needs extra nutrients to meet the prolonging amenorrhea. Conserves iron
baby's needs in addition to her own stores for the mother by prolonging
requirements. amenorrhea, delays ovulation, and
3. Any inadequacy in mothers diet influences lengthening the birth intervals.
both the quality & quantity of mother's milk ● May protect the mother from breast CA
secreted. and ovarian CA
4. If a mother's diet is inadequate then she will ● Breast milk is economical and
draw her own body reserves to meet the needs cost-saving.
of lactation at the cost of her own health.
5. Nutrient deficiency can lead to lower levels of NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENT DURING
nutrients in the mother's milk. LACTATION
THE BABY 1. Lactating mothers need additional energy for
● Lower risk of asthma production of milk.
● Special bond between the mother and 2. During pregnancy approximately 600-850 ml
the baby. milk is secreted daily.
● Increase immune response of the baby 3. Energy content of mother's milk and the
● Lowers the risk of obesity and the efficiency of conversion of food energy into milk
sudden infant death syndrome. energy determines the energy requirement of a
lactating woman.
4. During first 6 months of lactation - additional
550 kcal/d energy is required Nutritional requirement during lactation
6. During 6-12 months of lactation - additional ● Protein requirement: During lactation
400 kcal/d energy is required protein needs also increases as mothers
- For the first 6 months, the mother will milk contains 1.15g of protein/100ml.
produce about 35 gallons of breast Adequate amounts of good quality
milk. protein should be included in the
- The calorie requirement or the energy mother's diet. During the first 6 months
requirement to produce 3.5 ounces of of lactation- 75g of protein is required
milk, the mother needs about 85 everyday During 6-12 months of
kilocalories lactation - 68 g of protein is required
- For the first 6 months, average milk everyday.
production is 750 ml or 25 ounces. So ● Calcium: 1g /d Additional calcium is
the mother needs an additional calories required for breast milk secretion.
of 640 kcal per day. 30-40 mg of calcium is secreted per
- For the next 6 months or 6 to 12 100ml or 300mg of calcium per 850 ml
months the average production is of milk. Additional intake of calcium is
about 20 ounces or 600 ml. So it needs essential to enable the retention of
about 510 Kcal per day. calcium in breast milk. Adequate dietary
- So how frequently should the mother feed calcium intake during lactation meets
the baby? For the first month, 8-12 times to the mother's calcium needs and extra
feed the baby calcium requirement for breast milk
- For the succeeding gonna feed the baby by
demand kasi kumakain na ang baby.
● Iron: 30mg/d Iron requirement during
Protein requirement:
lactation is the addition of the
1. During lactation protein needs also increase
requirement of the mother & required
as mothers milk contains 1.15g of protein/
to make up the iron secreted in breast
milk. Most of the lactating women
- The protein requirement during
have lactation amenorrhea, resulting in
lactation protein needs also increases
saving 1 mg of iron per day which
for about 1.15 grams because the
would otherwise be lost in the
breast milk contains 1.15 grams of
menstrual blood. The requirement of
protein per 100 ml. So kailangan niya
iron is same as the non pregnant
mag-increased din ng kanyang intake of
the protein.
2. For proper milk production, adequate
amounts of good quality protein or good quality
protein should be included in the mother's diet.
● Vitamin A (950 g/d): Breast milk is rich
3. During first 6 months of lactation- 75g of
in vit. A so lactating mother needs an
protein is required everyday
adequate amount of vitamin A in their
4. During 6-12 months of lactation - 68 g of
protein is required everyday
- Vitamin A is needed also for growth and Furthermore, the milk will contain
development. Not only for vision, for nicotine which alters the smell and
growth and development because the flavor.
vitamin A is responsible in the - Limit your caffeine intake because it
osteoclasts and osteoblasts of bones of makes the baby wakeful and irritable.
● Vitamin B6 (2.5mg/d): Its requirement - Omit fish, cows milk, peanut, eggs
increases during lactation. especially when baby has allergies
● Vitamin B12 (1.5mg/d): Additional - If the infant will develop allergies,
Vitamin B12 is required to meet the symptoms of allergies are rashes, the
needs of the lactation. mother will omit the allergy and the
● Folic acid (150 g/d): Additional folic acid offenders just like your cow's milk,
intake will meet the needs of the peanut, fish, and eggs.
lactation - Avoid alcohol. It alters the milk flavor,
● Vitamin C (25m/d): Appreciable suppresses feeding, and causes
amount of vitamin C is secreted in sleepiness, and it inhibits the oxytocin.
breast milk. Additional intake will meet - During pregnancy, avoid alcohol.
the need of the lactation. Because the amount of alcohol that you
-For immunity are drinking is the same amount that
will be transferred to the baby via the
DIET AND FEEDING PATTERNS placenta. ( resulting in FAS)
1. Lactating mother requires larger quantities of - The baby inside the womb, the liver is
body building and protective foods & additional not yet fully developed. So, hindi ba
energy yielding foods to facilitate the formation niya ba metabolize ang alcohol.
& secretion of breast milk. - So, at least the mother will have a food
2. Fluid intake should be increased as fluids are intake of about 5-6 meals in a day. (
essential for adequate quantity of milk wag sobra tataba ang nanay)
production. 4. Nutrient needs of a lactating mother are
- Importance of fluid for milk production greatly enhanced during lactation hence she
and dehydration of the mother. should have snacks in between the meals.
3. No food should be restricted except highly Lactating mother should have 5-6 meals in a
spiced & strongly flavored food, as they impart day.
flavor to milk which may be repulsive to the
- No food should be restricted except • For a baby, breast milk is best. It has all the
highly spiced & strongly flavored food necessary vitamins and minerals.
because they alter the taste of the milk • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
that results in the baby being repulsive. strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding
Nagiging ayaw ng bata ang breast milk for the first six months of life and that
mo breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months.
- Also avoid spicy food and smoking • For babies BREASTFEEDING can protect
because it reduces the milk volume. against
• Increased intelligence,
• Decreased likelihood of contracting middle ear
infections, cold and flu resistance,
• A tiny decrease in the risk of childhood
• Lower risk of childhood onset diabetes,
• Decreased risk of asthma and eczema,
• decreased dental problems
• Decreased risk of obesity later in life,
• Decreased risk of autism,
• And a decreased risk of developing
psychological disorders, particularly in adopted

● Day 1 It contains about 5-7 ml or 1

teaspoon size of a cherry
● Day 3 size of walnut, 22-27 ml or 0.75
to 1 ounce.
● One week size of an apricot 45-60 ml o
1.5-2 oz of milk.
● One month, the size of a large egg,
80-150 ml or 2.5-5 oz.

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