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NEBM, INDUS BUSINESS SCHOOL, PUNE $A Sob ws tees nascent) WEEKLY TIME TABLE ( 18th Sept to 23rd Sept 2023 ) (Week8) : JATCH 2023-25 : SEM-1_Div-A vue [ercoam| 1400am0| 1.00am 0] 11305m 0 £130 pmo | 0230 pm 008.30 9m 100430 pm 1005.00 pm to| 06.00 pm to Day | to00an | sadam | 1130am | 1230p | v1atpm | «230m | 03pm | 0420 9m | e800pm | O60hpm | 0200 pe Mondey | eneGa) | AMOI mews) | e500) pose) | Nae ssmian) [AEscts ec Sone Cat Genes Gate ‘anata wedey | Neutra trations Cleats Gierationt wet | ees) | 0069 Jerurenee] 29H [ onone | woman [cis [osonrn | rea [ams [ma hry |e e)_avene ‘ai0.50 | wen ‘aros 03) [als ews) [_eera) rey ro a ronan) [ 651) enrich aaw_[_ ear ssuudey [eeu Seno se eae see sae Tees 2 eon en rc eatmnesineess | an (weneati essen eros senvu Garo 101 es ual 2 Wet onset actin) [ck os Ronar | 12 [etude Tang ra al Jaren conomestiico& M629) |e anc ng ca (PR Peseraten Sa ro. 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Poon! Dean It sso o> EBM, INDUS BUSINESS SCHOOL, PUNE BS So one inion nett toe INDUS WEEKLY TIME TABLE ( 18th Sept to 23rd Sept 2023 } (Week-8) Di Date | 02.002m to | 10.00sm 0 | 1.0040 to] 1.30.m | 1230 pm | 0130 pm to 0230 pmo [0330 pm 100430 pm 0] 05.00 pm to} 6.00 pm to Day | 0008m | ta0am | 30am | 30pm | oL3tpm | 0230pm | 0330pm | 0.30pm | 05009m | 0600pm | 07.00 pa Mondey [_niser | oscar wwros ins) | mews) roise | MES) sive | esi Ganesh Gat Gane Gato Gane Gaur Gane Gata weep (Celebrations Celebrations lebron eerations wearsdey | oscwren | 8m [eur aneaelASHeHN] Menton | wer | aanm | saom | rea fesiucerua] wroBcas en Jottwse wa Wertrng nacewn | eA0e reran) | sive) reaoy | wash | awowsa errs) | area) saan) [Asse sn] oscar) | MEU) Serer [90a Sane sabe ay Seno sae a + RES RGR OTTO ra tt 5) a essecve enor (a) ZW for orogens DesiniaWoPIo2 [Pol sta ume6N) | 2 [RpRode ang) era ata WAT Fuenogeat conor eo & se] PEP -Preseiaton Sa Prat. 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