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Standards Development Revision 00

Doc Type Form
Doc. Code SDF.SP-008
Issue Date 10/10/2018
Review Date 10/10/2021

Name of Commenting Organization:

Document No. and Title: DZS 690
Date of Commenting:

S/ Clause Paragraph/ Type of Comment (justification for Proposed Change Submitted by SLC Decision/
N No. Figure/ commen Change) Comment
Sub Table/Note t: e.g. te,
clause e.g. Table 2 ge, or ed
e.g. 4.1
1. 2 Normative te Permitting and approval of Include EIA Regulations SI No. CEC
References projects is guided by the EIA 28 of 1997 on normative
Regulations Statutory references
Instrument No. 28 of 1997
2. 3.7 Paragraph 1 ed Inclusion of “undesirable Delete “undesirable CEC
electromagnetic electromagnetic
signals/emissions” in the signals/emissions” from
definition of Noise unnecessary definition
3. 4.1.1 Paragraph 1 ed Some substations are built with Include (s) International CEC
a view of benefitting customers relationship
operating from close borders

4. Paragraph 1 te Inclusion of geological Addition of: CEC

Note: In case more space is required, comment on extra sheets of paper following the same format.
Key: te – technical; ge –general; ed – editorial
Document Code Revision Number Issue Date: Page Number
SDF.SP-008 00 10/10/2018 Page 2 of 7

S/ Clause Paragraph/ Type of Comment (justification for Proposed Change Submitted by SLC Decision/
N No. Figure/ commen Change) Comment
Sub Table/Note t: e.g. te,
clause e.g. Table 2 ge, or ed
e.g. 4.1
consultation and design
consideration relating to “Consultation of the agency
seismicity in Zambia responsible for geological survey
to confirm seismicity events
around the proposed site and
adopt recommended designs
adaptable to seismic
5. Paragraph 1 ed The sentence is unclear Replace the word “proximity” CEC
with the word “location”

The proximity location of a

substation and associated
overhead lines can be negatively
affected by their proximity to
6. Paragraph 1 ed Inclusion of a person or Addition of “or consult” between CEC
someone familiar with the include and someone
permit requirements for the area
may not always be feasible
7. Paragraph 1 te Inclusion of chance find Include in paragraph 1: CEC
“A Chance Find Procedure
should be developed to provide
for the management of possible
cultural heritage articles that are
subsequently discovered at
construction and may not have
been detected during the survey/
assessment. Alternative sites may
Note: In case more space is required, comment on extra sheets of paper following the same format.
Key: te – technical; ge –general; ed – editorial
Document Code Revision Number Issue Date: Page Number
SDF.SP-008 00 10/10/2018 Page 3 of 7

S/ Clause Paragraph/ Type of Comment (justification for Proposed Change Submitted by SLC Decision/
N No. Figure/ commen Change) Comment
Sub Table/Note t: e.g. te,
clause e.g. Table 2 ge, or ed
e.g. 4.1
then be considered.”
8. Paragraph 1 te Inclusion of assessment on Include in paragraph 1: CEC
community attachment to
tangible and intangible cultural “Local knowledge on community
heritage attachment to cultural heritage
regarding tangential and
intangible cultural articles and
assets should determine if a site
can be considered near a
culturally secluded site, e.g.,
shrines, graveyards.”
9. 4.2 Paragraph 1 te Inclusion on community Include basic principles on CEC
considerations community engagements

 Community Engagement
is a continuous process
and therefore must have
a plan.
 Community
consideration requires a
Grievance Mechanism
that the community
should utilise whenever
there is a matter of
10. 5.2 Entire te Public involvement in Zambia Align the section 5 to the clauses CEC
section must be consistent with the EIA of the EIA Regulations on public
Regulations Statutory hearing…
Instrument No. 28 of 1997
Note: In case more space is required, comment on extra sheets of paper following the same format.
Key: te – technical; ge –general; ed – editorial
Document Code Revision Number Issue Date: Page Number
SDF.SP-008 00 10/10/2018 Page 4 of 7

