English Chapter 1

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COURSEBOOK When the woman began pulling the daffodil

bulbs out, Holmes leapt from the bushes and

Unit 1: Classic Detectives sprang up on her, crying ‘Ah, we have you,
Take Off madam!’ Taken by surprise, the woman shrieked
A. Across Down and dropped the flowers. Bond followed
3. EVIDENCE 1. VICTIM Holmes but was bitten by the annoyed dog on
4. MYSTERY 2. WITNESS his leg. The woman was frightened upon being
caught and began weeping, but this did not
soften Holmes. He instead asked Bond to notify
B. 1. Nancy Drew 2. Hercule Poirot 3. Scooby Doo
the park attendant about the thief.
4. Thomson and Thompson 5. The Famous Five
6.  When Bond was crossing Baker Street, he
Chapter 1: The Daffodil Case thought he saw Holmes on the opposite curb,
Comprehension alone, looking up at a lighted room. He seemed
to be waving at someone. Bond thought he
A. 1. Sherlock Holmes was a tall man who was
heard Holmes shout ‘Watson!’, but he couldn't
wearing a long grey cloak and a pointed hunting
be sure about it.
cap when Bond met him. He held a large
magnifying glass in his hands. He had a long, B.
steely jaw and a fierce expression in his eyes. 1.  a.  The narrator, who is the author Ruskin Bond
2.  Holmes concluded that Bond was from India, himself, said these lines. He was on his way to
was unemployed and about to give a lecture the BBC radio station.
on the radio. He could even name Bond. He He was going to give a talk on Indian village life.
deduced that Bond was from India because of b.  Bond did not feel very confident about the
his Indian accent. Homes read Bond’s name on talk. He remembered the smell of cow-dung
the envelope that the latter held in his hands. smoke and the perfume of jasmine flowers in
He noticed a BBC notepaper on which Bond Indian villages. He remembered how the flood
had scribbled indicating that he was about to waters washed against mud houses. He could
give a talk on the radio. Holmes knew Bond was only recall such images. He did not know much

Answer Keys
unemployed as it was ten o’clock in the morning about village electorates and facts and figures
and he was not in an office but out in the park. related to them.
3.  Holmes did not think very highly of Bond in c.  Immediately after, Bond realized that he had
the beginning. When asked, Bond remarked unmindfully wandered into Regent’s Park from
that someone had been pulling out daffodils Baker Street while looking for India House,
from the flower bed and that a dog had been where he was staying.
helping the thief. Bond came to this conclusion 2.  a.  The word ‘she’ here refers to the lady whom
by observing the trampled marks on the Holmes had found stealing daffodils.
ground of both human and canine feet. Bond’s She may have started weeping because she was
powers of observation impressed Holmes and caught stealing. Holmes’ fierce appearance,
he requested him to stay and help solve the including his grim expression and his cloak and
case of the stolen daffodils as Watson, his usual hunting cap, may have also frightened her.
companion, had not yet turned up.
b.  Holmes was not affected by the lady’s tears.
4.  Holmes agreed that the current job was not His reaction shows us that he was not swayed
dangerous. He gave a few instances of the by emotion. He was logical, respectful of the
way times had changed. In the olden days,
law and also very conscious of his duty as a
Ruritanian princes and duchesses who lost
their diamonds and tiaras would go to private
c.  Holmes asked Bond to fetch the park attendant
detectives for help. But Ruritanian princes
so that he may hand the thief over to the
did not exist anymore and duchesses could
no longer afford tiaras. The most successful suitable authority.
criminals had legalized their activities and d.  Yes, Bond was successful. He found a gardener
the East End, which had once been notorious who ran with him to the scene of the crime.
for crime, had been cleaned up. Further, the 3.  a.  The gardener said these words to Bond.
Scotland Yard, where Holmes had once enjoyed b.  When Bond and the gardener arrived there,
respect, did not acknowledge his existence. they found neither Holmes nor the thieving lady.
Holmes, therefore, had to take up ordinary They only found a few daffodils scattered
cases like the stealing of daffodils. around the spot.
5.  The thief was a large elderly woman in a green Bond tried to explain their disappearance by
hat. She was walking a small white Pomeranian saying that Holmes must have taken the thief to
dog on a lead. the police.

