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THE MOTHER ● increase in rate and depth of
respirations (which causes
1. Cardiovascular System moisture to be lost with each
● Labor involves strenuous breath) and diaphoresis,
work and effort, causing an insensible water loss
increase in increases during labor.
cardiac output ● affected by the withholding of
blood pressure oral intake to only sips of
pulse rate. fluid or ice cubes or hard
2. Hemopoietic System ● The combination of
● leukocytosis or a sharp increased losses and
increase in the number of decreased intake
circulating white blood cells, ● intravenous fluid replacement
● At the end of labor, the necessary if labor is
average woman has a white prolonged
blood cell count of
25,000/mm3 to 30,000/mm3 6. Urinary System
cells (normal of 5,000/mm3 ● kidneys begin to concentrate
to 10,000/mm3 urine to preserve both fluid
and electrolytes.
3. Respiratory System ● Specific gravity: high normal
● hyperventilation. level of 1.020 to 1.030.
● Using appropriate breathing ● not unusual for protein (trace
patterns helps to avoid to 1+)
severe hyperventilation. ● reduce bladder tone or the
● Total oxygen consumption ability of the bladder to sense
increases about 100% during filling.
the second stage of labor.
● comparable to that of a 7. Musculoskeletal System
person performing a ● relaxin
strenuous exercise such as ● A week before labor,
running. considerable additional
softening causes the
4. Temperature Regulation symphysis pubis and
● slight elevation in sacral/coccyx joints to be
temperature. even more relaxed and
● Diaphoresis movable, allowing them to
stretch apart to increase the
size of the pelvic ring by as instance of increased
much as 2 cm. intracranial pressure occurs.
● increased back pain or ● The fetal heart rate (FHR)
irritating nagging pain at the decreases by as much as 5
pubis as the woman walks or bpm during a contraction as
turns in labor soon as contraction strength
reaches 40 mm Hg. This
8. Gastrointestinal System decrease appears on a fetal
● fairly inactive during labor. heart monitor as an early
● probably due to the shunting deceleration pattern.
of blood to more
life-sustaining organs and 2. Cardiovascular System
also to pressure on the ● unaffected by the continual
stomach and intestine from variations of heart rate that
the contracting uterus. occur with labor—a slight
● Digestive and emptying time slowing and then a return to
of the stomach is prolonged normal (baseline) levels.
● some experience a loose ● During a contraction, the
bowel movement arteries of the uterus are
sharply constricted
9. Neurologic and Sensory Responses ● nutrients, including oxygen,
● responses related to pain exchanged during this time is
(increased pulse and reduced, causing fetal
respiratory rate). hypoxia.
➢ Early in labor= registered in uterine ● Increased intracranial
and cervical nerve plexuses (at the pressure from uterine
level of the 11th and 12th thoracic pressure on the fetal head
nerves). serves to keep circulation
● At birth, the pain is centered from falling below normal
on the perineum as it during the duration of a
stretches to allow the fetus to contraction.
move past it.
● Perineal pain is registered at 3. Integumentary System
S2 to S4 nerves petechiae or ecchymosis
caput succedaneum
4. Musculoskeletal System
1. Neurologic System
full flexion.
● Uterine contractions exert
pressure on the fetal head,
5. Respiratory System
so the same response
● The process of labor appears
involved with that of any
to aid in the maturation of
surfactant production by
meconium loss, it should always
alveoli in the fetal lung. be reported immediately so its
● The pressure applied to the cause can be investigated.
chest from contractions and
passage through the birth
canal clears it of lung fluid.
3. Hyperactivity
● Ordinarily, a fetus is quiet
and barely moves during
1. High or Low Fetal Heart Rate.
● Fetal hyperactivity may be a
● FHR of more than 160 bpm
sign that hypoxia is occurring
(fetal tachycardia) or less
because exertion is a
than 110 bpm (fetal
common reaction to the need
bradycardia) is a sign of
for oxygen.
possible fetal distress.
● An equally important sign is
4. Fetal Acidosis.
a late or variable
● scalp capillary technique, the
deceleration pattern on the
finding of acidosis (blood pH
fetal monitor.
below 7.2) is a certain sign
➢ The fetal heart rate may return to a
that fetal well-being is
normal range in between these
becoming compromised
irregular patterns and give a false
sense of security if FHR is assessed
only between contractions
1. Rising or Falling Blood Pressure
2. Meconium Staining.
● Normally, rises slightly in the
● a green color in the amniotic
second (pelvic) stage of labor
fluid, is not always a sign of
due to her pushing effort.
fetal distress but is highly
● A systolic pressure greater
correlated with its
than 140 mm Hg and a
diastolic pressure greater
● It reveals that the fetus has
than 90 mm Hg, or an
had an episode of loss of
increase in the systolic
sphincter control, allowing
pressure of more than 30
meconium to pass into the
mm Hg and a diastolic
amniotic fluid.
pressure of more than 15
NOTE: mm Hg (the basic criteria for
● It may indicate that the fetus has pregnancy-induced
or is experiencing hypoxia, which hypertension), should be
stimulates the vagal reflex and
leads to increased bowel motility.
● meconium staining may be normal
in a breech presentation, as NOTE:
pressure on the buttocks causes ● falling blood pressure - the first
with adequate uterine artery
sign of intrauterine hemorrhage.
● A falling blood pressure is often filling.
associated with other clinical signs
of shock such as apprehension, 4. Pathologic Retraction Ring.
increased pulse rate, and pallor. ● An indentation across the
woman’s abdomen where the
2. Abnormal Pulse. upper and lower segments of
● Most pregnant women have the uterus join may be a sign
an average pulse rate of 70 of extreme uterine stress and
to 80 bpm. possible impending uterine
● Pulse normally increases rupture.
slightly during the second ● For this reason, it is
stage of labor due to the important to observe the
exertion involved. contours of the abdomen
● A maternal pulse greater periodically during labor.
than 100 bpm during the ● Fetal heartbeat auscultation
normal course of labor is automatically provides a
unusual and should be regular opportunity to assess
reported. the woman’s abdomen.
● It may be another indication ● If an electronic monitor is in
of hemorrhage. place, it is necessary to
make this observation
3. Inadequate or Prolonged deliberately.
● Uterine contractions normally 5. Abnormal Lower Abdominal Contour.
become more frequent, ● A full bladder during labor
intense, and longer as labor may be manifested as a
progresses. round bulge on the lower
● If they become less frequent, anterior abdomen.
less intense, or shorter in ➢ This is a danger signal for two
duration, this may indicate reasons:
uterine exhaustion (inertia). first, the bladder may be
● cannot be corrected, a injured by the pressure of the
cesarean birth may be fetal head
necessary. second, the pressure of the
● A period of relaxation must full bladder may not allow the
be present between fetal head to descend
● uterine contractions lasting 6. Increasing Apprehension.
longer than 70 seconds ● Warnings of psychological
should be reported because danger during labor
contractions of this length ● A woman who is becoming
may begin to compromise increasingly apprehensive
fetal well-being by interfering despite clear explanations of
unfolding events may only be 4. Abdominal muscle contractions
approaching the second ● Prevents constipation
stage of labor. ● Restore abdominal tone
● Strengthen abdominal
● She may, however, not be
● Effective in the 2nd stage
“hearing” because she has a
–pushing during labor
concern that has not been met.
● Using an approach such as, “You
5. Pelvic rocking
seem more and more concerned.
● Helps relieve backache
Could you tell me what is worrying
● Done 5 x
you?” may be helpful.

