MindsetB2 TRM TermTest2 24601

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TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6


Name: ..................................................................

You are going to read a magazine article about survival. For questions 1-6, choose the answer
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

A near miss on the mountain

My best friend Jeff and I had decided we’d Jeff had an idea. The rock that had broken my
celebrate Thanksgiving by achieving our long-time fall was large, and from underneath it was like a
goal, to go climbing in the White Mountains. The roof. We’d build a wall of snow to close the
weather forecast said a storm was coming, but not sides, and create a kind of snow cave, something
for two days, just enough for the climb! Our plan Jeff had apparently seen on a survival show. Jeff
was to take the direct route up to the peak, a steep worked hard building blocks out of the snow and
vertical climb, then the longer path around the when it was finished, it really was warmer inside.
mountain to get back down. But by then, it was growing dark and there was
no way Jeff could risk climbing alone at night.
When we set out at 7 am, the sky was clear. The
snow was deeper than we had expected, but we felt Creating the shelter had given us confidence; we
we could manage and if anything happened, our could get through this. We ate a little and lay
phones would work at the top. We must have only down chatting about girls and school and
been 300 metres from the summit when we felt the childhood memories, anything but what might
first snowflakes wet our heads. I looked up. How happen should the storm not let up by morning. It
hadn’t we noticed the dark storm clouds gathering? was like there was an unspoken agreement
Before long, the snow was falling thick and fast, between us that we just weren’t going to go there. line 60
and it was hard to see more than a metre ahead. We took off our boots and socks, and rubbed each
But by that stage, there was no turning back; the other’s toes to keep them warm and stop frostbite
route we’d taken was too steep to climb down – from developing. At one point, I stopped
our only option was to keep going. shivering. That’s the first sign of hypothermia.
“Don’t fall asleep,” Jeff said, but I couldn’t keep
Out of the fog I saw the summit before me.
my eyes open any longer.
Excited, I turned to shout to Jeff, “We’ve made it!”
and must have lost my footing. Suddenly, I was We woke in the morning to a beautiful sunny
falling! Down and down I crashed, desperately day. The snow had stopped falling and the
trying to find something to grab onto. Then mountain was shining with light. We breathed
everything went black. When I opened my eyes, sighs of relief. Just a short climb to the top for
pain ripped through my left leg. I slowly pulled Jeff, then help would be on its way. We said
myself up to a sitting position and called for Jeff. goodbye casually, though doubts were nagging at
My cries sounded empty in the thick fog of snow. me, and as time wore on, I started to feel more
Panic began to set in. Jeff must be a long way and more anxious. “The emergency rescue is
above; he probably couldn’t even hear me. coming – it’s coming, it’s coming,” I repeated
over and over to distract myself from my fears.
But Jeff was a true friend, as ever. He’d climbed
And then suddenly, it arrived! Words can’t
down carefully, following my calls. We hugged and
describe the moment the helicopter door opened
Jeff cracked a few jokes about what my mum would
and the first responders came out. I burst into
do to him if he came back without me, which were a
tears. At the hospital they said I was lucky not to
bit too real to be funny, but made us feel better all
have died of hypothermia. They said the snow
the same. Jeff used a spare sweater to tie up my
cave had saved my life. That and my best friend,
knee and we began to think about getting off the
mountain. There was still no cell reception – Jeff
would have to climb to the top and call from there.
But the wind was raging and I was starting to feel
very cold. If my body temperature dropped too
low, I would be at risk of hypothermia 1. We
needed shelter.

hypothermia – a serious medical condition caused by extreme cold

TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6

Name: ..................................................................

1. What is the author’s purpose in the first paragraph?

A to explain the route they planned to take
B to justify the decision to take the trip
C to describe the difficulty of the climb
D to illustrate how they would celebrate a holiday
2. In the second paragraph, the author suggests that
A they were unprepared for sudden changes in the weather.
B the climb proved to be harder than they had expected.
C they should have returned home when it started snowing.
D their decision was reasonable give the situation.
3. Following his fall, what made the author so frightened?
A the risk that he might fall even further
B the realization that he was on his own
C the intensity of the pain in his leg
D the complete lack of visibility
4. How did the author’s friend Jeff try to cheer him up?
A He came up with a detailed plan to be rescued.
B He built a snow cave to provide some shelter.
C He used humour to distract him from the situation.
D He wrapped his knee in order to relieve the pain.
5. What is meant by ‘go there’ in line 60?
A think of how much they miss their school friends
B talk about the danger if they become trapped
C leave the snow cave and reach the summit
D admit they were showing signs of hypothermia
6. What do we learn about the author by the end of the passage?
A He remained optimistic throughout his ordeal.
B He regrets having doubts about the chance of rescue.
C He was fearful that he would never be found.
D He appreciates the value of the friendship he has.

Total: ....... / 6 Mark: ........

TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6
FCE Practice

Name: ..................................................................

A Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

Paper homes
One of Japan’s most famous architects is Shigeru Ban. His creative use of space, light and materials has had a major
(1) ...... on modern architecture. He is perhaps best known for (2) ...... homes from unconventional materials, such as
paper and cardboard tubes.

Ban has particularly focused on building homes for people who are victims of natural (3) ...... , such as earthquakes.
Paper and cardboard may seem to be unlikely building materials, to (4) ...... the least. However, if prepared correctly,
they are surprisingly (5) ...... , and easily available across the world. Consequently, his designs and materials have
been (6) ...... in countries as far apart as Nepal and Ecuador. And while never intended to be permanent, these paper
and cardboard homes are pleasant living spaces, far better than tents.

Shigeru Ban has helped survivors all over the world and often works free (7) ...... charge, providing good, inexpensive
homes to people who have lost everything. His creative talent and deep (8) ...... to helping others have won him many
awards both for architecture and his humanitarian work.

1. A benefit B impact C pressure D aspect

2. A treating B inspiring C composing D constructing
3. A hazards B disasters C collisions D damages
4. A talk B tell C say D speak
5. A strong B flexible C massive D severe
6. A appealed B adopted C related D realized
7. A from B with C at D of
8. A commitment B concern C awareness D eagerness

B Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

Can you imagine modern music without the sound of drums? Probably not, because rhythm is an essential
element in all music, and perhaps the reason (1) ........................... drums are found in almost every culture across
the globe. Drums are one of the world’s oldest and most common musical instruments. Dating back 6,000 years
more or (2) ........................... , their basic design has barely changed.

Today, drums are associated mainly (3) ........................... musical entertainment, particularly dance music, but
in many cultures, they had other uses. In West Africa, special ‘talking drums’ were beaten as a means
(4) ........................... communication over long distances. They were kept in special houses to protect them,
(5) ........................... indicates just how important they were considered to be.

Another important use of drums is in healing. Researchers have known for (6) ........................... time that music
can have a positive impact on our moods, movement and general health. (7) ........................... only is the drum
used in exercise and dance, but also in music therapy to help people with various problems. An hour spent
drumming allows (8) ........................... to express ourselves, reduce stress levels and simply relax.

TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6
FCE Practice

Name: ..................................................................

C Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

A city for people, not cars

Like many cities, Pontevedra in Spain suffered from terrible traffic congestion. This led
to noise and road accidents, not to mention air (1) .................................. . Little by little, POLLUTE
life in the city was becoming (2) .................................. . Then, about 20 years ago, a new BEAR
mayor was elected. Feeling (3) .................................. by the fact that so much public space FRUSTRATE
was taken up by cars, he decided to ban all but essential traffic. To free up the streets
in the heart of the city, he built car parks outside. He then widened pavements, and created
zones for the (4) .................................. of pedestrians, which allowed residents to get around CONVENIENT
(5) .................................. on foot or by bicycle. EFFICIENCY

Streets now have outdoor restaurants and craft or artisan shops, instead of malls, and
children can play in (6) .................................. almost everywhere. While some residents SAFE
were (7) .................................. about the plan at first, they now appreciate their clean, quiet EASY
city. In fact, Pontevedra has attracted 12,000 new residents, and other cities are showing
a greater (8) .................................. to follow Pontevedra’s example and to create a city for WILLING
people, not cars.

D Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using
the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1. You’ll have to share a room with Jack until you get your own room. BEING
You’ll get your own room, but ........................................................................... you’ll have to share with Jack.

2. This is the first time someone has painted my portrait. HAD

I have ........................................................................................................................................................ before.

3. I can’t think who this bag belongs to. WHOSE

I have no ........................................................................................................................................................... is.

4. Whatever you do, don’t tell Tim about the accident. SHOULD
Under ............................................................................................................................. Tim about the accident.

5. I’m not in the mood to go out now – I’m tired. FEEL

I ............................................................................................................................................ out now – I’m tired.

6. I’m pleased that I decorated my room because it looks amazing now. EFFORT
Decorating my room ........................................................................................... because it looks amazing now.

Total: ....... / 36 Mark: ........

TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6
ECCE Practice

Name: ..................................................................