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c. The
  gardener said these words because he did 2.  This recipe for pizza needs sun-dried tomatoes
not believe what Bond was saying. He thought instead of fresh ones.
Bond must have made up the story or was trying 3.  Though Adil is a well-behaved boy, he is
to play a prank. occasionally given to acts of mischief.
Life Skills and Values 4.  The fortune teller saw her clients in a dimly lit
Suggested answers. Accept all valid responses. room inside an old building.
1. Yes, Bond was disappointed with Holmes. Holmes 5.  The furniture in the house may be old-
is believed to be one of the greatest detectives fashioned, but it is made of the finest wood.
who, in the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 6.  We did not realize then that our actions had
outwitted some of the cleverest criminal minds far-reaching consequences.
of his time. However, when Bond met him, he 7.  Asia has some of the most densely populated
was trying to solve a petty theft of daffodils. This countries in the world.
was a far cry from the great detective that people Grammar
knew. Bond was also disappointed with Holmes
A. 1. Assertive 5. Imperative
disappearing into thin air. He was made to look
like a fool and a liar in front of the gardener. 2. Imperative 6. Assertive
2. According to Holmes, the thief was a lady who 3. Exclamatory 7. Exclamatory
would take out her dog for a morning walk. 4. Interrogative 8. Interrogative
He might have come to this conclusion as women B. 1. This is not the easiest way to solve this
mostly stayed at home and would not go out to problem.
work in his lifetime. We would not come to this 2.  Wasn’t he a hero for saving the child from the
conclusion in the present age, as women are no fire?
longer confined to their homes and have careers 3.  If only I were more knowledgeable about the
as men do. subject!
3. In my opinion, Holmes was a figment of Bond’s 4. The baby looks very sweet while sleeping.
imagination. Holmes is a fictional character created
Answer Keys

5. She lives with her aunt.

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the nineteenth 6. What a striking painting!
century. In the stories, too, Holmes was from a 7. Can’t you find a way out of the forest?
different time. Moreover, in this story, no one sees
8. I wish I could have a bowl of hot soup.
Holmes except Bond. The other characters in the
story, the thief and the gardener, also disappear,
suggesting that the episode might have been 2. a.  Exclamatory: How cute that puppy is!
imagined by the writer. However, the scattered b. Interrogative: Isn’t that puppy cute?
daffodils remain, making the reader wonder if 3. a. Exclamatory: What a good person Pavel is!
there might have been an element of truth in the b.   Interrogative: Isn’t Pavel a good person?
story. 4. a. Exclamatory: How well he plays!
Vocabulary b. Interrogative: Doesn’t he play well?
5. a.  Exclamatory: What a thrilling story it is!
A. 1. The renowned poet was commissioned to
write a poem on the occasion of the country’s b. Interrogative: Isn’t it a thrilling story?
Independence Day. Study Skills
2.  The only thing the old man possessed was a
1. The mouth-watering desserts dissappeared in a
library full of books in a crumbling house.
matter of minutes. (disappeared)
3. The realm flourished under the rule of the wise
and kind Mughal king. 2. The old dog was being harrassed by a bee.
4.  The man spoke in a thick Russian accent which (harassed)
was difficult to understand. 3. It was a special ocassion for the entire family.
5. After being unemployed for a year, Sukhbir (occasion)
decided to start his own business. 4. We took seperate routes but reached at the same
6. The diamond-studded tiara was the highlight of time. (separate)
the royal exhibition. 5. We did not know of the existance of the
7.  Using animals to test chemicals in labs is a cruel manuscript. (existence)
practice. 6. The old man was in charge of the maintanance of
8. We are obliged to you for helping us during the building. (maintenance)
these difficult times. 7. There was an abundence of baked dishes available
B. 1. The most mouth-watering dishes were laid out at the corner shop. (abundance)
8. The use of loudspeakers caused us much
annoyence. (annoyance)

