Flowcharting With The ANSI Standard - A Tutorial-Páginas-15

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Flowcharting With the A N S I Standard: A Tutorial * 133

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FIG. 18. Example of an open and a tight layout of a system chart for the same system

tem chart, even simple straight lines of not to excess. The more the system chart
flow are difficult to see clearly. can tell the reader qmckly and easily, the
A fifth guideline is to collect incoming more valuable i.t is. Ways ot providing
flowlines and outgoing flowhnes so that the cross-referencing and annotation are men-
flowlines actually entering and leaving a tioned above.
processing outhne are kept to the mini- A ninth guideline is to give particular
mum. This is illustrated in Figure 17. attention to the processing that affects
A sixth guideline is to minimize crossing data prior to the time t h a t the data be-
flowlines. Crossing flowlines can be elimi- come input to a computer program or run.
nated by repeating input or output out- These are most often manual operations
lines with appropriate cross-references as and auxiliary operations. Failure to spec-
to source or destination. ify them in full is one of the most common
A seventh guidehne is to use the spe- shortcomings of system charts. (Example:
cialized outlines wherever possible (com- How did the data get punched into the
pare Figures 12 and 13). Their use im- cards in the system shown in Figure 19?)
proves the communication value of the A tenth guidehne is to begin with what
system chart. T h e y are only slightly more is known and well understood. Prepare the
difficult to draw. system chart describing that. Then extend
An eighth guideline is to use cross-ref- the system chart in each direction. T h a t is,
erencing and annotation generously, but for each of the inputs shown, find the

Computing Surveys, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1970

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