S/ Clause Paragraph/ Type of Comment (justification for Proposed Change Submitted by SLC Decision/
N No. Figure/ commen Change) Comment
Sub Table/Note t: e.g. te,
clause e.g. Table 2 ge, or ed
e.g. 4.1
11. 6.1.5 Paragraph 1 te To ensure that neighbouring Addition of the following to CEC
residential areas are not affected Paragraph 1:
or disturbed by substation
lighting “For sites adjacent to residential
areas, the use of indiscriminate
high-powered lighting can lead
to complaints and infringe upon
local or state bylaws and
The first step to reduce light
pollution is to use low voltage
engineered LED lighting that
directs light downwards and
along the fence line – meeting
requirements for use on targeted
areas only.”
12. 6.1.6 Paragraph 2 te, ed To highlight standards that are Paragraph 2, line 1 propose to CEC
acceptable for structural design change to:
in Zambia such as the ZABS
standards, South African “For additional cost, the most
(SABS) standards, British (BS) efficient structure design can be
standards. modified to change the
appearance of the steel for
aesthetic purposes conforming to
ZABS, South African (SABS),
British (BS) standards and any
other standards approved by
ZABS. Some ideas include the
13. 6.2 Paragraph 1 te To highlight that audible noise Addition of the following to CEC
from transformers can at least paragraph 1:
Note: In case more space is required, comment on extra sheets of paper following the same format.
Key: te – technical; ge –general; ed – editorial
Document Code Revision Number Issue Date: Page Number
SDF.SP-008 00 10/10/2018 Page 5 of 7

S/ Clause Paragraph/ Type of Comment (justification for Proposed Change Submitted by SLC Decision/
N No. Figure/ commen Change) Comment
Sub Table/Note t: e.g. te,
clause e.g. Table 2 ge, or ed
e.g. 4.1
be minimised
“There are a number of basic
installation precautions and
transformer mounting techniques
which if carefully noted and
followed, will minimise the
audible level (noise) of energised
Some of the more pertinent ones
 Limitation of
transformer decibels
 Transformer installation
14. 7 New sub- te Introduce Environmental Introduce monitoring of CEC
clause monitoring during the prescribed parameters such as
construction phase environmental noise and dust
measurement to confirm controls
put in place regarding ecological
protection and community health
and safety
15. 7.3 Paragraph 2, te, ed Inclusion of the word “toolbox” Bullet point (h) to read: CEC
bullet point to enhance clarity
“h” “Tailgate or toolbox meetings”

16. 7.5 Paragraph 3 ed Use of the word routinely does Replace the word “routinely” CEC
not emphasise the importance of with the word “regularly”
the activity
“Portable toilets should be
provided during the entire
Note: In case more space is required, comment on extra sheets of paper following the same format.
Key: te – technical; ge –general; ed – editorial
Document Code Revision Number Issue Date: Page Number
SDF.SP-008 00 10/10/2018 Page 6 of 7

S/ Clause Paragraph/ Type of Comment (justification for Proposed Change Submitted by SLC Decision/
N No. Figure/ commen Change) Comment
Sub Table/Note t: e.g. te,
clause e.g. Table 2 ge, or ed
e.g. 4.1
construction period and routinely
regularly serviced.”
17. 8.1.3 Paragraph 1 te Routine secondary maintenance Add to paragraph the following CEC
which involves washing or sentence:
spraying the substation
equipment with water to “Routinely carry out secondary
maintain a neat appearance and maintenance to wash down
limit contamination which could airborne contaminants and
lead to tracking sustain a neat appearance in areas
that are heavily polluted.”
18. 8.4 Paragraph 1 te To highlight the impact of fire To add the following to the CEC
hazards and risks beginning of Paragraph 1:

“Fires in substations can severely

impact the supply of power to
Customers and the utility
company’s revenue and assets.
The fires can also create a fire
hazard to utility personnel,
emergency personnel and general
The recognition of the fire
hazards, the risks involved, and
the appropriate fire protection
mitigation measures are some of
the key considerations for the
design and operation of new or
existing substation.”
19. 8.5 New Clause te Introduce Environmental Introduce a paragraph (new CEC
Compliance Monitoring during clause) that gives guidance on

Note: In case more space is required, comment on extra sheets of paper following the same format.
Key: te – technical; ge –general; ed – editorial
Document Code Revision Number Issue Date: Page Number
SDF.SP-008 00 10/10/2018 Page 7 of 7

S/ Clause Paragraph/ Type of Comment (justification for Proposed Change Submitted by SLC Decision/
N No. Figure/ commen Change) Comment
Sub Table/Note t: e.g. te,
clause e.g. Table 2 ge, or ed
e.g. 4.1
the operation of a substation. monitoring of oil in stormwater
(during rainy season) before it is
discharged to the environment.
20. 4.1 to ed This will make it easier to Having unique font styles for MSD
8.5 visually follow/deduce the each heading and subheading
organizational structure of the level in the document.
content in the document as the
user reads through.
21. We have reviewed the draft Zambian Standard 690 (DZS 690) and have no specific comments to submit. MCL
The DZS 690 document/ guide is comprehensive and well developed, and for this we commend the
Technical Committee.

Note: In case more space is required, comment on extra sheets of paper following the same format.
Key: te – technical; ge –general; ed – editorial

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