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (20 points)
1. The hotel is located ...... a large shopping mall. 11. “Can you give me a ride to the game?”
A. within a short distance of “Sure, ...... by around seven to pick you up.”
B. a distance short of A. I’m stopping
C. in a short distance from B. I’ll stop
D. a short distance to C. I am to stop
2. “Why did you buy yourself a guitar?” D. I am going to stop
“Because ...... to play it.” 12. Do you remember the name of the girl ...... me
A. I’m going to learn yesterday?
B. I’ll learn A. that she called to
C. I’ll be learning B. who called for
D. I’m to learn C. which called by
3. That comedy show always makes me ...... . D. whom called to
A. to laugh 13. Here are the books. Take ...... one you want.
B. laugh A. whichever
C. laughing B. that which
D. to be laughing C. whatever
4. “Which jacket did you finally buy?” D. what any
“...... is made of wool.” 14. I can’t hand in my essay because ...... by tomorrow.
A. The one it A. it won’t be finishing
B. One that it B. it won’t be finished
C. One what C. it won’t have finished
D. The one that D. it hasn’t been finished
5. By the end of the year, over a million tourists ...... the city. 15. It’s difficult to find people who are ...... the volunteer
A. visiting work we do for the community.
B. have visited A. being appreciative really for
C. going to visit B. appreciating really
D. will have visited C. really appreciated
6. “Why did you buy that apartment?” D. really appreciative of
“I needed somewhere ...... public transportation.” 16. I really regret ...... your advice. I should have studied
A. easy to access to more because it was a tough exam.
B. to easily access A. not to take
C. with easy access to B. not taking
D. in access easy for C. I wasn’t taking
7. “Can you give this to Matthew?” D. I hadn’t taken
“Yes. I ...... him on Saturday.” 17. Listening to loud music can result in ...... hearing.
A. see A. a loss of
B. will be seeing B. losing the
C. going to see C. to lose one’s
D. will have seen D. loss from
8. “Are you going to see Ellie?” 18. Not until you apologize ...... you.
“Yes, I want ...... with my history assignment.” A. I truly forgive
A. to have help B. truly am I forgiving
B. that she will help me C. will I truly forgive
C. her helping D. truly have I forgiven
D. her to help me 19. They don’t let anyone ...... in front of city hall – you
9. Tom’s in a meeting. Can I ...... you back?” have to find a parking lot.
A. have him called A. park
B. have him to call B. to park
C. get him calling C. parking
D. get him to call D. to be parking
10. ...... started walking than it began to rain heavily. 20. After the festival, the park was a mess with cartons, litter
A. As soon as we and cans ...... .
B. Only after we A. the whole place around
C. No sooner had we B. around the whole place
D. Once we had C. all over the place
D. in the place all over

TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6
ECCE Practice

Name: ..................................................................

VOCABULARY (20 points)

21. Don’t spend too much because we’re on a ...... budget. 31. Children ask a lot of questions out of natural ...... .
A. tight A. curiosity
B. valid B. astonishment
C. packed C. awareness
D. little D. consciousness
22. Amy has been ...... about helping animals since she was 32. Thanks to the ...... donations from parents, the school
a child. can build a new sports hall.
A. emotional A. supporting
B. conscious B. ultimate
C. aware C. generous
D. passionate D. original
23. Chris ...... a living from buying and selling old cars. 33. In your interview, you should ...... your skills and
A. does qualifications.
B. gets A. spot
C. makes B. highlight
D. gains C. nominate
24. It’s so annoying – you don’t even listen to what I’m D. examine
saying ...... . 34. Tyler has been on the ...... for a new motorcycle for
A. of all time a while now.
B. half the time A. sight
C. from time to time B. notice
D. any time now C. search
25. Being the ...... type, Emily likes to try lots of new sports. D. lookout
A. careless 35. I waved several times to Peter but he just ...... me.
B. cautious A. erased
C. adventurous B. ignored
D. breathless C. switched
26. Because of the deep cut on my hand, blood was ...... out D. distracted
of the wound. 36. Poverty and crime are common issues facing
A. floating communities in the inner ...... .
B. dragging A. city
C. bleeding B. space
D. pouring C. place
27. There were no lights, so we could hardly ...... out the D. area
street signs in the darkness. 37. BASE jumping is so dangerous that it’s only for the
A. make most ...... sportsmen.
B. find A. risky
C. look B. daring
D. catch C. deadly
28. You’ll be safe kayaking as long as you take the D. restless
necessary ...... . 38. The idea of glasses as a fashion item was slow to ...... .
A. responsibilities A. catch on
B. precautions B. settle down
C. observations C. sell out
D. developments D. come over
29. The city offers a wide ...... of amenities for young and 39. The sheer ...... of life is what makes New York such an
old alike. exciting city to live in.
A. collection A. beat
B. quality B. pace
C. range C. speed
D. load D. rate
30. I usually enjoy detective movies, but for some reason 40. Tourists should ...... in mind that few people speak
this one didn’t ...... to me. English outside of the main cities.
A. attach A. take
B. relate B. put
C. appeal C. get
D. inspire D. bear

TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6
ECCE Practice

Name: ..................................................................

Total: ....... / 40 Mark: ........

TERM TEST 2: Units 4-6

Name: ..................................................................

Read the task below.

Music should be a compulsory part of the curriculum

for students of all ages.

 Write an essay on whether you agree or disagree with the

statement above.
 Include specific reasons and details to support your

Write your essay.




Mark: ........

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