● Increasing apprehension also METHODS FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT

needs to be investigated for
physical reasons because it 1. Bradley ( Partner-coached)method
can be a sign of oxygen ● Develop by Robert Bradley
deprivation or internal ● Stresses the important role of
hemorrhage. husband during pregnancy,
labor and early newborn
PREPARATION FOR CHILDBIRTH AND ➢ Pain is reduced in labor by :
PARENTING abdominal breathing
walking during labor


2. Psychosexual method
● Develop by Shiela Kitzinger
1. Tailor sitting
● Stresses that pregnancy ,
● Done 15 minutes/day
labor and birth and early
newborn period are important
2. Squatting
points in the woman’s life
● Stretches perineal muscles
● Useful position in the 2nd
● Includes programs of
stage of labor
contentious relaxation and
● Done 15 minutes/day
levels ofbreathing that
encourages woman to flow
3. Pelvic floor contraction (kegel
with rather than struggle
against contractions.
● Muscle strengthening,
promote perineal healing,
3. Dick-Read Method
increased sexual
● Propose by Grantly
responsiveness, prevents
stress incontinence
● Fear leads to tension
● Reduced pain by using 4. Focusing, imagery
abdominal breathing during ● Focusing intently on an
contraction object
● Sensate focus
4. Lamaze method ● Using a picture of her partner
● By Ferdinand Lamaze or children, concentrates on
● Based on the theory that looking at the picture during
through stimulus response contraction
conditioning women can ● Don’t ask question during
learn to use controlled concentration
breathing and therefore 5. Hydrotherapy
reduces pain during labor.
➢ Psychoprophylactic method =
preventing pain labor ( prophylaxis) ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF BIRTH
by the use of the mind ( psyche)
● Helps the woman to relax 1. Leboyer method
and to make labor ● Birthing room is dark to
manageable exercise prevent sudden contrast of
light, warm , with soft music
FOR PAIN RELIEF IN LABOR ● Infant should be handles
1. Conscious relaxation ● Cord is cut late
● learning to relax body ● Infant is placed immediately
portions for the woman no to into a warm water bath
be tense and cause
unnecessary muscle strain 2. Hydrotherapy and water birth
and fatigue. ● Baby is born under water and
immediately brought to the
2. Consciously controlled breathing surface for the first breath
● set breathing patterns at
specific rates
● prevents putting pressure to
the growing uterus
● inhales and exhales

3. Effleurage
● Light abdominal massage
● Serves as distraction
technique and decreases
sensory stimuli transmission
from the abdominal wall
● Helping limit local discomfort

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