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Xam Maireil B.


G-12 STEM Batanes

Week 7-8

Summary of Findings

This Study aimed to identify the effects of internet in academic performance of STEM students in
Baybayin National High School.

Specifically, it sought answer for:

1. What is your average time spending on internet?

2. How does internet affects students academic performance?

3. How does internet help you to answer all your task?

4. What is your parents opinion towards your internet using?

5. What are the negative effects of internet in STEM students?

This study made used of qualitative method to identify the effects of internet in academic performance
of STEM students. The researcher used the population of Grade 12 STEM as participants. The data
gathered through the use of questionnaires.


1. The average time of STEM students spending in Internet.

Based on the result most of the STEM students in Baybayin National Highschool are spending a 5-8
hours in a day using internet.

2. The effects of internet in Students Academic performance.

Based on the findings of the researcher, Internet has a positive effects in Academic performance of
STEM students in Baybayin national highschool.

3. Internet Help the STEM Students to answer all their task.

Based on the result, Internet helps STEM students in Baybayin National Highschool to accomplish
all their task quickly and internet was easy to use and very useful in their studies.

4. Parents opinion towards internet using.

Based on the finding of the researcher, most of the STEM students parents support their child
toward their internet using.
5. The negative effects of internet in STEM students.

Based on the findings of the researcher, the most negative effects of internet in STEM students are
Internet addiction then lack of sleep and the last is prolifecation of fake news.


1. Most of the stem students in Baybayin national highschool are spending a 5-8 hours in a day using

2. Based on the study 75% of STEM student agreed tha internet has positive effects on their academic
performance and 25% of STEM students disagree that internet has positive effects on their Academic

3. Internet usage is the factors that influence students life. Based on the study 90% of STEM students in
Baybayin National highschool agreed that internet help them to accomplish all their task quickly and
internet was easy to use and very useful to their studies.

4. The use of internet is one of the most important factors that can influence educational performance
of students. Based on the study most of the students parents support their children towards their
internet using.

5. Internet usage influence academic performance both positively and negatively. Based on the study
the most negative effects of internet in STEM students are Internet addiction, lack of sleep and
prolifecation of fake news.


With all the analysis, Interpretation and conclusion of the study, the following are recommended for
possible of action

1.Students should know their limitation on using internet.

2. Students should used the internet wisely and used it only with regards to your study because internet
can be a tool to excel academically

3. Parents should monitor their children in using internet.

4. Internet usage should be elessento avoid harm on students.

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