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Listening Guide: What are you saying? Mr Bond, I am sure your
1. Holmes first appeared in the story, A Study in imagination must have been playing tricks on you.
Scarlet. Bond: No. It was indeed Sherlock Holmes, with his
2. One of the most well-known Sherlock Holmes long cloak, peaked cap and magnifying glass. And
stories is The Hound of the Baskervilles. he mentioned Watson as well. Unfortunately, when
3. Holmes was inspired by the real-life character of I took the gardener to the scene of the crime, both
Dr Joseph Bell, his professor at the University of Mr Homes and the lady had vanished. The gardener,
Edinburgh Medical College. thinking it was a prank, mocked me. He simply did not
believe my story!
4. According to the Guinness Book of World Records,
Holmes is the most portrayed character in film. Guide: But since the gardener also didn’t see Holmes,
probably you imagined the entire thing?
5. Over 70 actors have played Holmes in more than
200 films. Bond: I did not imagine it. There were daffodils
6. One of the best-known portrayals of Holmes was scattered all around the ground. I am not one to make
by the actor Jeremy Brett. up stories and I hate lying.
7. The museum dedicated to Sherlock Holmes is at Guide: I am sure, you don’t lie, but you must admit
221 B, Baker Street in London. that the whole thing is a bit farfetched. It is just NOT
possible that you could have met Sherlock Holmes,
Speaking who is after all a fictional figure. I think you need to
Suggested answers. Accept all valid answers. rest, Mr Bond.
Expressing agreement Writing
Guide: Well, Mr Bond! There you are, finally! We were Suggested answer. Accept all valid responses.
beginning to think you wouldn’t turn up. But, you do Sherlock Holmes Spotted! Strange Events Unfold
look flustered. Pray tell me what happened? at Regent’s Park!
Bond: Please accept my apologies for the delay. By Henry Smith
I accidently wandered into Regent’s Park on my way
London: Mysterious happenings have been

Answer Keys
here and met Mr Sherlock Holmes himself, in the
reported at Regent’s Park. Daffodils are being
flesh! He was working on a case and asked me to help
stolen regularly from the park. Despite attendants
him. Together we managed to nab the thief who was
and gardeners keeping watch from dawn till dusk,
stealing daffodils in the park.
no one was caught stealing or leaving the park with
Guide: That is amazing! Surprises never cease, I daffodils until yesterday afternoon.
guess. Who was the thief? I hope you turned them
The police have since arrested a suspicious looking
over to the authorities.
woman who has been spotted in the park a few times.
Bond: No, sadly, we couldn’t. The thief was an elderly On one occasion, she was seen with a tall gentleman
lady whose accomplice was her dog. This leads me to wearing Victorian clothe. The suspect claims that it
the puzzling part. I took the only person I could find, was Sherlock Holmes! The suspect is said to be from
the gardener, to the scene of the crime, but neither Coventry and was arrested on the suspicion of being a
Mr Holmes nor the lady were there. The gardener gang member of a daffodil-smuggling ring. It is likely
thinking it was a prank mocked me. that this person operates with the help of many such
Guide: That’s a shame! people across the nation’s many parks.
Bond: I did not imagine it. There were daffodils A key witness in the case is the gardener who is
scattered all around the ground , which had been dug being interrogated by the police.
up. I am not one to make up stories and I hate lying. A cash reward of a hundred pounds has been
Guide: I believe you, Mr Bond. I understand how this announced for helping the police nab the
entire episode would make you feel. Cheer up. dangerous culprit.
Expressing disbelief
Guide: Well, Mr Bond! There you are, finally! We were
beginning to think you wouldn’t turn up. You do look
flustered. Please take a seat.
Bond: Please accept my apologies for the delay.
I accidently wandered into Regent’s Park on my way
here and met Mr Sherlock Holmes himself, in the
flesh! He was working on a case and asked me to help
him. Together we managed to nab the thief who was
stealing daffodils in the park—an elderly lady with a

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